official's direct daughter

Chapter 191 Scholar

In the autumn water of Taihu Lake, a gorgeous and exquisite painted boat is slowing on the lake. There are many painted boats in the lake. Several people are sitting at the railing. As long as you raise your eyes, you can see the autumn water of the lake. Of course, there are other women who sing gracefully on the boat.

Different from what she thought, these women are very different from her consciousness.

Almost every woman in the brothel has a skill. Maybe she is good at chess, maybe she dances elegantly, but there is no vulgarity, and she is so thick that she can't even see her face. Maybe the oldam will!

Goldfish said that the girl who entered the building with her since she was a child in Tianqiong Building has also begun to receive guests, and she is the only one who is still a clean man. But even the most valuable girl can do piano, chess, poetry and books, and none of them is Bai Ding. If the talents of girls can win the favor of talents, even if their appearance is slightly worse, their value will not fall anywhere. On the contrary, if their talents are poor, their value will be poor.

It's just because she dances well, and she knows everything about poetry, songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so her mother in Tianqionglou looks at her differently.

Xinrong also has a further understanding of the Goulan Courtyard. At least these men not only buy women's skin and flesh, but also choose a highly talented woman to show their value. Of course, it is impossible to always sell art and not to sell themselves in the brothel, but talented women are better.

Not far away, a painting boat and Yuxiangfang missed it. The woman on the painting boat saw the beautiful man at the railing of Yuxiangfang and waved the handkerchief in her hand, and some women simply took the piano out and played a song. Although it was a little open, it was also very elegant and would not be annoying.

Seeing Xinrong looking at the woman on the boat without even turning her eyes, Lou Yuming came up and said, "Hasn't the girl seen such a scene?"

nodded and did not deny, "I just thought that the brothel was a vulgar place, with only a sly physical transaction, but now it seems that it is so elegant!"

Lou Yuming took a white look. No woman used the word "elegant" to describe a woman in a brothel. She said, "Those are all hook-lan courtyards that can't be put on the table. Naturally, Suzhou also have them, but Suzhou has a lot of talents, so even the grade of hook-lan courtyards has also gone up, such as Tianqionglou and Yuhuanlou. Even if it is still **, it won't make people feel that going to the Goulan courtyard is just venting.

She smiled and said, "But which woman likes her husband to always run to the Goulan courtyard. Even if it is high-grade, men and women will happen. How can you describe it with the word 'elegant' like this.

Looking at those beautiful women, the small calculation in his heart kept planning that these men consume not only women, but also deteness and mood.

"These women should also have no worries about food and clothing with their talents!" My heart sighed.

If these women who can play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting stay in the Goulan courtyard all their lives, it will be a little wasteful.

"No, after all, those in this industry still have to be young. The best age is 14 to 20 years old. After 20 years old, he will be an old man. Over 25 years old, even if you are talented, life is not very good. They will probably choose to leave the brothel, but occasionally go to the workshop or brothel ** for those young subsidized families. Sometimes some old guests who miss the past will go to their place to sit down.

nodded and thought about it. When they were in the brothel, those women's food and clothing were no worse than the officials's ladies. If there was anything to do, there was a maid. It could be said that the ten fingers did not touch the spring water. When they left the brothel, they naturally had no life security.

Although most of the people facing the rich flowers are the ladies of the big family, there is a thoughtful person around them to listen to her and chat with her in their spare time, so they will stay longer in the rich flowers. These women are all from brothel, and their status is lower than theirs. Naturally, they will not think that those brothel women can have real intersection with them.

Some things are adapted to local conditions. Since there are such good resources, they cannot be wasted.

The corners of her lips rose, but she didn't think of this in Chang'an at the beginning.

She has never been to the Goulan Courtyard in Chang'an, and the high-grade should not be worse than that in Suzhou. There must be many geisha who don't want to stay in the brothel. If you invite them to be rich and bloom, it is also a decent job and doesn't need to be too tired.

She came to her senses and put this idea in her heart.

At noon, a row of young maids dragged the tray in and put a lot of dishes on the table.

The fish in Taihu Lake is famous for its origin. It is that most of these dishes are made of fish, but there are several kinds, but you can't see the appearance of fish. It tastes only delicious and does not taste like fish.

"People in many places don't like to eat fish, but the fish is too fishy, even if the fish is very fresh, they don't like it. The fish flavor and fishy taste of Suzhou can be adjusted according to your own preferences. If you don't like the fishy smell, eat this silver fish soup and get rid of the fishy smell. If it has a little fishy smell, eat this carbonated black fish and steamed plum fish. If you want to eat something with a slightly fishy smell, use this five-Chinese fish. For each dish, Li Yi began to speak.

Soon, there were some side dishes on the table, but it was not easy to see a plate of green vegetables in late autumn.

Xinrong first picked up the silver fish soup and took a bite, but said with a smile, "It's really good. I didn't know that my cousin still studied these dishes."

Master Fang answered, "Don't you know how much your cousin cares about these foods? Once when I was studying in the college with Brother Li, I saw him go to the kitchen to cook some dishes and drink wine alone to enjoy the snow. That's very comfortable.

"I always thought that my cousin Qingya, such an indifferent fairy-like figure, would go to the kitchen to cook?"

Li Yi looked at his heart with a smile and bright eyes.

"Haha, that's just what I bumped into!" Master Fang picked up the dishes and stopped talking.

After eating and drinking enough, Xinrong is no longer new about the objects in the Yuxiangfang, but occasionally there are eyes looking at her. When she looks over, those eyes have disappeared. She is a cousin of Li's house. She is noble and naturally won't disturb her. On the contrary, some businessmen came to greet Lou Yuming and Grandma Fang. After dinner, Master Fang left here to deal with other businessmen.

"Sister Yuming, is the farm far from Suzhou City?"

"It's not far, just outside the city, and it's not far from the farm in Zhangfu. If you go there by car, it's only half an hour. Why do you want to see it now?" Lou Yuming's face was cold, and she looked at her heart quietly.

Xinrong nodded, "All I'm thinking about now is that farm. It's good to do things earlier. I don't need to take it in my heart."

"Although the farm is not far away, it is not small. If you want to take a closer look, it will take at least a day. Let's go early tomorrow morning!"

"Bear by the way, doesn't Yuming want to see your fiance? Why don't we go and have a look now? Anyway, it won't take much time. Our women are really boring here. What's more, aren't there anyone else here besides you? Grandma Fang said with a smile.

Lou Yuming sneered, "That's right, let's go!"

It suddenly became clear that there should be many people in the name of Lou Yuming in this circle, but few people came to talk about business with her, because there were other people in the Lou family here. Seeing Lou Yuming's cold face, Grandma Fang also stopped at the point. After all, it is their family background, and these outsiders can't control it. Although he is a colleague, he just thinks that the Lou family must not be taken over by Lou Yuming, otherwise there will be another tricky competitor.

"Cousin, my two sisters and I left first!" My heart is up.

"Don't you want to see Miss Ye'er and Miss Qingzhou? They will come later!" Li Yi smiled.

She was a little hesitant, but when she thought about it, she didn't have to want these famous girls, so she smiled and said, "No, I'll join in the fun." She blinked. Obviously, hi wanted to tell Li Yi that Lou Yuming tried to win her over her. She accepted it. After all, she would be in the business world of Suzhou in the future, and it was much better to have allies than enemies.

Li Yi nodded, but told Xinrong to reply earlier and not to worry the old lady.

The painting boat came to the shore in a short time. From afar, I saw several women standing on the shore waiting on the shore. The three got off the boat first. The women saluted the three people and walked to the painting boat.

Xinrong just glanced at those women, thinking that it should be Ye'er girl, Qingzhou girl and their maids. However, she didn't think much about it and got into Lou Yuming's car with Grandma Fang.

Qingzhou got on the painting boat and asked the young man on the painting boat, "Which lady is the girl with the face?"

The little man answered, "It's the cousin of the Li family. She just came with Mr. Li and left because she didn't know what was urgent."

Qingzhou nodded and took his maid into the painting boat. Miss Ye'er looked at the carriage on the shore and said to the maid behind her, "Let's go in too!"


The carriage turned around in the alley and finally stopped at the entrance of an alley. The driver said anxiously, "Miss, this alley is too narrow to get in. The carriage can't get in. You three of you have to get out of the car."

Lou Yuming nodded and said to Xinrong and Grandma Fang, "Let's go down."

Xinrong nodded and got out of the carriage. He heard Lou Yuming say, "Let's go straight to the alley and turn right. The yard is very dilapidated. Don't worry about it." She bit her lip and said, "Let's just watch outside."

Obviously, Lou Yuming came here and said, "I heard that his head was broken a few days ago, and he seemed to be more and more stunned."

The sadness on her face is not fake.

He comforted: "A nerd can feel sorry for people!"

Lou Yuming's face darkened, and the nerd only had books in his heart.

As soon as he turned the corner, he saw a dilapidated door, and his heart finally knew why Lou Yuming called it was dilapidated. This door is almost terrible, and you can see the inner yard from the outside. Xinrong saw a blue-shirted scholar standing in the yard with a book in his hand, but the scholar was not reading a book, but the sky.