official's direct daughter

Chapter 86 Beijing [200 Collection, Update]

When Feng's mother entered Dongyuan from the outside, she saw the ninth sister teasing the parrot alone in front of the window and quickly entered the room, "Yo, why are the beautiful girl and the painting fan girl not waiting beside you?"

"I asked them to do errands. Anyway, it's the same in this yard every day. In fact, I'm quieter without anyone to serve me."

Feng's mother quit and said, "At least you are a direct lady. Look, there are only one first-class maid and a third-class maid beside you. There are also two mothers, the maidservant and mother Yao. Who has a poor life for you?

The ninth sister raised her beautiful eyebrows and said with a smile, "I see that the young lady in the house is not as comfortable as me. Think about it, I'm still helping the second wife manage the accounting room. If you want to pay anything, just go directly. Even if you want one or two maids, no one will say, but it's always good to gossip less.

"You just think too much!" Feng's mother couldn't help complaining. In recent years, Sister Jiu has treated her sincerely. Many important things have been decided by her and Yao's mother. Therefore, Feng's mother treats Jiujie more and more sincerely. What's more, Sister Jiu has never felt sorry for her, and naturally she is one with Sister Jiu.

The ninth sister shook her head, but she didn't think too much about it. In the past three years, the third sister's body has been good and bad. Although some people came to propose marriage during this period, it was either a continuation, or the man was either a fool or a cripple. Fortunately, they were all wives, but later someone proposed marriage and asked the third sister to be a concubine. Naturally, the second wife couldn't bear to let the third sister suffer and pushed away all the marriage proposals, but the third sister's body was still not good. Only in the past three years can the third sister work in the hands of the second wife at ease.

But because of this, the ninth sister has to keep a low profile and be careful to sail for ten thousand years. I don't know when the third sister's illness will be cured.

"Mother Feng, let's go out. I have been in Chang'an for more than three years, but I have never visited Chang'an City. I go out every year when I go to the temple to burn incense."

"The second wife has to agree!" Feng's mother pondered for a moment and said, "Our Miss Xue's family is much stricter than that of other families. It's better for women to go out and show their faces less.

The ninth sister raised her eyebrows. Xue's tutoring is really strict. Nowadays, it is common for women to walk on the street or travel with men's clothes, but the old lady thinks that it is tight for her daughter to study at home and be a female celebrity, so the young lady of Xue's mansion usually does not go out, but in the past, the third sister would be with a few good girls. Chinese sisters participate in poetry parties or something together.

"Then I'll talk to my second aunt?" The smile on the ninth sister's face is even worse.

Sister asked Feng's mother to tidy up for herself and comb her hair again. While combing Sister Jiu's hair, Feng's mother praised: "Your hair is so beautiful, just like when the old lady was young. In those years, the maidservant also combed the old lady's hair.

There is a meaning of wrong in Feng's mother's words.

"It's also a blessing for Jiu'er!" The ninth sister answered.

"Yes, what's the matter with the account room?" Sister Jiu asked. In recent years, Sister Jiu has safely handed over the affairs of the account room to Feng's mother, and Feng's mother has not let her down. Whether it is true or false, she has done a good job and has friendship with Cao's mother. It's worthy of being the old lady's mother.

"It's not a big deal. As usual, there are only a lot of trivial things."

Sister Jiu nodded, "We can't take it lightly!"

"Don't worry, the maidservant can't make you worry!" Feng's mother smiled and sighed, "I still remember when the old lady pointed me to you. At that time, when I saw you for the first time, I saw a black and thin little girl, but now you are more and more beautiful, and you can't see the thin appearance at all."

Sister Jiu looked carefully at her appearance in the mirror. Her parents in this life were not ugly, and she had never worried about her appearance. In the past, the black and thin appearance was just that the sun was big and the health was bad, so it looked really ugly. Now her body is similar to that of ordinary people, and her appearance should also grow.

After a while, Feng's mother also sorted it out for the ninth sister, so she went to the main courtyard with the ninth sister.

On the side of the courtyard, the second wife looked at the account book brought by Jinxiu and nodded uncontrollably. The work of the ninth sister's account management was delicate. Since she took over the account room, there has been no mistake, and it is difficult for the ninth sister. If the third sister hadn't been distracted and couldn't figure it out, maybe she would have handed over the matter of the accounting room to the third sister. The world is unpredictable!

"Mom Deng, how do you compare the accounts made by the third sister compared with the old lady?" The second wife was in a rare good mood today, so she suddenly asked.

Mother Deng respectfully took the account book and read it carefully. "Blue is better than blue. Sister Jiu's account is better than the eldest wife."

The second wife nodded with approval, "But in the end, she is still working for me!" She paused and said, "Can the third master accept Cai Wei and Cai Yun?"

As soon as she said this, Deng's mother suddenly laughed, "The third lady is still tossing around. Although Cai Wei and Cai Yun are the third master, the old lady also agreed. Even if the third master doesn't want to, it is the old lady's intention. But the third wife is very busy these days.

"Let her go to work for a while. I'll do what's going on in this house!" The second wife is quite disdainful of the third wife.

"Jiu'er came to say good to your second aunt!" Sister Jiu's voice suddenly appeared in the room.

The second wife raised her head and saw Feng's mother raising the curtain. Sister Jiu had just passed through the curtain.

"Come and sit down. Mother Deng and I are still talking about you!" The second wife waved to the ninth sister and motioned the ninth sister to sit next to her.

Sister Jiu was not pretentious. She quickly walked to the edge of the soft couch and sat down. The second wife took the account book and showed it to her. "The cost here is a little higher. For example, there are some unnecessary things in the second aunt's yard, so there is no need to add them."

"Jiu'er will pay attention next time!" The ninth sister answered cleverly.

The second aunt has never been pregnant since giving birth, and she is becoming more and more low-key. Sister Jiu thought that the second aunt would hate the second wife and must have some big action, but in the end, she was calm for three years. It's just that the ninth sister occasionally learned from Liu's mother that the second wife had been pregnant and miscarried by the second aunt, and the second wife just took revenge on the second aunt.

The ninth sister did not pay attention to the second wife and second aunt later.

"Second aunt, Jiu'er came here today to ask you to let me go out of the house. Jiu'er has been in the capital for three years, but she hasn't gone out to see what is called the feet of the emperor. She also asked her second aunt for permission.

The second wife thought about it and didn't think it was a big deal, so she agreed, "Go ahead, the child should have gone out to play. Feng's mother, you should take good care of Sister Jiu. Don't let anything happen.

"I obeyed!"

Sister Jiu's eyes suddenly narrowed with a smile.