official's direct daughter

Chapter 167 Turn your hand into a cloud

Back to Xue's house, the ninth sister slowly digested the information revealed by Mrs. Marco, and her worries a little more. After returning to the house, he ordered Jinxiu to take out all the books, whether they were rich and blooming or the books made by Xuefu.

Jinxiu suddenly felt that the heavy breath on the ninth sister was aggravated a little.

At the end of the day, Sister Jiu had never left the room at all, and even the food she took in had never moved. Jinxiu couldn't help worrying at the bottom of her heart.

"Mother, what did the ninth sister hear? Why did she work so hard after coming back? I'm really worried..." Jinxiu looked for Feng's mother and asked.

Naturally, she also heard what Mrs. Marco said. Maybe Mrs. Marco was not familiar with Xue's house, so she didn't understand the weight of those words. However, as a slave of Xue's family, she naturally knows, but she has never heard of these things, not to mention how can a woman know the changes in the court? Feng's mother vaguely knew what would happen, but she didn't know how to do it.

"Well--" After two days and two nights, Sister Jiu finally cleared up the accounts over the years. She sat down in a chair with her sleeves covered her face. She had never felt so tired.

She will definitely not see the emperor, but she can still use Xia Houchen or her cousin to convey a little meaning to the emperor.

Sister Jiu squeezed her lips with a serious look on her face. She wrote a piece full of letter paper, took out an envelope to seal the letter, and told the painting fan to hand over the new one to Li Yi in person.

The painting fan also knew that the situation was serious this time, so he took the letter and immediately went to Li Yi's house.

Li Yi looked at the content of the letter and revealed that he was shocked. How much did the ninth sister know? When the shock slowly calmed down, Li Yi's eyes were covered with laughter and muttered to himself, "Today, the emperor seems to announce me to enter the palace."

He changed his clothes, asked his servants to prepare the carriage, and entered the palace as soon as possible.

After coming out of the palace, Li Yi looked up at the scorching sun in the sky, and the smile on his lips slowly expanded. How do you go in this game, Sister Jiu?

The ninth sister didn't expect that Li Yi could find the emperor's mind in such a short time and breathed a sigh of relief. This is an agreement with her cousin, but now, she doesn't want to make Xue's people too comfortable.

In mid-May, the court was gloomy. Every time the second master returned to the house, his face was gloomy, and even the atmosphere of the whole house was not very good. Compared with the depressing atmosphere in the whole house, the three rooms have little impact. It's just because the third master actually got the flower exploration exam when he was in spring.

According to the ninth sister's guess, the third master was already blessed by heaven. He didn't expect that the third master would be qualified for the palace examination and got another exploration. The development is better than she thought. Since the emperor has met the third master and talked with the third master, the emperor, as a wise king, naturally will not let go of the third master.

The only pity is that the third master will take office with his family at the end of May. The official position arranged by the emperor for him is not big, but the governor of Hangzhou is not too big or small. What's more, the magistrate is a parent official, and it is not difficult to make political achievements.

The ninth sister was not in the mood to take care of the affairs of the third master, but this change in the court made Xuefu a little unsistibly. First, Second Master Xue rose and fell secretly. After getting an idle position, both Prince Yi's mansion and Anguohou Mansion kept a certain distance from Xue Mansion.

It is precisely because of the changes in the political situation that Prince Yi never mentioned the idea of marrying the daughter of the Xue family as the imperial concubine. On the contrary, the son of Prince Yi and Cao Qin, the daughter of the Minister of War, made a marriage contract and changed the eight characters.

All the expectations of Xue's family turned into nothing, but after all, Xue's family has the favor of the emperor, so except for the old lady and two masters, others may not feel any other breath at all.

The old lady was worried. He didn't expect things to develop like this. If she had guessed this, she would not have let the second wife design to let the ninth sister and Prince Yi withdraw from marriage. Unfortunately, it's too late to regret it now. The anger in her heart can't be sent out. What should she do now? Does she lick her face to flatter Prince Yi's mansion?

Although Prince Yi's house did not say anything to break off from Xue's house, everything it did has also shown its mind. What if it still wants the daughter of the Xue family to marry her? The common daughter certainly can't do it. She must be the direct daughter, but if the direct daughter marries, she is just a side concubine. Third sister, would you like to?

However, even if the third sister doesn't want to, she still has to do this. There's nothing she can do. For the sake of Xue's family, she has to sacrifice the third sister.

When the third sister heard the old lady's decision, she didn't have much idea in her mind. Anyway, she was married. Her marriage was tortuous. Even a side concubine was envied by many women. Naturally, she had nothing to complain about. Perhaps the only complaint is that her love for Xiahouchen has never been rewarded.

After learning the news, Feng's mother immediately told the ninth sister that now the old lady actually wants to take back Feng's mother's intention, but after all, the ninth sister is now in charge of the economy of the Xue family, and Feng's mother can't leave the ninth sister. What's more, the old lady can't get Feng's mother back from the ninth sister. Therefore, although Feng's mother often served the old lady, she still went back to Dongyuan to rest most of the evening.

"Do you want the third sister to be Li Su's concubine?" The ninth sister has a beautiful smile on her lips. How can she let the third sister succeed so easily? If she doesn't let the third sister suffer a little, how can she be worthy of herself? I just don't know if my cousin is ready.

She was thinking about it when she heard the sound of the pigeon cooing.

Sister Jiu raised her eyebrows. At this late hour, there were carrier pigeons flying to her room. This pigeon will only be Xia Houchen's. She quickly took out the letter from the pigeon's mailbox, but she didn't expect it to be written by Li Yi.

Due to time constraints, Li Yi had to use Xia Houchen's carrier pigeon to send letters.

Sister Jiu took off the lampshade and lit the letter, "Let's meet Li Su. After all, I had something to do with him!"

No one objected. Although they couldn't figure out what the ninth sister was going to do, they probably wanted to prevent the third sister from marrying into the Prince Yi mansion.

The second day, Sister Jiu took Jinxiu and Yao's mother to the restaurant agreed with Li Yi. Nowadays, there are only three most powerful people in her hands. If she uses conspiracy and tricks, it is better for Feng's mother. Unfortunately, Feng's mother is now serving the old lady. So she only brought Jinxiu and Yao's mother.

The restaurant is a drunken building that he often goes to. Li Yi doesn't know why he set up such a banquet, but most of them are familiar faces. Needless to say, Xia Houchen, Liu Yuner and Yang Qian, but she didn't expect that Princess Xiaochen would appear here. Of course, Li Su, the most important person, was not late.

Li Yi's eyes were full of smiles and looked indifferent.

When he saw Sister Jiu enter the elegant room, Li Su's heart contracted fiercely again.

"I think Li Su, you have never seen my cousin. She is Sister Xue Jiajiu." Li Yi introduced plainly, and his eyes actually looked a little optimistic about the play.

Sister Jiu has seen Li Su for the second time, and a strong feeling rose from the bottom of her heart again, but this time, she suppressed it well. The ninth sister blessed Li Su with a shallow smile on her face, "We meet again."

Li Su felt a sharp pain in his heart. Yes, he met again. She turned out to be Sister Xue Jiajiu. The pain in the cone made him almost breathless, as if to pierce his heart. But she was a little relieved in her heart. She was the ninth sister of the Xue family, and fortunately she withdrew from marriage.

Li Su came to his senses and received the gift. He has returned to his former spirit. "Ninth sister, you don't have to be polite, just treat me as a friend."

The ninth sister glanced. Sure enough, this was their circle, but she and Li Sugang divorced, and the atmosphere was still a little awkward.

Princes Xiaochen said dissatisfiedly, "I have said don't believe those rumors and withdraw from the marriage, but you don't believe it, but you have divorced the marriage. Now that you have seen Sister Jiu, do you regret it?"

Li Su clenched his fist tightly, "There is nothing to regret!"

"You--" Princess Xiaochen frowned, bit her silver teeth, snorted coldly, and stopped talking to Li Su. But he said, "Why did I all become friends with some abnormal people!"

Nine sister squeezed her lips and smiled, "I don't have that blessing." She picked up the glass and said to Li Su, "I heard that you are engaged to Cao Qin, the daughter of the Minister of War. This glass of wine is my congratulations."

No one knows how much courage Sister Jiu used to say such a thing in the face she once fell in love with.

Li Su didn't say anything. He picked up the glass to pay tribute first. The ninth sister was not informal. She looked up and drank the wine in the glass, but was almost choked and kept coughing. Li Yi's face changed and grabbed the glass from the ninth sister's hand. He remembered that the ninth sister was not good at drinking.

Sure enough, after drinking such a glass of wine, Sister Jiu's originally white skin was stained with a layer of faint.

Xia Houchen remembered, but she couldn't get up. She seemed to feel the strangeness of Sister Jiu's towards Li Su. She felt a little awkward, but she didn't get up after all.

Sister Jiu took a long breath and looked at Li Su and said, "Today is the first formal meeting."

The indifference of the ninth sister made Li Su feel a little violent. He hated the indifferent expression of the ninth sister very much, "Hmm!"

However, Sister Jiu's face was very serious, and her eyes swept around everyone, but suddenly knelt on the ground.

Xia Houchen couldn't stand it anymore. He suddenly stood up and wanted to help Sister Jiu up. Unfortunately, Sister Jiu still knelt down, "Sister Jiu, what are you doing!" Xiahou Chen roared.

The ninth sister lowered her head and said, "I asked my cousin to help you come out of today's banquet." Sister Jiu didn't hide her thoughts and said frankly, "Xue Xinrong, the ninth sister of the Xue family, I just want you to do me a favor."

She raised her head, but there was no seriousness in her eyes, and continued: "For the face of my cousin Li Yi."

After listening to the second sentence, Li Yi was a little angry.

Liu Yuner couldn't help smiling in her eyes, "Your heart, you want to embarrass your cousin!"

"For you, this matter is just a piece of cake, but it also gives me a way out. Sister Jiu will definitely write down this love. Sister Jiu gritted her teeth and said.

Seeing that Sister Jiu said this, how can everyone refuse? Even if you want to refuse in your heart, you can't refuse.

The ninth sister looked up at Li Su. The most important person in this matter is still Li Su. Li Su also looked into the eyes of the ninth sister, and there was a sense of strength in the ninth sister's eyes. Finally, he nodded.

"I'm here to thank you first!" Sister Jiu got up. She just took advantage of Li Yi a little. She knew that Li Yi was looking at him now, but she didn't look back.

This time, the old lady's wishes were completely ruined. After all, the third sister still couldn't get married.