official's direct daughter

Chapter 181 Mouth Style 2

Seeing that her face changed slightly, Mrs. Li also knew that she had gone too much. She quickly coughed and said perfunctorily, "Cough, this is just what we old men and women mean. If you juniors don't have that in mind, just don't mention this matter in the future!"

Old Li has made it very clear that they will not be forced to talk about this kind of thing.

Li Yan laughed twice and echoed with her grandfather, which was just to explore the style of her face. If Xinrong was really interested in the third brother in the family, maybe her mother would have to make trouble for a while. She really couldn't figure out that there was everything in the house and what her mother was fighting about, which made the younger generation in the middle. However, other elders in the family have this intention, and Xinrong really has no idea about her cousin. She can't help but feel much more relaxed, at least there will be fewer things in the house.

She smiled because she cared too much. No matter how her grandfather thought about her. As for the thoughts of cousin Li Yi, that person would not like her. In the eyes of cousin Li Yi, she was a complete layman, completely different from Liu Yuner.

Liu Yuner has an affair with her cousin. Obviously, she, a little yellow-haired girl, can't get involved. Thinking that Liu Yuner will come to Suzhou soon, Xinrong didn't pay attention to this matter. Hurry up and have a few more drinks and go back to Li's house.

Mr. Li did not go back home with Xinrong and Li Yan. When he walked leisurely on the edge of Taihu Lake with a bird cage, he was surrounded by a chess friend and asked which girl who played chess with Mr. Zhang was. Mrs. Li looked serious and said that he only cared about watching chess at that time, but did not ask which little girl was from.

This is no different from what Mr. Zhang said. Everyone was disappointed and let Mrs. Li go.

Old Li quickly sat next to Mr. Zhang and called him a friend. He didn't tell the girl's heart. He was glad that he didn't know Li Yan in this group of old men, otherwise she couldn't hide it even if she wanted to hide it.

Mr. Zhang smiled and said thiepily, "In the future, let that little girl often come to Taihu to play a few games of chess with me, and I won't talk about my identity to others."

Mr. Li's face was not good-looking. He hummed twice. If he often came here, his identity would be exposed sooner or later. He ignored Mr. Zhang's chatter, but lined up the chess pieces and left first. Mr. Zhang also stopped talking, raised the chess piece and took a step. The two of them came down in twos, obviously playing the chess game played by Xinrong and Mr. Zhang in the morning.

Until the two copied all the chess pieces, Mrs. Li said in a heavy voice, "This chess seems to be the main game, but the previous layout is also superior."

Mr. Zhang shook his head, "This method of playing chess will one day suffer losses."

Ms. Li sighed, "Yes!"

After that, he stopped talking.

Back to the house, Jinxiu handed Xinrong a card. Liu Yuner has arrived in Suzhou and will meet in the painting in Taihu Lake tomorrow.

Her face suddenly looked good. Today, she played chess happily. If she goes to Taihu Lake again tomorrow, the old man will definitely twist her. However, Liu Yuner was definitely going to see it, so she ordered the painting fan to prepare for tomorrow's outing.

Well, well, tomorrow is just a trip, nothing serious.

When Li Yan returned to the house, she hurried to Cheng Ruitang. She wandered with Xinrong for most of the day, but she was ordered to act. Originally, she was to explore the style of Xinrong, but she really couldn't find an opportunity, so she thought that it was still a long time. After she was familiar with it, she asked again, but she didn't think that Grandpa would say it in one bite. She I also echoed a few words, but found that Xinrong was not interested in the third brother, and now it was time to go back to my grandmother.

When Li Yan arrived at Cheng Ruitang, she said the meaning of Xinrong. The old lady looked disappointed. She looked at Li Yi and did not marry, and Xinrong did not marry. The two children were just together, but Xinrong did not mean it. It was really difficult for them to match them.

The old lady looked at the old lady again. The old lady frowned and shook her head. Obviously, she also spoke from Li Yi, and Li Yi did not mean that.

"Yi'er only said that her face was good, but he only regarded her as a sister, just like Yan'er, and she should be spoiled."

The old lady's eyes lit up, as long as Li Yi treats her heart well. Although it is a brother and sister now, there is a relationship between husband and wife after marriage. Anyway, Li Yi will not treat her heart badly. "That's good. Marriage and the fate of her parents, Yi'er will be good in the future."

The old lady shook her head and said, "If that's all, even if things are done in the future, they will be respectful to each other, but Yi'er often mention Liu Yuner, the daughter of Prime Minister Liu in the capital. Seeing his expression, a heart is on Liu Yuner. As elders, it is impossible for us to beat the mandarin ducks, can't we? If Yier only blames his heart in the future, we will do bad things with good intentions.

The old lady is worried, and the old lady is even more worried. They really want to leave their hearts in Suzhou. There are many troubles in the capital, and their hearts are just a girl's house.

Li Yan was dizzy when she heard this. Even if the third brother really wanted to marry, she didn't think about it. What's more, today's attitude, even if the elders are matched, she will not appreciate it. Maybe she would rather stay in the capital than in Suzhou. But she didn't say this, and she was worried.

Just after Mao, the garden became hot. Chunya and Cuiliu were already busy in the kitchen. Last night, Jinxiu ordered them to get up early, so she didn't go to the big kitchen to get food. She only cooked in the kitchen in the yard.

I didn't get up too early, and I couldn't get up until after a while. Although I only came to Li's house for two or three days, I got up at two o'clock today. Spring buds and Cuiliu were also a little surprised.

Jinxiu and the painting fan have been serving the living of their hearts. At this time, Jinxiu has taken the kettle to the kitchen to fend the hot water, and saw the spring buds and Cuiliu busy working in the stove.

Chunya quickly said hello and said, "Sister Jinxiu, why did your cousin get up so early today and don't sleep any more? Now it's getting colder and colder."

Jinxiu scooped water from the pot and said, "Someone came from the capital. Miss went out to meet her. That man is a friend of the young lady. Naturally, she dares not neglect it."

Chunya and Cuiliu suddenly cheered up. Cuiliu smiled and said, "Which lady did you make your cousin prepare so in such a hurry?"

"Yo, how do you guess it's a lady?" Jinxiu was in a good mood. Chunya and Cuiliu were not bad. They could talk together, so they said a few more words.

"Although our people are open, it won't be a private meeting of which prince and lady go far away, right?" Chunya rubbed her face in her hands, but her mouth did not stop.

Jinxiu's hand paused for a moment. She thought that the son of the Marquis of An was also in Suzhou now. Although it was a coincidence, she felt that the prince of Anguo came to Suzhou for the sake of the young lady. She shook her head, smiled, and left the idea behind.

"Sister Jinxiu, tell me which adult that lady is from in the capital, and she has come to Suzhou thousands of miles away!" Cui Liu came up.

Jinxiu took a look at Cuiliu, then at Chunya, and said with a smile, "That is, Miss Liu Yuner, the eldest daughter of Prime Minister Liu. When she was in the capital, Miss Liu also took good care of our young lady. She was also good-looking, had a good family background, and had been a female official. I thought that no one could match her except her cousin.

Jinxiu said very simply. It not only said that Liu Yuner's care of her heart, but also secretly showed that Liu Yuner took care of her heart. It was also for Li Yi's sake. There must be something between Li Yi and Liu Yuner. Now Liu Yun'er has come thousands of miles to Suzhou, maybe it's for Li Yi.

It's not a beautiful mouth, but Miss Liu and Master Li Yi are really matched. They are just gossiping.

Seeing Chunya and Cuiliu shocked, Jinxiu said, "Don't reveal what I said. The young lady usually treats her servants very well, but she also treats her own people. Although you are rewarded by the old lady, you also have to think of the young lady. You can't tell this to the old lady, or you will touch the young lady. meihead, no matter how capable you are, you can't leave you by your side these days.

Chunya and Cuiliu are not stupid. Naturally, they know what Jinxiu means and say with a smile, "Thank you, sister Jinxiu. We are not broken. We all know what to say and what not to say. We all serve the cousin, so naturally we should be one with the cousin.

She suddenly shouted, "Oh, the water is boiling. I'll steam the snacks first, and then I can deliver the food after a cup of tea."

With that, Chunya quickly opened the pot, put on the steamer, and quickly put the molded dessert on it.

Jinxiu picked up the water and said, "Miss Zi should have dressed up now. I'm going to serve the lady."

With that, he opened the door and left the kitchen.

Cui Liu said, "What do you think?"

Chunya smiled, "The old lady sent me to serve my cousin. Naturally, I have to be with my cousin. This is just a casual quarrel. What are we worried about?" She added, "We are only responsible for the cousin's food now. If the cousin is well, we will be fine. Even if the cousin returns to the capital in the future, the old lady will look at us differently.

Cui Liu nodded and smiled, "That's right. The old lady didn't ask me to inquire about any news, but the fourth wife..."

"We serve the cousin. Even if we offend the fourth wife, there are old ladies and old ladies to support us. Everyone in this house wants to be the aunts of the young masters, especially the third young master, but they don't think that people like the third young master are worthy of us maids? In the future, if we marry a shopkeeper and deacon or something, we will also have a face. We only know the old lady's intention to come and serve the cousin.

After the dessert is steamed, the spring buds are taken out and sent to the heart room.

After having breakfast in a hurry, he went out of the door with Jinxiu and the painting fan.


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Three summers have passed~~