official's direct daughter

Chapter 64 Power

It's sunny outside, and the spring breeze is soft. Sister Jiu is lazy and can't lift any energy. Liu Fuzi is teaching on it, and her cold voice brings her a little spirit. But it's just a little bit. Yesterday, she stayed up late to read an account book and only felt dizzy, which was more difficult than later generations to learn accounting, but at least she also read it and had a small understanding of these accounting methods. I just don't know what books she will handle if she helps the second wife's housekeeper in the future.

During the period when Sister Jiu was distracted, Mother Deng had been waiting outside the study, stretching her neck and occasionally glanced around the school, but did not dare to make a sound. Liu Fuzi had already found a little anxious mother Deng, but ignored it. His eyes had been reading the 17th article of the Analects of Confucius without delay.

The tenth brother and the twelveth brother studied with Mr. Liu while looking at Deng's mother, full of curiosity. The twelve brothers couldn't help stretching his neck and even forgot to read the book.

Liu Fuzi slowly paced in front of the tenth brother, and the book in his hand slapped on the tenth brother's head.

"Ouch!" Tenth brother shouted and saw Liu Fuzi looking at him with a cold smile on his face. He was so scared that he almost lost his soul. Nuonuo shrank his neck and dared not look out again.

Sister Jiu also found Mother Deng, but she was still reading seriously. She was really curious about how Mother Deng was so leisurely today that she came to the private school. Maybe he is looking for the third sister, or maybe he is looking for her.

The third sister carefully embroidered her wedding dress and suddenly found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. She glanced at the door and looked at the ninth sister inquiringly.

The ninth sister happened to look into the third sister's eyes and shook her head, indicating that she didn't know what was wrong. After a class, Deng's mother went to Mr. Liu and saluted him and said, "The second wife told me to call the ninth sister to the main courtyard and ask Mr. Liu to be approved."

Brother Liu looked at Sister Jiu faintly and nodded. The sixth sister's resentful eyes happened to fall on her.

Sister Jiu touched the tip of her nose, stood up and went out with Deng's mother. After leaving Jingxian's study, the ninth sister finally couldn't help asking, "Mother Deng, what urgent is the second aunt to ask me?"

Deng's mother smiled and had some awe of the ninth sister.

Sister Jiu frowned and finally met Deng's mother yesterday. Deng's mother just regarded her as an ordinary lady, but today she was in awe of her. Could it be...

Her heart beat wildly and suppressed her thoughts.

"It's hard for me to say now. You will know later. It's not a bad thing for the second wife to ask you to go this time!"

"Did my second aunt allow me to read the current account book?" Sister Jiu asked tentatively.

"Not only that, you will know later!" Mother Deng avoided this question and made Sister Jiu a little uncertain about her conjecture.

The ninth sister squeezed her lips and felt a little nervous. Maybe she could really look at Xue's current account book, but she was not happy at all. On the contrary, there was some dullness.

Deng's mother didn't say much along the way. Sister Jiu occasionally asked a question or two, and Deng's mother just knew it when she got to the main courtyard. The ninth sister no longer asked and said a few words to the painting fan who followed her. Unfortunately, the painting fan was dull and dull. After talking to her, the ninth sister stopped talking, but thought about how to treat the second wife later.

When I arrived at the main room, I saw the second wife sitting on the soft couch. The thick cushions and cushions on the couch had been replaced, but there were several more stone green and gold thread pillows. The second wife has several mothers on both sides. In addition to Liu's mother, there are two other eye-catching stewels.

After only looking at it, the ninth sister lowered her eyes and saluted the second wife. The second wife looked at the ninth sister with satisfaction. She quickly called the ninth sister in front of her and said with a smile, "This is Cao's mother in charge of the accounting room."

The ninth sister looked over with the second wife's hand and saw a middle-aged woman wearing a dark purple skirt. This woman doesn't look very smart.

Sister Jiu was stunned. Didn't Mother Yao say that Mother Deng's ability to settle accounts was the best? Why isn't Mother Deng in charge of the accounts? The corner of her eyes turned around Deng's mother's face. Seeing that Deng's mother did not show any emotion, she held down her doubts and walked to Cao's mother to salute.

"Ninth sister has met Cao's mother!"

Cao's mother quickly got out of the way and saluted Sister Jiu, "The ninth sister has broken the slave."

The second wife pointed to another middle-aged woman in a dark brown short coat and skirt. This mother looks much older than the other three.

"This is Zhao's mother, who manages Zhuangzi, and she is not often in the house."

Before the ninth sister came forward to salute, Zhao's mother had already taken a step forward and thought that the ninth sister would be blessed, "I have seen the ninth sister!"

"Mom Zhao doesn't have to be polite!" Sister Jiu's face smiled faintly. Although I don't know if there is a festival between these mothers, Zhao's mother and Cao's mother can be seen immediately as long as they compare a little.

Although the second wife saw these in her eyes, she was not unhappy and continued: "Mother Deng is with me to take care of some trivial things. Mother Liu manages the warehouse. You are already familiar with these two. If you want to think about that in the future, just tell Mrs. Liu."

Mother Liu quickly said, "The key to this warehouse has always been under the control of the maidservant. If the ninth sister wants to take something, the maidservant will go to Cao's mother to record it first and then get it for you!"

The ninth sister took a look at Cao's mother who was silent and had a little trouble in her mind. Several steward mothers around the second wife were also favored and not favored, but Cao's mother did not seem to get much of Liu's mother and Zhao's mother. She is just curious that such a person who can be completely ignored can be in charge of the accounting room. Anyway, there should be some points.

However, the ninth sister's mind is not much about this. This time, the second wife should officially introduce her to the steward mother of the house. These four mothers perform their respective duties, but no matter what they do, they must talk to other mothers, otherwise don't want to do things well. Just like the warehouse spends things, and the account room has to be recorded.

The ninth sister clenched her fist tightly, and a layer of hot sweat appeared in the palm of her hand. Could it be...

When the ninth sister became familiar with the other two mothers, the second wife said, "Although it's good to have you around me, after all, I'm in charge of such a large yard. I used to have a third sister to help take care of it, but now I'm the only one. I can't stand it, so I let the ninth sister follow me. Bian Haosheng is learning. If you have anything to do in the future, you can also discuss it with Sister Jiu first and then tell me.

She glanced at the four steward mothers and continued, "Although the ninth sister is young, she thinks she is easy to bully. In the past, the third sister was also so old when she followed me to manage accounts. You should know how to help Sister Jiu.

Although the second wife spoke calmly, the four mothers were in good spirits and replied with one voice, "I will not let the second wife down."

The second wife looked at the four mothers beside her and was very satisfied. These four mothers were in charge of everything in the house, but everything in the house was still in her hands in the end. She will never return Xue's house to the old lady.

"Mother Cao, you can show the account book of the previous year and the current account book to Sister Jiu later. Sister Jiu first learned to settle accounts with Deng's mother for a while. It's time to manage the accounts.

Cao's mother raised her head in surprise and opened her mouth, but was stared back by the second wife's eyes. Cao's mother quickly replied, "I obey!"

The second wife nodded with satisfaction and continued, "The ninth sister has just begun to be a housekeeper. She will start from the expense account book in this house, and then check the warehouse and Zhuangzi later." She said to Sister Jiu, "Sister Jiu, don't let your aunt down. From now on, you don't have to go to Xun Xiuniang's place in the afternoon to manage the account book with Cao's mother.

Sister Jiu felt that her head was a little dizzy. The second wife actually asked her to manage the accounts directly, but if she learned to manage the accounts in the afternoon, what about her heroine? Anyway, if the female red doesn't do well, will she have to let other people do the wedding dress in the future?

"Second aunt, can Jiu'er manage the account with Cao's mother in the morning? In the afternoon, Jiu'er wants to learn from the female red, but Jiu'er's female red is not good..."

The ninth sister asked weakly.

This stunned the second wife, "How dare you prefer female celebrities? You should know that although a woman is virtuous, she has to manage the accounts, but in the mansion, she has to be both talented and virtuous. If you don't even know a few words, how can you manage the accounts? How to manage everything in the house.

The ninth sister heard the eagerness contained in the second wife's voice and quickly explained, "Jiu'er will not fall behind in reading and learning. Jiu'er's mother's mother's maid used to be a close maid. She can teach Jiu'er to read and learn calligraphy."

The second wife is a little unhappy, but thinking that the ninth sister is just studying with a subordinate, she may not be as amazing as her mother in the future. If you put the house in her hand to take care of it, you can't make any big waves. She changed her attention and answered, "Well, I don't think the old lady has much opinion. You can take the account book with Cao's mother first."

The ninth sister and Cao's mother were blessed by the second wife, and the second wife said to the other three mothers, "You all break up and do whatever you have to do!"

Until she returned to Dongyuan, the ninth sister still felt a little unreal, and the second wife gave her the account book so easily? You should know that the account room is everything in the house. Cao's mother did the same. She only told her not to show the account book to anyone, not even Yao's mother beside her. Sister Jiu only felt strange, but she still responded. After all, she had to be serious about taking care of Xue's house in the future.

It's just that she felt that the power to manage the house came too easily, at least much easier than she thought.