Palace Prisoner

Chapter 9 gloomy and rare dream

"Hangtray, my emperor."

The loud voice resounded in the Taihe Hall, and the golden color slowly moved away from the bottom of his eyes, turned around, and looked at many ministers bowing down. Xiao Yuanfeng couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "All lovers, flat."

He is Xiao Yuanfeng, the new emperor of Changli. The bright yellow cover him like the largest net in the world, but he is willing to do all this.

When he went down to the court and walked alone in the palace, Xiao Yuanfeng's heart was extremely desolate. Looking at the corner of the imperial garden, this is where she sat when she first entered the palace to perform art... He walked to the bridge outside Fengming Palace, and this was the place where he talked to her that day... The wind was very cold, rolling his eyes and looked at Fengming Palace not far away. This is the place where her heart died...

Every step, Xiao Yuanfeng can't help thinking about whether she has passed here like this, and whether there is still a trace of her breath here.

From winter to spring, there was the sound of magpie's joy under the eaves of the court. Xiao Yuanfeng couldn't help thinking about the people in the distance and sighed softly: Are you all right now?


In Anguo Temple, the woman in the distance does not seem to care about the result of the signature. It is not like the piety and caution of an ordinary woman, but a little disapproving. The arrogance dissolved into the bone marrow does not seem to pretend, but this woman is very strange.

"Master Seven..."

The little fifth son next to him shouted, but he directly ignored it and walked to the woman.

There is a sign lying on the table.

"Dragon and Phoenix and Ming."

When he couldn't help blurted out, Xiao Yuanfeng remembered that he was too rude. He arched his hand to the woman and couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the amazing and gorgeous face. And the sign untied by the monk stirred his heart.

"The man of the royal family..." He is a member of the royal family. This idea just flashed by, but I never thought that there was such a coincidence in the world that I met that woman again on the street. Xiao Yuanfeng couldn't help but feel sorry for this woman.

Later, it was known that she was Miss Shenfu. With this identity, Xiao Yuanfeng is relieved, at least he doesn't have to make his mother talk easy. I couldn't sleep this night, as if she closed her eyes and wrote in front of her. Her appearance fell on the paper, and she didn't even hesitate to take off her most cherished words and replace her.

At the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, Miss Shen was not in front of the table. She couldn't help but ask Shen Shiyan on the charge of making personal friendship with the minister. Knowing that she was ill, she sent the ginseng rewarded in the palace overnight.

But everything seems to be doomed, and he is destined to be the one who can only be one step later.

A song of Xiao Ran sighed, and the royal brother clearly recognized him. This situation made Xiao Yuanfeng have a faint pain in his heart. Anyway, she always becomes the crown princess. Become his royal sister-in-law...

And I can't beat myself.


"Your Majesty, it's late at night. Take a rest." The internal supervisor on the side advised.

Xiao Yuanfeng rubbed his swollen eyebrows and shook his head. After he retired from the internal prison, he took out a small note with the word "jun'an" written on it.

If they are safe, everything will be fine.

Even if the mother forced him to be the enemy of the prince and even took advantage of her, now everything is over. He volunteered to provoke the throne, but he didn't want her to suffer any more. Since he loved him, he had to do it. Complete a person's happiness.

"Sirong, Sirong, if there is an afterlife, you can sing with me..."

Sadly put the note on the red candle and burned it into ashes. Some things are the most precious in the bottom of my heart.

There is a night of sitting alone, but as an emperor, there is something I have to do. The death of the Empress Dowager Wang can be delayed for a year, but this day will always come.

"Your Majesty, please give priority to the national body and fill the harem."

"Your Majesty, the country can't be without a king, and the harem can't be without a queen."

"Your Majesty, Xikun has sent his own princess. Please think twice."


Xiao Yuanfeng looked at these courtiers who were looking forward to his marriage and finally nodded.

Red candles filled the whole Shangyang Palace, and Xiao Yuanfeng walked weakly into the bedroom, where there was the newly sealed queen, Mo Yanran. Now the daughter of the head of the Mo family. The Mo family is a man of strategy in the world, and those who get the Mo family get the world. Now half of Xikun is flat. Although Ulan is not a country, it has to guard against it. With the help of the Mo family, Changli will certainly be able to unify the world. He is willing to hand over all the power of the Mo family to the Changli royal family, but he has this request. How can he not do it?

"Your Majesty..."

Watching them complete the wedding ceremony, the internal supervisors retreated knowingly.

Lifting the cover with pearls, a beautiful face fell into Xiao Yuanfeng's eyes. The delicate face seemed to be familiar with each other and was actually five points similar to Shen Sirong. Xiao Yuanfeng's hand trembled slightly and raised his small chin.

"Your Majesty..."

The Mo woman was slightly shy, but completely different from Shen Sirong. When she was a little stunned, Mo Yanran had completely separated from Shen Sirong's appearance.

"Are you Mo Jiayanran?" Xiao Yuanfeng's disappointed look came out, and this look fell on Mo Yanran's eyes, and there could only be a little sadness. She was inadvertently saved by him at the northwest border, so she fell in love at first sight. However, he doesn't seem to remember her at all, let alone have any feelings for her.

The red candle burned out, Xiao Yuanfeng just sat by the bed all night, and Mo Yanran never took off the phoenix crown.

Looking at each other without saying a word, only silent decline.


Xiao Yuanfeng never wanted the harem to be like that again, so there was no other concubine except a queen.

"Your Majesty, let's have some ginseng tea." Mo Yanran smiled and stepped into the hall.

After taking over the warm tea cup, Xiao Yuanfeng smiled at Mo Yanran. There has always been someone around me, and it seems to feel good. Xiao Yuanfeng was no longer indifferent to each other, but relieved after learning that Shen Sirong had given birth to his second child.

In the imperial garden, it is no longer the ethereal figure of Shen Sirong, but the warmth of the women around him. Xiao Yuanfeng pulled up his hand and put it close to his palm. The sunset glow in the distance, only a trace of orange light in the sky.

"Wish to win a person's heart and never leave each other. In this life, I, Xiao Yuanfeng, can't be with you, but it's not impossible to be with you in my heart. And Yanran, she is a cherishable woman. She is the person who accompanied me in this life. No matter the ends of the earth, I only hope that the second half of my trapped life can be exchanged for you and his white head..."

Xiao Yuanfeng said softly, and Yanran looked up and asked, "Your Majesty, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing, thank you for appearing beside me and accompanying me through this long palace road."