official's direct daughter

Chapter 142 clear

It was not until noon on the second day that Sister Jiu woke up from a daze. She was very uncomfortable and wanted to vomit. She licked her lips, but the wine seemed to taste good.

The fish served the ninth sister to wash, and there was a painting fan to prepare the sobering soup. After drinking the slightly herbal sobering soup, the ninth sister was much better. The painting fan put the early prepared meal again, and the two were serving the ninth sister's meal. Feng's mother rushed into the room and reported that the second wife was coming to Dongyuan. Looking at Feng's mother's anxious appearance, Sister Jiu still did not hurry. She swallowed the last mouthful of rice, put down her chopsticks, asked the fish to take a towel and wipe her hands, and quickly prepared mouthwash tea.

After the ninth sister rinsed her mouth, the painting fan was served with a light cup of Biluochun. Then the ninth sister said, "It's the first time my second aunt came to Dongyuan. You take away your things and draw the fan first. You can go to the kitchen to get some snacks. Our Dongyuan can't be too shabby, can we?"

"I'm going now!" The painting fan said while putting away the bowls and chopsticks.

Feng's mother became more and more anxious. Yesterday, the ninth sister was drunk. This second wife may have come to Dongyuan to ask questions. How could she not be anxious?

The ninth sister dusted the folds on her clothes, her eyes were condensing, and she went to the Three Treasures Hall. The second wife came at this time, but it was really the right time.

When I saw the big maid next to the second wife, Fanghua, entered the yard, and the painting fan happened to bring back snacks from the kitchen.

"Is the ninth sister awake?" Fanghua asked.

"I just finished eating, so I went to the kitchen to get some snacks!" The painting fan answered quietly.

"It happens that the second wife is in the back. I'll go in and inform her first!"

Fanghua has never been to Dongyuan several times. Although it is late autumn, Dongyuan has been taken care of in an orderly manner, and several autumn flowers are now blooming brightly. A little more joy, but the leaves that fell in the yard also felt warm.

The painting fan raised the curtain first. Fanghua followed her. Seeing the ninth sister reading carefully in front of the desk, she said, "I have seen the ninth sister, and the second wife is about to be here. I will tell you first!"

Nine put down the book, looked at Fanghua with black eyes, and nodded, "I'll make people ready!"

"I'm going to welcome the second wife first!" Fanghua blessed the ninth sister. Seeing that the ninth sister had nothing to say anything, she got up and left.

Sister Jiu gave Feng's mother a wink, and Feng's mother followed Fanghua.

"Girl Fanghua!" Out of the house, Feng's mother shouted quickly.

Fanghua paused, "What's wrong with Mother Feng?"

"No big deal! Do you know why the second wife came to Dongyuan? Feng's mother walked with Fanghua and asked in a low voice.

Fanghua also understood and lowered her voice and said, "Yesterday, the ninth sister was drunk, and the second wife came to have a look. I saw that the second wife was in a good mood, and it should not be a bad thing!"

Mother Feng nodded and took out a small piece of silver from her sleeve and sent it to Fanghua's hand. Fanghua was stunned and quickly shirked, but was stopped by Feng's mother. Feng's mother lowered her voice and looked around. Seeing that there was no one, she said, "It's the ninth sister's intention. There are still many things that need your help in the future. You won't shirk it, so she sent a little money. You are not a family in the house. You can go home at the end of this year. Just think of it as a dowry for yourself!"

Fanghua's eyes flashed and showed gratitude, but there was no excuse. She took back the silver. At this time, her expression had also recovered, and she quickly left the yard. Feng's mother looked at Fanghua's back and really didn't know why Sister Jiu had to do more.

Nine's sister didn't read any more books. Jinxiu quickly cleaned up her desk and asked, "Why did Jiujie do more? Fanghua has received your kindness and left home in a few months. What are you doing with this money!"

"After giving away the silver, she will work harder. Fanghua is the big maid beside the second wife. After going out, she is comparable to the jasper of a small family, and it is more than enough to be the mother of a small family. Although I'm a little older, well... If I'm lucky, maybe I can be a continuation of a big family!"

"If you were not domestic slaves, you would have done the same. I remember that the fish is a living deed, which has only been sold for eight years. If there is a blessing in the future, it can be like Fanghua! However, even if the family has children and is by my side, I will not let you suffer losses. In the future, it will be the same as a deacon or something!" Sister Jiu said seriously.

Except for the fish, the fate of the maids in this room is in the hands of the ninth sister. When the ninth sister is developed, they will have a settlement for the rest of their lives. Naturally, I will do my best to help Sister Jiu.

Even Zhu'er is so thoughtful. The old lady even gave her deed of sale to Sister Jiu, so she was willing to do anything she asked her to do, as long as she could win the favor of Sister Jiu. Although she is a big maid, she is not as close to Sister Jiu as the painting fan. She also knew this in her heart that she was also unequivocal in the account book given to her by the ninth sister.

Sister Jiu also sees what Zhuer has done these days. Whether it can be used or not, Sister Jiu also has some thoughts in her mind.

After chatting with several maids, the ninth sister found that they were more loyal to her than she thought. Even if it's a fish, even if there is something you don't understand, just keep it in mind. Even if a maid outside made friends with her, she did not reveal any information about Dongyuan.

After all, Zhu'er and Yu'er are maids who have just come to Dongyuan, and the ninth sister has to let people monitor them. It's really uneasy. She is walking on a steel wire now. If she is not careful, she will be doomed. Of course, when she went to the other end, she had no worries.

When she came to her senses, the ninth sister said, "Jian'er, you are in charge of the account books of your second aunt and Aunt Zhou these days. Is there anything strange?"

"There is nothing strange, but the second aunt and Aunt Zhou occasionally deduct some of their silver. Our house treats servants well. A rough maid, a total of two taels of silver a year. Let's not talk about the classy maid.

Sister Ninth nodded, but didn't expect that the second aunt and Aunt Zhou would deduct people's silver. You know, the second aunt's family can be the same as the old lady. Aunt Zhou also has her three dowry shops in her hand.

"You are still so greedy!" The ninth sister was slightly disappointed.

Suddenly, when she heard Sister Jiu'er say this, her heart jumped inexplicably.

"Ninth sister, the second wife has entered the yard!" At this moment, Feng's mother lifted the curtain and came in.

The ninth sister quickly got up to greet each other, and saw two brightly dressed maids behind Feng's mother set up the curtain, and three little maids followed behind the second wife. And Liu's mother and Deng's mother are waiting around.

The second wife entered the room and looked carefully. The layout of the room was not much modified. When she walked to the soft couch, her eyes couldn't help but light up. The satin Su embroidered Jiqing pattern backrest was fine and the pattern was exquisite. Even the embroider in the Jinxiu Pavilion was not so well embroidered. She couldn't help moving her eyes to Yao's mother.

"If the second aunt likes this style of backrest, Jiu'er will ask Yao's mother to embroider one." Sister Jiu said quickly.

The second wife seemed to remember and said, "Mother Yao is originally from Suzhou. Naturally, Su Xiu is not a problem. The people in your yard are under the control of Yao's mother, so I don't know if Yao's mother has that time."

"How can there be no time? It's just that this Su embroidery is well-made, and it will take at least a month to make such a backrest. I'm afraid that my second aunt will be in a hurry and delay the time. The third sister took a look at Yao's mother, and the smile in her eyes did not diminish.

"What's the use? That is, I like it. Sister Jiu has this intention, so I got it!" The second wife talked with the ninth sister with a relaxed look. She seemed to look at the ninth sister's wrist inadvertently. She was shocked, but she secretly calmed down and said intentionally or unintentionally, "I remember that there is a pair of Trisilse bracelets in my second aunt, but I wanted to exchange an equivalent jewelry for her, but she said she would give it to you. I didn't see you put it on."

Sister Jiu was slightly stunned. The second wife came here to ask about the bracelet, but the bracelet was robbed by Xia Houchen yesterday. This matter could not be said. After thinking for a moment, the ninth sister said, "When I went to the banquet yesterday, the sister of the Liu family was extremely happy when she saw the bracelet I was wearing. Jiu'er drank some wine yesterday and gave it to Liu's sister confusedly. Now that I think about it, I feel that I am too hasty.

There was a look of regret on her face, and she looked very distressed.

"Did you give it away?" The second wife shouted in surprise.

The ninth sister was puzzled, how could this second wife's reaction be so great?

The second wife obviously also knew her gaffe and quickly adjusted her mentality and said, "I also like that bracelet very much. It's a pity to suddenly hear that the bracelet has not come to Xue's house."

Sister Jiu has no doubt about him. If she really likes it, it is understandable to have such a gaffe. The second wife couldn't sit still and didn't ask anyone else at the banquet except Liu Yuner. After a few absent-minded chats, he left.

"Jinxiu, go and check the bracelets of Cuis!" The ninth sister's eyebrows were locked. Although the Tris seed bracelet was rare, it would not be robbed by so many people. At least Xia Houchen was very concerned. Although cousin Li Yi didn't say anything, he still looked strange. The second wife lost her temper after hearing that the bracelet had been given away. There can't be so many coincidences!

Jinxiu nodded and retreated. In the evening, Jinxiu hurried back to Dongyuan and was not even in the mood to rest. She quickly told Sister Jiu everything she found. She still used Mr. Marco to find out something about the bracelet.

After listening to Jinxiu's words, a nameless anger appeared in Sister Jiu's heart. Naturally, she knew that she had been calculated. Yesterday, her second aunt gave her this bracelet, but she only gave one. After saying this, she dared to conclude that her second aunt had a pair of bracelets. Today, the second lady came again. How could it be such a coincidence that she was tricked by those two.

If you guess correctly, another bracelet must have been sent to a man. At that time, as long as the bracelet is exposed at the banquet outside, as long as the second wife says it, everyone will think that there is another man in the ninth sister's heart. At that time, she will catch the man out, and she will really become a adulterous woman. Even if she really wants to die, she will not restore her innocence

It's so cruel, it's really cruel!

Even the second aunt wants to ruin her marriage!