official's direct daughter

Chapter 71 Account

The raindrops hit the banana leaves in the yard and made a clatter. One month before the third sister got married, the Zhou family had brought the bride price, and the second wife ordered Liu's mother to order many rare objects in the warehouse, which were basically unseen, just like the blood coral, I heard that it is three feet tall.

However, this matter is only learned from those who carry things, and the one-inch sitting lotus Guanyin carved by Hetian warm jade is even more valuable. There are also countless kinds of brocade and jewelry. There are ten boxes. Although it is half less than the twenty dowry boxes of the ninth sister, the third sister only married the son of Shangshu, which is not lower her status. This is the first time Xuefu has married his legitimate daughter, and the show can't be small.

The second wife and mother Deng are almost busy. The account books of last year have been with the ninth sister, but no one has urged them. After all, the most important thing now is the third sister.

But it's raining today. After all, it's not summer yet, and my skin feels a little cold.

"Sister Jiu, add another coat. If you get cold, you will get sick again." Yao's mother looked at Sister Jiu's cheeks and looked at the rain falling from the tile eaves on the window sill, and said kindly.

Jiu's eyes turned around, pinched her cheek and said, "Jiu'er often grew some flesh when she came to Beijing, and her body was much better than before."

Yao's mother looked at the meat pinched by Sister Jiu and said happily, "It would be better if there were more pounds of meat."

Sister Jiu pinched her round cheek again and said with a smile, "Jiu'er will become a pig if she grows a few pounds of meat."

Yao's mother stared at the ninth sister, "If she can really look like a pig, I won't worry at all."

Sister Jiu choked and stopped talking about growing meat. I'm afraid that Yao's mother will let her eat more every day.

"Yao's mother, what do you think is good for us if the third sister marries the Zhou family? Although the third sister has left, I may have reached her current position in Xue's mansion, but I will never surpass her. Just like the third sister can't surpass the eldest sister's position in the eyes of the second wife. The ninth sister changed her frolicy and shook her head helplessly.

Mother Yao smiled and said, "Don't worry. I have inquired about it from Mother Deng. Speaking of which, the eldest sister can be favored by the second wife because she is not the second wife's biological child. Think about it, after all, this family is the master of the second wife. The eldest sister is just a common daughter. Although she is raised by the second wife, she is superior to the ordinary common daughter, but there are also the second sister, the third sister and the sixth sister in the courtyard. In this way, the eldest sister can only do her best to help the second wife and make friends with those daughters. Marry a good family after the marriage.

"However, the third sister is the second wife's daughter, and she is sensible. Naturally, she will not help the second wife as wholeheartedly as the eldest sister. What's more, the third sister has won the old lady's favor. Although she is the daughter of the second wife, she has to guard against her."

After listening to Yao's mother's words, the ninth sister understood a little in her heart, but her situation is different from that of the eldest sister. After all, she is the eldest daughter of the old lady. Even if the second wife trusts her, she will beware of her. Suddenly, she remembered that the second wife and the old lady had joined hands to push her to this position, and there was always an unknown anger in her heart.

When the anger was suppressed, Sister Jiu said, "Jiu'er looked at those account books. The most valuable thing in the warehouse is the sitting lotus Guanyin. This time, the second wife was cruel and willing to take out such a precious thing.

I heard that the bride price of the Zhou family was not bad this time. I'm afraid that the wives of the officials thought that the third sister would become the sequel of the Marquis of Anguo, but in the end, the marriage was gone because of a little thing. The third sister can eventually become the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family, so the Zhou family naturally has to come up with more bride price. You should know that the third sister married to the Zhou family, which gave Zhou's parents a lot of face.

Sister Jiu thought so, but she didn't expect this reputation to be so valuable. Now the house is short of manpower, but she can help a group of Cao's mother.

"Mother Yao, let's return those books later, and I've almost finished reading them." The ninth sister's eyes were full of cold smiles.

Yao's mother was stunned, "How can you see it so fast?"

Sister Jiu didn't hide it and took a self-organized book from the desk. "Basically, it's sorted out. This is a book about the kitchen."

Yao's mother took over the account book in Sister Jiu's hand. When she opened the first page and saw the above recording method, it was not just shocking. Her heart pounded and she said in shock, "Where did you learn the accounting method?"

Sister Jiu frowned and asked, "Isn't this good? Jiu'er thinks that such bookkeeping is clear at a glance, which is much more convenient than the bookkeeping in the house.

Yao's mother quickly calmed down and looked at Sister Jiu motionless. She had only seen this kind of bookkeeping method from the young lady. When she was beside the young lady, she also learned this method, but after listening to the young lady's advice, she would never disclose this kind of bookkeeping method in front of outsiders. But Sister Jiu actually used it.

"Where did you learn this?" Yao's mother didn't care about using it, and her voice trembled a little.

Jiu's mother looked at Yao's abnormal reaction, her eyebrows tightened, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared. "Mother Yao, why are you so shocked? Jiu'er was really dizzy when she saw these books, so she thought of a way. Is there a flaw in this method?

Yao's mother woke up from horror and found that her reaction was indeed a little too much. She pretended to turn it over several times before saying seriously, "No, I'm just shocked that you can come up with such a method at such a young age, which is better than Miss."

The ninth sister was secretly relieved and greeted the painting fan.

It's still raining outside. Although it has been raining for more than an hour, it has not become smaller. After dinner, the ninth sister took Yao's mother and the painting fan to the account room.

Yao's mother helped Sister Jiu hold an umbrella and hold a stack of account books with a painting fan. The three walked in the rain and met several passing maids from time to time. The ninth sister just nodded.

On the account room, Cao's mother is anxiously sorting out the account books in recent days. The betrothal gifts sent by the Zhou family a few days ago have been recorded and put into storage, but the account books have not been sorted out. She has been busy with this these days. However, when she came to every item on the bride price list, Cao's mother felt that she had never seen so many good things in her life. After all, these things are the third sister's bride price, and some of them have to be put into the third sister's dowry box. Naturally, Cao's mother dares not come up with these betrothal gifts, not to mention that the second wife is very tight this time!