Palace Prisoner

Chapter 76 Amazing Night

The elegant room was very quiet. Shen Sirong gently sent the sleeping child with one hand and gently touched the child's cheek with the other.

The child's face faded from the blood red color of his birth, his beautiful eyebrows opened a little, and his small lips trembled unconsciously, as if he was sucking something.

"Did you go to find Li Wang when you left Shen's house?" Shen Sirong asked softly about the freehandwriting behind him.

He deliberately withdrew the eyes of the man who looked at the baby and closed his hands respectfully: "Go back to the mother, the maidservant left Shen's house and did not go to the glass king. King Li traveled around, and the maidservant could not be found.

Only then did Shen Sirong remember that King Li's trip to the northwest was just a secret order. Naturally, outsiders would not know the whereabouts of King Li. She lowered her head and kissed her sleeping chure, got up and walked out of the hall with freewill.

"So where have you been? How can I go back to the palace with King Li now?" Shen Sirong has a vague sisterhood for freehand, and she naturally cares about freehand.

replied: "I left Xijing and went to Lingzhou. Without the presence of the prince, I came back. Later, I settled my mother in a small village outside Xijing City and turned back to Yizhou. The maidservant thought that since the prince is going to patrol all over the world, he naturally has a chance to meet.

I have known Xiao Yuanfeng in my heart for a long time, but I don't know that she has always had such deep affection in her heart. Shen Sirong did not make a sound. Listening to the freehand, he continued to say slowly: "Later, the maidservant naturally returned to no success. On the way back to Xijing, she happened to hear that the Empress had gave birth to a prince, so she hurried back. Coincidentally, when entering the city, the maidservant was stopped and relieved by the prince during the search. Then he came into the palace with the prince.

In just a few words, more than half of Changli was mentioned. Shen Sirong can imagine how she walks between large and small villages. At this moment, Shen Sirong actually has a trace of admiration for her courage to take risks in order to find her best.

"Can you tell King Li what you mean?" Shen Sirong stopped and looked at the dry plum trees in the courtyard.

"I am just a maidservant. If I leave the court with the help of my mother, I am not qualified to seek the favor of the prince." The freehand throat was bitter, which made Shen Sirong feel strange in his heart.

She looked at freehand, and her freehand eyes seemed to be enveloped in tulle, and her faintness melted in her eyes. No, there is something wrong with freehand writing.

"So what are you going to do this time? Do you want to stay in the palace or think about the prince to show his feelings? Shen Sirong suppressed the emotions in his heart and asked softly.

Shake his head, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his eyes. She suddenly knelt down and said, "I begged the maidservant to be successful."

This kneeling expanded Shen Sirong's doubts to the highest point. The freehand intention was that he would not kneel down for her like this before. Shen Sirong took a step back and said as usual, "What do you want me to do for you?"

"I have two things I want to ask my mother. One is to ask my mother to express my feelings for the prince. If the prince is willing, I am willing to be a concubine." As he said, his heart seemed to be infinitely sour, and tears in his eyes gradually thicken.

"What if the King of Glass doesn't allow it?" A whisper came from Shen Sirong's ear, and the man said that this person was indeed freehand. This sound was transmitted on a cold night. Shen Sirong listened for a while and then calmed down. Han Ye must have seen her uneasiness in the dark, but since Han Ye said that there was no problem with freehand writing, there was nothing wrong.

freehand raised his head and his eyes were shining: "If the prince has no intention, I hope the Empress can continue to take in me. In my life, I will definitely serve the queen and the little prince."

"But do you know that I can't talk to Li Wang in private at all?"

said, and the freehand was silent. She looked at Shen Sirong's back, with a strong envy in her eyes.

"I will give you a few days. When the prince is full moon, you can tell me to reply that I will stay in the palace and leave, and I will give you this freedom."

After saying that, Shen Sirong turned into the hall and looked at the yellow bedding not far away, and his eyes were intertwined and complicated. She was afraid of Xiao Yuanfeng's extreme avoidance, afraid that her relationship with him would cause Xiao Yuanqi's murderous heart. She was doomed not to respond to Xiao Yuanfeng's feelings, so she did not want to harm his life.

As for freehand writing, if she asks for it herself, Xiao Yuanfeng may not refuse.

"What are you thinking about?" With Xiao Yuanqi's voice, the child in Shen Sirong's arms twisted. She raised her eyes and frowned, and gently moved in her hand.

Knowing that he had shocked the child, Xiao Yuanqi silently hooked the corners of his lips. He looked aside. When Shen Sirong coaxed the child to fall asleep again, Xiao Yuanqi came forward and held Shen Sirong in his arms.

"I've figured out the name for the child. Come here and I'll write it to you." Xiao Yuanqi has never come to Fengming Palace to stay overnight since Xiao Yuanfeng came back. Outsiders thought that he had a deep brotherhood for Xiao Yuanfeng, but they didn't know that they were worried about the northwest border defense. However, Shen Sirong did know the reason. When the prince was born, he would not be named by the emperor until the day of the full moon. Therefore, Shen Sirong has not mentioned this matter to Xiao Yuanqi recently.

"My concubine also thought of a name, but I didn't know if it was suitable for the emperor." Shen Sirong smiled and looked at the sleeping little prince, and Xiao Yuanqi went to the bedroom.

Shen Sirong let his freehand guard at the door, leaving only the two of them in the hall. Shen Sirong held the ink ingot with his own hand and melted it with the dew beside him. Xiao Yuanqi wrote a word on the rice paper on the table: ink

"The name I give our children is 'Mo'. They are the descendants, that is, Xiao Zimo. After saying that, Xiao Yuanqi handed the pen to Shen Sirong: "Which word is the beloved concubine thinking about? Write it to me."

Shen Sirong did not refuse. She wrote a beautiful word next to the word 'mo' of the dragon and phoenix dance - Mo.

"My concubine thinks that the son of the royal family must be indifferent to be impartial."

"I think that those who rule the world are the same. I can unify this world by force, but I hope that my children can unify with the hearts of the people.

Compared with what Xiao Yuanqi said, Shen Sirong's "difference" is less generous.

"It depends on the emperor's 'ink' over there." Shen Sirong restrained his salute.

"That's right, there should be news from Meng Yuan in a few days. You still need to be distracted. Recently, when King Li came back, the Wang family stared at me very closely..."

There was a chill between Xiao Yuanqi's words, and the cold breath quietly came out and spread throughout the hall.

"The emperor can rest assured that my concubine can mention that the emperor will handle this matter well." Shen Sirong did not forget the agreement between her and Ye Su.


The next day, Shen Sirong sent Mother Shen out of the palace to find Ye Su, and this trip had to figure out who sent the letter. Mother Shen was ordered to leave the palace, while Shen Sirong was waiting for the news.

Seeing the sunset and the time of the palace ban also came, Mother Shen still did not come back.

"freehand, freehand..." Shen Sirong stayed alone in the bedroom for three hours. She shouted, and it took a long time for the internal prison outside to come in and report: "Mother, she is not here. Do you have any orders?"

"Oh? Isn't she here? Then go and invite the emperor to come here for me, and say that the little prince seems to have suffered a cold. Remember, don't let others know." Shen Sirong did not dare to go to Xiao Yuanqi for fear of being caught, but she could invite the emperor to come over, at least in the name of the child.

The internal prison retreated, Shen Sirong opened the window, and the dark blue above his head gradually turned black and gray. The wet nurse, she must have had an accident.

Xiao Yuanqi naturally knew Shen Sirong. He put down his things and hurried to Fengming Palace. The bedroom was dark. Xiao Yuanqi pushed the door and went in. Shen Sirong stood alone in front of the window.

Step forward quickly, Xiao Yuanqi's face was full of caution: "What happened?"

"The wet nurse is gone." Shen Sirong's voice trembled a little. She rarely had such panic, and the worries and horror in her eyes kept rising alternately.

"Are you going to do something?" Xiao Yuanqi also frowned. Naturally, he knew the weight of Mother Shen Sirong's heart, and also knew that Mother Shen knew the secret. If something happens to her, I'm afraid the letter will be exposed.

Shen Sirong nodded, and the water in her eyes was shining in the moonlight.

"You calm down first, and I'll send someone to look for it." After saying that, Xiao Yuanqi went out of Fengming Palace and sent a dark guard to find Mother Shen.

One night passed, Mother Shen didn't come back, and her freehand writing didn't come back. On Xiao Yuanqi's side, Xiao Yuanfeng, the king of glass, is not in the Shangyang Palace at this moment and has disappeared.

Shen Sirong thought nonsense all night, while Xiao Yuanqi was shocked in Shangyang Palace all night. At dawn, Fengming Palace returned, but it was not Mother Shen, but Xiao Yuanfeng.

The internal supervisor brought them in, retreated and went to Shangyang Palace.

Looking at the two people who entered the temple gate, Shen Sirong's eyes were sharp and he looked straight away. The freehand bun was very messy, with her hands behind her, and a rope turned from behind her to Xiao Yuanfeng's hand.

"I have seen the imperial concubine, the queen is thousands of years old." Xiao Yuanfeng said in a low voice.

"It's not polite for the King of Glass to come to this palace. And he also took the maidservant in the palace who did not return overnight. I don't know what kind of explanation Li Wang wants to give me?" Xiao Yuanfeng's face was a little haggard, and this haggardness was old from the bottom of his heart. Shen Sirong couldn't help avoiding Xiao Yuanfeng's eyes.

Shen Sirong is not a cruel person. She doesn't want to think about everything, but what she sees in front of her makes her have to think about it. Xiao Yuanfeng's eyes were ashamed, which made Shen Sirong stand in an invisibly opposite position with him.

Everything calmed down. Shen Sirong was waiting for an explanation, and this explanation must also be the truth that Xiao Yuanqi wanted to know.

After a long time of incense, Xiao Yuanqi took the imperial cham to Fengming Palace. He strode in and looked at Xiao Yuanfeng and freehand.

Shen Sirong didn't sleep all night, and his clothes were already messy. Xiao Yuanqi came forward and stroked her cheek: "Why do you care so much about your body? Man, I found it..."

A few words, Shen Sirong's heart settled down. She felt sleepy at this moment, but there was infinite warmth in her heart.