Palace Prisoner

Chapter 6 War, Empty Hatred

"According to heaven's transportation, the emperor's edict said: Changli is safe for several years, and has a good relationship with the border, and there is no dispute between soldiers. Today, the Western Kun army suppressed our border, and 100,000 troops pressed the Yanmen Pass. King Li was ordered by the emperor to resist. The bandits of Xikun assassinated the general of Yanmen, and Li Wang bravely resisted and was injured. I deeply commended him. The two battalions of the foreign imperial army followed me to the northwest border, driving their own expeditions, domighting the world, and will definitely expel the Western Kunlians out of the country. In addition, Shen, the imperial concubine, was appointed as the wife of Anguo and went to Anguo Temple to worship the sky and pray for the blessings of the people of the world.

Under an edict, the emperor's personal expedition became a matter, and Xiao Yuanqi's praise of Xiao Yuanfeng, the king of glass, also puzzled the courtiers a little. What's more unexpected is that Shen Sirong, the imperial concubine who invited herself to the cold palace, would be sent to Anguo Temple. In the eyes of everyone, the cold palace can come out with the favor of the emperor, but the concubine who entered the temple can no longer come back.

It was much easier for Shen Sirong to take over this imperial edict.

In recent days, she has always seen the child in white in her dreams. Every time she sees him, Shen Sirong always feels that the pain in her heart has faded a little. Therefore, she always feels a little strange.

Once, she was a woman who ignored everything. In Shen's house, even if she was wronged, she was satisfied in her heart, and no one could influence that little world. When she entered the palace, she changed. She began to care about the life and death of herself and the people around her, and her position. In the end, her heart was full of Xiao Yuanqi - the only man in the world that she could not love deeply.

When all this became accustomed, she was still calm, just thinking that the harem could be quiet every day. But this is an extravagant hope. She is not arguing, and there are always others to fight. Shen Sirong has thousands of pets, so he naturally can't live in peace. Looking at those flower-like faces in the harem, Shen Sirong couldn't help but regret that it was this cold deep palace that made them lose their hearts.

This is what she is afraid of, afraid that she will one day lose herself in the deep palace...

Shen Sirong can't care about the dark arrows in the harem or the opposition to the Shen family in the court, but she can't allow someone to hurt her child.

When her heart hurts to the extreme, she will not fall down, but is stronger. She forces herself to swallow the blood of her throat again and again, just because she is a mother and a mother who wants to avenge her child.

Because of this identity, she killed someone and Zeng Min. As soon as Zeng Min died, the idea of supporting her to continue to persevere was far away. She didn't want to face this towering and terrible court again...

Shen Sirong withdrew his mind and raised the curtain of the car. Behind her, he knelt down all the courtiers and many people at this moment. And behind them, the golden light on the red wall is getting lighter and lighter. The corners of her lips raised, showing a bitter smile. Xiao Yuanqi finally understood her and decided to let her leave the court and no longer be bound. He also loved her and knew that he would not have the heart to watch his armor walk, so he let himself leave first.

Putting down the curtain, Shen Simong turned around and flew on the head without the phoenix crown.

"Maybe we are doomed to have love in this life. Is it?" Muttering, Shen Sirong took out a square handkerchief from his arms, and the silk handkerchief embroidered with mandarin ducks spread out. In it lay quietly mixed hair, a wisp of soft and black, a wisp of tough and oily.


The car is rolling with smoke and dust, raising the sand and fog. Xiao Yuanqi stood alone on the wall, looking at the car driving farther and farther away, and meditated: Sirong, wait for me...

When Shen Sirong and his entourage arrived at Anguo Temple, Xiao Yuanqi led the imperial army to set out. The matter of the court is jointly managed by Chen Xun, the right primer, and Shen Shiyan, the right prime, and Qin Zheng needs to discuss the decision. Each has its own strengths, and Xiao Yuanqi put on bright armor and walked out of the palace gate. The handsome figure was dressed in strong armor without any sense of burden. On the contrary, it exposed Xiao Yuanqi's majesty. The unusually beautiful face was full of flaming eyes, which was unusually firm.

"Let's get up."

Xiao Yuanqi raised the sword at hand, and the royal soldiers beside him shouted loudly, "Get up."

With a voice, the behavior of tens of thousands of imperial troops behind them unified, urging the horses under their crotch to move forward. The sound of the horn sounded, and Xiao Yuanqi looked back at the palace with a light smile.

Along the way, the military newspaper continued, and Xiao Yuanqi's eyebrows were also twisted with the increasingly severe war. Ulan was originally a neutral country. The last time he made an envoy to Changli, Ye appeared that he would never be with Xikun, but Yanmen Pass was attacked and assassinated by masters, which was quite a bad form. At this moment, Xikun sent people to Ulan to force it, and the Ulan country must have to give up the agreement with Changli.

"Your Majesty, this Ulan country still claims to be a country of etiquette, but now it has turned back on its point. Sooner or later, I will teach you a good lesson." In the tent of the night, Xiao Yuanqi passed down the military newspaper in his hand one by one. The generals beside him blurted out their resentment against the Ulan Kingdom at a glance. The words continued, but were stopped by Xiao Yuanqi's cold eyes.

"Think about what you would do if you were the king of Ulan? Yanmen is still guarding, but how to fight the battle of no generals? Don't they know the reason? If he continues to stand on Changli's side, I'm afraid Xikun will immediately send troops to destroy Ulan first. Xiao Yuanqi's words let the generals' words be collected in one place.

Looking at the eye-catching red seal on the military newspaper, Xiao Yuanqi ordered to accelerate the march. Ten days later, the imperial driver arrived at the Yanmen Pass, which was on the verge of breaking.

The accompanying imperial doctor showed Xiao Yuanfeng's injury, and Xiao Yuanqi was never idle. He summoned the soldiers from all states by the order of the emperor and stood on the Yanmen Gate himself.

This guard is three months, and Changli is rich in materials and can naturally be kept. Then, on a few snowy days, the whole army rushed to repair the city walls and fortifications day and night. According to the online newspaper, Xikun has sent troops for nearly five months but has not taken a step forward. There have been many contradictions in the Xikun court, and Ulan sent a lot of medicinal herbs from the border to show his sincerity.

The crisis of Yanmen Pass has almost been solved, and all the generals have asked Xiao Yuanqi to return to the court, while Xiao Yuanqi issued a military order to rest and wait to raid Chixia Pass.

Caixia Pass is a barrier and the only gateway to Xikun. As soon as the Chixia Pass is broken, the rivers and mountains of Xikun will be in security. Therefore, two-thirds of Xikun's troops were consumed in the red glow.

"Brother, this matter still needs to be discussed carefully. Don't make a decision arbitrarily." Xiao Yuanfeng, who was well injured, heard the news and rushed to the gate overnight.

The night is cold, and the cold north wind is roaring. Xiao Yuanqi was not sleepy at all, but energetic. He reached out and patted Xiao Yuanfeng on the shoulder and said, "Do you remember what you said to me before leaving the palace?"