College Record

Chapter 257 Unbearable

In fact, Su Mengting has been dependent on him since she first met Chu Nan on the bus.

After that, Chu Nan helped her many times, which made her more and more dependent on Chu Nan, so she lost Chu Nan. She didn't know what to do but felt that life was meaningless.

She anesthetized herself with poison/drugs to abuse herself, hoping to get Chu Nan's attention. Only in this way can she feel Chu Nan's existence and will not feel so empty and lonely in her heart.

Today, her goal has been achieved, because Chu Nan is by her side and holds her in her arms. She also knows that Chu Nan will not ignore herself. As long as he has something to do, he will definitely appear in front of her.

"Chu Nan, don't ignore me, okay? I'm willing to do anything for you, including letting me die!" Su Mengting was very excited, and her weak arms became infinitely. She hugged Chu Nan desperately and didn't want him to be separated from herself for a moment.

If there is no Fang Qing, Chu Nan may be able to give Su Mengting a promise, but he only has Fang Qing in his heart. Except for Fang Qing, he can't hold any other woman in his heart.

However, with Su Mengting's current situation, Chu Nan can't say what she thinks to her. Otherwise, she will definitely not be able to stand it and will definitely do some more stupid things.

"I didn't ignore you, isn't that right?" Chu Nan barely showed a smile. At present, the most important thing is to calm Su Mengting's mood. Maybe when she calms down, she will think about it.

"Really?" Su Mengting raised her head, and her bottomless eyes gradually brightened. She stared at Chu Nan's smiling face. She asked suspiciously, "You really won't ignore me? Will you really stay with me forever?"

Chu Nan hesitated and didn't know how to answer her question.

If Su Mengting has something to do, he will not ignore it, because she is his friend.

But if he wants him to never leave her for the rest of his life, he can't do it, because he can't empathize and force it, which will only make everyone suffer.

"Don't worry, I won't ignore you. As long as you need me, I will appear in front of you at any time." Chu Nan avoided the important and took it lightly. For fear of stimulating Su Mengting, he seriously answered Su Mengting's first question. As for the second question, Chu Nan chose to be silent. How can he bear to ask him to refuse directly?

Desp> Despite this, Su Mengting was also overjoyed.

She heard that Chu Nan had just given her a promise, a promise that she misunderstood, but a promise that could make her happy for a lifetime.

"How long have you been exposed to poisons?" Chu Nan suddenly asked, if Su Mengting has just come into contact with poison, as long as she cares more and enlightens her, she still has something to save.

"Soon, soon, really soon..." Su Mengting turned pale and suddenly panicked. She was afraid that Chu Nan would be angry and hate her, so she hurriedly promised, "Don't be angry. I swear, I will never touch those things again. As long as you are by my side, I can give up anything. Really, I promise, I swear!"

"I believe you." Except for this sentence, Chu Nan doesn't know what else to say, but he sincerely hopes that Su Mengting can get rid of her addiction.

She is so beautiful and young, if she destroys those poisons, it's not worth it.

Su Mengting nodded resolutely and her eyes were firm. Her gradually rosy little face was shining. Chu Nan's eyes also lit up and she felt that this was the real Su Mengting, but he did not know that Su Mengting's innocence and cuteness were based on her own body. That is to say, her good or bad depends on Chu Nan. .

Chu Nan feels that it is difficult to ride a tiger, but he can only take one step. I hope Su Mengting can be enlightened as soon as possible and not always be obsessed.

"Okay, let's go home. Uncle and aunt are waiting for you to go back.


Su Mengting nodded happily. No matter her attitude or appearance, she was in a gap with her previous one.

After a while, Chu Nan personally sent Su Mengting back to the Happy Restaurant.

Seeing their daughter coming back, Su Huaqing and Xiao Ping hurriedly greeted her.

The couple looked up and down at their daughter carefully. Seeing that she was soaked, the couple could not hide their heartache, but the couple were very relieved to see their daughter radiant and energetic.

At this moment, even they feel that this is really their lively and lovely daughter.

"Xiaonan, thank you, thank you for bringing this girl back. Auntie really... really can't repay..."

"Auntie, what are you talking about? Su Mengting is also mine..." Chu Nan couldn't help looking at Su Mengting and saw that she was looking at herself suspiciously, so Chu Nan couldn't say the word "friend" and immediately changed his words, "As long as Su Mengting is fine, nothing else matters."

"Yes, Xiaonan is right. As long as it's okay, it's okay!" Su Huaqing also looked at Chu Nan gratefully and said excitedly, "I'm sorry to trouble you again this time. You see, uncle doesn't have any other skills. If you don't mind, uncle will cook some dishes now. It's so late. You shouldn't have eaten yet.

"No, I..."

Chu Nan wanted to speak and stopped, and then looked at Su Mengting again. At this time, Su Mengting's eyes seemed to speak, eagerly hoping that Chu Nan could stay for dinner.

In order not to disappoint her, Chu Nan had no choice but to agree to stay and eat before leaving.

Su Mengting smiled and was overjoyed. It seemed that her emotions could no longer be controlled by herself, but all by Chu Nan's thoughts.

"Dad, I'll cook for you." After saying that, Su Mengting kindly took Su Huaqing's arm and was full of the image of a good daughter.

This also surprised Su Huaqing and Xiao Ping, but in their opinion, their daughter was enlightened by Chu Nan, so the couple didn't think much about it.

However, Su Mengting's all superficial phenomena are shown to Chu Nan. Of course, her purpose is also to please Chu Nan. If there is no Chu Nan, she can even recognize it!

It was not until the father and daughter walked into the kitchen that Xiao Ping asked Chu Nan uneasfully, "Xiaonan, is Xiaoting really all right? she taking drugs again? Will she be addicted to drugs?

"As long as you and your uncle usually care more about her, try to distract her, and don't let her think nonsense. It shouldn't be a big problem." Chu Nan smiled and comforted Xiao Ping.

"addict" Chu Nan has been in contact with it a lot, so he can be sure that Su Mengting's drug addiction is still under control. Otherwise, she would not have survived the attack of drug addiction so quickly. As long as she is not exposed to poisons, it won't be long before she can quit.

After listening to Chu Nan's words, Xiao Ping was completely relieved. She will not question anything Chu Nan said, but firmly believes it.