official's direct daughter

Chapter 187 Invitation

"I heard from the painting fan that you opened the rich flower shop to Suzhou?" Li Yi picked up the chess pieces and put them in the box and asked slowly.

"Well, I have to plan for my future!" He said melancholy that doing business was not an easy thing. When I was in the capital, these things were handled by Marco and his wife. I didn't find it very difficult. After all, at that time, Mr. Marco was involved in the relationship of the royal family as a missionary, so the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce did not embarrass the Marco and his wife at all. .

But now it's different. Although there is the Li family, officials and businessmen can't talk about it after all. Although the Chamber of Commerce can give the Li family face without embarrasss her, it can do it without looking at the face of the Li family.

"You can completely leave the rich and flowering things to Liu Yuner, or I'll do it. How can you, little girl, do those troubles!" Li Yi was a little worried.

Li Yi is not surprised that rich flowers have settled down in Suzhou. Those who do business will want to make their business bigger and bigger. The development of rich flowers blooming in the capital is estimated to have reached saturation. Suzhou is a resort in the south of the Yangtze River. It is not surprising that the pastry shop has opened here. What's more, Xinrong will live here for a few days, and it is easy to manage the shop.

But he was still a little surprised that Xue Xinrong did these things by himself. In front of him, Xinrong was just a 14-year-old girl who should live under the love of his elders and did not need to show up for business.

And she doesn't have this strength!

"Sister Liu has not been in business for a long time, and she doesn't understand for a while. Naturally, I will do these things myself." Xinrong said, "When I went to look for you a few days ago, your little man said that you were not in the house a few days ago. You were the eldest son of Li's family, so naturally there were a lot of things on you. I can't have you to do everything for me. There will always be times when you can't get out.

Li Yi looked at his smiling face. As soon as he talked about business, his mood was very high. Obviously, he really wanted to do a good job of wealth. But when the little girl who once needed him to protect has gradually grown up. In the future, she doesn't know which man has such a blessing to protect her heart.

He felt more frustrated and relieved. His heart grew up and was no longer the thin and small girl.

"Let me deal with the first side. In the past, I had some intersections with Master Zhangfu, and he would give this favor." Li Yi said with a smile.

Her face was just smiling and did not refuse. In fact, what she was most curious about was the woman in Li Yi's heart. In fact, she was no exception.

"Cousin, which is the woman in your heart? You have never mentioned it in front of me before, but I'm curious. Watching Li Yi pick up chess, he picked up the tea lid and gently knocked on the teacup.

Li Yi put the chess box on the Duobao grid without looking back and said, "Her home is not in Suzhou. At that time, I remember that her family is much better than me!"

His voice slowly faded, and there was a lot of tenderness and attachment in his eyes. He kept all the memories of the woman in his heart, but one day, he found that he did not remember her appearance, did not remember his apology to her, only remembered that there was such a person in his heart, and he was reluctant to forget.

At this time, Li Yi's little mate came in from the outside, holding two bright red posts in his hand, bowed his head, and respectfully handed over the post. "This was sent by Master Zhang Yongzhang's house. The subordinate also told the little one that the cousin must go then."

Xinrong took over the post, and it turned out to be an invitation letter sent by Zhang Yong. The invitation letter was clearly written that it was organized by the Suzhou Chamber of Commerce about the selection of the top lady in Suzhou.

The scenery of Suzhou is beautiful, and whether it is mountains or water, it is gentle. The women in Suzhou are more beautiful. The women in the brothel are all beautiful and proficient in poetry and songs. The talents in Suzhou like to go to the brothel. The top lady in the brothel in Suzhou is also a person with face.

It can be said that most of the money earned by the Suzhou Chamber of Commerce comes from the brothel.

But it's really inappropriate for her to go to a place like a brothel.

Li Yi was secretly shocked that his face could be favored by Zhang Yong. This time, he even invited her to choose Suzhou Huakui.

"Cousin, it's not easy for me to participate in this brothel!" He smiled and put the invitation on the table.

Li Yi laughed a few times, "Don't make this matter too complicated. Zhang Yong won't invite you to the brothel."

He picked up the invitation on the table and glanced it quickly and said, "This Yuxiangfang is not a brothel, but the name of a painting boat. What's more, the competition for Mrs. Huakui can't be completed in a day or two. This painting belongs to the private property of the Suzhou Chamber of Commerce. Tomorrow's banquet is just Zhang Yong's invitation to invite some famous merchants from Suzhou and a few leading women from the brothel to help the wine. No one dares to mess around.

"Speaking of which, the fourth lady of the Suzhou Lou family is a genius in business. As expected, she should also go tomorrow." Li Yi said again, "She is only 18 this year. She has taken care of several important businesses of the Lou family. She is not inferior to anyone. She is a talented woman!"

There are several more folds on the nose.

"The young master and the young grandmother of the Fang family are also very good at doing business, especially the young grandmother Fang. When she didn't come out of the cabinet, the Suzhou business community had never heard of her name. They just thought that she was raised in a deep boudoir, but within a year of marriage, she and Fang Da Shao cleaned up the inside and outside of Fang's family. Today He is only 25 years old. If you want to open rich flowers in Suzhou, you can have more contact with them.

She carefully digested what Li Yi said. Speaking of which, she knew too little about the businessmen in Suzhou. After all, she had only been in Suzhou for less than a month. Even if she began to inquire about these businessmen in Suzhou from the first day, it was impossible to find out the details of these businessmen. What she knew was just a few big merchants in Suzhou. Family, and the Chamber of Commerce.

However, she inquired about the Fang family, but she didn't think about everything about the Fang family. Unexpectedly, Grandma Fang made a lot of efforts.

As for the house, she hasn't heard of it.

"Can the Lou family be ranked in the Suzhou merchant family?" He asked puzzledly.

Li Yi nodded, "The Lou family was equivalent to the current Zhang family in Suzhou 200 years ago, but after 200 years, the Lou family has long been out of the flow. However, there is a woman with business talent in this generation. Although the Lou family has fallen, no one can underestimate the savings of the Lou family. The Lou family is just a leader. Unfortunately, Lou Yuming is a woman. No matter how powerful she is, she can't get much power.

nodded silently. No matter how powerful Lou Yuming is, she will always get married. If the Lou family wants to keep Lou Yuming and recruit a son-in-law, the children born in the future will not be stronger than the bloodline of the Lou family. If Lou Yuming is too strong, she will be threatened by the younger generation. Even if she wants to be single-minded for the Lou family, she will be guarded by the Lou family everywhere.

"She is not married yet! She began to be in charge of the housekeeper's business account at the age of 15. Even if a few businesses had already lost money, they were saved by Lou Yuming and won a lot of profits. If the Lou family takes care of all the businesses for her now, in less than three years, the Lou family can become one of the largest families of Suzhou merchants, but unfortunately..."

Li Yi didn't go on and said instead, "Although she is powerful, she is one point worse than you. Your business talent is really... evil! How old was your heart at that time? Nine years old? Twelve years old?"

He watched how the rich flowers bloom, and he helped Xinrong with some things, so in addition to Xinrong and Marco, he knows best about the rich flowers.

Her heart was slightly silent, and she had already thought about making friends with Lou Yuming. No matter what, she wanted to see what kind of woman Lou Yuming was.

Her eyes moved from Li Yi's face to the invitation letter in his hand. How could Zhang Yong invite Li Yi? And he is so familiar with the business world in Suzhou!

Li Yi's smile on his lips enlarged, "The expenses of Li's house are also taken out of the shops in the house, and I also have some business with Master Zhang!"

Constered, she always thought that Li Yi was full of poems and songs and was a real scholar. Although she was a little more fairy than those scholars, she was still a scholar. She didn't think that he was in business and had a few brushes, at least he could be recognized by Zhang Yong. Is this still not a human?

When Li Yi saw his heart and eyes staring motionless, he smiled gently, which made people feel like a spring breeze.