official's direct daughter

Chapter 81 Another Wave 3

"Second uncle, why do you say that I caused my second aunt to give birth? What did I do to her for no reason!" Sister Jiu covered her cheeks and her eyes were full of tears, but she was stubborn to prevent tears from falling.

There is a trace of relaxation in the second master's heart. The ninth sister is just an eight-nine-year-old child. How can she do such a thing? And looking at the appearance of the ninth sister, she doesn't know at all. No, the ninth sister has grown up with her sister-in-law since she was a child. She knows what kind of person the eldest sister-in-law is. Naturally, the daughter she taught should not be underestimated. Maybe the ninth sister is pretending.

"Well, I don't think you can see the coffin without tears, right?" The second master slapped the table fiercely, "What did you do in the second aunt's yard just now? Not long after you left, there was something wrong with the second aunt's stomach. Who are you?"

When the ninth sister was stunned, she was really convinced by the second master. Based on this point, the two masters said indiscriminately that she had poisoned the second aunt and the child in her belly. The two masters were dizzy.

"I just sat down for a while, but I didn't give my second aunt anything to eat. How can I poison it!" Sister Ninth raised her head and retorted.

The second master looked fierce and did not change his opinion because of what the ninth sister said. The more Yao's mother looked at it, the more she became. She endured the pain on her body and said that Xiaosheng called Jinxiu and said, "Jinxiu, go and invite the old lady over quickly. I think the second master is a fool today. I'm afraid it's not good for the ninth sister."

Jinxiu nodded and saw everyone around him staring at the second master and the ninth sister, so she carefully exited the door and quickly ran to the courtyard where the old lady lived.

What the ninth sister said is reasonable, and the second master can't refute it, but he thinks that the ninth sister harmed the second aunt, his son, and unreasonably pulls the ninth sister's arm. "Don't argue. Don't think I don't know what you are. My sister-in-law can teach you well!"

Sister Jiu looked at the arm pinched by the second master and grinned with pain. Did the second master deliberately want to trouble her or kill her today? It was insignificant at all.

"Uncle, I really didn't hurt my second aunt. You didn't investigate at all, but insisted that it was poisoned by me. I have always been friends with my fourth sister. I often went to her place before my second aunt was pregnant. How can I hurt her with such a good person!" The more the ninth sister said, the more wronged she became, and her voice began to choke, but she still looked at the second master with tearful eyes.

"You also said that since your second aunt is so kind to you, why do you still want to hurt her? Say, say it quickly!" The second master's eyes bulged, clamped the ninth sister's arm with both hands, and kept shaking the ninth sister.

Sister Jiu only felt that her head was about to be shaken by the second master, and her arm seemed to be pinched off. She didn't say anything. No matter what she said, the second master believed that she had harmed her second aunt, so what else did she say?

"Why don't you talk? You admit that you hurt your second aunt and the unbe born child! How can my eldest brother have such a crazy daughter like you!" The second master roared, "I want to clean up the door. I want to clean the door for my eldest brother. Come on, bring a stick, I want to kill this unfilial woman!"

"Which one are you going to kill!" A vigorous voice came from the door.

The second master was all over for a while, and he saw the old lady with an angry face, holding a crutch in her hand, walking into the room with the help of Cailuan Caifeng. The second wife also came with the old lady!

Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief. The ninth sister also breathed a secret sigh of relief. She had no doubt that the second master really wanted to kill her.

The old lady's eyes fell on the red and swollen cheeks of the ninth sister. She was immediately angry and raised her crutch and hit the second master. "You unfilial son, who are you going to kill? You are so cruel to kill the ninth sister. You can beat me to death!"

"Mother, the second master was raised by you. How can you beat him to death!" The second lady gently blocked the crutch in the old lady's hand, and several maids quickly stopped the old lady.

The old lady's chest kept ups and down, and she was obviously very angry. She threw away her crutch and hugged Sister Jiu sadly. "Let grandma have a look. Come on, go and invite the doctor. What are you all doing? Sister Jiu is so seriously injured. If there is anything wrong, you can't run away."

The old lady's trembling fingers gently touched the ninth sister's red and swollen cheeks for fear of hurting the ninth sister.

At this time, Sister Jiu really felt the old lady's love for her.

Nine sister grinned and said with a smile, "Grandma, Jiu'er is fine. It doesn't hurt!"

"It doesn't hurt yet. It's swollen like this! Your second uncle is a comer. How can he do it!"

"Mom, she killed your unborn grandson!"

"Hit!" The more the old lady thought about it, the more angry she became. Just now, when she heard that her second aunt had had a minor labor, she sent someone to check the people around her. But before the result came out, she saw Jinxiu stumbled to her and said that the second master was going to kill the ninth sister.

When she figured out the cause of the matter on the way, the old lady was even more angry. Why didn't the second master think about how the ninth sister could harm the second aunt?

"You keep saying that Sister Jiu's son has harmed your second aunt and your child son. What's the evidence? Give me the evidence!"

"She...she just sat with her second aunt for so long, who else would she be!"

"I see that the fourth sister is with her second aunt every day. Why don't you say that she poisoned her second aunt? Evidence, I want evidence! The ninth sister has no hatred with her second aunt. Why did she harm her second aunt? Tell me, tell me!"

"Child, I..." The second master was asked by the old lady and had nothing to say. Suddenly, she seemed to remember something and said quickly, "These days, she is doing things about the accounting room. In order to please the second wife, she dares to harm her second aunt."

Unconsciously, a sneer appeared at the corners of Sister Jiu's mouth. The second master could even find out such a lame reason. He was really a genius. I really don't know how the second master did it.

The old lady laughed angrily when she heard this, as if she had heard the funniest joke in her life. "Don't forget who gave you your current identity, and don't forget who gave the second wife's current status. If it weren't for the uncle, would you have today? Can the second wife be the mistress of Xue Mansion? What do you mean, Sister Jiu still needs to make this snack to please the second wife!"

The old lady said this seriously, but the second wife trembled and quickly said, "Everything about my daughter-in-law was given by my mother and sister-in-law. How could the ninth sister come to please my daughter-in-law? If Sister Jiu wants to learn to take care of Xuefu, she only needs a word.