Palace Prisoner

Chapter 31 Blame the Crown Princess

And Shen Sirong, who knew nothing, hurt her heart for the daytime affairs. After bathing, she lay down hastily. Just half asleep and half awake, she heard the sound of footsteps. She opened her eyes and was facing a pair of deep black eyes. She saw clearly that she relaxed, turned over and sat up, put on her coat to salute.

"No need." Seeing Shen Sirong's desire to worship, Xiao Yuanqi stopped him coldly. Under Shen Sirong's action, most of his coat slipped, and suddenly the wind rose. Xiao Yuanqi reached out to the result coat and took the opportunity to close her shoulder blades. When he lowered his hand, he remembered the purpose of coming here tonight.

Shen Sirong raised his head and his eyes shook on Xiao Yuanqi's face, which made his changes clear. Although he was indifferent before, he did not have the hatred and hidden anger at this moment.

"Your Highness came here late at night, I don't know why?" Shen Sirong stood opposite him. The window was not fastened, and a thin cold wind rushed to his face. Xiao Yuanqi sank his face, narrowed his eyes and asked, "I want to ask you something."

"Your Highness, but it's okay to say it, and I don't know anything." Shen Sirong's voice was as warm as a drizzle, with a stable mood, which made Xiao Yuanqi pause. Did he think wrong?

"Your Highness, Madam. Wu and Liu asked to meet outside the door. The freehand voice called loudly through the door.

Xiao Yuanqi's eyebrows tightened and slowly unfolded, and said neatly, "Go to the side hall."

Shen Sirong only felt that the situation was very chaotic. Seeing the freehand footsteps go away, Shen Sirong put on his clothes and picked up a bead hairpin at will to pick up his hair. He followed Xiao Yuanqi to the side hall.

Not long after, Wu entered the side hall with the help of Liu, and the palace people in the moon hall were sent out.

"My sister is not in good health. What should I do when I come out late at night?" Shen Sirong sat beside Xiao Yuanqi and said to Wu Wanqing.

Wu Wanqing lowered her head from entering the hall. At this time, her face was full of resentment, and the blazing firelight jumped in her eyes, which stunned Shen Sirong.

"You hurt my child, but asked me what I'm doing here?" Wu Wanqing's breath was unstable and her words were so crazy that she even saved the title of a humble concubine.

"I hurt your child?" Shen Sirong was surprised.

Xiao Yuanqi has never made a sound. Seeing Shen Sirong's unexpected appearance, his heart is a little harder. He did not stop Wu Wanqing from opening his mouth. Wu Wanqing did not respond when he took the embroidery out of the Fengyin Pavilion, but if you think about it carefully, you can know that there must be something different, and he can take a detour from the Chongwen Hall back from Qiujuyuan. Presumably, even if Wu Wanqing can't figure it out, Liu Ran will understand.

He could suppress these things without hesitation, but after he knew Shen Sirong's move, he made up his mind to tear her apart. Whether he is cruel or vicious, he will not allow himself to be soft towards her. Therefore, tonight is imperative.

"Do you know this?" Xiao Yuanqi took out the embroidery and threw it on the table. His eyes did not leave Shen Sirong at all. Today, he must see this woman clearly.

Shen Sirong picked it up and nodded with just a glance, "This is what I embroidered and I naturally recognize."

"Are you sure it's your embroidery?" Xiao Yuanqi asked again.


"No fake other people's hands?"


As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yuanqi took a picture of the case, which shocked Wu Wanqing's tears and clear eyes, and Liu Ran lowered her head. Liu Ran knew that Xiao Yuanqi went to Fengyin Pavilion at night and ran after him. Only then did he know that Xiao Yuanqi had taken away what Shen Sirong sent. She deliberately analyzed the matter to Wu Wanqing and contacted Wu Wanqing about the delivery. Wu Wanqing realized and hurried to her.

"Okay, then I'm not wronged you."

Seeing that something seemed to be faint after this inquiry, she asked, "Is it wrong? Your Highness, just say it clearly.

"This thing contains musk. What else do you think is there to say?"

Xiao Yuanqi's words were like a Thunderbolt, which made Shen Sirong unable to resist.

She picked up the embroidery and looked at it. She didn't know anything about musk. How could she take this to harm people? When Wu heard the words, Dadong stood up tremblingly and pointed to Shen Sirong, with obvious hatred.

"This thing was sent to me by Liu."

Shen Sirong quickly regained her look, and her usual calmness formed a strong conflict with Xiao Yuanqi's fierceness.

Xiao Yuanqi looked at Liu Ran. Liu Ran shook her head quickly, looking shocked. Her feet were soft and she knelt down. The timid and frightened appearance was obviously not a bold person.

"This was sent by the humble concubine, but the humble concubine has never done anything. Moreover, the affairs of the East Palace were later handed over to the crown princess. Even if the humble concubine has to do something, she does not have the ability."

said, and Liu Ran cried secretly, and his pitiful attitude made people sad.

"Well, Your Highness, don't you believe me?" Shen Sirong still looked cold. She didn't feel that she could win the trust of Xiao Yuanqi if she was as weak as Liu Ran at this time.

"Come on." Xiao Yuanqi's heart wavered with Shen Sirong's words. He shouted harshly, and Wang Guangrong, who was not far away, trotted in.

"Your Highness."

"My order, the crown princess is in poor health and recuperates in the Moon Hall. No one is allowed to visit without my permission." After Xiao Yuanqi finished speaking, Shen Sirong was passed away with a sneer.

"Your Highness, you let her go like this, and her heart will not die in the future." Naturally, Wu Wanqing won't think about just banning this matter.

For a moment of meditation, Xiao Yuanqi's image of his mother's bleeding and giving birth to a son appeared in his mind. His hatred soared and immediately summoned two close attendants: "The crown princess is so jealous and behaves wrong, and she blames ten times. Secret execution is not allowed. The crown princess can't be beaten at will, but Xiao Yuanqi has no choice but to do this method. This matter is what he did, but he won't leave a trace. Since Dr. Ning has done this matter, she can only be the guilty person. I also wanted to avenge her kind disguise, and even more to annoy her crevolity.


Shen Sirong never thought that Xiao Yuanqi was so cruel that he not only didn't believe her, but also beat her in front of everyone. Shen Sirong followed the guard out of the side hall without looking at Xiao Yuanqi.

Wu Wanqing and Liu Ran looked at each other, and they both took a breath in their hearts and looked happy.

Xiao Yuanqi frowned and said, "There is no reason for outsiders to know about this matter. Otherwise, I will never forgive. And..."

Xiao Yuanqi approached Wu Wanqing with his eyes shining fiercely: "After being verified by the imperial doctor, your loss of child is caused by emotional fluctuations and unstable fetal phenomena, which has nothing to do with this embroidery. The musk content of this embroidery product can't harm your fetus. I have punished the princess today, but this is just a act that I can't tolerate harming people in this harem. You should also remember carefully."

His warning is obviously to protect the face of the East Palace. In fact, it is also telling them that no matter how Shen Sirong is punished today, they can no longer mention it after today.

"Yes." Liu Ran was eager to leave and should be straightforward.

"...yes." Although Wu Wanqing was unwilling, the prince's words clearly blamed her for protecting the emperor's heirs, and she did not dare to pester her any more.