official's direct daughter

Chapter 58 Letter

Sister Jiu was awakened by a nightmare. She dreamed that the painting screen died miserably and came to her.

"Ah--" She shouted in horror, sweating all over her body.

It was she who ordered Jinxiu to take the poisonous mung bean cake and eat it on the screen. Even before her rebirth, she did not hurt people like this.

"Ninth sister--" Jinxiu was awakened by the cry of ninth sister.

After the painting screen was taken away the day before yesterday, the ninth sister has been in a coma. She knows that she has only woken up now. It has been a day and two nights. Seeing Sister Jiu wake up, Jinxiu still breathed a sigh of relief. In the past two days, she took care of Sister Jiu with her mother and mother Feng. Even the old lady was furious after knowing this and came to Dongyuan to see Sister Jiu in person. At this time, she knew that the old lady really loved the ninth sister, but she didn't know why the old lady was so cruel that she didn't see the ninth sister, which made everyone in the house think that the ninth sister was out of favor.

However, the illness of Sister Jiu'er has made some relationships much more clear.

"Jinxiu, how is she doing with the painting screen!" The ninth sister trembled and asked in a hoarse voice.

Jinxiu quickly poured a glass of water and sent it to Sister Jiu's mouth, "You drink water first. I don't know whether the painting screen is dead or alive."

Although Jinxiu followed the second wife before and saw that the second wife had dealt with some maids, this time after all, she personally sent poisonous mung bean cake to the painting screen, and she was equally afraid.

"According to your instructions, I went to Lin Sheng in person, but I don't know what kind of person Lin Sheng is. The maidservant also followed your method and sent mung bean cake and mung bean soup. She paused and asked, "Can mung beans really detoxify?"

Sister Jiu's face is pale, and she doesn't know whether she can relieve the poison of arsenic. It's true that mung beans can detoxify. She looked out of the window and said in a trance, "Ah, it's almost dawn. I don't know if Lin Sheng has gone to find the painting screen."

"Ninth sister, it's the second morning now." Jinxiu smiled bitterly and said, "I haven't heard anything about Lin Sheng. Maybe he is still staying safely in the imperial army!"

The ninth sister was silent and said to herself, "I don't know whether Lin Sheng is the school guard who came to Xue's house to take away the second uncle on the first night of junior high school."

Jinxiu didn't answer, but took the water glass away and asked, "Do you still want to drink water?" The doctor said that you are angry and drink more water is good for your health.

Sister Jiu shook her head absent-mindedly.

"What do you need to eat? After all, I haven't eaten for a long time. Let me make you some lotus seed soup!" Jinxiu asked again.

Sister Jiu has something on her heart. She is not in the mood to eat. She shook her head and said, "No, I can't eat it."

"Then you can rest for a while. It's only three o'clock now. It's still early. I'll go to boil medicine for you first, and then make some appetizing porridge. At least you have to eat some. Speaking of which, the old lady hurried to Dongyuan when she got you were ill. After learning about the matter, she scolded the second wife. After that, she accompanied you all night and stayed up all night.

Sister Jiu took a look at the anxious Jinxiu, and finally nodded and lay back into the quilt. Looking at Jinxiu carefully tying the quilt for her, her nose is always sour. She didn't close her eyes until Jinxiu left the house.

She blinked and gently dried the corners of her eyes with a quilt. Unexpectedly, as long as this body has a little emotional excitement, it can't stand it. Sister Jiu couldn't help frowning, but with the blessing of her health, the situation in the house became clearer and clearer. At least let everyone in the house know that the old lady really loves me, which has nothing to do with interests.

As for the second wife, if you want to win her over, you have to consider more carefully. The second wife will not let her go so easily, and she may be very anxious to show her her feelings.

After all, the second wife wants the ninth sister to stand beside her, not only to deal with the old lady, but also to deal with several aunts and the third wife. It is more useful for the ninth sister to be favored by the old lady.

Sister Jiu also understood this, so her status on the second wife's side should be higher in the future. What's more, this time in the painting screen, Sister Jiu has shown greater sincerity. The initiative has been in the hands of the ninth sister.

Just drawing the screen...

Her eyes were sinking, and she didn't know whether the painting screen was alive or dead, but she felt ashamed of the painting screen.

When Jinxiu said that there was something wrong with the painting screen, the ninth sister had already noticed it. After that, she asked Feng's mother and Jinxiu to pay more attention to the painting screen. After getting the definite answer, the ninth sister did not tell Yao's mother about this matter, but wanted to use the painting screen to survive beside the old lady and the second wife. Is it really right for her? Draw the screen.

I just didn't expect that the second wife would know about painting the screen so early. According to her original idea, she didn't want to animate the screen, but wanted to talk to the man named Lin Sheng through the painting screen. She is very suspicious of the man named Lin Sheng. After all, Lin Sheng is a military academy guard and is favored by the Marquis of Anguo. The future is equivalent to walking peacefully. How could he get together with the painting screen?

Apart from these, Lin Sheng's identity is also useful for Sister Jiu, so she doesn't want to expose this matter, but she is not as good as God. In the end, she was found by the maid beside the second wife to have an affair with an outsider.

In order to save herself, Jiujie abandoned the painting screen, but she didn't want the painting screen to die. She never thought of killing a person.

"I hope Lin Sheng is a good person and is really good at painting the screen." The ninth sister prayed silently in her heart.

Although I don't know whether mung bean soup can completely detoxify the poison of arsenic, as long as Lin Sheng can find the painting screen, she believes that the painting screen can be saved. After all, the most common thing about arsenic is to destroy the breathing of stomach mucosa, membranes and cells. This knowledge is known by learning chemistry in the last life. Mung bean soup is already detoxifying, and the painting screen will definitely be eaten. Most of the arsenic that went was spit out, and now I can only expect the painting screen to be rescued by Lin Sheng.

After sleeping in a daze for a long time, the ninth sister suddenly woke up and it was already bright.

Jinxiu knew that the ninth sister woke up once and quickly told Feng's mother to report to the old lady, but she cheered up and stayed by the ninth sister.

"Ninth sister, I'll get the medicine first!" Seeing that Sister Jiu woke up again, Jinxiu quickly went to the kitchen to get medicine and vegetable porridge. After serving Sister Jiu's meal, she said, "Just now, a servant gave me a letter to my maidservant. It was the one named Lin Sheng who brought it over and asked me to give it to you."

The ninth sister raised her eyebrows and looked at Jinxiu take out the envelope from her arms. She took the envelope with the words "Ninth Sister's Pro-Ki" on it.