College Record

Chapter 216 Military Pressure


As the bell of the last class in the afternoon rang, the whole campus suddenly boiled.

Both students and teachers are moving towards the school gate with a happy mood.

However, as teachers and students are moving towards the campus, another large group of people are approaching the gate of Shengwu University.

Soon, the two sides took a face and stopped at the same time, forming antagonism, but one side stopped inside the school gate, and the other side gathered outside the school gate.

It's just that the total number of people outside the school is twice as many as the total number of teachers and students in the whole Shengwu University. They are all dressed in black and a large area of black pressure. The arrangement is extremely large, and the aura is quite strong. Even the empty scorching sun seems to be deterred by this monstrous momentum and quietly hide behind the Xishan.

Seeing this kind of battle, all the teachers and students of Shengwu University were frightened. Although they did not know the people opposite, no one knew the clothes worn by the other party, especially the word "Nanling University", which made all teachers and students eye-catching and frightened!

is naturally led by arhat.

As one of the four heavenly kings of Nanling, Luo Han personally led a team to fight against Shengwu University, which is also a great face for Shengwu University.

You should know that a primary school like Shengwu High School can be easily done by finding someone to come out under Arhat.

But now Shengwu University has broken the glorious record held by Nanling University. For this reason, Luo Han really wants to see who is so man?

In addition, Qin Shou had reported himself for Joni at that time, saying that Joni was a member of Luohan, but Joni was still seriously injured, which showed that the other party did not pay attention to Luohan at all.

How has one of the four heavenly kings in the Southern Mausoleum ever been so despised?

So in any case, Luohan will let Shengwu College disappear in the college world today, but before that, he must first make those who despise him pay a heavy price. By the way, he will kill a hundred policemen by the way. Let's see who dares to fight against him in the future?

At this time, Qin Shou strode forward, and then stretched out his finger to the teachers and students of Shengwu University in front of him and shouted angrily, "It's okay, get out of here. Whoever dares to stay here for one more second is equivalent to being against Nanling University. At that time, you don't expect to step out of this door!"

As soon as Qin Shou said this, all the teachers and students of Shengwu University looked at each other and seemed to reach a consensus through each other's eyes in an instant.

Sure enough, they still don't have the courage to fight against Nanling University. What's more, the number of people on the other side is twice that of Shengwu University, with 3,000 people. To fight against them is tantamount to hitting stones with eggs and finding their own death. In the end, there is no chance of winning.

As a result, there is no suspense.

The teachers and students of Shengwu University directly hugged their heads and ran away. It was not until near the school gate that the people of Nanling University made way for them. The teachers and students of Shengwu University left the campus. During this period, they all seemed to shrink and tiptoe that they did not even dare to raise their heads. When they left the school gate, they fled. It's scattered, and the head won't be brought back.

In less than a minute, the whole campus was empty.

Qin Shou has been observing carefully, but he did not see Fang Qing and Chu Nan until the last student left the campus.

At the same time.

In the martial arts hall.

Fang Qing is working hard to fight with Chu Nan.

Obviously, these two people still don't know that the army of Nanling University has been under pressure, and the one waiting for them is about to be a new round of trouble.

Before, Fang Qingcheng asked Chu Nan to give her some advice.

How could Chu Nan refuse when his beloved girl has a request?

So he became a training partner, but he enjoyed it.

When the other party's fists and feet were facing each other, Chu Nan only defended but did not attack. Every move made by Fang Qing could be easily resolved by him. At first glance, the two did not seem to be practicing boxing, but dancing cha-cha.

"Why do you only defend but not attack?"

Fang Qing stopped attacking for a while. At this time, her whole body was sweaty, and the suspender vest on her upper body was almost soaked, tightly sticking to her skin, and she could faintly see the pink bra inside.

Although there is no perfume embellishment, her body also exudes a charming fragrance. At least for Chu Nan, the smell on her body is really fragrant and charming.

"Fightless, what if I hurt you? Besides, you can't even touch me, how can you stop my attack?"

While talking, Chu Nan's eyes have been locked in the pink zone in front of Fang Qing's chest. His eyes seem to have perspective ability, and he is forgetful and relish.

"As long as I can hit you, will you fight back?"

Hearing this, Chu Nan subconsciously nodded, although he didn't hear what Fang Qing said at all...

"I'll fight!"



When Chu Nan was absorbed in peeping, Fang Qing quickly took action and punched Chu Nan's nose with the momentum of stealing the bell.

This time is not very powerful, but it also makes Chu Nan's nose feel sore.

Looking at Chu Nan, who covered his nose and squatted on the ground, Fang Qing was stunned and was really surprised.

She never thought that she would hit Chu Nan so easily.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect to hit you!"

Fang Qing hurriedly squatted down, her eyebrows were as far away, her eyes were filled with spring water, and her uncertain little face was still full of heartache. It was really a pain in her heart.

With such close contact, Fang Qing's intoxicating breath is even stronger. Although the undulating peaks on her chest are not very big, they are the most beautiful thing in Chu Nan's eyes, especially when the sweat like morning dew slowly slips across Fang Qing's skin. Chu Nan's pupils are not Consciousness gradually enlarged, and only felt that the blood in the body kept flowing, so that his blood pressure continued to rise, and then broke through his nasal capillaries, causing a large amount of nosebleeds to overflow in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Fang Qing was even more at a loss and said, "Oh, my God, I beat your nose to blood!" Chu Nan, are you all right? I didn't mean to!"

"Fool, it's abnormal not to have a nosebleed when you see you like this." Chu Nan smiled bitterly, but in order not to let Fang Qing blame himself, he directly wiped his nosebleed and said righteously, "I'm fine. However, do you remember that you still owe me a kiss?


Fang Qing was puzzled that Chu Nan suddenly straightened her body and kissed her directly at the speed that caught Fang Qing off guard, which was right in her lips!

Fang Qing was stunned and blinked a few times, as if she hadn't reacted yet.

When she reacted, she couldn't help but be shy, red with a small face that had just been burned by fire, waved her light and weak fists, beating Chu Nan in the face, and said coquettishly, "Bad guy, always make me cheaply, beat you..."

Chu Nan smiled and ran away, which made the huge venue lively. I don't know, but I thought there were many people in the venue who were training.

After a while, the two were playing happily, and Fang Qing's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Press the call button, and before Fang Qing could make a sound, he heard a hurried and panicked female voice: "President, the people from Nanling University are here again. This time, many people came. It seems that they will not give up. President, hide quickly and don't show your face. In case they see you, you will be in trouble!"

After listening, Fang Qing's happy smile gradually calmed down, and was replaced by a panic from the bottom of her heart, spread on her melancholy expression.

Seeing that Fang Qing's mood had changed, Chu Nan also put away his smiling face, frowned slightly, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"People from Nanling University are here again!" Fang Qing's voice trembled slightly. This time, even with Chu Nan's company, she couldn't help but be worried.

"Come as soon as you come. Why are you shocked?" The smile climbed back to Chu Nan's face. For him, there was really nothing to be afraid of in Nanling University.

But Fang Qing is different. For her, Nanling University has always been powerful and untouchable. She never thought of being the enemy of Nanling University. Of course, she dared not think about it.

After a long time, she will naturally be in awe of Nanling University. Now she has completely offended Nanling University, so that the soldiers of Nanling University will inevitably panic.

And, although Chu Nan was once the boss of Nanling University, it was a thing of the past. In case Nanling University doesn't pay attention to him now, what's the use even if he comes forward?

"Aren't you afraid?" Fang Qing looked at Chu Nan with a smile puzzledly, but this time, Chu Nan's gentle smile did not bring her a sense of security.

"I'm afraid they have teeth?" Chu Nan said playfully, "Let's go out and fight with them."

After saying that, he turned around and left, but heard Fang Qing call urgently: "Chu Nan..."

Chu Nan stopped when he heard the sound and turned around and smiled, "Why?"

"I know that you don't want to have anything to do with Nanling University anymore. So, you still don't go out. Besides, they are all coming for me, so let me go out and solve it by myself. I don't want to involve you, and I don't want you to go against your will for me!"

While speaking, Fang Qing's eyes were full of sincereness. She really didn't want Chu Nan to do what he didn't want to do for herself.

"What are you talking about?" Chu Nan looked back and smiled, "No matter how bad I am, I won't leave my girlfriend alone. What's more, in my heart, you are not only my girlfriend, but also my relatives. Don't worry, since I was able to fight Nanling University alone two years ago, I can do the same now.


"Don't you want to prove to your father that you are weaker than any boy? If you retreat now, your father will look down on you more and may urge you to pay back the money. As he spoke, Chu Nan went behind Fang Qing, reached out and gently pushed her out of the door, and said as he walked, "You are the president of the student union of Shengwu University. You should look like a boss. Don't forget that you still have a loyal little brother around you!"