official's direct daughter

Chapter 14 Difficult 2

After lunch, the tenth brother was taken down by the nurse, and the ninth sister also followed Feng's mother back to Dongyuan.

The second wife still has to stay here to serve the old lady.

When the maids withdrew from the dining table, there was only a subordinate left in the room, with drooping hands and standing up respectfully. The second wife took a look at the old lady sitting leisurely on the soft couch and suddenly felt a pressure in the bottom of her heart. She was really panicked, but the old lady didn't seem to see her.

The second wife gently wiped her forehead with a handkerchief and said with a smile, "Mother, it's still early and cold. You can take a nap for a while."

The old lady's eyebrows were originally kind, but as soon as the second wife said this, her face immediately became serious. She patted the table, and her face was immediately tense, and her wrinkled face was full of anger. "How can you let the old man sleep? Xue's face has been lost by you, and the old man has to clean up the stall for you.

The second wife's heart jumped. She glanced at Mother Ge, who was standing like a pine tree, and was secretly annoyed that the old lady did not give her face in front of the servants. All the grievances suddenly emerged, as if to risk it. "Do you think your daughter-in-law wants to do this? The second sister is the first child of her daughter-in-law. She has been sensible since she was a child. You have always regarded her as your direct granddaughter. But in the end, I died inexplicably. How could you make me take such a breath? Although the Marquis of Anguo is more powerful than the prince..."

"Now is not the time for you to find an excuse. If you are asked to be the master mother, you will be recognized. Even if the old man doesn't like you as a daughter-in-law, in the face of the tenth brother, he will help him well and avoid those crooked ideas. At present, it depends on how to let Xuefu get through this moment, so that you can be a good mother-in-law. In the future, there will be no dispute about these things. I really don't know what else to fight for when sitting in this position!" The old lady said her dissatisfaction without hesitation, "If the eldest daughter-in-law is still there, how can you be worthy of the position of the mistress of the Xue family?"

The second wife squeezed the handkerchief tightly. No matter how well she did and sacrificed more, she could not compare with the eldest daughter-in-law she liked. Unfortunately, everyone was dead, thinking about what to do. Looking at the old lady's gloomy expression, she suddenly felt much more relieved.

"The daughter-in-law doesn't want to fight for anything. The third sister will be married after the Spring Festival. This incident will definitely have an impact on the third sister's marriage. You also know that the third sister's temper seems to be meek, but she is very arrogant. Do you still want to see the third sister also follow the second sister's path?

The oblique light from the corner of the second wife's eyes glanced at the old lady. Seeing that the old lady was silent, her anger gradually calmed down and continued: "Now, in addition to climbing to the Anguo Marquis's Mansion, the rest of Xue Mansion is Prince Yi and Dingyuan Marquis Mansion, but our Xue Mansion has no friendship with Dingyuan Marquis Mansion. At present, there is only the son and ninth sister of Prince Yi's Mansion. When I get engaged, I will give some gifts every year. But the ninth sister is too young. After all, she hasn't married. It's better to take the third sister..."

"Hit!" Speaking of the marriage of the ninth sister, the old lady was angry and the head was messy. "Prince Yi's son is the husband of the ninth sister, and I have other plans for the third sister." But this was like the decoration on her head, which was a little shaken.

"Do you really have the heart to let the third sister fill the house of the Marquis of Anguo? How did the second sister die? Even if the people outside don't know, don't you know? The second sister prevented the man from being beaten to death by him. Even if the third sister passes, what's the use! Let me go to Anguo Houfu to pay a New Year call tomorrow. Why do you have to take the third sister again!" The second wife thought of the second sister and the meaning of the old lady, and there was a little more sadness in her words.

The old lady looked at the second wife silently. They were all mothers. If she didn't care about her children, it must be fake. Thinking that the second wife was also thinking about several children, her face gradually eased.

"If it is really for Xue's house, you should immediately climb to Prince Yi's house. The son of Prince Yi is also 16 this year, and he has reached the age of marriage. If he really waits for the ninth sister to marry, I don't know how many aunts he has married. Sister Jiu is a cowardly master. What's the use of marrying her?" The second wife analyzed the interests of the old lady in an orderly manner, but did not forget to give the ninth sister eye drops in front of the old lady.

"I'll talk about this later. It's time to finish the New Year. It's time to pay New Year's greetings and say what's wrong!"

The second wife was angry, "If you climbed into the royal family earlier, why did Xue have to have today's situation?" She suddenly laughed again and sarcastically said, "The ninth sister is your direct and granddaughter. Naturally, this good marriage is reserved for the ninth sister. Don't you care about Xuefu for the sake of Sister Jiu?

"It's reversed! The ninth sister's marriage was settled in her mother's womb. Don't think about it in the future. The old lady's words were much firmer. Her cloudy eyes flashed a few times, but the second wife did not notice it.

The second wife gritted her teeth tightly and lowered her head, but kept thinking. The old lady also stopped talking and closed her eyes slightly. This second wife did a good job, but she was too selfish. When the old woman was still alive, she also came over step by step. How could she not know the second wife's little thought? Just now, he only mentioned the son of Prince Yi's Mansion, but did not mention Dingyuan Marquis. You should know that Dingyuan Marquis attacked the title of Lao Dingyuan Marquis and made contributions on the battlefield. He is only 19 years old, which is only stronger than those two sons. Unfortunately, there are already several aunts and children in the house. The third sister's identity and nature must be worthy. It was because of those aunts that the second wife did not mention the distant marquis.

"I have my own opinion on the marriage of the third sister. She has been raised by my side since she was a child and is the closest granddaughter. How can she be willing to let her suffer? It's good to stay away from the capital like the eldest sister. The old lady finally made some concessions.

Now she is not the mistress. Although she can teach the second wife a few words in private, she can't be put on the surface. After all, the servants in the house are still managed by the second wife.

The old lady was not confused. Seeing that the second wife was soft, she was much happier. But the solemnity on her face did not fade. She doesn't want to offend the Marquis of Anguo, let alone lose her in-laws.

The second wife was slightly proud. This was the only time that made the old lady soft. She also had arrangements for the third sister's marriage and did not want the old lady to intervene in this matter. But she is not in a hurry. As long as the old lady has no intention of letting the third sister marry to Anguohou Mansion to fill the house, she will still have a long time to get the right to marry the third sister. Now the third sister is the most promising. If she chooses a good marriage for the third sister, she will definitely have a long face in the circle of noble women in the capital. If it is still arranged by the old lady...

The second wife was depressed again, but she suddenly heard the old lady mention the ninth sister's dowry, and she suddenly concentrated. "These days, the second master is busy walking around with money, and there is a lot of expenses at home during the Spring Festival. You talk to Aunt Zhou and see if you can take out part of the ninth sister's dowry for urgent use.

The old lady paused and said, "The things in the box can be moved. Zhuangzi and the shop are the best. I remember that the shops left by my eldest daughter-in-law make a lot of profits every year.

The second wife's face has not changed, but her eyes are a little more happy, but she can't figure out why the old lady asked her to tell Aunt Zhou, but in a blink of an eye, most of the ninth sister's dowry has been kept by Aunt Zhou, and the ninth sister is just a child.

When she figured this out, the second lady had a lot of respect for the old lady. When she came back from picking up the ninth sister, she just wanted to pick up the fifth sister by the way, but the old lady insisted on letting the aunt also return to Beijing.

is just an aunt of the old master. If she abandons it, she will abandon it. It's not better to take back the ninth sister's dowry directly from her. At that time, I thought that the old lady was worried about Xue's face, and I was afraid that those ladies would say that Xue's house could not tolerate people, not even an aunt. Now it has such a meaning.

After saying these things, the old lady looked kind again, "You have suffered over the years, and now that Xue Mansion has caused such a big thing, you have to worry about it. You can choose a few things in this room."

The second wife's heart beat violently and took a deep breath. Although she lived in the main room of the main courtyard for the past two years, she only lived in the side room and has long coveted the things in the main room. Don't say that these exquisite and beautiful porcelains, as well as rare things from the barbarians, are all left by the old woman and are of great value. Even the things in the remote small south courtyard far away from the main house are much better than those in her house.

She lowered her head slightly, concealed the greed in her heart, and her face turned red. "There are also some things in my daughter-in-law's room that are not used."

The old lady smiled with satisfaction and didn't say anything. She called Mother Ge to go to Longjing before the rain and took out another jar of big red robes.

The second wife was surprised that this big red robe paid only ten catties a year. At least, Second Master Xue had been the emperor's reading, and the Queen's Noble Concubine was favored, and she was also rewarded with half a catty every year. The second and third rooms got one gram. The old lady herself was reluctant to drink it, but today she took it out.

But Ge's mother did not immediately soak the big red robe, but put it on the Duobaoge and saw that the tea pot was seductive. The second wife couldn't help laughing and said, "If you have any distinguished guests today, let your mother take out this big red robe to entertain you."

The corners of the old lady's lips were like a straight line and said calmly, "Mrs. Anguo and the prince like to drink big red robes. I'll prepare them first."

The smile on the second wife's face immediately stiffened, "Do you want me to send this can of big red robe as a gift tomorrow?"

There is envy in this sentence, with a little sarcasm.

The old lady casually glanced at the second wife and ignored it. The colorful curtains outside the house lifted the curtain and came in. "The son of the Marquis of Anguo is here."

The old lady stood up with a smile, "Let's go out to meet him."

The second wife suddenly felt that she couldn't fight the old lady after all. When did she send someone to persuade Mrs. An Guohou?