official's direct daughter

Chapter 175 Provocation 2

Seeing that her favorite granddaughter and granddaughter were full of fighting spirit, the old lady did not stop it. Originally, she was distressed in her eyes. Over the years, she occasionally got news from the capital. She only felt that her heart was really not like a teenage girl. Maybe it was because she had been bullied by Xue's people for a long time. The old lady also wants to take the opportunity to see what kind of temperament she has, so as to polish her face. As long as she has the blood of the Li family, she should either be a straw bag or show her ability to occupy a place among her brothers and sisters.

Xinrong didn't know what the old lady was thinking, but she didn't take over the provocation of her cousin Li Yan. She just said with a smile, "Actually, I can only write a few small words, which is just a repetition year after year. It's not a big ability."

She restrained her eyebrows slightly and did not look at the old lady's expression. No matter what they thought, anyway, she was determined not to argue with Li Yan, and there was nothing to argue about. If the old lady really loved her, even if she really did nothing, the old lady would also love her.

Maybe she also has some distrust of the family affection that has fallen from the sky. In her previous life and this life, she really didn't have a deep understanding of the so-called family affection. Even if the old lady cares about her now, it will make her guess how true she is to her.

The eldest wife was a little disappointed. She thought that she should take this move in the face of Li Yan's provocation, but her heart avoided its sharpness, which was really far from what she expected. The old lady was also disappointed. There was nothing to see, but she saw through one layer more than others. Li Yan obviously fell into this game and couldn't help but be happy. She was worthy of her granddaughter, and there was no pain in vain.

Li Yan stamped her feet, and she felt like she was hitting a layer of cotton and didn't exert any strength at all. She looked around and found that only her mother was anxious and a little disappointed. Her mother didn't see the current situation clearly. Even if she splashed now, no one would be disgusted. Her mother was really worried for nothing.

However, she didn't think so. She stepped in front of Xinrong, looked down at Xinrong's eyes, and stared straight at Xinrong's eyes. "How about us than writing? At least my Li family is a scholarly family. If you don't even write as good as you, then don't take out my face."

Li Yan has always been conceited. Even if she writes well, after all, no one teaches her in person, and she is groping by herself. Naturally, she is not as good as her.

After a long silence, she really didn't know how to evaluate this cousin, but she was most helpless. She really didn't have the heart to argue with Li Yan. She also came to Li's house to visit her grandmother and grandfather, and to make it clear that she was to avoid disaster. If you get into some trouble again, don't you have nothing to do?

But if she makes more concessions now, how will the people in this room think of her?

In an instant, her mind skipped a lot, and her eyes finally stayed on Li Lian. Seeing that Li Lian's eyes were cold, she couldn't help laughing. This child was really interesting.

She couldn't help shaking her head, "I don't compare with you. You are bullying people. If you really want to compare, I should also compare with cousin Li Lian."

Li Yan turned her head and looked at her shocked brother and found it interesting. Although her brother was young, he had always been a cold face. No matter what happened, she could not see what his heart was thinking. Unexpectedly, Xinrong only said one sentence shocked him. Oh, Xue Xinrong is really interesting.

Li Lian stood in a stunned and didn't react at all. How did he get it to him in the end? And what made him panicked was that he didn't seem to guess what his cousin was thinking at all. How could it be like this?

Xinrong smiled at Li Lian. She didn't feel that she was bullying people. After careful calculation, the Li family began to learn poetry and etiquette since she was a child. Although Li Lian was young, she could be guided by a famous teacher and had such a good atmosphere, that is, to see who wrote well, and naturally it was not bullying. However, Xinrong is very confident in her own words. In her previous life and this life, she also specialized in many famous books and posts. Well, in fact, she is really bullying people. But others don't know.

"You two are the same. Not long after you arrived at Li's house, you want to bully people. Come here quickly!" The fourth wife couldn't help scolding Li Yan and Li Lian. The corners of her eyes couldn't help glancing at the old lady and the old lady, and her heart was uneasy.

He looked up and looked at the fourth wife slightly. From now on, the fourth wife seemed to be invisible in the room and was ignored. She is the mother of Li Yan and Li Lian. Generally speaking, she shouldn't.

The fourth wife was frightened by her heart's eyes and was uncomfortable, but she was not easy to lose her temper. She just smiled dryly and said, "It's just that the child loses her temper."

"Let them make trouble. There has been nothing new in the house for a long time, and the children are also bored." The old lady finally spoke and was a little dissatisfied with the fourth wife interrupting the children's argument.

The fourth wife choked. She was scolded for helping her heart.

There is a faint smile on his face, which really feels like a mountain. She looked away from the fourth wife and returned to Li Lian. Li Lian jumped a few times in his heart and gritted his teeth. "Don't cry when you lose."

With a smile.

Li Yan also smiled. Xinrong really picked a thorn this time. In their generation, in addition to her cousin, Li Lian's talent is the best. Although she is conceited, she also knows what reality is. Even if it is herself, she doesn't want to do anything wrong with Li Lian.

The old lady and the eldest lady's eyes were strange, thinking about whether to remind them, but think about it, these are all children's things. They are elders, how can they intervene. Whether it's a winner or a loser, it's a child's family. These adults should not take care of it. What's more, they also want to see what kind of temperament Xinrong is. Fortunately, Xinrong is not soft again and again. If so, even if they really love Xinrong, they must let Xinrong suffer a lot.

Her heart spread out. As they saw, she could completely ignore this provocation, but in order to satisfy the minds of these adults, she chose one at will. Of course, she won't pick Li Yan. Originally, she didn't know Li Yan and didn't know what kind of personality she was. If she won, Li Yan would be awkward. In the future, there will be a gap between the two of them in the house. This is not what she wants, so she has to bully the child and pick Li Lian out. However, looking at the expressions of several people, Li Lian should not be treated as an ordinary child.

Li Yan also recovered from the shock, and her eyes were faintly excited. She quickly ran to the desk outside to take the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and polished the ink herself. Then he took a provocative look at his face. Did you write it first or Li Lian wrote it first?

"Li Lian is his younger brother, so he should let him." Xinrong raised his hand and made a concession.

Li Lian raised his eyebrows. He has not been looked down since he was born, but this cousin treats him as a child again and again. Well, no matter how good his heart is, he can't tolerate such provocation, even if the provocative person doesn't know it. But in fact, his arrogant mind can't allow him to give in half a step.

Li Lian didn't look at everyone and picked up the pen! The ink color swims on the white rice paper and becomes in one go. With the pen, he took a cold look at his heart.

There is no special feeling in her heart. Although Li Lian's handwriting is really good, she can't help but want to attack Li Lian.

Therefore, her heart did not pause. She took away the top piece of rice paper and pressed it on the corner of the rice paper without delay. Then she leisurely dipped it in ink. First, she wrote a line of beautiful small regular script on the right, which was not over. She wrote four grass characters in the middle. After that, he changed his official script and left his name.

After writing, she raised the rice paper and habitually dried the ink stains, with a faint smile on her face.

Li Lian and Li Yan's sister and brother had already been stunned. Li Yan was shocked. Fortunately, she didn't pick her.

Xinrong uses three fonts to write. Generally speaking, two fonts on a piece of paper will destroy the overall sense. However, I used three fonts, but I didn't feel complicated. On the contrary, these three fonts complement each other, and there is nothing to be picky about. Well, at least she doesn't look picky.

Li Lian frowned and hummed softly in his nose, "It's just that the words are well written."

Obviously, he has admitted defeat.

Li Yanyou was unwilling, "How did you admit defeat so easily? She only wrote a few words. No, this is countless. Xinrong must have known that he would win long ago.

Li Lian stared at Li Yan contemptuously. He raised his eyes and looked at his face again. Finally, he hummed contemptuously. He did not admit that he had lost. He was not yet nine years old, so he was naturally inferior to this cousin.

Her heart only felt funny. She glanced at the words she wrote faintly. Didn't she know if this word satisfied the people in the room?

She raised her head and her eyes paused on everyone in the room. Obviously, the people in the room had not recovered from the shock.

The old lady coughed awkwardly. Xinrong's handwriting was beautifully, and she said like a human, but she really couldn't see what kind of person Xinrong was. Xinrong's heart was really hidden too deep. She said with a smile, "Xinrong's handwriting is really good. Can you help your grandmother copy a Dharma Sutra later?"

Her heart bowed slightly, with a faint smile on her lips: "If my grandmother has any orders, she will definitely do her best."

The old lady nodded with satisfaction, as if she had not recovered from the words just now.