Palace Prisoner

Chapter 22 The Woman in Fengming Palace

Xiao Yuanqi crossed the internal prison and touched the buckle on the palace door with his right hand. The vivid tiger's head opened his mouth slightly, but the eyes on the tiger's head were dusted because he was too old.

"You guys step back." Xiao Yuanqi's voice was a little hoarse, as if he had a lot of feelings.

The two internal supervisors looked at each other, and one of them bowed and said, "Your Highness, there is no one else in this palace except me."

Xiao Yuanqi nodded and waved his hand to send them back. When the two saw that His Royal Highness had sent words, they didn't leave much. Xiao Yuanqi waited for them to go far away and opened the crimson palace door.

With a "squeak", the palace door opened, and it was dark inside, facing the wind, and there was a trace of old taste brewing in the air. Inside the palace gate are two rows of neat plum trees, which are not yet open at this time, but there are also wisps of fragrance floating in the air. Shen Sirong took a deep breath and felt the sweet breath. Looking back, he saw Xiao Yuanqi looking at her motion blankly.

"Do you also like Lamei?"

Shen Sirong nodded and saw the petals fall gently. She held them up and said, "Well, I like the fragrance of Lamei, which is not flamboyant but refreshing."

Xiao Yuanqi's brain stopped at this moment, and he seemed to remember the situation when his father brought him to the Fengming Palace for the first time, which was also such an early winter. He took his father's hand and walked into the Fengming Palace. Seeing these plums from afar, he ran forward to pick a few.

At that time, my father stroked his head lovingly and muttered, "Your mother loves this wax plum. She always says that the fragrance of wax plum is not public but refreshing."

The picture in Xiao Yuanqi's mind overlapped. He looked at Shen Sirong not far away, and a little hot current surged in his heart, and approached her in a stunned way.

Shen Sirong, who was suddenly hugged, was shocked. She wanted to break away but there was nothing she could do. Her hands were against Xiao Yuanqi's chest, and she seemed to feel the source of beating in his chest.

"Don't move." Xiao Yuanqi felt that the person in his arms gradually relaxed. He smelled the faint fragrance on her body and felt heavy in his heart. His arms hugged the person in his arms tightly, and his full embrace enriched his heart.

Shen Sirong was burned by the breathing in her ear. Her hands gradually stopped pushing Xiao Yuanqi. After hanging down, she couldn't help hugging Xiao Yuanqi's waist. He can feel some pain from him, and that's why.

After half a sound, Xiao Yuanqi's mood recovered. He let go of Shen Sirong and scratched his fingers on her cheek, which was gentle and warm.

"Let's go. It's windy. Go into the hall."

Xiao Ze had already ordered people to clean up, but he did not leave anyone to serve. He must have wanted to give them some space. Shen Sirong couldn't see through this emperor's thoughts at all.

Entering the main hall, Xiao Yuanqi directly crossed over and took Shen Sirong to the door of a room and stopped. The door of the room was locked. Xiao Yuanqi opened it and went in with Shen Sirong. Unexpectedly, the walls of the room are full of paintings, which are all the same woman, either coquettish or quiet. There are times when you take a nap and when you play in the garden. The most painted is when the woman has a big belly to defecate.

"Is this Queen Hui'an?"

Shen Sirong asked Xiao Yuanqi sideways, but saw Xiao Yuanqi staring at one of the paintings and following his line of sight. The woman in the painting was smiling softly, and her face was full of gentleness. Her hand is on her stomach, and it can be seen from her expression that she loves the child in her stomach deeply.

"Yes, the picture is my mother."

When Shen Sirong thought Xiao Yuanqi could not answer, he answered her.

Shen Sirong heard that Empress Hui'an died of heavy bleeding when she gave birth to Xiao Yuanqi. Presumably, it is also because of this that Xiao Yuanqi is difficult to let go.

"Your mother is very beautiful." Shen Sirong looked at the woman in the painting. In terms of appearance, this woman is comparable to Shufei, but the temperament between her eyebrows makes people feel at ease.

Xiao Yuanqi's eyes are changing between painting and Shen Simong, and her temperament is really a little like a mother.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the side hall." Xiao Yuanqi took the lead out of the room.

The partial hall is not as her daughter's boudoir as Shen Sirong thought. There are many books in it. Shen Sirong's desire for books is very great. She lingers in front of the bookshelf, and there are even many rare books.

"If you like it, take it."

Xiao Yuanqi remembered that Shen Sirong was also a book lover. Seeing her fascinated appearance, he couldn't help but relax.

Shen Sirong first wanted to thank him, but turned to smile and shook his head gently: "No, after reading the book, you just need to remember it in your mind. You don't have to have it. Just let them stay where they should stay."

After saying that, it's just right to stop reading those books.

"Sometimes, you really make me curious." Xiao Yuanqi said with great interest.

"What should I do with that Ruolan?" Shen Sirong opened his words and mentioned the beauty at today's banquet.

Speaking of Ruolan, Shen Sirong's voice had an imperceptible change. Xiao Yuanqi** sensed something, but did not say it.

"Since I have promised, I can't go up with my promise. Just stay in the palace." Xiao Yuanqi knew that Ruolan's appearance was very strange, but he had observed that she had no martial arts skills and there was no threat in the East Palace. In this case, let her keep it.

"I'm talking about the position. That is to say, since she is the niece of the Minister of War, she can't stay directly in the name of the concubine. Moreover, Wu is pregnant. Although His Highness did not report to the internal affairs, he should also be given a name to comfort him. Shen Sirong analyzed.

"How did you know that Wu's pregnancy was not reported?" Xiao Yuanqi became energetic and questioned.

Shen Sirong was not nervous about Xiao Yuanqi's changes. She replied indifferently: "Your Highness, there are not many cases, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not sent anyone to the East Palace to record. It is easy to be flawed. I have doubled the Wu family from the daily routine of the East Palace, which is nominally used. "The Ministry of Affairs."

"Very good." Xiao Yuanqi was not relieved. It seems that things can no longer be delayed and should be solved as soon as possible.

"Do you mean to set the position with them?" Xiao Yuanqi thought of her talented proposal and asked.

"Yes." Shen Sirong made a difficult promise.

"You are really generous." Xiao Yuanqi's words were sarcastic. Seeing Shen Sirong's indifferent appearance, his anger surged uncontrollably.

"In this case, let's do it according to the rules."

The original harmonious atmosphere was destroyed with the emergence of the topic of Ruolan. At this time, only the deep and unstable breathing can be heard in the hall.