official's direct daughter

Chapter 149 Visit 2

"Jiu'er really misses the third sister, but it's a pity that the second aunt won't let everyone visit you. I can only lick my face and come with my grandmother!" The ninth sister took over and said, "The third sister has been thinking about Jiu'er recently!"

"Of course I thought about it!" The smile on the third sister's face continued, but her eyes at the ninth sister were colder, but the ninth sister still smiled, as if she hadn't seen the demonstration in the third sister's eyes.

"You two sisters are deeply in love, but you have forgotten me!" The old lady was in a very good mood today and couldn't help joking.

"Grandma, how dare Jiu'er forget you!"

"Three children dare not forget their grandmother! Wormwood, hurry up and add more carbon to the stove!" The third sister gave an order.

"I obeyed!" Ai Cao squatted down, but his eyes paused on the ninth sister, as if to warn the ninth sister. The ninth sister just smiled back. For this threat of shrimp, the ninth sister has always ignored it.

"No need to add it, the room is warm enough!" The old lady stopped the wormwood. "If you run out of carbon now, it won't be good when it's really cold."

The third sister was about to talk, but she was robbed by the ninth sister.

Sister Jiu said, "There is a lot of carbon in the house this year, and there is still a lot of good dry wood, even if it is enough to use it next spring!"

"Oh? When did our house have such a large amount of money to buy carbon? Although Xue's food and clothing have never been saved, after all, the old lady is a family and knows how high the price of the smoke-free high-quality carbon flower is.

"When it first snowed, Jiu'er ordered the big maid beside her to discuss with Cao's mother in the account room to buy a lot of carbon. Now the weather is getting colder and colder, and the price of carbon is much higher than then! Speaking of which, although we bought a lot of carbon this year, the cost is about the same as in previous years. When the ninth sister said this, she looked at the third sister. The smile in her eyes did not diminish, but the third sister frowned.

"You have always been delicate in mind, and it's better to prepare for a rainy day!" The old lady couldn't help praising her.

The third sister clenched her fist tightly, and there was a storm in her heart. The ninth sister could do such a good job. No, if she can master the accounting room, she should do better than Sister Jiu, but she doesn't have this opportunity.

"The ninth sister is in charge of the account. If she can't do this well, her mother will not be relieved to give the account book to the ninth sister!" The third sister said.

"It's also!" The old lady nodded and said, "Your third sister is right, but don't think that you have done something and feel that you have done a good job! Even if you really do a good job, keep a low profile. It's always good to keep a low profile.

The ninth sister was secretly angry. Unexpectedly, the third sister only said one sentence and wiped out her credit. She put up the corners of her lips and said, "Ninth sister, thank your grandmother for your teaching!"

The ninth sister didn't stay here for a long time. She just came here to demonstrate to the third sister. Although it looks a little naive, the effect is extremely obvious. Otherwise, the third sister would not be so impatient to dispel her credit in front of the old lady.

Her ninth sister doesn't care about this credit, but since the third sister has helped her get rid of it, the third sister has to prepare for the rest.

"Painting fan, you usually have a good relationship with Cao's mother. If there is a movement on the third sister's side, you have to ask Cao's mother for advice!" Sister Jiu said lightly, but the joy of her eyebrows revealed her mood at this time.

"I know!" This time, the painting fan did not ask the ninth sister why, as long as the ninth sister needed it.

Sister Jiu is very satisfied. After this knock, the painting fan became more and more intimate, and she used it more smoothly.

After the old lady left, the third sister's mood was not calm for a long time. The ninth sister was really hateful. Knowing that her body was not good, she was still showing off in front of her. Damn it! The ninth sister knew what she cared about, so she came to show off, but she was hooked!

"Vanilla, you should talk to Cao's mother and look at the account book in the kitchen. I used to be grateful to Cao's mother, and she will let you see it. You can copy it again then." The third sister said coldly.

Vanilla is stunned. The account book is the most important thing in the whole house. How could the third sister think of it? But after thinking about it carefully, I understood, "Third sister, do you want to get involved in the accounting room?"

The third sister did not deny or nod.

Vanilla couldn't believe it, but she was vaguely looking forward to it. The third sister finally began to take action, and the third sister finally stopped hiding behind her back.

The vanilla beside the third sister went to find Cao's mother.

Vanilla beside the third sister copied a kitchen account book from Cao's mother.

The vanilla beside the third sister went to Cao's mother again.

Recently, Sister Jiu often heard these words from the painting fan, but Sister Jiu did not do any more small actions, but asked the painting fan, "Do you think mother Cao will let the second wife know that the third sister let her personal maid intervene in the account room?"

"The maidservant is stupid. Didn't the ninth sister have an answer in her heart for a long time?" The painting fan answered like this.

Sister Jiu spit and said with a smile, "I think you are getting smarter and smarter!"

"The maidservant just does what Sister Jiu said. How can it be?" The painting fan is very puzzled.

Sister Jiu raised the corners of her lips and smiled relaxedly, "If it is beautiful, it will definitely be said that Cao's mother is the second wife. How can she not let the second wife know? The second wife is also shrewd!"

She sighed, but this time the situation really destroyed the image of the third sister in everyone's hearts, but the following things have not happened, and maybe the effect is not as good as she expected.

"We can't let our second aunt worry, can we?" The ninth sister inexplicably mentioned her second aunt.

"Painting fan, go and teach Yao's mother. I have something to say to her. Well, I guess she's doing backrest now." The ninth sister muttered.

"Oh, I'm going now!" The painting fan smiled happily and lifted the curtain, which made a tinkling sound.

Jiujie was in a happy mood. She thought about this game for a long time and finally took this step. If the second wife and second aunt hadn't pressed too hard, why would she have to take this step? Anyway, let's think of the new hatred and the old hatred all together. Now that this chess game has begun, it will naturally come to the end.