Palace Prisoner

Chapter 7 Fog Return to the Ring Meter

After this day, the prince and the princess fell in love with him and went to Anguo Temple to pray for the emperor. The crown princess deeply felt the pain of the prince and was too sad. When she returned to the palace, she had fainted. Both of them just laughed at the rumor.

Shen Sirong knows that since then, she has had one more thing to settle down in the palace. But when will Xiao Yuanqi's favor be obtained? And in this place where people don't spit, she must stand firmly.

When everything was calm, when the Wang family gradually lost its motion, in a quiet night, a border emergency came. The heavily painted military newspaper has dazzled everyone's eyes all the way. Whether it is the soldiers guarding the city, the people in the city, the officials who have heard the news, or even thousands of people in the palace.

The military newspaper came from the northwest. Xiao Yuanqi read the military newspaper again and again, twisting his beautiful eyebrows. That night, Shen Sirong had already fallen asleep in the Lanyue Hall. She panicked and reported that she had just heard the news. Before she could delay, she put on her coat and rolled up her hair and hurried to Chongwen Hall.

The Chongwen Hall was brightly lit. When Shen Sirong took the door, the person who reported the news was taken down. Shen Sirong put his coat to cover his face. The man's face was tired and saw her kneeling on one knee, which made people know that she was a person who was always in the military.

"Is there anyone else in the hall?" Shen Sirong stopped the father-in-law who sent the man out of the palace and asked.

"Mother, there are still a few adults in the house."

Shen Sirong's shallow nodow and waited in the side hall by himself. The sound of the compartment came intermittently through the wall. Unexpectedly, it was the sound of falling objects. It can be seen that Xiao Yuanqi was furious today.

After waiting for more than an hour, the sky was faintly bright, and the ministers in the next hall came out one after another. Shen Sirong sent someone to bring a pot of tea in his hand and stepped in.

The man in black embroidered python pattern in front of him was pale and tired. After Shen Sirong entered the house, Xiao Yuanqi just moved his shoulder blades but did not look up.

Shen Sirong knew that his heart was not smooth at this moment and did not ask questions. Put the tea on the short table and walk slowly to the imperial court. She bent down to pick up the messy medals on the ground and put them in the upper right corner of the imperial case. Xiao Yuanqi suddenly looked up and fell down the chapter that Shen Sirong had sorted out. The chapter passed by Shen Sirong's feet, and the skirt was shocked and swayed constantly.

"Get out..." With a roar, Xiao Yuanqi stared at the people in the hall angrily. The palace people all shrank out in horror, and even the door of the hall had no time to close.

The footsteps outside the door are fading away.

"Northwest, is it messy?"

Shen Sirong asked softly. She knew that women in the harem should not participate in politics, but she always wanted to do her best.

"Yes. The twelve princes of Western Kun Kingdom pressed on our Changli border with heavy troops.

"Twelfth Prince?"

"It's Ruolan's father. She is Princess Lan Ruo of Western Queensland."

Xiao Yuanqi had not told her these details before. At this time, he told Shen Sirong that he trusted her now.

"Is her father here for her? But..."

Shen Sirong's heart was like thunder, and a sudden sound buzzed in his mind. Ruolan was the princess or the princess of Western Queensland. But hasn't she died in the dark prison of the palace? It was her fault to disguise herself and sneak into Changli. But it is also true that she died in Changli. Think about it from another standpoint, whether Princess Lan Ruo is favored in Xikun or not, Xikun must take this opportunity to be unfavorable to Changli.

Xiao Yuanqi calmly took Shen Sirong's hand. The two cold hands were next to each other, and gradually there was warmth. The warmth surged between the two. The atmosphere in the hall has also warmed up a lot.

"Her father naturally wants to avenge Princess Lan Ruo, but I'm not worried that he is coming for me. If I make no mistakes, he can help me ascend the throne smoothly. I'm ready for the last move as a last resort. Isn't there still you?" What Xiao Yuanqi said after some comfort made Shen Sirong puzzled.

Arrangement? What has been arranged? This is what Shen Sirong doesn't know, and what she doesn't understand is what a last resort. What does this have to do with her?

"Do you remember that day you stayed up all night to get the sachet embroidered for me?" The cold air in Xiao Yuanqi's eyes suddenly disappeared, and his fingers gently rubbed the circle in Shen Sirong's palm.

Shen Sirong thought that Xiao Yuanqi asked her to help him that day, that is, to make the sachet embroidered with purple and black clouds on it. According to Xiao Yuanqi's description, she also embroidered a large Fu character pattern on the square of the sachet after completion. What is cleverly, the word "Fu" looks at the light, and there will appear a faint in the center. The word "Ruo".

"I remember, you said that sachet could help you." Shen Sirong looked back.

Xiao Yuanqi nodded. He released Shen Sirong's hand and took out the sachet from the cuff: "This is the evidence of the collusion between Princess Lan Ruo and Shufei. This is my sharp weapon to guide the 12th Prince of Xikun. He put his lips to Shen Sirong's ear and said in a low voice.

"But do you know that if you take advantage of Prince Xikun, then Shufei will naturally go online first?"

Xiao Yuanqi hummed and appeared from his breath, as if mocking: "Unfortunately, they have never known her true identity. Up to now, they only think that Ruolan is the orphan girl who was brought back."

His mind connected everything into a line, and Shen Sirong roughly figured out that Xiao Yuanqi's anger just was just a disguise. He knew all this for a long time and deployed it clearly, just waiting for it to happen.

Then the twelve princes of Xikun made this move to avenge Princess Lan Ruo, but Xiao Yuanqi had already made arrangements to push such a fire to Shufei, so that the Wang family did not have the ability to stop Xiao Yuanqi from ascending to the throne. But...

"Who can hand over this sachet as evidence to Prince Xikun? Who can make him believe what you said? Shen Sirong took over the sachet and looked at it carefully. This was embroidered by himself, which must be different from that embroidered by Princess Lan Ruo. How could this be used to deceive Prince Xikun?

Shen Sirong's eyes are restrained, and they are full of worries.

"Everything is under my control." Xiao Yuanqi let Shen Sirong sit on his lap, his forehead was close to her back, and his short words were full of the pride of the king.

"This is too dangerous! The prince of Xikun wants to mess up our Changli border, which also has a great impact on your accession to the throne. What's more afraid is that if war is caused, it will not pay off the benefits of the people.

Shen Sirong always felt that this step was too dangerous. Ruolan's father could also lead the wolf into the house and damage the rivers and mountains of Changli.

Xiao Yuanqi raised his head, played with Shen Sirong's hair, and smiled in a low voice: "I have already arranged it."

Hearing that lonely word, Shen Sirong's heart fell down. This lonely man is his true character. He is as tender as water, but only occasionally. But for those bits and pieces, she is still willing to accompany him in this deep palace.

"What? Are you worried?" Xiao Yuanqi saw that Shen Sirong was suddenly silent and stretched out his hand to scratch her cheek with concern.

"As long as you have a good number, you will be safe." Shen Sirong's cheeks trembled thinly, and she smiled.

Xiao Yuanqi said "um" gently, and his eyes were fixed on the corners of Shen Sirong's lips. He lowered his head and suddenly stopped. His eyes became thicker and thicker. He lifted Shen Sirong from his legs, raised his index finger and gently nodded on Shen Sirong's lips. The voice in his mouth aggravated, indifferent and tired: "Go back. I still have something to go to the court to discuss with the ministers."

After being slightly surprised, Shen Sirong got up and worshipped without a different face, turned around and withdrew from the Chongwen Hall.

There were two eye-eyed internal supervisors standing outside the hall. When they saw Shen Sirong coming out, they both took a step back.

"What are you doing here? Didn't your Highness order you to retreat? Shen Sirong didn't know why Xiao Yuanqi's reaction was so strange when he saw the two standing outside the hall.

One of them replied, "I don't know anything. It's now the fifth update. It's time for Your Highness to go to court."

"Oh?" Looking at the sky, it was indeed the time of the upper court, but because of the dark clouds covering the sky, it seemed that it was still early. She raised her hand to let the two of them in, but there was a heavy piece in her heart.

The court on this day is like a sky with dark clouds rolling, only the thunder falling from the sky.

A faction of the main battle in the court, one faction of the main battle. The main battle was the ministers led by Wang Chu. They thought that Xikun came to provoke on the occasion of the mourning of Changli. We must show the national prestige of Changli to the West Kun. The main group was led by Zuo Cheng and Chen Xun. They reported that it was during the national mourning period, and the new emperor was about to ascend the throne. At this time, it was really unfavorable to open the station.

"Qin Zheng, tell me about it." Xiao Yuanqi listened to the words of the ministers of the two factions and nodded Qin Zheng, the secret envoy who stood aside and never spoke.

Qin Zheng and Xiao Yuanqi looked at each other and bowed their hands respectfully, "I have a word. I hope Your Highness will consider it carefully. I think that whether it's war or peace, I have to figure out first. What's wrong with this Xikun?

With that, Qin Zheng looked at the courtiers and saw that no one interrupted before continuing: "The twelve princes of Xikun is a general with heavy troops in Xikun, but according to military reports, he did not want to attack Changli with all his strength. The reason for this pressure is worth pondering."

"Yes, what Qin Aiqing said was also what I was thinking about. It was unwise for me to jump to conclusions thinking that the situation was unclear. Qin Zheng obeyed his order. You took someone to the border and took a lonely handwriting to talk to the twelve prince of Xikun. You wanted to see what was the purpose of his action in Xikun.

Xiao Yuanqi and Qin Zheng seemed to be singing a drama, which was not allowed to be questioned by the rest of the ministers and settled the matter. Wang Chu took the lead in kneeling down and shouted Yingming. Xiao Yuanqi looked at his head and raised his gloom.