Palace Prisoner

Chapter 28 The King's Trust Alliance

Shen Sirong left Shangyang Palace without waiting for Mother Shen's objection. Along the way, Mother Shen held her breath. She looked down at Shen Sirong's step, which seemed to be windy, and she took another step before she could make a mark on the ground.

It took about a column of incense from Shangyang Palace to Mohua Palace, but Shen Sirong arrived in time for the morning meal. Mother Shen didn't know what had happened, which made Shen Sirong so anxious.

Shen Sirong walked to the door of the palace but was stopped. A maid of honor stopped her and said, "Your Majesty, please stay. The emperor is eating and asks you to wait outside the palace."

"Bold, can you stop the noble concubine?" An internal supervisor stood up and said.

Shen Sirong took a look at the internal supervisor, who was sent by Xiao Yuanqi yesterday, and it seems to be quite clever today.

"I hope the noble concubine will forgive me. This is what the queen ordered." The maid saw Shen Sirong's cold face, and the internal prison around her also had a bad attitude.

"Mother? Wang Concubine? Hurry in and spread it. I have something important to discuss with the emperor. Shen Sirong was anxious and was very unhappy in his words.

The maid was hesitant, which made Shen Simong more angry. She is a calm and self-contained person, but today's matter is urgent. The young child's words are not only aimed at Yizhou, but also at the Wang family.

Maybe this is the long-awaited opportunity for Xiao Yuanqi.

A gust of wind behind him, Shen Sirong was shocked and shook his head. The maid beside her was puzzled. Only Mother Shen knew that the shaking of her head was towards the cold night. I'm afraid that on a cold night, Shen Sirong was wronged and wanted to break into the palace.

"I will ask you again, will you let me or not?" Shen Sirong put away the softness on his face and showed a cold face. The coldness was not only on her face, but also pierced into the heart of the maid of honor through her black eyes.

The maid of honor was shocked. She knelt on the ground in a hurry. Shen Sirong snorted coldly and walked across the palace. The maid of honor crawled on the ground with a faint fluctuation on her back.

Entering the Mohua Palace, Wang Guangrong waited outside Wang Shu's bedroom, with a low voice like when the silver bell was pressed.

"I have seen the noble concubine. Mother, what are you? Wang Guangrong looked at Shen Sirong without a smile and asked tremblingly.

"Eunuch Wang went in and spread the word, and I was looking for the emperor and the big event."

Wang Guangrong turned to his bedroom and walked at ease, and the steps under his feet were getting slower and slower.


In Wang Shu's bedroom, Xiao Yuanqi was holding a glazed cup in one hand and jade chopsticks in the other. In front of him was a dark red transparent thing. Xiao Yuanqi picked up the glass cup and sent it to his mouth. As soon as he touched his lips, there was a low knock on the door in front of the door.

"Who dares to disturb the emperor's interest?" Wang Shu looked at the glass of wine that Xiao Yuanqi had never tasted before, and her blaming the person who knocked outside the door rose.

Xiao Yuanqi didn't say anything, but put down the wine glass while Wang Shu turned around and had been holding the jade chopsticks in her right hand without any soup.

"Eunpa Wang?" Wang Shu bypassed the pearl curtain and walked to the door. At first sight, it was Wang Guangrong, and Wang Shu couldn't help lowering her tone.

Wang Guangrong bent down and smiled at Wang Shu, and then waved the dust in his hand and walked in.

"Your Majesty, the noble concubine is waiting at the door, saying that there is an urgent need to see the emperor." Wang Guangrong said loudly.

After entering, Wang Guangrong first looked at the wine on the table and the wine glass in front of Xiao Yuanqi, and looked at the full glass and the dishes on the table that had never been moved. Since the emperor doesn't like the preparation of the royal concubine today, there is no need to offend the noble concubine.

Xiao Yuanqi took the opportunity to put down the jade chopsticks and stood up. Wang Shu looked at him with sadness, lowered her head from time to time, and pulled up a wry smile.

He came forward and took Wang Shu's hand. After a good coax, Wang Shu sneered.

"The emperor is busy, but the concubine finally spent a lot of time making this lunch while the emperor was free, but the noble sister could still attract something to call the emperor away." Wang Shu said half coquettishly and half annoyanly.

Xiao Yuanqi smiled and coaxed a few more words before leaving Wang Shu's bedroom. Behind his back, Wang Shu's eyes emitted a faint light.

Shen Sirong, you are already the noble concubine with the highest rank in the harem, and you don't even leave me such a chance, so don't blame me for ignoring the past.


Shen Sirong stood under the begonia tree outside the Mohua Palace, and the scent of begonias scattered the medicinal fragrance on her body a lot.

"Is the concubine looking for me? I don't know what's going on?" Xiao Yuanqi stood a few steps apart, and he asked with a smile.

Shen Sirong waved his arms out, shaking off the atmosphere on his clothes. The left and right hands closed and clasped his lower body: "My concubine participated in the emperor, and my concubine dared to sweep away the emperor's interest. It was unforgivable, but..."

"Okay, go back to Shangyang Palace." Before Shen Sirong continued to explain the reason, Xiao Yuanqi interrupted, pulled Shen Sirong to Luang and returned to Shangyang Palace with her.

The screen retreated left and right, and Xiao Yuanqi frowned and asked, "What on earth happened?"

On the way, he saw Shen Sirong's emotional tolerance. Now when he asked, Shen Sirong's face became clear. She cautiously stepped forward, approached Xiao Yuanqi's face, covered her lips with her hand, and whispered it to Xiao Yuanqi's ear to tell what happened today in detail.

Xiao Yuanqi suddenly turned his face when her voice fell, her lips were connected, and everything in her mind was covered with a layer of gauze, as if there was only a little heat between her lips in her infinite thoughts.

The gasp between his noses penetrated into his heart. Shen Sirong's breath was uneven, and he pushed back a step, with a glow-like blush on his face.

"Your Majesty, business is important." Shen Sirong succumbed a little and said to Xiao Yuanqi.

Xiao Yuanqi was indifferent, as if there was no confused kiss at all. He said thoughtfully, "If Xu Qing is right, then this matter is indeed an opportunity. Yizhou, Yizhou, right, isn't Li Jingwan the daughter of the assassin of Yizhou?

"Yes, Li Meiren is indeed the daughter of the assassin of Yizhou."

Xiao Yuanqi stepped on the steps and walked up the imperial court, picked up the imperial pen and drew it on the paper. Shen Sirong waited for him to stop writing and slowly stepped on the steps.

"Come and see, Yizhou is the hometown of the Wang family, and Li Fangcheng is also highly recommended by Wang Chu. Even when Li Jingwan entered the palace this time, Wang Chu also contributed a lot."

Shen Sirong looked at Xiao Yuanqi painting pieces of scattered fallen leaves on a piece of rice paper. Each stroke was even, and even each pattern was different.

He pointed to the leaves in different positions and said to Shen Sirong, "The little boy said he would help you bring down the Wang family?"

Xiao Yuanqi's question made Shen Sirong's heart tighten. After thinking about it, she said slowly, "Yes, but there must be a master's guidance behind the young child."

"A master?" Xiao Yuanqi raised his voice.

Shen Sirong nod, took Xiao Yuanqi's pen, dropped a few simple strokes on the rice paper, and connected those leaves with branches.

"If the emperor is relieved, it's better to hand this matter over to my concubine. The silk hand that Xu Qing gave me was blank, but my concubine thought that there must be evidence in his hand, but his existence is too easy to affect the Wang family, so it must be properly placed." Shen Sirong paused and said that she didn't want to tell Xiao Yuanqi about her immature conjecture.

Xiao Yuanqi thought for a while and answered, "Well, it's better to inspect the front line of Yizhou on the grounds of inspecting the people's autumn harvest. However, you have to try to take the child with you and don't let outsiders find out."

"Yes. My concubine obeyed the order.

No matter what the reason, Xiao Yuanqi's trust made Shen Sirong sigh.

Shen Sirong came out of Shangyang Palace and hurried back to Yongqing Palace. Many thoughts came to her mind. An hour later, Ye Su, the wife of Taishicheng Mengyuan, was summoned into the palace.

She ordered someone to take Ye Su to the Moon Hall. When Ye Su arrived, she was clearly stunned. This was the place where Ye Su knew her that time.

"The minister has seen the noble concubine." Ye Su is much more plump than the last time he entered the palace, and his waist and abdomen seem to have a faint bulge.

Shen Sirong smiled and joked, "In a blink of an eye, you are about to become a mother. Sit down and talk."

Ye Su's face turned red and smiled without saying a word.

"Do you know why I brought you here?" Shen Sirong asked.

"Forgive me for being stupid and blunt, I really don't know..." Ye Su's eyes slipped by, and she whispered.

Is that right? You don't know, okay, I ask you, why did you ask Xu Qing to come to me? Shen Sirong brought up Xu Qing's matter directly. After asking, she stared at Ye Su. Ye Su's face was stunned and surprised.

Ye Su stood up and knelt down to Shen Sirong without saying anything.

"Why do you always let me guess your thoughts? You just don't trust me. I don't know whether the sneer between Shen Sirong's words is for himself or for whom.

"The minister...the minister knows the crime." Ye Su lowered her head and didn't explain anything except for the crime.

"Knowing guilt? You are guilty. You use Xu Qing to test this palace. If this palace wants to harm him, it will be a human life. Or if the sky doesn't fulfill people's wishes, what should you do if he crashes to death in front of the carriage in this palace that day?

Shen Sirong's questioning sound was like a sharp blade stabbing Ye Su's heart, and the bright red flesh and blood rolled from his heart, arousing pain deep into the bone marrow.

"Wen, there is really no other way. Xu Qing was inadvertently rescued by his foreign son. When he was rescued, he was covered with skin and bones, and there was only one breath left. The foreign son left him in the house for a long time, and Xu Qing was relieved to tell him the truth.

"Later, the minister's father was suppressed by Wang Youcheng, and the concubine wanted to... as soon as possible..." The ups and downs in front of Ye Su's chest gradually increased, and Shen Sirong helped her up.

"You want the Wang family to decline as soon as possible, but you don't know what the palace and the emperor are going to do, so you regard Xu Qing as a pawn to remind me and the emperor that the time has come."

"Is what I said wrong?"