official's direct daughter

Chapter 124 Walking

The ninth sister is luckier than the sixth sister. The top of the bowl is actually easier than making the bells not ring, but the sandbag tied to her legs is heavier, as well as the narrow bench. It makes people feel that it is more difficult to walk on the bench than to keep the bells ring.

She took a deep breath, and her eyes were a little more determined from the confusion. The more afraid she was, the more she would fall. No one cleans up the dregs thrown away. As soon as they fall down, their feet will be injured.

The top bowl is also skillful, and it is impossible for the ninth sister to know it without practice. She looked at the broken porcelain under the sixth sister's bench. Obviously, the sixth sister had dropped a lot of bowls.


The crisp sound fell to the ground.

A trace of pain flashed on the sixth sister's face.


The ninth sister's center of gravity was unstable, and the bowl above her head was broken.

"Go back!"

Mama Ye asked the maid to move the chair. She sat aside, and the maid served tea. Mother Ye took a leisurely sip of tea without even raising her eyelids.




The bowl above Sister Jiu's head fell again and again, and half of her energy was concentrated on the top of her head and half on the bench.

"Hurry up and help the sixth sister to rest. Tomorrow, I will teach the sixth sister how to walk well!"


Before Mother Ye's words fell, the bowl above Sister Jiu's head fell to the ground. Her center of gravity was unstable, and her whole body was about to fall to the ground. Her heart tightened and she breathed a sigh of relief after her body stabilized again.

The maid moved the chair to help the sixth sister sit down, took the medicine bottle from Mother Ye, and carefully applied ointment to the sixth sister's feet. A burst of coldness spread from the soles of her feet to her heart. The sixth sister felt that her feet were not so painful. She hated it and blamed herself for being too eager for quick success. She fell off the stool twice and happened to step on the broken bowl.

After the maid carefully took care of the sixth sister's feet and helped the sixth sister put on her shoes and socks, Mother Ye said, "After going to bed at night, you ask the maid to help you clean your feet, apply them again, and apply them again when you get up tomorrow morning."

"Sixer knows!"

The ninth sister raised her eyebrows, and this also touched whether she had said anything to the sixth sister, or what she had done? Unexpectedly, the sixth sister lost her temper.

"Does Sister Jiu want to add another sandbag to her lap?" Mother Ye's words were like a magic spell, which brought the ninth sister back to her senses.

A maid has already sent her a new bowl.

Sister Jiu shrank her neck and obediently put the bowl on the top of her head.



Mother Ye's face was pale. The ninth sister dropped many bowls, but she did not fall off the stool once. However, after noon, Sister Jiu had not yet walked through three stools. This made Mother Ye eager to beat the ninth sister's leg. But after all, this is not a palace, so she naturally dares not go too far.

They all said that they were hungry for a meal. When Sister Jiu saw Mother Ye chewing snacks in her mouth, she took a sip of tea and couldn't help licking her dry and cracked lips.

"M Mother Ye, can you enjoy a sip of tea to moisten your throat!" The ninth sister nodded slightly.

"When can the ninth sister walk through three stools? The bowl above her head is intact, not to mention tea, but also the rich and flowery dessert. The maidservant will also find it for you now."

Sister Jiu swallowed her saliva and decided to retain her physical strength.

"Now it's three o'clock, doesn't Sister Jiu want to even have dinner?"

Sister Jiu's whole body trembled and her footsteps were not steady. Looking at the broken porcelain bowl, she was shocked. When she fell to the ground, Jiu's sister had been a little dizzy. Fortunately, she was lucky and didn't step on it.

But when she was relieved, Mother Ye's harsh eyes fell on her, and she was thrilled all over. He took the bowl from the maid and walked to the stool.

No, I must go there this time. After trying so many times, this bowl should be able to withstand it. If it is on the flat ground, the bowl will definitely not fall down, but now Sister Jiu is walking on a narrow bench.

She closed her eyes and opened them again, as if to concentrate all her remaining energy. You must pass by this time.

Looking at the bench that was not too long, Sister Jiu's heart beat violently and walked steadily on the bench step by step. Until the last step, Sister Jiu jumped off the bench, and her whole body was almost weak.

The maids quickly brought the chairs and rubbed the shoulders of the ninth sister. Some removed the sandbags and rubbed the legs of the ninth sister, and the maids served tea and snacks. Sister Jiu collapsed on the chair and felt that she couldn't exert any strength. It's so difficult to practice walking alone.

"The ninth sister is resting well, but don't fall in the wrong place. I will be guilty!"

Mother Ye's voice suddenly cheered up Sister Jiu.

The ninth sister quickly replied, "Jiu'er knows, thank you for reminding Mother Ye."

The ninth sister asked, "When did Mother come this morning?" Jiu'er only heard the second aunt say that she can come here when she wants to!"

In fact, the ninth sister wanted to ask how long the sixth sister had practiced before she came, but looking at Mother Ye's serious face, she still changed her words.

"When the maidservant arrived, he knew that the sixth sister had been living in the main courtyard, so he let the sixth sister practice first!" Mother Ye did not avoid it.

Sister Jiu closed her mouth tightly and stopped asking Mother Ye. In fact, the sixth sister only walked on the bench for two hours. But she walked on the bench for almost three hours.

She shook her head and heard Mother Ye say, "When Sister Jiu goes back, she will soak her feet and let the maid rub it for you." She took out a porcelain bottle from her arms, asked the maid to hand it to Sister Jiu, and said, "After soaking your feet, apply this ointment. Women's feet are the most important. If your feet are out of shape today, the maidservant will be guilty.

"Thank you, Mother Ye!" The ninth sister answered sullenly, but regarded Mmother Ye as a devil. Mister Ye was not strict at all, but completely tossing. There are still four days left, these four days, which are really tormenting.

Nine sister smiled bitterly!

When her legs were strong, the ninth sister stood up to say goodbye to Mother Ye. Mother Ye said, "Ninth sister, don't forget to come to the east room tomorrow."

The ninth sister didn't answer. She went out and ran away with a painting fan. Mother Ye is really terrible!

Before the second day arrived, the ninth sister had arrived in the east wing, and the sky was not yet bright. Several candles were lit in the east wing room, which was very bright. Soon, the sixth sister came. When she saw the ninth sister, she didn't say anything, but just took away the close maid.

However, the time has passed, but Mother Ye did not appear. Sister Jiu sat on the chair and looked at the candlelight boringly. I don't know what Mother Ye will teach them today!

"Thank you for this time!" The sixth sister suddenly said.

"Thank you for what I did!"

"If you hadn't told the old lady, I'm afraid I wouldn't have had a chance to learn the rules in Mother Ye!" There is a trace of irony on the sixth sister's face. Maybe she will only ask any Mister to teach me when I leave the cabinet!

"Six, don't underestimate yourself. After all, your identity is there. If the second wife doesn't teach your rules well, she will lose the royal face!"

"Hmm!" Speaking of the second wife, the sixth sister snorted coldly, "If she has this kind heart, I will go to Pudu Temple every day to pray for her."

The ninth sister is dumb. The sixth sister's hatred for the second wife is too great. She really can't figure it out. Even if the second wife doesn't like the sixth sister, even if the second wife doesn't invite anyone to teach the sixth sister's rules, the sixth sister should not hate the second wife so much.

She didn't think much about it, but said lightly, "Does the soles of your feet still hurt?"

"A little injury is nothing!" The sixth sister raised her chin high and looked arrogant.

The ninth sister squeezed her lips, and the sixth sister was stronger than she thought. At least this arrogance didn't look very disgusting.

It was not until that Mother Ye came late, but the sixth sister did not scold Mother Ye. On weekdays, the sixth sister should be easily excited. It seems that the sixth sister really cares about what Mother Ye teaches.

Mother Ye saw that there was no impatient look on the faces of the two ladies, and her faces were serious, but her evaluation of them was higher in her heart. Originally, it was rumored that the sixth sister of Xuefu was spoiled and could not bear suffering. Xuefu's ninth sister is delicate, young, and has some cities. Neither of them was easy to offend, but after only teaching them for one day, Mother Ye felt that these two young ladies were the best seedlings she had ever taught.

"I don't know if the two ladies can practice after going back yesterday?"

Sister Six and Sister Nine nodded.

"When walking, it is step by step, with a graceful body, but without losing the reservedness of my daughter who has not left the cabinet. After marriage, she has to get out of the taste of a lady, which is full of amorous feelings, but dignified and pleasant. Yesterday's maidservant taught you is just the beginning!"

After saying that, Mother Ye demonstrated in front of the sixth sister and the ninth sister, "It's like the posture of a slave walking!"

The ninth sister's eyes lit up. Yes, that's how the third sister felt when she walked.

"This is the posture of a daughter who has not left the cabinet!"

Then, she walked again. Although it was the same as the last time, in the eyes of outsiders, Mother Ye walked into an elegant lady again.

"This is the difference!" Mother Ye said harshly, "Although this posture varies according to a person's identity and temperament, the essence is the same!"

"Today, the two ladies will practice walking! The maidservant is watching!"