official's direct daughter

Chapter 177 Great Victory

Early the next morning, Xinrong just went to the old lady's place to say hi, and was caught by Li Yan. Over the years, I have been used to living without going out of the door. If there is nothing wrong, I will never hang out on the street. Now he was suddenly pulled out by Li Yan and had nothing to do.

Li Yan said proudly, "Our Li family mostly raise children. There are no rules that should not have, and there are only some rules that should be. Look, it's strange that the ladies of those families don't go out of the door and get sick.

Li Yan is very disdainful of those so-called lady.

Xinrong just listened carefully and did not express any opinions. In fact, that's how she was raised. When I was in the capital, I didn't go out often. If it hadn't been for the fact that I couldn't do anything later, I would have to find a way to save my life, and then I would run out for three days. There is no one as crazy as Li Yan. Perhaps in the Li family, only Li Yan dares to be so presumptuous.

"Let me tell you, my grandfather likes to play chess with a few old men by Taihu Lake. You didn't see your grandfather yesterday, did you? Well, in fact, I don't often see my grandfather. My grandfather is not in the house. Li Yan looked at the street outside the window and chattered.

"To the way, don't reveal what I said when you go back to the house, or my hand will be punished."

"What did you bring me out for?" For Li Yan's broken thoughts, she didn't care at all. What she is most curious about is why Li Yan brought her out?

Li Yan's voice suddenly stopped. She looked back at her heart and began to chatter again, "I said why you are not interesting at all. After saying so much, my mouth is dry, but you didn't say anything at all."

I was stunned, "What do I want to say?"

Li Yan choked and didn't listen to her at all, so she couldn't help rolling her eyes.

smiled faintly and said, "If you want to go to Taihu Lake to play, let's go to Taihu Lake."

That's what Li Yan means.

Taihu Lake is not close to Li's house, and it took three or two to go back and forth. She often wanders in the nearby streets and always feels that it's not as fun as Taihu Lake. Unfortunately, there is no one to accompany her, and she can't pester her grandfather. Her grandfather has a good time with those old men, but she is a teenage girl. Naturally, she doesn't feel those old men. What's your interest in playing? Now that Xinrong has come to Li's house, someone happens to accompany her.

His heart squeezed his lips and smiled, and a golden light burst out of his eyes.

Li Yan didn't see the brilliance in her heart and quickly let the driver turn his head and rush to Taihu Lake.

Taihu Lake is very beautiful. Spring, autumn and winter have their own charms. Now it is late autumn. Only at night and morning are a little cold, and it is still a little hot during the day. On the edge of Taihu Lake, there are many teahouses simply placed on the edge of Taihu Lake. Three or five old men set up a pair of chess in groups. Everyone gathered to watch chess. People fight with each other.

Li Yan got out of the carriage first. When she was careful to get out of the carriage, Li Yan had already run away. Soon, she saw Li Yan stop in a group of brightly dressed and gray-haired old men. Li Yan turned around and waved to Xinrong, and Xinrong also trotted a few steps quickly.

But in the middle of this group of old men, two white-haired old men sat opposite each other, with a game of chess in the middle. This game of chess was almost played to the end, but it was still difficult to tell the winner.

"Brother Li, how about we play this game of chess?" The old man in a brown coat stroked his white beard and said with a smile.

"Brother Zhang said that if this game of chess continues, it is difficult to win or lose." The old man surnamed Li was silent for a while and said, confirming that there was really no need to go on with this game of chess.

The old people onlookers looked at the chessboard carefully, but finally they couldn't find a way to win and nodded.

"Grandpa, you finally finished playing this chess. I've been waiting for a long time." When everyone dispersed, Li Yan coquettishly took the old man surnamed Li's hand.

His eyes moved out of the chessboard and looked at the old man surnamed Li.

The old man looked kind and spoiled Li Yan, "Don't you like to come to Taihu Lake? Why did you come alone today!"

Li Yan curled her lips and said, "Grandpa, you are really, hey... My cousin came to Li's house the day before yesterday. Don't you know it yet?"

"Heart? Which one is it?" Mrs. Li looked confused and obviously didn't remember. He suddenly came to his senses and patted his forehead, "Oh, look at my memory, I forgot these things."

Old Mrs. Li finally raised her head and saw her heart.

He took two steps forward to salute Mrs. Li and shouted respectfully, "Grandfather."

Old Li was not in a hurry to speak, but just looked at his face and nodded with a white beard. He smiled with a smile on his face, "Not bad, it's worthy of Yuer's daughter."

"Brother Li, now you are full of children and grandchildren, and now even your granddaughter is a talented person, which is worthy of the blood of your Li family!" The old man surnamed Zhang laughed twice.

Obviously, this old man surnamed Zhang is friends with Mrs. Li.

"Oh, don't say anything. I remember that someone told me that the child came to Suzhou the day before yesterday, but in order to play a game of chess with you, I still put the children at home aside. Look, he came here today and must have come to blame me."

Xinrong quickly said, "Xinrong dares not complain about his grandfather, but cousin Li Yan wants to come to this Taihu Lake, so I followed."

Mr. Li looked at Li Yan with great interest, as if he suddenly said, "It should, it should be. If you come to Suzhou, you should walk around. It's not a good thing to stay in the house all the time." He turned around and said to Mr. Zhang, "You can call this old man Grandpa Zhang. You don't have to salute him."

Mr. Zhang blew his beard and stared, "You treat me as transparent. No, no, you two juniors should also show me a salute."

Xinrong took a step forward and said with a smile, "Xinrong has met Grandpa Zhang for the first time today, can you prepare a gift for him?"

Mr. Zhang was stunned. After a long time, he came to his senses and laughed, "You little girl, you are really as cunning as a fox, no different from your mother."

Li Yan was not willing to show weakness, "Grandpa Zhang, Yan Er has met you many times, and I have never seen you prepare gifts for Yan Er!" Li Yan raised her eyebrows at Xinrong and secretly said that this Xinrong was really cunning. She pretended to be a weak lady in the house, but when she went outside, she still revealed her nature.

Mr. Zhang laughed dumbly and said enviously, "Brother Li, you deliberately let these two maids come to Taihu today, which made me jealous."

Old Li shook her head and shook her head. "No, although I have been in the house for two days, this is also the first time I have seen her. Naturally, it is impossible to collude with their sisters."

Mr. Li asked Xinrong again, "Xinrong, do you blame your grandfather for not meeting you?"

"It's not strange!" She answered lightly. When she met Mrs. Li for the first time, she knew what kind of person Mrs. Li was. If Mrs. Li was really waiting in the house, she had to think about whether Mrs. Li was sincere or fake.

For a long time, she couldn't help sighing. Now she is really in the wind. Even if someone treats her well, she still doubts the person's heart. No, she has to go crazy if it goes on like this.

Li Yan stared at her heart fiercely, and still felt that her heart was like an angry little daughter-in-law. She had no temperament at all. She had nothing to do with the little aunt she had heard of in her heart. At least her heart was also her aunt's daughter. How could she have no temperament at all?

She gritted her teeth and said, "Today I brought you to Taihu Lake to play chess with you." Her eyes wandered on the chess for a long time and continued, "Let's play this chess game. If you can solve this dead game, I will really admit defeat."

she frowned and looked down at the remaining chess that had not yet been withdrawn. Speaking of this game of chess, it was really nothing in her eyes. At least she wanted to get out of the dead. She couldn't do it. However, after all, this game was left after the two elders played it. If she moved this game, it would be disrespectful to the two.

"This game of chess is easy to play!" He answered faintly. Obviously, he didn't feel the joy of victory if this game came out of the opposing death.

The old man Li's beard was upturned and felt that Xinrong was talking big. Although he also saw Xinrong for the first time, he didn't think that Xinrong was a girl who talked big. She wants to see how Xinrong can go to make this game of chess "very easy".

Mr. Li thought so in his heart that he had moved a car. Mr. Zhang was also blowing his beard and staring. Obviously, he committed suicide. As soon as the car left, his cannon just ate the car. Then came the general.

But he was not in a hurry. Another small infantryman walked away. Mr. Zhang's hand actually stopped. Next, there was nothing he could do for the general.

Taking another step, his heart moved again, and Mr. Zhang couldn't help getting serious. In this way, the rear of Xinrong is completely empty. It can be said that as long as he kills the boundary river, Xinrong will lose, but then again, Mr. Zhang can't kill him.

"General!" Xinrong put the last car in front of the "General".

was solved, and this game of chess was not only solved, but also won.

He smiled shyly and felt a little embarrassed. In fact, she just took advantage of Mr. Zhang's psychology and just saw Mr. Zhang playing chess. She only felt that Mr. Zhang's scruples about the rear were too heavy, so she completely gave up the rear and attacked him in an all-round way, so that Mr. Zhang was soon defeated.

The three looked at the chessboard in a dazed way. After a long time, Mr. Zhang said strangely, "There is no killing game like you. If you put it on the battlefield, you would have died a few times."

With a faint smile, "This is just a game of chess, but it's not a battlefield. As a girl, how can I play on any battlefield?"

Li Yan came to her senses, and her eyes were like looking at monsters. She had been around Mrs. Li since she was a child. It can be said that she got seven or eight points in her chess skills, but she didn't expect that her chess skills were already on the same level as her grandfather. Another point is that watching chess is the same as watching people. Well, she has vaguely seen what kind of person this little cousin is, and she is convinced.


April update time 9:45 a.m., daily update, 3000+ no discount ^_^