Palace Prisoner

Chapter 4 Return to Anguo Temple

The carriage stopped in an open place at the foot of the mountain. Shen Sirong lifted the curtain and looked at the advancing stone steps in the distance. He unconsciously remembered the situation when she entered the palace with Chunliu and the wet nurse last year. Now Chunliu is still in Shen's house, and the wet nurse has become the mother in the palace, and there is only one freehand writing around her.

"Have you ever been here?"

Looking at the freehand look around, it is the same as the Cai Chunliu in those years, but I seem to have long lost my mood.

"Mother, oh, miss, I passed by this place when my maidservant and mother came to Xijing to find my father." The freehand retracted his eyes and lowered his eyes.

Shen Sirong waited for the cold night party to settle down and walk to the mountain with another bodyguard and four people. She walked a little slowly, as if she were slowing down and waiting for something.

I was busy looking around and didn't panic. Instead, I reminded her several times in the cold night: "Madam, it's better to go early and come back early."

As if she hadn't heard, Shen Sirong still walked up slowly, counting the time. If it was as she expected, he would have arranged it soon.

Shen Sirong remembered at this time, but in case she expected, what should he do in the future? His thoughts flew in confusion, but he suddenly took a step under his feet. She staggered under her feet, and her legs had nowhere to put, so she could only fall back.

"Be careful."

The cold night held her a few steps away. A warm palm touched her back, and a stretch poured in from behind her. Shen Sirong only felt that her body was suddenly much lighter. He wrote an opinion and helped her aside, and the corners of her skirts swayed and fell in the wind. The voices of the tourists around were endless, as if no one could see the panic just now.

There was still a lot of warm breath behind him. Shen Sirong silently turned his back without even a word of thanks. It seems that Xiao Yuanqi must have ordered the cold night.

When he went to Anguo Temple, it was still early. Shen Sirong visited the Buddha statues one by one, and then went to present the oil money for the Changming lamp.

When Shen Sirong estimated it, he said to the little Shami beside him, "I'm going to rest in the wing room. Please pass Suzhai to the room."

After the little Shami retreated, Shen Sirong and his entourage went to the wing room in the backyard. At the door, Shen Sirong let the cold night and the other bodyguard stay here to prevent them from entering the wing room.

walked in, and there was a voice behind him that could not be ignored.

"Madam, your safety..." Hanye didn't want to go against Shen Sirong's will, and his words came to an end. But he can't ignore her safety. The last assassination made him still blame himself.

"There is only one entrance and exit in the wing. What are you worried about? I'm just going in and have a rest, and it's inconvenient for you to follow. As for safety, no one knows that I will come out today, and with so many people coming and going in Anguo Temple, you will only be more suspicious.

After Shen Sirong's words, he had nothing to refute in the cold night, so he had to stay outside the wing room at his orders. Seeing Shen Sirong enter the wing room, he jumped in the cold night, and his feet fell on a lush green pine in the air.

"You stay under it, and I watch it." The cold night said to the bodyguard under the tree.


When Shen Sirong was walking on the stone steps leading to Anguo Temple, Xiao Yuanqi had just closed his last apricot chapter. He closed his eyes tiredly and leaned against the dragon chair. For a long time, he opened his eyes and his hoarse voice echoed in the hall: "How long has the crown princess left?"

Wang Guangrong, who was originally dozing off, was shocked and looked at the dragon chair to see that Xiao Yuanqi was not angry. Then he held back sleepy and looked at the sky: "Your Majesty..."

"Hmm?" Xiao Yuanqi frowned unhappily.

Wang Guangrong's drowsiness suddenly disappeared, and he immediately changed his words: "Your Highness, it seems that you have arrived at Anguo Mountain." Xiao Yuanqi was the new emperor, and he could also be called the emperor before he ascended the throne, but Xiao Yuanqi changed this rule. He was still called His Royal Highness before the ceremony. The courtiers all said: His Royal Highness is very virtuous and filial.

Xiao Yuanqi gave a "um" sound, piled up the chapters on the table and told Wang Guangrong to distribute them.

As soon as Wang Guangrong came out of the Chongwen Hall, Xiao Yuanqi put on his casual clothes and called several dark guards to sneak out of the palace. The target was An Guoshan.


After lunch, Shen Sirong asked someone to go to the next room to take a nap, and he sat upright at the table and waited quietly.

With the effort of going out, the window of Shen Sirong's wing was pushed open. A figure jumped and landed firmly in front of her.

The person who came is none other than Xiao Yuanfeng, the king of glass.

Shen Sirong's heart calmed down, and then there was a shocked look on his face. His green jade fingers stretched out, and his feet kept retreating. His expression was extremely panicked: " why are here?"

Xiao Yuanfeng was afraid that Shen Sirong would shout, so he hurriedly pushed back. Seeing Shen Sirong's panic gradually calm down, he said, "Don't panic, I've been waiting for you here."

"Wait for me?" Shen Sirong's puzzled look was full, and he suppressed all the panic without saying a sound.

After Xiao Yuanfeng closed the window, he sat down at the table and motioned Shen Sirong to sit down. Shen Sirong hesitated again and again to choose a stool slightly away from Xiao Yuanfeng.

"I heard that you are coming here, so I waited for you first." Xiao Yuanfeng's bronze face was a little shy.

"I don't know what it means for the prince to wait for me? Don't you know the defense of men and women?" Shen Sirong's eyebrows closed tightly, and her face gradually showed dissatisfaction.

"Didn't you remember the present time last year when you came here?"

"'People don't know where to go, peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze', do you still remember the scene we met again?"

Shen Sirong was silent and opened his eyes. The beautiful and smooth side face fell into Xiao Yuanfeng's eyes, breaking the ripples in the heart lake. Xiao Yuanfeng saw that Shen Sirong was silent, and his words became more and more shocking.

"I know you're not doing well. As long as you say a word, I won't die for you." Xiao Yuanfeng looked at the faintly exposed thin white neck and remembered what Concubine had said about the bruises on the white one, and there were bursts of pain in his heart.

Shen Sirong's face was still pale. She raised her eyes, and the pity in Xiao Yuanfeng's eyes made her feel guilty.

I'm sorry. Shen Sirong meditated in the bottom of his heart.

"I'm not living a bad life..." She said coldly, and the indifference can ingest people's hearts. But in Xiao Yuanfeng's view, it is a kind of avoidance.

"Is that right? How are you doing? So what are those bruises on your neck? Why are you banned? No, it should be said to be a responsibility. And..."

"What else?" Xiao Yuanfeng's uncontrollable anger became more and more chaotic, and Shen Sirong was also puzzled and unhappy when he listened to those words. The gap between her and Xiao Yuanqi was caused by what Xiao Yuanfeng said. However, Shen Sirong is very clear about the purpose of today's journey, and she also knows that no matter what she thinks at this moment, she can't be confused...

"I said, I'm doing well. What you said is just some contradictions between me and Yuan Qi. May I ask whose husband and wife don't have any disputes. The bruise was just caused by the rudeness of the bridal chamber, and it was my fault to blame. I was jealous, so I put the medicine that I couldn't get in the food of my concubine. At this time, it was not public that it was Yuan Qi's heart to protect me. If not, do you think I can still deal with it safely?

Xiao Yuanfeng's words pressed forward step by step, and he had to retreat steadily. Xiao Yuanfeng's eyes were full of pain, and her mind was full of calmness. Every word she said showed the feelings between her and Xiao Yuanqi. Every word of her could not hide her love for Xiao Yuanqi. She had no room to refute every sentence she had just said.

"Have you fallen in love with him?" The spirit before Xiao Yuanfeng came was completely scattered.

Shen Sirong smiled, his red lips opened gently, and his teeth seemed to jump with pleasure: "Yes, I only want to get this person's heart in my heart, white head and not separated from each other."

"Wish. One heart. White head. Don't be separated." Xiao Yuanfeng slowly spit out the sentence that stung him.

Wish to win a person's heart and never leave each other.

If this is about him, he is willing to exchange his life for the life of the afterlife.

Xiao Yuanfeng suddenly remembered what Shufei said: If you are the prince, Shen Sirong is yours. Now it seems that her heart still has her own, and it's just to add to her sadness. Most of the people who had been competing for the throne because of anger suddenly disappeared.

"If I let him no longer be the prince, will you still remain unchanged?" Xiao Yuanfeng's royal family's momentum rose, mixed with anger and unwillingness. His determined eyes and calm momentum made people feel uneasy, as if Xiao Yuanqi would die without a burial place as soon as his words fell.

"No matter who he is or where he is, his heart remains unchanged."

Xiao Yuanfeng suddenly laughed. Her words made him feel relieved. He didn't want to stand in the battle for the throne, but he forced himself to stand in that position for the sake of his obsession. Now that he has broken this obsession, he doesn't have to do what he doesn't want to do.

"Okay, with your words, I will definitely not make you sad." His words are a promise, or a guarantee. But Xiao Yuanfeng's cheerful words made Shen Sirong ashamed. Her dedicated design was just to know that he had her in his heart.

"Thank you." This thank you is hard to tell.

"Actually, since we met here, I have regarded you as a confidant."

Shen Sirong's soft voice soothed Xiao Yuanfeng's lowness, and he had a complicated wry smile: "That day here, I thought that Long Feng and Ming were said for us, but now it seems that that person is him."

Without saying a word, Shen Sirong had to taste the apology in her heart alone. Such bitter words and smile made her heart heavy, and she was doomed to fail.