official's direct daughter

Chapter 128 Woman

Liu Yuner was originally the daughter of the Prime Minister and has a high reputation among the famous women in the capital. Even if Liu Yuner is not good at running business, it is impossible to lose money, but she can earn a good reputation for the rich and noble. Why not do it?

In fact, the ninth sister is not optimistic about Liu Yuner's business at all. After all, she is a woman from an official family. If she really shows up to do business, it is really a disgrace to Prime Minister Liu, and the ninth sister only regards this rich flower for Liu Yuner to play.

After saying goodbye to Mrs. Marco, the ninth sister returned home.

In the summer, Sister Jiu is free. With the maid, she doesn't have to worry about anything wrong with the accounts in the house. It's not that Sister Jiu really believes that Zhu'er is the same as herself. It's true that Zhuan'er is indeed so good that she can't bear to use it.

It is also because of this that Sister Jiu has time to often go to the rich and bloom. The business of Fuguihuakai is getting better and better. At the end of June, Liu Yuner's Fuguihuakai branch also opened, and Mrs. Marco also got a discount at the main store. As long as you spend five taels of silver in Fuguihuakai, you can taste milk tea for free. This method is good. For the poor, they only spend two or three taels of silver at the end of the year, but five taels of silver can only buy a good fruit-flavored pastry when they bloom. But those who can afford to eat rich and blooming cakes are all rich or noble. This is what Mrs. Marco did. Sister Jiu has no objection. On the contrary, she thinks that Mrs. Marco's business ability is very strong. If she hadn't lived a lifetime, she would certainly not have been as good as Mrs. Marco.

When the rich flower opened the branch, it was very lively. She knew Liu Yuner well, and the ladies and wives who were not familiar with them came to support her. Liu Yuner only received a few important guests. As for the other ladies, there was no need for Liu Yuner to come forward to welcome them.

When Sister Jiu came here, she didn't say anything. Originally, Sister Jiu didn't go out much, that is, she appeared at the poetry meeting of the Poetry Society a few months ago, but it was also low-key. This time, she also found a corner to sit down by the window, ordered an orange-flavored cake, ordered a milk tea, and watched it quietly. The whole rich flower branch is very busy. Fortunately, most of the pastry shops are women. Although they are busy, they do not seem noisy or messy. It's just that no one will notice her.

"I heard that Mr. Marco has made a new pattern as the first prize for the opening of the store!" Jinxiu said, "Recently, Mr. Marco's pastries have become more and more delicious, and new tricks will be made every time. I admire them more and more, Mr. Marco. I just don't know what the new pattern is!"

Although Sister Jiu likes to eat pastries, she has always been indifferent to it. Seeing the beautiful and greedy appearance, she couldn't help saying narrowly: "You will always eat it. We can't taste what Mr. Marco makes first. Maybe he will give us a big surprise. If you want to eat, just let Li's mother do it.

Jinxiu's cheeks were slightly red, and she said anxiously, "How can my mother Li make cakes for me personally?"

"Just say I like to eat--"

"Is the pastry here really delicious?"

Before the ninth sister's ending completely disappeared, a woman's voice covered her. When the ninth sister looked up, she saw the woman slowly sitting opposite her. Sister Jiu's eyes swept over the woman's clothes and nodded faintly, "Well, it's not bad. It's better to eat a little occasionally."

The woman's eyes lit up a little, "I have long heard that rich and blooming cakes are delicious. I have also eaten barbarian cakes before, but I don't think they are delicious." The woman looked at the unmoved cake beside Sister Jiu, took it over with a smile, and blinked playfully, "Is this one good for me?"

"Mir...Miss, how can you do this..." The maid beside the woman shouted anxiously, obviously doing nothing to her daughter.

The woman stared at the maid, "What about me? I'm just eating a pastry!" With that, the silver spoon in her hand scooped a spoon of slightly yellow cream and put it in her mouth. She couldn't help squinting her eyes and praised, "The barbarian cakes I have eaten before are not comparable to the current one. This rich and blooming barbarian is so powerful."

Sister Jiu smiled and looked at the girl in goose yellow in front of her, "Why did you choose to sit with me?"

The woman was stunned, and her eyes smiled like a crescent moon. "You are the only one here. Look, no one comes to you, and I will come here to accompany you!" So in order to thank me, you gave me this cake.

Ninth sister: "..."

After the woman finished eating, she said, "Where are you from? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Nine sister raised her eyebrows.

The woman looked at Sister Jiu carefully and kept nodding, "It looks good, but she is thinner. If she is fatter, she will look better. You should eat more of this cream. I heard from the barbarians that this cream is made from cow's milk and is very nourishing.

Sister Jiu touched her nose. In fact, recently, Marco has experimented with various flavors of cakes and let Li's mother learn to make them. Naturally, she was the first to taste it, but after eating so many pastries, she still did not gain weight.

Jinxiu can't help slandering. No wonder she has gained weight recently. It turned out to be the problem of this pastry.

"Thank you for your concern. I often eat these cream cakes, but my bones have not been very good since I was a child, and I can't mend them." Sister Jiu smiled and said, "I don't know what you call me!"

The woman raised her chin and said, "You call me Sister Xiaochen!"

Xiaochen saw that Sister Jiu was good-looking and polite. Previously, when she saw her sitting here alone and occasionally laughing with the maids around her, she began to make friends and naturally said her real name. But he ushered in the sad and indignant eyes of the maid behind him.

"Sister Xiaochen can call me for a look!" The ninth sister nodded slightly.

This woman named Xiaochen looks sixteen or seventeen years old, and the style of clothes is very ordinary, but this material is not affordable for ordinary people. Even if it is an official eunuch, it is also rewarded by the emperor. Looking at the maid behind her, the cloth of the clothes was almost the same as what she was wearing. I also saw that this woman doesn't seem to have eaten rich and flower cakes, but she often eats cakes from the barbarian side. Obviously, the family is not only rich and noble.

She thought about some girls of the same age in the capital. I think it should be the princess of the Marquis of Anguo that she has never met! It is also Sister Jiu who has been thinking about Xue's house in recent years and has not integrated into the circle of Miss Chang'an at all. If other ladies hear this name, they will definitely know who the woman is.

Xiaochen muttered, "Heart, heart?"

The maid behind her rushed to Xiaochen's ear and whispered, "Only a few ladies in Xue's boudoir have the word Rong."

Xiaochen suddenly realized and was surprised, "Are you the heart of Xue's family? Are you Aunt Li's daughter?

The ninth sister was helpless. Why would these people be so surprised to see her? She nodded and recognized it.

Xiaochen stared and held her breath. After a long time, she recovered and sighed, "You look like this!"

Sister Jiu raised her eyebrows. Could it be that she still has three heads and six arms?

Aware of his gaffe, Xiaochen quickly said with a smile, "I just heard Sister Liu talk about you. Every time I mentioned you here, she said that you were very good. Even my father...father often mentions you. A few aunts often talk about you!"

"Does my sister's father know me?" The ninth sister looked awe-inst. This woman is definitely not from the Marquis of Anguo Mansion. There is only one wife of the Marquis of Anguo Mansion. Her eyes are sharp in an instant, but they turn soft...

"I don't know you, but I'm a good friend of Aunt Li, so I often mention it in my ear. If he hadn't done something wrong, your family would have lived a good life. He felt very guilty!"

Sister Jiu's eyebrows were twisted into a ball, and for a moment, she really couldn't guess which woman named Xiaochen was in front of her. Her heart sank. Obviously, the woman was curious about her, but she was just curious.

"If there is a chance, I would like to visit my sister's house and meet my uncle!" The ninth sister said with a smile and asked Jinxiu to see if the opening of the rich flower branch had come out.

Jinxiu glanced at Sister Jiu, as if asking Sister Jiu why she was separated, but there was no hint in Sister Jiu's eyes except laughter. However, Jinxiu obviously did not want to leave, but she still left happily.

Xiaochen looked at Jinxiu's unwillingness to leave and couldn't help saying, "The Xue family is really stingy enough to give you more maids."

"I'm not stingy. I just like to bring a maid with me. If there are too many maids, I can't play at will." The ninth sister paused for a moment, but stopped talking about the maid. "This is the first time for the rich flowers to bloom!"

"Yes, if Sister Liu hadn't opened this store, I might not have been able to get out. It's really much better than my family." Xiaochen sighed and bit the spoon. There is no dignity of everyone's girl at all, but this kind of temper is rare. Obviously, she is spoiled at home. However, she treats people gently. You can see this just by looking at the maid who dares to stare at her. Obviously, Xiaochen's tutoring is excellent, not like these rich families. A spoiled arrogant and domineering woman.

"If only you could go to my house to accompany me, but it's a pity that you definitely don't like my house!" Xiaochen said with a smile, "Actually, I also hate the family."

"Sister Xiaochen, I haven't been to your house. How can I not like it!"

Xiaochen blinked, "Because your mother hates my house!"

The smile on Sister Jiu's face suddenly stiffened, and her heart jumped sharply. Xiaochen's clothes and cloth were not what ordinary people could wear, and her mother hated her family, so there was only one place in her home - the palace!