College Record

Chapter 165 Kidnapping Fan Tong

Looking at the tears slowly sliding down Fang Qing's cheeks, Huang Han's wine immediately decreased by seven points.

In Huang Han's eyes, how dazzling the tears falling on his face are!

At this moment, Huang Han is not pitying Xiang and cherishing jade, nor is he doing things for Chu Nan. But he has regarded Fang Qing as a friend, so he wants to know more about Fang Qing. In addition, the most untolerant thing he can do is to watch his friend cry in front of him...

"You just said that your father doesn't like you. Why?" Huang Han put down his wine glass and looked at Fang Qing attentively, ready to listen to her story.

In the past two days, Fang Qing's heart is full of depression, and now she is drunk again, so she really wants to find someone to talk about her heart, pouring down the bitterness of her heart, and drinking while talking about her unbearable life experience and childhood shadows, including why she was kicked out of the house by her father this time. The door was also told to Huang Han every word...

After listening to Fang Qing's story, Huang Han couldn't help but look angry and secretly angry: What a chairman of Fang's enterprise, what an unreasonable father. If anyone had such a father, it would have been really bad luck for eight lifetimes!

However, even if Huang Han's father was extremely dissatisfied, he could not help Fang Qing beat her father. After all, this is her family matter, and she, as an outsider, has no right to interfere.

However, Fan's unified name was deeply engraved in Huang Han's heart. He would like to see who this so-called magic doctor, who is also known as the "Master of Qigong", is who, and what kind of ability can motivate a father to drive his own daughter out of the house?

The most important thing is that in Huang Han's view, the so-called magic doctor hurt his friend, so he has to help Fang Qing get this justice no matter what.

"President Chu is not the kind of person you think. The reason why he broke up with you is a last resort. I believe you will understand soon." Huang Han said seriously. Unfortunately, Fang Qing was unconscious on the dining table at this time and was completely drunk.

So far, Huang Han has understood all the things that should be understood, so that he can finally go back to Chu Nan.

After settling the bill, Huang Han asked the manager to open a presidential suite for Fang Qing here, and told the manager to stay here as long as she wants, and eat whatever she wants. All expenses are borne by him.

After sending Fang Qing to the guest room, Huang Han left a check on the bed cabinet with a small note, as follows: This is a blank check, and you can fill in as much as you need. From today on, I will treat you as a friend, and I hope you don't treat me as an outsider. Huang Hanliu!

After arranging everything, Huang Han came to the outside of the hotel, took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone, and ordered, "Immediately check a person named Fan Tong, who claims to be a master of Qigong. Before dark, I want all the information about this person."


From 4 p.m. to 4 p.m., Huang Han returned to the hospital, came to Chu Xingyue's ward, and told Chu Nan about the current situation of Fang Qing.

Hearing Huang Han say that Fang Qing was kicked out of the house by her father because of her younger brother and lived in the school's infirmary, Chu Nan only felt empathy and felt very uncomfortable. If possible, he would like to go to Fang Qing now, and then tell her that all the bad things have passed and he will love her in the future.

However, things have not passed.

Although the thirteen eagles have been disintegrated, there is still a fish that leaks from the net, and this fish is not a general person. With his strength, he can hurt any relative around him at will. Therefore, Chu Nan can't admit that Fang Qing is his girlfriend, otherwise the consequences will be worrying!

"I have arranged everything. I prepared a good room for my future sister-in-law at the Xinghai Hotel and left a check for her. Even if her father won't let her step into the house in her life, I don't think her sister-in-law will starve to death and won't freeze in the future. Huang Han looked cynical, but what he said was absolutely true.

Hearing Huang Han's words, Chu Nan did not calm down, because he knew Fang Qing very well. Presumably, she would not accept all this that Huang Han had arranged for her. After waking up, she will still live in the infirmary, eat three meals, and live in poverty!

"Thank you."

Even if he knew that Huang Han had worked in vain, Chu Nan was very grateful to him. However, in addition to the word "thank you", Chu Nan no longer knows what else to say to Huang Han. At the same time, he doesn't know how many times he has said these two words to Huang Han?

And Huang Han always pretends not to hear and doesn't care at all.

In Huang Han's heart, what is righteousness, and how can it be shown in a few words? At the critical moment, it should be proved by practical actions. In Chunan's heart, Huang Han has obviously shown the word "righteousness" vividly!

"Bearby, you just said that a magic doctor named Fan Tong sneaked into her house, and her father kicked her out of the house because of this person?" Chu Nan asked in a low voice, but there was a little unhungrate in his voice. Although he has never seen Fan Tong and doesn't know him, Chu Nan feels particularly disgusting just by hearing this name.

"Yes, I have asked someone to check this person*. If he really hurts my future sister-in-law, I must bury him alive!" While talking, Huang Han put away his cynical smile and became awe-inspiring, which was even more resolute. Of course, since he said it, he must be able to do it.

"President, I think my sister-in-law in the future is quite pitiful. She has lost her mother since she was a child, and her younger brother has been seriously ill. No one has ever cared about her. The most annoying thing is her father, which is simply unreasonable. If my sister-in-law hadn't told me the truth after drinking, I couldn't believe that there would have been such a cruel father in the world!" Huang Han was furious, and at the same time, Fang Qing felt quite sad and couldn't help saying a few words to Chu Nan.

"Yes, she looks strong on the surface, but in fact, she is very fragile inside. What's more, after all, she is a girl. Obviously, she has relatives, but she can't get the care they deserve. Obviously, there is a home, but there is a home that is difficult to return. I remember she told Xiaoyue that her greatest wish was to enter Nanling College and prove to her father that she was not inferior to any boy.

Speaking of Fang Qing's unbearable fate, Chu Nan also sighed. Because he loves Fang Qing deeply, he will not only be happy for Fang Qing's happiness, but also be sad for Fang Qing's misfortune.

If you really love each other deeply, all this is so natural that there is no need to deliberately brew emotions, because your heart has already been connected to each other's heart!

Perhaps, this is called love!

"Join Nanling University?" Suddenly hearing this, Huang Han was stunned. During the meal before, Fang Qing didn't dare to tell him that she had such a huge wish.

After a brief pause, Huang Han suddenly smiled and said, "Isn't this wish of my sister-in-law in the future too pediatric? It's not easy to join Nanling University. I can immediately make my sister-in-law realize this wish in the future..."

Huang Han was stunned again. After thinking for a moment, he said puzzledly, "No, if the future sister-in-law's wish is just as simple as joining Nanling University, then it is simply easy for the president to help her realize this wish. But how..."

"With her three-legged cat's skills, do you think even if she enters Nanling University, she will stand firm there? What kind of environment is Nanling University? Don't you know? Chu Nan took Huang Han's words and couldn't help sighing. Not to mention Fang Qing, he can't even guarantee that if he returns to Nanling University again, will he still be able to stand there?

"Yes, in case Sister Tong knows that she is your current girlfriend again, Sister Tong must be mad. If Sister Tong targets her future sister-in-law at that time, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Huang Hanmao suddenly opened and knew that the reason why Chu Nan didn't help Fang Qing realize her wish was that he didn't want her to touch the land of wind and clouds and go in the fire all day!

"However, this is the only wish of my sister-in-law in the future. Does the president have the heart to ignore it? If the sister-in-law persists in this wish in the future, it will be very difficult for her to realize it by herself. Huang Han continued to try to help Fang Qing say good words. Since he has regarded Fang Qing as a friend, the matter of a friend is basically his matter. And his friend's long-cherished wish is equal to his long-cherished wish.

"The bridge is naturally straight from the bow of the boat, and there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. There is a solution to everything. If she really wants to fulfill this wish, maybe I will help her in the future!" Having said that, Chu Nan really has no idea. However, if Fang Qing insists on insisting, he can only choose to help. Who told him to love her deeply? But these are all things in the future. At present, we have to solve our own problems first.

Hearing Chu Nan's words, Huang Han was relieved. In fact, he could see that Chu Nan cared about Fang Qing very much, and he would rather break up than let Fang Qing out of the matter, which showed his feelings for the other party.


until evening.

At this time, several younger brothers of Huaxing Society hurried to Huang Han. One of them reported, " boss, what you asked us to do has been done. Fan Tong, who is 33 years old, is a native of the imperial city in South China. He used to be just an idle waste. In recent years, he claimed to be a disciple of Wang Lin, a qigong master. He also claimed to know qigong, began to cheat everywhere, and specially seized the weaknesses of some rich people, and then cheated. Two months ago, he received a business saying that he was going to treat the son of the boss of Fang's enterprise, and since then he has been living in the Fang family's mansion.

"Fuck, it turns out that this guy is really a liar, and he fucking cheated me into my future sister-in-law's house? Alas! Or in the future, my sister-in-law is shrewd and has seen that this Fan Tong is not a good thing early in the morning!"

Huang Han scratched his ears and cheeks and couldn't laugh or cry. Although he is the leader of a gang, sometimes he really admires these charlatans. They can always play with some people with status and status in applause. I have to say that this is their ability. At the same time, it also shows the stupidity of those rich people.

" boss, are we going to do something?"

"Go, catch that bastard back, find a place where there is no one to bury it." Huang Han said lightly, as if he didn't regard Fan Tong as an adult at all, and even the pursuit order seemed to be so indifferent.

"Yes, boss!"

Sar several younger brothers answered and were about to take action, but they were stopped by Chu Nan's voice.

"Are you really going to bury that Fan Tong alive?" Chu Nan did not doubt Huang Han's words. It was not difficult for him to disappear quietly. It's just that Chu Nan doesn't want to kill people and add some unnecessary trouble.

"I have already said that if I know this Fan Tong has hurt my future sister-in-law, I will bury him alive. I always keep my word, otherwise it's hard to convince the public. Huang Han suddenly became serious and said to Chu Nan solemnly, "The president doesn't have to worry about this matter. I will do it myself to promise to vent my anger for my sister-in-law. However, the president can rest assured that I will bury him alive, which does not mean that I will kill him. After saying that, he smiled at Chu Nan, as if to reassure him, and then left first. Several younger brothers followed, and the group soon disappeared.

Chu Nan couldn't rest assured and had the intention to follow him, but his feet didn't obey. He couldn't take steps. He thought to himself that if he followed him, in case Lei Long suddenly came over, it would be really not good.

After thinking about it, Chu Nan finally did not follow. Compared with guarding the safety of the brothers and sisters here, the life and death of a charlatan seems to be no longer important in his eyes.

Besides, if a scum like Fan Tong doesn't teach him a bloody lesson, I don't know how many people he will harm in the future. Let Huang Han suffer for him and help Fang Qing by the way, which is always beneficial and harmless.


At 6 p.m., it was slightly dark.

In an alley not far from Fang's mansion, a white van is hiding in it. There are six younger brothers sent by Huang Han, waiting for the target to appear. And this target person is undoubtedly Fan Tong.

Because this is a rich area, far away from the city, the surrounding environment is particularly quiet and sparsely populated, so if you work here, you will be unconscious.

"Call him out." In the van, one of them held the phone in his hand and shouted at a thin young man in a threatening and commanding tone.

The young man's name is Liu Heng, a street gangster. He used to have a good relationship with Fan Tong. This time, the brothers of Huaxing Society can find out the details of Fan Tong, which has nothing to do with this person. And Fan Tong is afraid of revealing his identity. He has always lived a simple way, so if you want to deceive him out, Liu Heng is also the key.

Liu Heng took the mobile phone tremblingly and then dialed Fan Tong's phone. After a moment, he pretended to be calm and said, "Brother Fan, I'm Liu Heng. Do you remember me?"

What is Fan Tong's current status? The special royal doctor of the second young master of the Fang family is still the guest invited by Fang Zhenghao, so he will naturally feel that his identity is several levels higher, and his former pig friends and dog friends like Liu Heng feel that he is no longer qualified to be brothers with him. .

"If you have something to say, say it, and fart it. If you want me to give you some money, wait until I'm free. In Fang's mansion, a luxurious room, Fan Tong lazily lay on his back on a comfortable sofa, enjoying the best wine while casually talking on the phone with Liu Heng.

"Brother Fan, I have a way to make money recently. If everything goes, you and I will be an upper-class person with a wealth of more than 100 million in the future. I just don't know if Brother Fan is interested in participating in a share? Liu Heng began to lure Fan Tong according to the lies he had prepared in advance.

As soon as he heard this, Fan Tong immediately became interested. He straightened up and sat upright. At that time, his attitude changed 180 degrees. He hurriedly asked in a low voice, "Brother, what's the big way to make so big?"

Fan Tong felt itchy and couldn't wait to get it. Although he doesn't have to worry about food and clothing now, it is by no means a long-term plan. Fang Zhenghao will find his identity sooner or later, so he has to find a way out for himself. At present, Liu Heng's words are amazing, and he will be moved by it.

"This matter can't be explained clearly on the phone. Why don't you find a place and let's meet and talk about it in detail." Liu Heng continued to seduce, but he was frightened. Anyway, he is also a Taoist. He knows a lot about the ruthless community of Huaxing Society. Now that Huaxing Society is focusing on him, it's no wonder that he is not afraid.

Fan Tong would never have thought that someone has ambushed him outside for a long time. What's more, Liu Heng is his former friend. Since there is a way to bring him home, it's better to go out and talk to him. Even if you can't talk about it, you will lose nothing to yourself.

After made up his mind, Fan Tong told Liu Heng the meeting place, then put down his glass and took his coat. After informing the servant, he hurried out.

Unexpectedly, shortly after walking out of the house, a white van suddenly stopped beside him, followed by two strong men who came down from the car, set up Fan Tong from side to side, and forcibly took him into the car. Immediately, the driver stepped on the accelerator, and even the car took people away. After only a few seconds, it was quite sharp (obviously) Do this kind of thing often).

At the same time, Xinghai Hotel.

In one of the presidential suites, a comfortable big**, Fang Qing opened her eyes in a daze and finally woke up from drunkenness.

She sat up and rubbed her slightly dizzy head. When she was a little awake, Fang Qing subconsciously looked around and suddenly found that what she was full of luxurious and chic decorations. She knew that this was a hotel room. She couldn't help but feel awe-ins. Out of the girl's instinct of self-protection, she immediately checked her clothes. Seeing that the clothes had not left her body, she was relieved!

She thought it was Huang Han who deliberately got herself drunk, and then took the opportunity to plot against herself...

Inadvertently looked at the bed cabinet and found a check and note on it. When she opened it, Fang Qing fully understood what had happened. She couldn't help but feel moved and felt a little guilty.

Huang Han regards himself as a friend, but he treats the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain and treats him as a pervert who takes advantage of people's danger. Humph! No wonder no one likes himself!

After deeply reproached herself, Fang Qing carefully put the check in her pocket. She was very grateful to Huang Han's kindness, but she would not take this check anyway and could only have a chance to return it to him.