official's direct daughter

Chapter 37 as a guest

The playful shouting of "Ninth Sister--" made the ninth sister stop.

She turned around, tilted her head, and saw the fourth sister wave her arms at her. It's just that the ninth sister is strange that the fourth sister hasn't gone back yet and will come here for the female red class in the afternoon.

"I just thought I was wrong, but I didn't expect it was really you." When he came to the ninth sister, the fourth sister also had a strange face.

However, the fourth sister was relieved. Her mother asked her to make friends with the ninth sister. Originally, today was the first day of class. She specially waited for the ninth sister and avoided the third sister and the sixth sister. But in a blink of an eye, the ninth sister disappeared. After a while, I saw the ninth sister again.

"I just went to the study, and there are so many books there." The ninth sister sighed.

"Ha, it turns out that you also like reading, but you always say that you only learned the Three-character Classic, which makes me suffer so hard." The fourth sister pouted and raised her eyebrows, as if she were coquettish.

Sister Jiu looked at the fourth sister and said lightly, "It's true that I only learned the Three-character Classic. Later, my mother passed away and I was not in good health, so I asked my wet nurse to often find some idle books for me, but I really haven't learned those "Women's Rings" or something."

"It's no wonder the husband praised you for your good handwriting today." The fourth sister praised: "Mr. Liu has never praised us. Even the third sister wants to be praised by him. Have you been practicing writing in the house all these years?

The ninth sister nodded faintly, and then saw Yang Qian come out of the study, and her eyes did not look away from Yang Qian.

"My aunt always says that I can't calm down, and I can't practice calligraphy no matter how much I practice. Can you teach me how to practice calligraphy well?"

Ninth sister: "..."

"Hmm?" After not getting the consent of the ninth sister for a long time, the fourth sister couldn't help looking back and happened to see Yang Qian walking to them.

"Four, the fourth sister is fine, Xiaosheng, Xiaosheng..." Yang Qian's neck turned red and stammered a little. He lowered his head and dared not look at the fourth sister and the ninth sister.

The fourth sister looked at Yang Qian and suddenly giggled: "Why do you only greet me and not the ninth sister?" She blinked her usual eyelashes and waited for Yang Qian's answer.

"Ah?" Yang Qian suddenly looked up, looked at the fourth sister, then looked at the ninth sister, and said more panickedly, "Xiaosheng didn't know that she was the ninth sister, Xiaosheng, Xiaosheng..."

The ninth sister suddenly smiled and narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking that Yang Qian was very interesting.

Seeing that the ninth sister and the fourth sister were laughing at him, he said at a loss, "Xiaosheng, Xiaosheng..."

"Come on, go quickly, or people will gossip about you when they meet." The fourth sister waved her hand and smiled again.

"Xiaosheng quit!" Yang Qian arched his hand to the fourth sister and the ninth sister and left the study as if he had escaped.

Looking at Yang Qian's back, the ninth sister pondered for a while: "Fourth sister, who is Yang Qian? How can he go to school with us? It seems that his family doesn't look like a rich man." If you are rich, you don't need to go to school in Xuefu.

"It's a distant relative of our Xue family, and I don't know which relative it is." The fourth sister spread out her hands and said with a smile, "Don't look at him sometimes. He is really good. If he can really go to high school, it must be his best to be his wife. He is beautiful, but honest, and even Mr. Liu admires him.

The ninth sister tilted her head again and watched the fourth sister keep talking. Thinking of Yang Qian who just said that he would take the children's test in September, if it really passes, it will definitely have a bright future. Her eyes bent involuntarily.

The fourth sister seemed to realize something, blushed, stamped her feet and said, "Well, your ninth sister, didn't you mean to make a fool of me?"

"No!" Sister Jiu said with a smile, "I just think Yang Qian is a little similar to me, and they are all under the shelter of others."

With that, the ninth sister left the study first.

The fourth sister was stunned. Could it be that she was wrong? The ninth sister really felt that she and Yang Qian felt the same disease. But she just said so many good words about Yang Qian, and didn't she think she had hurt Xue's face?

"How do you say that your grandmother is your biological grandmother? If your uncle and aunt are still alive, they will be the head of the family, and they can't be said to be under the shelter of others. Our Xue family is not separated. The fourth sister wants to make the atmosphere better, but it seems that the ninth sister is not in a better mood because of the fourth sister's words.

"Sister Jiu, teach me how to practice calligraphy!" The fourth sister simply completely changed the topic, and also understood the ninth sister's ** on this topic.

"Hmm?" The ninth sister stopped and looked at the fourth sister's serious face inexplicably. Then she said easily, "We are still young, how can we write such good words? Liu Fuzi praised me for writing well, perhaps because he thought I didn't practice very much. What he asks of you is different from what he asks of me.

It's true. Previously, Liu Fuzi heard that Sister Jiu only learned the Three-character Classic, and only thought that Sister Jiu might not have even learned calligraphy. Suddenly, he saw that Sister Jiu's handwriting was good, so he naturally praised it. Anyway, Sister Jiu is just an eight-year-old child. How can she write good words? It's much better than ordinary children.

"But your handwriting is really good. My aunt always says that my handwriting is not good, so please help me!"

The fourth sister's watery eyes looked pitiful. She grabbed the ninth sister's hand and kept shaking, as if she were flattering the ninth sister.

For a moment, the ninth sister really thought that the fourth sister was a furry Pomeranian. Unexpectedly, he raised his head and touched the fourth sister's head.

When this action was finished, the ninth sister and the fourth sister suddenly froze.

The ninth sister twitched her eyebrows, quickly withdrew her hand, and said to the maid beside the fourth sister, "You go back to tell the second aunt, and tell the fourth sister will come to my place for dinner at noon."

"I know!" Gui Qiu blessed himself, "The maidservant left first!"

After saying that, Gui Qiu left first.

The fourth sister looked at the ninth sister in surprise and touched her head. Unexpectedly, she was still in a trance. Why did she feel that the ninth sister regarded herself as a puppy?

Actually, Sister Jiu really thinks so.

However, the fourth sister was a little excited, and her eyes changed a little when she looked at the ninth sister. Thinking that her mother asked her to make friends with Sister Jiu, she was a little reluctant at first, but now it seems that Sister Jiu is really a little different from the ladies in this house. She can feel that Sister Jiu has just touched her head and is a little spoiled.

With this cognition, the fourth sister is a little uncomfortable. She seems to be one year older than the ninth sister. She should take care of the ninth sister.

Even she didn't know herself, and she opened her heart to Sister Jiu.

Although the fourth sister came to Dongyuan to eat was to make up for the embarrassment, the ninth sister still sincerely taught the fourth sister a few tips for practicing calligraphy.

In fact, the most important thing in practicing calligraphy is peace of mind. Of course, practicing calligraphy can also make people feel calm. The second aunt asked the fourth sister to practice calligraphy, mostly to polish her character. Speaking of which, the fourth sister and the sixth sister are a little similar, but the fourth sister tends to be lively, but the sixth sister has become capricious. What's more, the fourth sister is still a common girl. If she really steals the limelight of the sixth sister, I'm afraid it will be impossible to marry a good family in the future. Maybe it was the second aunt who thought of this that she let the fourth sister practice calligraphy. Just——

She didn't understand why her second aunt wanted the fourth sister to make friends with her. She still remembers that when she saw the fourth sister for the first time, although the fourth sister laughed with her, she was very vigilant and complained about her, which she could still feel, but today she lacks these, as if it were really a pair of good sisters.

When the fourth sister wanted to come to Dongyuan, she made the fourth sister happy. As long as there is no harm to her, she will not refuse to make friends.

After eating, she chatted with the fourth sister for a while. Yao's mother looked at the two little girls with a smile and specially made several pleasant cakes.

"Bear by the way, when I was in my private school in the morning, I saw my fifth sister give you something. You seem to like it very much." The fourth sister is very interested in what happened in the morning.

Sure enough, Yao's mother said seriously, "The fifth sister gave you something to eat again."

The ninth sister looked at the fourth sister, then at Yao's mother, and said with a smile, "What kind of candy do you like?"

Yao's mother said dissatisfiedly, "I also made that kind of candy for you, and I haven't seen you like it so much."

"After all, it's my sister. In addition to my grandmother, there are only five sisters who are closest to me in this house." As the ninth sister said this, she glanced at the fourth sister, but saw the fourth sister eating cakes with relish and did not care about their words.

Yao's mother frowned gently and said, "At least the fifth sister also has Aunt Zhou, then Aunt Zhou..."

"Don't worry, the fifth sister won't hurt me!" Sister Jiu stopped Yao's mother's words.

Yao's mother didn't say much, but the fourth sister pulled the ninth sister to talk a lot about Xue's house, and specially told her to treat her as a transparent person if she met the sixth sister in the future.

The ninth sister was surprised. The sixth sister was born. The fourth sister, a common girl, dared to say such a thing blatantly. Could it be that there was a grandmother behind her? Isn't she worried about her marriage? However, think about it, the old lady has clearly handed over the Xue mansion to the second wife, and she should not kiss the fourth sister.

"Sister Jiu, someone from the courtyard has come." Jinxiu raised the curtain and said.

Liu's mother came in and saw that the fourth sister was also here. She blessed herself first, and then said, "The fourth sister is also here, which is convenient for slaves. Just now, someone from Jinxiu Pavilion said that Xun Xiuniang will not come to the house today, and the ladies can rest in the afternoon."

Liu's mother looked at the fourth sister with some inexplicable meaning and continued to say, "The maidservant should leave."

Jinxiu led Liu's mother out again. After a while, the fourth sister also said that it was time to go. The ninth sister asked Yao's mother to send the fourth sister out in person, with a faint smile on the corners of her mouth.

Yao's mother returned to the room and looked at the ninth sister's eyes much softer. "You said that the fourth sister would transfer the words to the second aunt."

"Isn't the fourth sister here just to get some news? The second aunt was very shrewd and naturally could understand the meaning of the words, but it only involved the fifth sister. She suddenly cheered up, and her second aunt would not do anything to the fifth sister. Naturally, she did not feel guilty, but she didn't know how Liu's mother would report to the second wife when she saw the fourth sister here.

The corners of the ninth sister's lips rose slightly.