official's direct daughter

Chapter 54 Distance

Life is light, which is also what the ninth sister wants. The old lady must have received a letter from the ninth sister's preference to the second wife, and opened the distance to the ninth sister. When the ninth sister went to greet her, the old lady directly told Ge's mother that the ninth sister did not have to come here to greet her.

Sister Jiu felt a little uncomfortable. She didn't know what medicine the old lady went to sell. Could it be because she and the second wife walked in, and the old lady directly pushed her to the second wife? No, she prefers the second wife. The old lady will definitely try her best not to favor the second wife.

After learning with Deng's mother for a few days, Deng's mother ordered something to her recently. She couldn't teach her how to settle accounts, and then disappeared into the house. I heard that it is the busy farming season recently, and Deng's mother was sent to Zhuangzi by the second wife to help.

Sister Jiu didn't think so. After thinking about it for a long time, she still felt that the problem was with the old lady. The old lady did it too obviously. I'm afraid that the second wife feels that there are tricks in it, or the second wife thinks that she has been subjudiced by the old lady, so she can't help but feel sad.

Two days ago, I got the trust of my second wife, and I was "lost in favor" again without stability for two or three days. Fortunately, Yao's mother kept comforting her, otherwise the ninth sister really thought that she had worked hard for such a period of time and had no effect at all.

However, the people around the second wife are much more estranged from the people around her. In the house, these news are always the fastest, but this time it did not happen as after she fell out of favor with the old lady. The maids still saluted respectfully after seeing her, and no bad words spread.

Jinxiu suddenly brought the news, saying that it was a note brought by Liu's mother.

Sister Jiu couldn't wait to open the note, which was written by the second wife. Although she didn't know the second wife's handwriting, she thought that Liu's mother did not have the courage to fake it. The general meaning of the note is nothing more than that she believes in the ninth sister, but the old lady's act is too obvious, which makes her suspect the ninth sister, and now she has made such a move. As for learning to settle accounts, I didn't mention much.

The ninth sister burned the note and knew something in her heart. As long as everyone knew that the old lady had been beating her dowry shop, how could she really fall out with her? Naturally, the second wife also understood this.

Unfortunately, the old lady pushed it too simply. Even if she wanted to suspect that she was put to the second wife by the old lady, the second wife had to doubt whether the old lady did this on purpose. However, although every note believed her words, it did not mention letting Sister Jiu continue to study to settle accounts, that is to say, the second wife is still doubting her. This note only makes her feel at ease.

Sister Jiu didn't think so much about helping anyone and not helping her. It didn't cost her much, but she was really a little afraid that the old lady would swallow all her dowry shops. Because of this, she prefers the second wife.

The old lady needs a little conflict with the second wife.

This is the conclusion made by Sister Jiu.

"Mom Yao, what do you think?" Sister Jiu was not sure, so she still asked Yao's mother.

"We can't do anything. It's better to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. After all, we have to find support, but they also want to get benefits from us.

The ninth sister pondered secretly and found that she was in a passive position for no reason, and the old lady and the second wife had nothing to lose at all.

Maybe this play was shown to her by the old lady and the second wife.

Thinking about this, Sister Jiu's heart was blocked.

"The old lady may just want to remind you." Yao's mother reminded.

Hmm? The ninth sister is puzzled.

Yao's mother explained, "Although the old lady is cold to you, she still gave you a set of four treasures of the study on the day you went to school. This set of four treasures of the study was used by the old lady and the master. The four treasures of her study are given to you, which is to tell everyone in the house that you are always the eldest daughter of the long room and her direct granddaughter.

"I know this!" The ninth sister sighed and moaned.

Yao's mother saw that the ninth sister was fascinated by the authorities and continued, "But now you want to stand on the side of the second wife. For you, you just want to find a support, but for the old lady, you are betraying her and hitting her in the face. Think about your identity. What would the old lady think if your granddaughter went to help her daughter-in-law and help an outsider?

Sister Jiu suddenly realized that she was thinking too complicated.

"As for the second wife's precautions, it is also because of your identity. After all, you are the old lady's direct granddaughter, and she has to guard against it."

"So, can't my second aunt completely trust me?" Sister Jiu said sarcastically, and she became more and more annoyed. She treated the second wife sincerely, but the second wife wanted to be so defensive against her. She must have chosen the wrong person.

"That's not the case!" Yao's mother felt reassured, "The second wife sent you this paper, that is to say, she cares about you and doesn't mean anything to you. Maybe she just thought that you were too young to help her at all, so she couldn't believe you.

The eyebrows on Sister Jiu's forehead deepened a little.

Mother Yao said with a smile, "My ninth sister, you have been frowning at such a young age that you will become a little old woman in the future. We might as well take this opportunity to have a good rest for a while. You don't have to worry about anything. Leave it all to me and Feng's mother. What's more, that girl from Jinxiu is also very powerful. You are too young to look like a child and shouldn't be so sad.

There is a clear worry in this sentence, and there is also some bitterness.

Sister Jiu'er let go of her eyebrows, "Jiu'er doesn't feel bitter or tired, but I don't know if it's worth it."

"What's not worth it? I think you'd better be like the fourth sister and the seventh sister. As long as you go to school safely, the schoolgirl will be popular."

The ninth sister began to frown again, "The fourth sister has a second wife. The second wife must have calculated everything for the fourth sister. Naturally, she doesn't have to worry. As for the seventh sister, after all, she is a legitimate daughter and a third uncle.

It's really hard to live a relaxed life in this yard!

Yao's mother stopped talking and knew that she couldn't persuade Sister Jiu, but she just felt sorry for Sister Jiu.

Sister Jiu lowered her eyes, but she didn't know how Jinxiu was doing, but she couldn't tell Yao's mother about this, and definitely couldn't tell Yao's mother.

Seeing that Sister Jiu didn't think about the second wife's affairs, Yao's mother also put down half of her heart, but the other half kept holding it and did not dare to put it down.

"Sister Jiu, I don't know what to say." Yao's mother stammed.

Sister Jiu suddenly smiled and said, "You can say it directly."

Yao's mother opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to tell Sister Jiu. Although Sister Jiu is very good at dealing with some things now, she is too young to know how to love. She looked into Sister Jiu's eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "Recently, I always feel that there is something wrong with the painting screen."

Sister Jiu's heart thumped, but pretended to be calm and said, "There are so many days with me on the painting screen every day, but I don't see much difference in the picture screen."

"That's what Jinxiu said last time." Yao's mother lowered her voice.

"Ha ha, maybe after listening to Jinxiu, you really feel that there is something wrong with the painting screen. Jinxiu said this just because she was afraid that we would expose her little thing. As you know, if the maid in the inner house has an affair with outsiders, it will end.

"Naturally, I know, so the maidservant has paid attention to painting the screen since Jinxiu said it. I'm afraid that there will be something wrong with the screen. If the painting screen really has this thought, you can't leave her by your side.

Sister Jiu's heart beat violently and asked tentatively, "If the painting screen really has an affair with a man, what should you do?"

Yao's mother showed a faint sadness, "Although the maidservant regards her as her daughter, she is a maid after all. If she really causes such a shameless thing and damages your reputation, I will definitely strangle it to death."

"The picture screen has followed you since you were a child. Don't you believe in the picture screen?"

"I hope so!" Yao's mother's eyebrows were deeply locked, and she still felt unsteady.

When I went to the embroidery room with the painting screen in the afternoon, I met Liu's mother. The ninth sister quickly stopped Liu's mother, hoping to get some news from Liu's mother.

"Mother Liu, why did your second aunt not believe that Jiu'er is sincere? Is it really because my grandmother pushed me to my second aunt and made my second aunt afraid that I listened to my grandmother's words? Sister Jiu said bluntly, with some uncertainty and sadness.

Mother Liu looked at Sister Jiu's expected eyes and sighed, "The second wife doesn't trust you, but your temper is too soft to sharpen."

Sister Jiu was stunned. Is she soft-hearted? She will never be soft with the enemy.

When Mother Liu saw that Sister Jiu didn't understand, she said, "You are too kind. If you are cruel when you talk about Tianxiu, maybe the second wife will completely regard you as her own."

Jiujie frowned and completely disagreed with Liu's mother's words. She shook her head and said, "Jiu'er is not very old. How can she be cruel? And that's really..."

"So the second wife said you wanted to sharpen it."

The ninth sister pulled the collar. She had no time and had no time to sharpen it slowly. She had to get all the trust of the second wife before the third sister got married, and she must make the second wife think that she could do nothing without her.

It's just such a short time, can you do it?

She couldn't help asking herself.

She gritted her teeth and had to do it if she couldn't do it. She had no choice. Maybe that Tianxiu shouldn't have talked about it at the beginning.

"Wow--" Sister Jiu exhaled, but her heart was blocked.