Palace Prisoner

Chapter 48 Magnolia Grass and Hibiscus (Today)

This is a fusion of fire and fire. A moan and soft sound that are not controlled by reason came out of the curtain and the side hall. One day and night, the palace people outside the house all lowered their heads and blushed.

Until the dawn of the next day, the people in the yarn tent woke up. The people beside him moved, and Shen Sirong's spiritual platform was a little clear, but his throat only overflowed with a deep hoarseness.

"Wake up?" Xiao Yuanqi is also hoarse with a little clearness.

The eyelashes trembled gently, like gradually unfolding butterfly wings. Shen Sirong opened his eyes and looked at the other pair of Qingming, unconsciously turning his face.

" hiss..."

With a breath, Shen Sirong's whole body was extremely sore, as if every vein was involved. The pain made her frown.

"It hurts..." Xiao Yuanqi remembered what Dr. Ning said yesterday: Either he was pregnant with an emperor or hurt himself. So he immediately turned over and got up. He covered Shen Sirong's body covered with bruises and said to the outside, "Come on, doctor Xuanning."

did not wait, and Dr. Ning had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

With Xiao Yuanqi's consent, he put on Shen Sirong's wrist through the curtain. First, he frowned, then relaxed. Finally, he smiled comfortably: "Your Majesty, the Empress has the protection of God, and it's not a big problem. It will take some time to recuperate. If it is well recorded in ancient books, the Empress will soon be happy."

Leaving from Yongqing Palace last night, he went back to read many classics, and now he is sure to have six points.

"From now on, you will go to check the pulse of the noble concubine every other day. If you show a happy pulse, come to report it immediately." Xiao Yuanqi also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Shen Sirong was fine, and his tone softened a lot.

As for the emperor's heir, it is God's will, and he does not force it.

"Have a good rest. I'll go to Guixiang Palace first."

When Dr. Ning, who was waiting beside him, heard Guixiang Palace, his body suddenly shook. Xiao Yuanqi looked at it, but did not ask, but told him to go with him.

When he arrived at Guixiang Palace, Wu Wanqing's house was still the same as yesterday. Xiao Yuanqi didn't look at her coldly and said in a low voice, "Doctor Ning, come and see which two things are."

Wu Wanqing seemed to cry all night, and now she was speechless. Her eyes were blank and she looked fixedly at Xiao Yuanqi, with complex emotions, sadness, grievances and hatred.

"Follow the instructions." Dr. Ning searched the house again. The pots of magnolia grass were really eye-catching. He pointed to the pots of things tremblingly, and Xiao Yuanqi was angry.

"Is this magnolia grass one of them?" Xiao Yuanqi's words had a little smile, which was more frightening than anger.

Dr. Ning nodded and saw Xiao Yuanqi bend down to take off a piece of magnolia leaf and asked in a low voice, "What if you make tea with this fairy grass, what is the effect?"

"Double the result with half the effort." The short four words provoked Xiao Yuanqi to smile. When his palm turned over, the palm wind smashed the pots of magnolia grass. A tile fell on the edge of Wu Wanqing's skirt, and the screams stabbed people's ears.

"Keep looking." Xiao Yuanqi threw down the leaves of magnolia grass in his hand and waited for Dr. Ning's answer. Looking around to no results, Dr. Ning knelt down and pleaded guilty: "There is another thing that should be the fragrance of hibiscus."

"Hibiscus fragrance?" Xiao Yuanqi's eyes lit, and Wu Wanqing suddenly got up, and her heart seemed to be bright. She muttered, "Your Majesty, it's Shen Sirong. Shen Sirong's fragrance of hibis concubine is Shen Sirong who harmed me."

The voice became sharper and sharper, as if it was a sharp sword, stabbing Xiao Yuanqi. Xiao Yuanqi's heart shook, and he was slightly stunned for a moment before raising the corners of his mouth.

"Wu's evil intentions were demoted to the common people and entered the cold palace."

When it comes to royal internal affairs, Dr. Ning lowered his head and turned a deaf ear, but was shocked after hearing Xiao Yuanqi's oracle. Xiao Yuanqi, who followed him out, left the Guixiang Palace, and he was called by Xiao Yuanqi at the door.

"Do you have feelings for Wu?" The words that seemed to be laughing were deep in crisis. Dr. Ning knelt down in shock and muttered in a low voice, "I have no two minds. Heaven and earth can be seen."

Xiao Yuanqi turned his back and sneered, but there were several twists and turns in his heart.

"You don't feel guilty about the petty?" Xiao Yuanqi's eyes wandered away from the distance, and the red maple in the distance was slowly falling with a wisp of breeze. In the shadow of the red maple, there is a figure from far to near.

"Your Majesty..."

Dr. Ning was thought in the center of the guess, and his eyes were stunned, and the contraction in his pupils showed the restlessness in his heart. His throat was choked: "Weichen, I really have a shame in my heart."

What a guilty conscience. Maybe this guilt is a guarantee.

"The noble concubine came here. What do you think she is here to do?" Xiao Yuanqi looked at Shen Sirong, who was getting closer and closer, and asked Dr. Ning in a low voice, but when he saw that Dr. Ning was full of eyes, he didn't know how to answer.

"If you are ashamed of Wu, you will naturally listen to what she said just now. How about it? Do you have any grudge against Shen Guifei? Xiao Yuanqi said frightening words with a smile.

Dr. Ning trembled all over his body: "Weichen dare not."

"I know that you are kind-hearted. Since you are ashamed of the Wu family, you can take good care of Shen Guifei. You should know that no one in this harem can protect Wu except her."

Looking at the closer and closer figure, Xiao Yuanqi smiled even more. Seeing the guilt of Dr. Ning, Xiao Yuanqi planned to do so. Since he cares so much about Wu Wanqing, it's better to put this atonement on Shen Sirong.

It's better to let him volunteer to work for himself than to kill him.

Dr. Ning listened to Xiao Yuanqi's words, but he didn't understand. It was Shen Sirong who waited for a wonderful figure to stop in front of him.

After all, he is a doctor, and Dr. Ning's face is solemn: "The noble concubine is not easy to move around at this moment..."

The weft veil covered his face, and Shen Sirong was unstable, slightly leaning against the cold plum on his side.

"There is no harm in this palace. What about Wu Wanqing? I can't rest assured in my heart. Shen Sirong answered casually and then asked Xiao Yuanqi.

At this time, Wang Guangrong came out of it and replied, "Your Majesty, Wu has taken off the ring and sent it to the cold palace. Please ask the emperor to move with the Empress to avoid polluting your eyes."

"Cold palace? Wu's?"

Shen Sirong always feels that this matter is different. Wu Wanqing's use of ** favor should naturally be punished. Is it because Wu Wanqing's heart does not change? Still competing for favor with such a small move?

But since the delivery, I have been suppressed by Wang Shu again, and there has been no favor. What I have done is just to protect myself. Is it possible?

"The noble empress, the Wu family is so bold that she used the ancient recipe of magnolia grass and hibiscus fragrance as ** to harm the emperor, and she just now said that you are harming her. What do these people who don't know what's good or evil do? An internal supervisor in the Guixiang Palace reported.