Palace Prisoner

Chapter 26 Paving the way for the future

The banquet dispersed, and Shen Sirong really went to the direction of the Cold Hall, and Han Mei followed on one side. Shen Sirong was removed from the guard of honor, leaving only a cold night and a few internal supervisors behind.

The cold palace is located in the northernmost part of the palace, which is a palace near the cold palace, often inhabited by disfavored concubines. It is not far from the cold palace where Princess Shu lives. When Shen Sirong passed by the cold palace, there was a gentle and rhythmic sound of knocking wooden fish in the wind.

As he walked, the surroundings became more and more quiet. The sound of the wind came out of the leaves, rolled up pieces of clothes, and the fallen leaves on the ground rolled through their feet.

"Mother, let's go back. The cold palace is really not an auspicious place. Hanmei persuaded with a chill. It could be seen that Shen Sirong did not respond, so he rolled up his sleeves and followed him forward tremblingly.

When I arrived at the cold hall, the front door was unusually cold, and the red paint under the door fell a little. Hanmei blocked Shen Sirong and opened the door, and the fine dusty smell in the air came. There is a shallow candlelight in a room in the distance.

"Who is it?"

When Shen Sirong approached, a sharp voice sounded.

"Bold, can't you be polite when you see the noble concubine? How dare you be so presumptuous." Hanmei turned sideways and scolded angrily.

"Ah... I don't know that I am the noble concubine, and I hope the queen will forgive me." A frightened woman in palace clothes leaned to the ground. The voice was so sharp that Shen Sirong unconsciously looked at her a few more times.

"Who are you? Look up and talk back." The maid looked up timidly, and her face was still very tender, and her facial features were not distinctive. Except for a pair of eyes, she looked around smartly, and the end of her eyes rose gently.

She looked at Shen Sirong and lowered again and replied, "The maidservant is the maid of honor next to Yingmei, named Hongying."

"Can the beauty be in it?"

The maid was a little hesitant and refused to answer. Shen Sirong bypassed her and pushed straight open the door. The person inside exclaimed, and what reflected Shen Sirong's eyes was a rather beautiful face, but there was a frightened look on his face that was too late to take back.

"All of them retreat."

Shen Sirong saw something in Wan Ying's hand, and she immediately ordered someone to retreat. It seems that only the red candle has temperature in the empty room.

"I want to see the noble concubine." Wan Ying stayed in place, and her hands were not clenched when she was blessed. Such a rude thing is to punish. She clearly regards what she has hidden is more important than herself.

"Don't be polite, sit down."

Shen Sirong turned his back and walked to the round table, but Yu Guang saw Wan Ying hide a touch of white behind the dressing mirror behind him.

"If you are not in good health, why don't you invite a doctor to come here for a visit?" Shen Sirong asked directly.


"I want to listen to the truth." Shen Sirong can figure out that other concubines ignore it because they don't want to have one more opponent, but doesn't she have a little desire?

Wan Ying's body was shocked, and the candlelight falling from her body seemed to swing: "Mother, concubine..."

"You don't want to sleep, do you? That's why Concubine Wang doesn't support you, and you will retreat to the cold palace to protect yourself. Isn't it?" Shen Sirong didn't care about it.

Looking at the appearance in this cold hall, she knows that Wan Ying is very unfree. She wants to think that the maid of honor named Hongying around her is not her close to her.

"Mother..." Wan Ying's pupils were swollen, and her cheeks fluctuated with fear, and even her lips were trembling.

"Don't worry, since I have said it, I won't hurt you. Since you don't want to, there is no conflict with you. Don't worry.

Shen Sirong had vaguely seen at the banquet just now that most of the concubines had moved closer to Wang Shu except for Wu Wanqing and Wan Ying, who had not been present.

"If you don't want to say it, I won't force it, but remember to guard against your side. As for the daily use, I will continue to tell you that I won't be wronged.

Wan Ying has been silent, and Shen Sirong did not force it. He smiled and comforted him. After saying that, Shen Sirong turned around and stepped out with his head held high until Shen Sirong left, and Wan Ying did not speak again.

Before I got to Yongqing Palace, I saw Mother Shen paced and looking around in the distance. Seeing Shen Sirong approaching, Mother Shen quickly walked forward a few steps: "Mother, you are back. The emperor has been waiting in it for a long time."

Shen Sirong was not in a hurry and walked slowly into the Yongqing Palace. Wang Guangrong waited in front of the palace gate and led her straight to the bedroom.

"There is a father-in-law." She leaned slightly to Wang Guangrong. Wang Guangrong retreated and bowed his hand and said, "I'm afraid. Please go in quickly. The emperor is not in a good mood today. I hope you can let these."

"Thank you for your suggestion."

Wang Guangrong opened the door, Shen Sirong lowered his eyes and went in. At first sight, he couldn't see Xiao Yuanqi. A palm with body temperature was covered in front of his eyes.

"Don't move. I haven't looked at you for a long time." Xiao Yuanqi's magnetic voice is a little lonely, but will he really feel lost?

Shen Sirong smiled to the tip of his nose and lips, but turned into a little sourness. All the rookies in the palace have gone to bed. Will he still want to see her?

couldn't help feeling surging in his heart, and Shen Sirong stiffened his body: "Aren't you afraid that the emperor's actions at the banquet today will make Wang lose face?"

"I won't let you be wronged." Xiao Yuanqi loosened the hand covering her eyes and said softly. The shallow sigh at the tip of his nose fell on Shen Sirong's heart.

Shen Sirong said, "Wasn't the emperor's so-called some days in vain?"

"I'm free to claim this matter." Before Xiao Yuanqi finished speaking, he began to untie Shen Sirong's hairpin. The hairpin was slid out by Xiao Yuanqi and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Shen Sirong fell on Xiao Yuanqi's chest, and Xiao Yuanqi's breath spit on her neck. The familiar body temperature and taste made Shen Sirong relax.

"Your Majesty, I was injured this time, and my concubine prepared a dowry for her so that she doesn't have to go to the palace again." Shen Sirong waited for Xiao Yuanqi's reply. If this matter is not known by Xiao Yuanqi, it will be the handle of others in the future.

Xiao Yuanqi twisted a pinch of hair and put it in his mouth: "Well, let Wang Guangrong find a down-to-earth place by your side tomorrow."

Shen Sirong was relieved and had been pushed down by the bed. Xiao Yuanqi sealed her eyes with a kiss, and the light of her eyes was deeply integrated into the endless lingering.

"I've been thinking about you these days..." Xiao Yuanqi was a little more excited than usual. His hands fell between Shen Sirong's shoulders, chest, waist and buttocks with a thin feeling of drunkenness. Shen Sirong narrowed his eyes slightly, and his bright black eyelashes beat with Xiao Yuanqi's movements.

seemed to have endured for too long. Xiao Yuanqi did not suppress himself too much. He tried his best to dye the white mountains in front of Shen Sirong's chest a little pink, while the towering ** bloomed with magnificent colors on his chest.

After not having such a feeling for a long time, Shen Sirong suddenly felt uncomfortable. She carefully moved her smooth legs, but inadvertently touched the hard object somewhere. Xiao Yuanqi stopped moving and looked at Shen Sirong for a moment. There was a burning fire in his eyes, as if he wanted to melt Shen Sirong.

"I..." Shen Sirong blushed and suddenly opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. Xiao Yuanqi propped up his upper body and let the long dragon in his lower abdomen slowly rub against Shen Sirong's waist and abdomen.

The wet and greasy cold made Shen Sirong couldn't help burning her body. She sat up uncompressed and bumped into Xiao Yuanqi's forehead, and a painful moan added a little more charm.

Xiao Yuanqi hugged Shen Sirong and lifted her up slightly so that she could enter smoothly. Unspeakable satisfaction emanates from every part of their bodies.

It seems that at this moment, there are no kings and noble concubines, no power and reality, no harem concubines and court, but only them.

In the morning, when Xiao Yuanqi got up, Shen Sirong's hair was entangled with him, stopping the maid who wanted to cut Shen Sirong's hair. Xiao Yuanqi lay down again and patiently untie the entangled hair. Wang Guangrong, who was waiting outside the door, urged him several times, and the time in the morning was about to be wrong. Xiao Yuanqi ordered the maid to bring scissors and cut off her hairtail.

When he cut his hair, he carried his back and avoided the people behind him. If someone says that he has maimed his hair, I'm afraid he will be accused of giving her a lot of crimes... Xiao Yuanqi smiled gently, and even he couldn't explain why he was reluctant to break a strand of her hair.

When Xiao Yuanqi removed the bedroom, Shen Sirong opened her eyes. She carefully picked up the knotted hair, picked up the scissors on the side, and cut off her own wisp.

Two strands of hair, one strand of black and bright, hard hair, just like him. A wisp of soft and fragrant, thinly wrapped around the other ray.

After Shen Sirong quietly put this hair in the hollow of the jade pillow, he smiled. The first sun outside the window fell on her face through the fine gauze curtain. Shen Sirong only felt that today's sunshine was beautiful.

"Mother, a doctor outside the door came to report that the child you sent yesterday had woken up."

In the smoke, Mother Shen reported through the screen.

Shen Sirong stood up when he heard the words. Han Mei immediately picked up a cloth towel to dry Shen Sirong's body and put on his clothes. Shen Sirong withdrew the screen and walked to Mother Shen.

"You all step back and comb your hair for me."

Sitting in front of the carved bronze mirror, Shen Sirong looked deep into the distance: "Nanny, I remember that you combed my hair for me on the day of my wedding."

"Yes... It's been a year in a blink of an eye." Mother Shen said thoughtfully.

"Thank you for your hard work, wet nurse."

M Mother Shen's hand shook and pulled Shen Sirong's hair, and her eyes were full of crystal. Shen Sirong has been like this since he was a child. He didn't say anything after suffering, but he always thought about her and has always been so distressing.

"The maidservant doesn't work hard..."

Shen Sirong smiled hoarsely and secretly thought in his heart that he would send the wet nurse out of the palace at the right time. This is also a place of right and wrong.