Palace Prisoner

Chapter 30 The fragrance of hibiscus flowers

Xiao Yuanqi did not stay in Mohua Palace tonight because of Dong Keying, and Wang Shu stayed up all night because she couldn't accompany him.

The next morning, before Shen Sirong recovered from the news that Dong Keying was pregnant, he received the news from Mohua Palace that Princess Wang was ill.

After Shen Sirong sent away a concubine who came to greet her, he asked Mother Shen to prepare a gift to the Guixiang Palace for the new beauty Dong. This time, she was very cautious. She sent a long-life lock and asked the royal doctor to check it.

Shen Sirong will not make the same mistake twice.

Then, she left to visit the "sick" Wang Shu in Mohua Palace in person. Today, walking on the road in the palace, I was no longer careful at an unusual time, but I felt different, as if everyone was in a hurry and happy. Although she knew that the travel crisis was heavy, she still couldn't help but look forward to it.

Even if she can't take off her heavy clothes, she can avoid suffocation in the palace for a moment.

Thinking of this, Shen Sirong's feet walked faster, and the internal prison behind him was unknown, so he had to speed up to keep up.

"Your concubine, concubine Wang is ill. I'm afraid it's unlucky for you after being ill." The internal supervisor beside him said.

"Nonsense, how can you be afraid of that thing?" Mother Shen scolded that the internal prison was the one sent by Xiao Yuanqi, named Chang Jing. He is a person sent by the emperor and has some face in the palace. Now he is blushing when he is drunk by Mother Shen in front of everyone.

Shen Sirong did not look at them sideways, but walked to Mohua Palace. Originally, Shen Sirong thought that Wang Shu would not see her, and he took a lot of thought about this trip, but he didn't expect that Wang Shu would be straightforward today. He actually invited her to the main hall and came after changing her clothes.

"My sister is not in good physical well, so there is no need to be polite." After Wang Shu came in, Shen Sirong stepped forward to hold her hand and let her sit on the low couch.

Wang Shu's face is indeed not very good. At present, it is covered with thick powder, but it can't hide the haggard. The corners of her eyes were slightly swollen, and there were clear signs of staying up all night.

"This body is useless, and I specially bothered my sister to come to see me." Wang Shu said with a vague choking sound in her throat.

When Shen Sirong saw that she was crying, he turned around and asked, "Has the imperial doctor ever been here?"

"The imperial doctor? The imperial doctor has to take care of the little prince now. How can you remember me when you have time? Wang Shu talked about the little prince. I don't know whether she wanted to make Shen Sirong feel sad or add a few more sadness to herself.

Seeing that Wang Shu's words today were undisguised, Shen Sirong stopped saying anything. Just as she was about to say goodbye, Wang Shu grabbed her and said, "Sister noble concubine, you are going to go south with the emperor. Why do you look unhappy?"

It is also difficult for Wang Shu to be so intimate with Shen Sirong after experiencing these things, but her words are poisonous from time to time.

Where? My sister joked. The emperor didn't say that he wanted me to accompany me, so I didn't have to say anything unhappy. Shen Sirong replied with a smile, and her eyes gradually became cold.

"Oh? Is that because of the little prince?" Wang Shu glanced in front of the door and saw that there was no outsider, presumptuously.

Shen Sirong slapped the case again: "It seems that Concubine Wang doesn't know the rules too well. Is it possible to provoke the harem?" Wang Shu saw that Shen Sirong was angry, and tears appeared in her eyes.

"No matter who it is, as long as it is my royal joy to have an heir, how can I be unhappy?"

Wang Shu picked up the silk handkerchief and wiped it on her face, wiped away a lot of lead powder, and the black and cyan under her eyes also weighed a little: "It's my sister who is rude. Don't blame me."

At the moment of stalemate, a maid outside the door said, "I want to see the noble concubine, the princess."

"What's the matter?"

Wang Shu covered her tears and asked.

"This is the hibiscus fragrance that the Empress ordered."

The maid came in with two boxes of fragrant powder, put them on the table and retreated out.

"Sister, this hibiscus fragrance is a treasure, and it is also rare in the palace. My sister found some and asked me not to dislike it, even if it was my sister's apology."

Wang Shu said sincerely, which made Shen Sirong unable to refuse, so he had to accept it.

On the way back to Yongqing Palace, Shen Sirong sent someone to invite Dr. Ning to invite him to Yongqing Palace to check the fragrance of hibiscus.

She is worried about what Wang Shu sent, but she can't give it to the maid of honor at will, nor can she throw it away, otherwise it is very easy to leave a message for others.

"Told back to the Empress, there is no problem with this fan." Dr. Ning looked at it carefully, first tried it with his hand, and then smelled it carefully under his nose. After getting the answer, he bowed respectfully and replied.

Shen Sirong is a little puzzled. Is she thinking too much? Her eyebrows trembled: "Doctor, please check this box of fragrant powder again." Shen Sirong really didn't dare to take it lightly to say that Wang Shu gave her something.

Dr. Ning's answer was still no problem. Shen Sirong felt that he was more careful and no longer studied it.

Dr. Ning left and met Wu Wanqing, whom he had not seen for a long time, in front of the gate of Yongqing Palace. Not many people in the harem know about Wu's miscarriage, but he is always in peace.

He stroked his official uniform, thinking that this was the exchange for the unconvened child, and there was a bitterness in his heart.

"Concubine Wu." Dr. Ning said respectfully.

Wu Wanqing answered and went in. Only the slightly confused doctor Ning was blown up by the corner of his clothes by the wind on the high level of Yongqing Palace.

Wu Wanqing, who was invisible to Dr. Ning, naturally had something she was worried about. She spent a lot of money to ask someone to find out. The emperor was ready to take Shen Guifei to travel, and she was not on the proposed list. This was not worth her panic. She fell out of favor and spread rumors in the harem, and it didn't surprise her not to be able to travel.

However, Dong Keying of Guixiang Palace was pregnant, and the news that Wang Shu was staying in the palace made her very uneasy.

The last time she competed with Wang Shu and was demoted, she finally got a thorn in her heart. She is not smart but not a fool. Now she is opposite Wang Shu, which is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble, but Wang Shu will certainly not let her go easily.

Shen Sirong is the only one who can protect her. She has no choice but to come to Yongqing Palace quickly.

Just sent away Dr. Ning, and before Shen Sirong rested for a moment, Wu Wanqing arrived. With a helpless sigh, Shen Sirong sat and waited for Wu Wanqing to come in.

"I've met the noble concubine." Wu Wanqing is now a beauty, and she still has to bend down when she sees Shen Sirong.

Shen Sirong ordered people to watch the tea and said, "Why do you want to come to Yongqing Palace today?"

When Wu Wanqing waited for the maid of honor to retreat, she got up and said, "Please help me."

"Help? Sister, this is too serious." Shen Sirong couldn't help laughing. Wu Wanqing's "life-saving" was too thoughtless.

"Mother. Wang stayed in the palace, so I will never get better..." Wu Wanqing looked at Shen Sirong with tears in her eyes.

Her crying did not get Shen Sirong's promise, and Shen Sirong did not dare to give her this promise easily. She and Wang Shu are in a state of opposition, with a clear and harmony, but there are hidden arrows everywhere in private. If she wants to stand against Wang Shu, she is really willing but not enough to do this bustle.

Shen Sirong is not afraid of Wang Shu, but he doesn't want the already depressed harem to add more evil spirits. She can't reach the harem, but she can be alone.

"What can I do for you?" Shen Sirong hesitated again and again, and finally asked.

Wu Wanqing stopped crying. Her lips were slightly open, her nose squirmed from time to time, and her eyebrows opened a little: "Thank you, thank you, thank you, as long as you beg the emperor for me to restore the concubine."

This request is not unattainable. As a high position in the harem, Xiao Yuanqi will still listen to what she said. Shen Sirong nodded and responded in Wu Wanqing's expected eyes.

Wu Wanqing's heart was relieved, and her eyes fell on the table. Shen Sirong looked along. What Wu Wanqing saw was the fragrance of hibiscus. Shen Sirong reached out and picked up two boxes and handed them to her. Since Dr. Ning had checked that there was no problem, it would be fine to send her.

"Mother..." Wu Wanqing withdrew her eyes and dared not reach out to answer it.

"I don't use much powder. You can take it." Shen Sirong pointed to the fragrant powder without pity.

Wu Wanqing opened it and saw that she was also a person who knew things. At first sight, it was a rare hibiscus fragrance. She was happy and thanked, "Thank you, Madam."

She never thought that Wu Wanqing, who she didn't like, would get along so well with her in this deep palace one day, and she never thought that she would help her find a foothold.

At night, Shen Sirong mentioned Wu Wanqing's matter. Xiao Yuanqi agreed and issued an order to restore Wu Wanqing's concubine and give some jewelry.

The next day, Xiao Yuanqi sent away his attendants and went to the Mohua Palace alone.

Wang Shu, who was eating the fruit, received the report and immediately put down the fruit plate in her hand. She hurriedly cleaned it up, applied cold water to her face, and entered the inner hall. She untied her coat and took off her pink and blue gold silk embroidered cloud-patterned shoes.

When Xiao Yuanqi came in, Wang Shu lay on her foot with her eyes closed, with cold sweat on her face, her cheeks red, and her lips were less bloody. The messy skirt spread out, revealing a little smooth skin.

"Why is my concubine so seriously ill? Why don't you pass on to the imperial doctor?" Xiao Yuanqi roared angrily at the servant beside him.

Wang Shu grabbed Xiao Yuanqi's sleeve and opened her eyes with difficulty: "Your Majesty, my concubine is fine." After saying that, she coughed.

Without waiting for Xiao Yuanqi to speak, Wang Shu stood up and sat up: "Your Majesty, my concubine is fine. You can rest assured to patrol the south. Dong Meiren's side, my concubine will take good care of her, cough...cough..."

"Look, take a rest and stop talking." Xiao Yuanqi pressed Wang Shu to lie down and then said, "I have a favor for you. I'm afraid that the people in the harem will be uneven, so I will give you the Dong beauty and the dragon seed in my belly in order to wait for the return of the southern patrol and give you a concubine."

"Concubine?" Wang Shu's originally hazy eyes became clear.