College Record

Chapter 260 Luxury Gift

When he came to school, Chu Nan still faced all kinds of strange eyes of his classmates. Chu Nan had already been accustomed to this and didn't think so. Anyway, he didn't know how to eat people, no matter what they thought.

As soon as he walked into the classroom, Chu Nan looked around and saw Fang Qing stunned in his seat, sometimes mysteriously giggling, which made Chu Nan's heart tremble.

Suddenly found that Chu Nan, Fang Qing immediately changed her face, sat motionless, and could not speak, as if nothing had happened.

Chu Nan sat down and asked curiously, "What were you just silly about?" Is it in YY me?"

"Yes, I saw a puppy rolling on the ground on the street today. Thinking of the puppy's cute appearance, I wanted to laugh. Can't you?" Fang Qing made a move and knocked sideways, which immediately made Chu Nan speechless.

"Yes, how's Sister Xiaoyue? Did she pester you to play with building blocks with her?

"He doesn't even let you go, so how can he let me go?" Chu Nan smiled helplessly.

"Haha, I think this is the first time you have played such a childish game since you were sensible, right? But it doesn't matter, as long as Xiaoyue's sister is happy.

"Who said that? Last time I played with her all night. I almost played with her all night yesterday, and I fell asleep bored in the middle of the play. Chu Nan sighed and felt fury when he thought of the building blocks.

"Cut, just pretend to be a good person." Fang Qing looked down at Chu Nan and said, "Sister Xiaoyue told me yesterday that you have never played with building blocks with her since you grew up."

Chu Nan shouted that he was wronged. He only played with her all night last week. Finally, the girl lay on her shoulder tired and fell asleep. She still held her to the bed and helped her cover the quilt. Why did she say...

Chu Nan was stunned and thought that the girl never lied. What's more, she didn't have to lie to Fang Qing about such a small thing.


"Miss Fang, the goods you ordered have been delivered. Please come out and sign for it and inspect the goods by the way."

While Chu Nan was doubting, suddenly a voice brought him back to his senses and followed the sound. A middle-aged man in the uniform of a logistics company was standing at the door of the classroom and looking at Fang Qing with a smile.

"What did you buy? Do you still want someone to send it to school?" Chu Nan asked Fang Qing puzzledly.

"You will know when you come and have a look." After saying that, Fang Qing got up and walked to the door of the classroom. First, she signed the order, and then came to the campus with the deliveryman.

Chu Nan and a group of classmates also followed. At this time, they saw a large truck parked in front of them carrying a container behind them.

With the slow opening of the container, a brand-new Yamaha M1 top sports car appeared in front of everyone.

Titanium alloy eight-row exhaust pipe, front and rear top springs, high shock absorber, high-quality asbestos-free clutch, special material anti-skid tires, original eight-cylinder engine, the configuration is simply perfect.

The car body is dumb and black. Even so, it is also shining under the sun, like the stars in the dark night, which is particularly eye-catching, and it must be like a meteor when running, enough to chase the wind and the moon!

"This car is the track version of M1, and it should not be sold on the market, but..."

"The Way Enterprise is one of the main sponsors of the next F1 World Motorcycle Championship, and this car was specially bought by the director at a high price. Of course, all this is what Miss Fang means. The staff first explained it for Chu Nan, and then handed over the car keys to Chu Nan and said, "From now on, this car belongs to you."

Looking at the key of the car in his hand, Chu Nan's eyes trembled and he was intoxicated. He hadn't spoken for a long time. At the same time, a pair of envious eyes also fell on Chu Nan. Although everyone didn't know how much the car was worth, everyone could see Fang Qing's heart for Chu Nan.

However, in Fang Qing's opinion, this is really nothing. As long as this gift can make Chu Nan happy, it is more important than anything else, let alone money can measure.

"How about it? Do you like it?" Fang Qing asked with a small hand on her back and a smile on her face. In fact, she can see that Chu Nan likes the gift he gave him very much, so Fang Qing is also very gratified.

Chu Nan did hope to have a motorcycle, but he didn't expect that it was Fang Qing who helped him fulfill this little wish, and he didn't expect that she was so generous. Yesterday, she just said casually that she gave herself a motorcycle, which was expensive and super luxurious. Sports car!

In addition to Chu Nan's surprise, he was even more moved, but this gift was too valuable. How could he accept it? But if she refuses to accept it, won't it fail Fang Qing's kindness? What's the difference between this and slapping her in public?

It seems that the debt I owe can't be paid off in my life. If I really can't do it, I have to make a promise!

"Thank you!"

Chu Nan's eyes were full of emotion and sincerely thanked Fang Qing. In addition, he really didn't know how to express his gratitude to him.

This is the second meaningful gift he has received in his life.

The first one was the mobile phone his sister gave him when he just came home from prison. Although the price was cheap, Chu Nan regarded it as life.

The second one is undoubtedly the motorcycle sports car given by Fang Qing, not to mention its great value. Even if it is just an ordinary motorcycle, Chunan will regard it as life.

Hearing Chu Nan thanking herself, Fang Qing was not happy. Her little face sank, close to Chu Nan's ear, and whispered, " Even my people are yours. Why are you so polite to me?"

Chu Nan was stunned when he heard the words, pondered for a moment, and frowned and said, "I don't seem to have touched you yet. Why are you so eager to throw yourself in your arms?"

"Damn, you are all relatives..." Speaking of this, Fang Qing pointed out that even if she didn't figure out a result in the end, and said quite unreasonablely, "Anyway, you have been relatives many times. Haven't you touched this? Do you want to repudiate the debt? Do you want to dump others after playing?"


Chu Nan was speechless and sweaty.

Is it okay for her to kiss herself first every time? Of course, I have secretly kissed her several times, but she won't get pregnant after kissing, right?

How did you hear her say that she was pregnant?

I really don't know whether to say that she is unreasonable or innocent?

Looking at Fang Qing's sad eyes, Chu Nan smiled helplessly and said stubbornly, "Okay, I will be responsible. Whether it's you or the one in your belly, I will be responsible to the end."


As soon as Chu Nan said this, a pair of surprised eyes of the students around him focused on Fang Qing's stomach and thought one after another: How long has she been with Chu Nan? Why did she get pregnant so soon?

"Damn, you, what are you talking about? What's small in my stomach? They are still..." Fang Qing stopped talking, but she didn't need to explain, and everyone knew what she meant.

Fang Qing's face suddenly burned, and she was ashamed. She couldn't wait to find a hole to get in and hide for ten or eight years before coming out.

They all blame this boy. Looking at his usual quietness, I didn't expect him to speak so improperly. However, when she heard that Chu Nan said that she would be responsible for her to the end, she was actually very happy.

"Can I try the car?" Chu Nan's eyes have already been locked on the long-awaited sports car, and the sports car seems to have a magic power, constantly summoning Chu Nan.

"Of course. Miss Fang has asked us to fill the car with gas. You can test the car at any time. The staff said happily.

Chu Nan smiled, and suddenly grabbed Fang Qing's little hand, pulled her to the front of the car, and then took her to the second seat without her consent. Chu Nan also quickly sat in the driver's seat.

Soon, a majestic and pleasant roar sounded rhythmically. Chu Nan picked up his toes twice in a row, went directly to the second gear, and then loosened the clutch and suddenly opened the gas door. The car was like a runaway wild horse. In the blink of an eye, the car and the people had run out of the campus and disappeared into the traffic, running without a trace in an instant. There is not even a vague shadow left!

Although he has not driven such a horsepower sports car for two years, Chu Nan is still confident in his driving level. On the endless road, Chu Nan is like entering a situation. His hands are loose and tight, and his feet are constantly changing gears. He is handy and easy to walk with the wind. Because the speed is too fast, Passers-by can only see the remnants of the taillights, which pass away in a flash, like a ghost, at a speed of at least 300+

It's just suffering from Fang Qing in the back seat.

In the gallop, her arms hugged Chu Nan powerfully, and her whole chest was close to Chu Nan's back. She did not dare to open her eyes. The wind on her face was blowing ups and downs. This speed and danger were better than taking a roller coaster, and Fang Qing usually did not even dare to ride a roller coaster. How could she stand this? A kind of deadly excitement at any time?

However, she is already unable to get off. She can only accompany Chu Nan with fear and go crazy, and then settle accounts with him when he is crazy enough!

In just 15 minutes, Chu Nan almost ran through the main road of the whole city. If he was asked to participate in Formula 1, I believe that at this moment, he had won the first place trophy.

It was not until she returned to Shengwu University that Chu Nan braked the car before Fang Qing dared to open her eyes, but she saw that her short hair had been blown high by the wind, her little face was pale, bloodless, and her frightened appearance seemed to have just escaped from death.

Chu Nan seems to be happy and unfinished. If he can, he really wants to do it again to see if the wind is fast or the car is fast?

After calming down, Fang Qing shook her head vigorously and stepped out of the car tremblingly, but it was like a left and right boat. Her body swayed for a long time before she finally stood firm.

"Excuse me, big brother, did you have a good time?"

"Cool, very cool, do you want to do it again?"

"So, this big brother, did I ask you to take me into the car before?"

"No, don't you want me to take you for a ride?"

"Think, I miss you, you big-headed ghost. Auntie, I fought with you today!"

Fang Qinghua turned pale and was furious. She immediately took off a shoe, then raised it high and killed Chu Nan.

"Wow, when did you get Xiaoyue's real biography? No wonder you are the same at first sight, and it's not a family that doesn't enter a door!" After saying that, Chu Nan ran away. Although he was being violently hunted down, he was happy.

For him, the most comfortable life can't be better than this!