official's direct daughter

Chapter 120 followed by a yellow finch 3

Seeing Sister Jiu's face gradually getting gloomy again, Feng's mother closed her mouth at the right time.

The ninth sister muttered, "Is it the third sister?"

Indeed, she can't think of anyone else in the house except the third sister. This is just a woman's intuition, a kind of intuition between old enemies. On the surface, she has a deep relationship with the third sister, but secretly, she and the third sister competes with each other. In the past three years, she has indeed controlled the accounting room under the guidance of the third sister, which she is very grateful to the third sister. But then again, why didn't the third sister take advantage of her? The third sister's reputation has been ruined. Perhaps in the third sister's heart, I'm afraid she will never get married. It's better to master the lifeline of Xue's house earlier. However, in those three years, she was indeed sad and indignant. In these three years, she has used the ninth sister's to understand Xue's account room.

Now, the third sister is much better than before, so she wants to take the account from the ninth sister.

"Sixth sister really helped me a lot!" The ninth sister inexplicably said such a sentence that had nothing to do with this matter.

The sixth sister did help her a lot. This time, the third sister fell into the water and didn't know when she would get better.

"How's the third sister's body?"

"Lang Zhong said that the third sister was frightened at first, fell into the water and caught in the wind and cold. It's just that the old problem has also been committed, and I want to take care of it for a while! Yesterday, the old lady also went to Nanyuan to see the third sister in person. There is a pity in Feng's mother's words.

Sister Jiu nodded, relaxed more than half of her heart, raised her spirits and said, "Our Dongyuan should be cleaned."

"But we don't have enough manpower in Dongyuan..." Mother Feng hesitated for a while.

Sister Jiu raised a beautiful smile on the corners of her lips, "Take this opportunity to ask the old lady to give me a few maids. There are really too few people in Dongyuan. As for those rough maids and servants, let's change them. The rough maids in our Xue family are still enough.

When Feng's mother saw that the ninth sister spoke calmly, the stone in her heart also fell a little.

Sister Jiu smiled and said, "This time you had such a quarrel with Yao's mother, which made me scared for a long time." She looked complicated, looked directly into Feng's mother's eyes and said seriously, "Mother Feng, can I trust you?"

This question is reasonable. After what happened these times, the old lady couldn't wait to find Feng's mother to go to her. Even outsiders may think that Feng's mother is still the old lady's. Feng's mother knew some secrets of the ninth sister, and the ninth sister was not sure whether Feng's mother told her secret to the old lady. It's just in my heart, but I have doubts about Feng's mother. And this quarrel with Yao's mother. Isn't there an old lady in the back? Sister Jiu doesn't think that the old lady is only a bystander in the small courtyard in the south. If she is really a bystander, why should she call Mother Feng over?

She suspected Feng's mother, but there was a shortage of people around her. What's more, she said that she wanted Dongyuan to replace someone. If Feng's mother had more thought, she would definitely guess her doubts. It would be better to directly say that she suspected Feng's mother. She was so frank that she would not believe that Feng's mother would deceive her.

Nine's eyes were clear, but with a slight hesitation, Feng's mother could see it clearly.

"The ninth sister suspects that the maidservant is inevitable. After all, this time it was picked up by the maidservant, and the maidservant often goes to the old lady. It's just that Sister Jiu is so frank with me. How can I live up to Sister Jiu's sincerity? Mother Feng said frankly, "Sister Jiu thinks well. The old lady let the maidservant by your side is to let the maidservant look at you. You are very clear about this, but after this happened, you doubted me again! Although the maidservant often says something about you in the old lady's ear to let the old lady know that you are still under her control. But I didn't dare to mention those things to the old lady. The maidservants went to the mothers of those big families this time because of their personal relationship, and those maidservants would certainly not say that they had gone to them. That is, I guessed that the old lady sent slaves and maidservants to be lobbyist. It's not good for them to say it."

So this time, the ninth sister was the person after the opening of the rich flower and was not exposed.

"Mother Feng has a heart! After all, this is related to Jiu'er's marriage, and Jiu'er has to be careful. Sister Jiu's name has become a junior, which can be regarded as telling Feng's mother that she is no longer suspicious.

Fortunately, there was no misunderstanding this time.

It's just that after talking to Sister Jiu for so long, Feng's mother didn't even know whether Sister Jiu knew whether this matter was arranged by her and her mother. She hesitated to tell the truth, but just think about it. The fewer people knew about this matter, the better. What's more about this matter has been out from beginning to end. People are involved. She and Yao's mother wanted to draw a snake out of the hole, but they turned out to become a mantis to catch cicadas, and there was a yellow finch staring at it, perhaps more than one yellow finch.

Feng's mother suddenly felt so stressed.

"Does Mrs. Feng have anything else to say?" The ninth sister looked at Feng's mother's desire to stop talking in surprise.

"No, it's nothing, maidservant... I'm just grateful that you didn't punish me." That is, a month's fine, which is equivalent to not being punished at all for Feng's mother.

Sister Jiu deliberately snorted coldly, "If I hadn't seen that you had done a good thing this time, how could I have made you so light?"

"Yes, I no longer dare to disobey you!"

"Well, now we are all on the cusp of the storm. You and Mother Yao can't make trouble again. These days, you can just live with Jinxiu and let the painting fan move to live with Yao's mother." Originally, she wanted Jinxiu to move over and live with Yao's mother, but thinking about it, if she is so suspicious, she will definitely chill her servants, and there will be no one who really helps her in the future.

Mother Feng was very happy and blessed herself. "Thank you, Sister Jiu, you are alive and resting, and the maidservant will no longer bother you."

Sister Jiu nodded and watched Feng's mother withdraw.

After Feng's mother left, the ninth sister's lips smiled. Speaking of this time, she really did not fall into a desperate situation. It can be said that Liu Anhuaming is another village. Even if they make mistakes, some people make up for those mistakes by mistake. It's just that her yard is not a copper wall at all.

In the past, she didn't care about the people in her yard at all. After all, she relied on the big tree of the second wife and the bigger tree of the old lady. Even if someone in the yard revealed her information to others, it was just some daily matter. Her influence is not great at all. However, she forgot that some things were accumulating more and more. Perhaps this time, the man caught her from being in Dongyuan and gave her the opportunity to provoke the conflict between Feng's mother and Yao's mother.

She is sure that there is nothing wrong with the person she chooses. Although she is occasionally suspicious, she is still very clear that she does not use people, so even if she knows that Feng's mother is an old lady, she will use it, just depending on where she uses it. As for those rough maids and servants, since they are of no great use to her, they are abandoned. Since they want to change to a new master, let them do as they want.

"Is the mantis catching the cicada and the yellow finch behind?" The ninth sister's eyes flashed with light, but she wanted to see who was the last yellow finch.

Sister Jiu raised her chin slightly and looked confident.

"Ninth sister is great, ninth sister is great, ninth sister is better than me!" The parrot's special voice shouted inappropriately.

Sister Jiu walked to the window and couldn't help patting the parrot's head, "Don't you want to eat millet today?"

The parrot shouted anxiously, "The ninth sister is good or bad. I went to find a painting fan, and I also want to find a painting fan to eat millet."

Sister Jiu was in a good mood and seemed to have nothing to worry about. She pulled off the paper with the poem, rubbed it a few times and threw it aside. This was originally for others. As for her own state of mind, only she knows.

She thought it was Yao's mother who came to her first, so she wrote those poems, but she didn't expect Feng's mother to come first. She followed Feng's mother's wishes and talked to Feng's mother for a long time. As for Yao's mother--

She has never suspected that Yao's mother was good to her. It's just that Yao's mother is so kind to her that she doesn't listen to her at all. Perhaps in Yao's mother's eyes, this is the best way for her current situation. Since Yao's mother can go from the palace to Xue's house with her mother, she doesn't believe that Yao's mother will not see her abnormal a few days ago. Even if she doesn't know, she won't see some clues from the second wife or the old lady.

Therefore, Sister Jiu doesn't want to investigate this matter again. If it continues, it will make everyone feel bad.

It's just that Yao's mother has never regarded her as a person who can work by herself. Perhaps in Yao's mother's eyes, she is still the child who needs her to protect her under the wings. Fortunately, this incident did not affect her later arrangements, but if Yao's mother made her own decision again!

Her eyes are as calm as water, exuding a cold momentum!

Then don't blame her for being unhearted.

In an instant, the cold momentum melted, but a small plan came to mind. This time, she wants to show Yao's mother her strength. She understands Yao's mother's protection, but she can't let Yao's mother protect her all her life.

"Yao's mother, this time, don't let Jiu'er down!"

Sister Jiu squinted. As for the yellow finch behind this incident, she had already guessed in her heart that at least one of them was certain, that is, Yao's mother.

In doing this, Yao's mother is to block the back road first, and finally come to a Jedi encounter and turn defeat into victory. Undoubtedly, although this time it is thrilling, she has indeed done it, at least now she doesn't have much crisis. Even if Yao Feng's two mothers are really not at peace, they are still dedicated to working for her ninth sister. And those who came out to inquire later just paved the way for her ninth sister. But now Yao's mother has seen how many people are behind?


Cough, a summer scum forgot to set the release time in the manuscript box, and found it after coming out of the small dark room. 5555... This chapter is a little late, cursing a summer to close the small dark room T_T