official's direct daughter

Chapter 193 Hesitation

After his heart left, Zhao Yan became more and more confused. In the last life, he had his own family, wife and children, and a doctor. It can be said that his family life is beautiful, but he just went to the bathroom and inexplicably crossed to this scholar named Zhao Yan.

Although he has traveled for more than a month, he still misses his wife and children. When Miss Xue said "pearl milk tea", he was excited. There were actually people like him here, but it was impeccable to see Miss Xue's actions of ancient lady, whether it was her expression or anything else. He is confused again. Will he live here in the future?

What about him in another world? Has it disappeared?

Maybe you can get the answer from Miss Xue!

Zhao Yan smiled helplessly. He didn't immediately go to Xue Xinrong, but every day he was thinking about everything he had ever had. If those were a dream, why did he have good medical skills? For the identity of this scholar, he also knew the same name, lost his father and mother at a young age, and his fiancee. . There is nothing else to know.

It was not until three days later that Zhao Yan found Li's house.

Xinrong has already negotiated with Lou Yuming about the price of the farm. The farm is indeed very large and very suitable for raising cows. In terms of price, Lou Yuming is also reasonable, so she does not spend much energy worrying about the farm at all.

The handwritten letter that Lou Yuming received from Zhao Yan was sent to Master Lou. Uncle Lou was angry, but there was nothing he could do. Zhao Yan personally proposed to withdraw from the marriage, and he couldn't help it. Later, he went to see Zhao Yan again. Seeing that Zhao Yan was getting more and more dull, he still felt that this family It's okay to leave.

As soon as Zhao Yan arrived at Li's house, he was personally led in by the porter. Although men and women were on guard, Zhao Yan had the status of a scholar. Even if he looked for a cousin, he would not have any other ideas. What's more, the scholar was personally ordered by the cousin to see, and the porter did not embarrass Zhao Yan.

When Zhao Yan saw Xue Xinrong, he saw Xue Xinrong bowing his head and writing carefully on rice paper. Every word was written with great care. If these words were placed in later generations, they would definitely become famous works.

He didn't disturb Xinrong, but sat on the chair and watched every move of Xue Xinrong after the maid served tea.

If Xue Xinrong hadn't said the words "pearl milk tea" himself, he would have thought that Xue Xinrong was born here. She is completely free of the impetuousness of those women in later generations. She is quiet and quiet enough to be completely ignored, but her indifference is completely impossible to ignore.

When the last word was finished, Xinrong picked up the rice paper to dry the ink stains and said, "I thought you should have come to find me the day before yesterday." She carefully put away the pen and ink, and handed the well-written rice paper to the maid beside her, "frame this word and give it to the old lady. I think the old lady will like it."

The painting fan took over the words and exited the room.

"What do you want to know?" She had a faint smile on her face.

Zhao Yan looked complicated and asked, "Are you going to stay here all your life?"

My heart tilted and said with great interest, "It's not that I'm going or not going to. I'm the ninth sister of the Xue family in Beijing, Miss Lifu in Suzhou, that's my identity."

Zhao Yan couldn't help shaking his head and missing his family in that world.

"Actually, I have always wondered why the world is so similar to the ancient times of the previous world, but very different. Do you know that today's world is very similar to the Tang Dynasty, but the clothes are like the Ming Dynasty. As for the foot binding, no! As for glass mirrors, they have appeared in the Central Plains 600 years ago, but for some reason, the method of making glass mirrors has been lost, so copper mirrors are generally used. I once saw a glass mirror rewarded by the emperor at Xue's house in the capital. Don't be surprised, the first place where this mirror appeared was the Central Plains.

In those years, I didn't just care about the old lady and second wife of the Xue family. In her spare time, she has read most of the history of the Central Plains, even the wild history.

"Once I was just a company, but I didn't know anything about making mirrors." Say it lightly.

But the more he said so, the more confused Zhao Yan became. What kind of world is this?

Obviously, the overall history of the world has not been changed, and even if it has been changed, some have been corrected.

Of course, I have never thought about changing the world or becoming a world hegemon or something. She is just a little woman. She wants to live a stable life. If she has a chance in the future, she also wants to find a good person and take care of her husband and children. She is just a little woman who wants to live a good life.

"This is also the real world!" The tone of the heart is beyond doubt.

She is telling Zhao Yan that she doesn't have to think about going back.

Zhao Yan clenched his fist tightly and couldn't calm down.

"I want to open a pastry shop after the beginning of spring. There should be various flavors of milk tea and delicious snacks. If possible, it would be nice to have different flavors of cider, which is similar to drinks. I need you to help me, at least now. What's more, you don't know what to do now. Since we are fellow villagers, we should support each other.

Zhao Yan was silent and said after a long time, "How do you know that I am not Zhao Yan before?"

Shake his head, "I don't know. I just think you are different from what Sister Lou Yuming said, especially when you look at the sky. You are very lonely and confused. I know that Zhao Yan is just a nerd who knows nothing. After that, you didn't ask Lou Yuming anything at all, so you asked for an extra fifty taels. Obviously, you are not the famous scholar. Your family is so poor that you don't even have rice to put in the pot, so you need silver urgently. I'm not sure you're not Zhao Yan, but I'm just a little suspicious. Maybe Zhao Yan will be enlightened!"

She said it very easily. Didn't she come here like this at the beginning? It's just that Xue Xinrong was in mourning at the beginning. Except for the fifth sister, Yao's mother and Huaping, basically no one contacted her, so she had time to adjust herself.

She was not sure, so she talked about pearl milk tea first, but she finally bet right. Zhao Yan is really the same as her.

After listening to Xinrong's analysis, Zhao Yan nodded and did not feel how powerful Xinrong was. After all, he was a person who lived two generations. Didn't Xue Xinrong also say that she used to start a company, and it was normal to infer that.

"I used to be just a doctor. Although I know both traditional Chinese and Western medicine, I can't help you!"

"Since I'm looking for you to help me open a shop, I naturally think you are valuable!" Xinrong said, "I won't raise idle people in vain. Don't forget that I'm still a businessman in my bones. After all, businessmen value profits."

"I don't know if you have management ability, but since you can use traditional Chinese and Western medicine, you can try to mix the taste of milk tea. Some medicinal herbs taste good if they are used for consumption. But I also know this very well. You are a doctor, and you should also know the collocation of nutrition. My shop is aimed at some wives of rich families. Which woman doesn't love beauty, don't you think? Her face is full of confident smiles, and there is only a little bit of wealth and flowers blooming. She doesn't think it's enough. Since she wants to do it, she has to do the top.

I have to say that Zhao Yan is very moved by the reason for his appearance. In this strange world, he does not understand and is helpless. Since someone reaches out to pull him, he should also follow. However, Zhao Yan hesitated. Although he had lived in this world for more than a month, he subconsciously resisted the world.

What's more, Xue Xinrong is a thorough businessman. He is just a doctor and just wants to be a doctor. He has no worries about food and clothing, and doesn't have to think about those complicated things. But Xue Xinrong was different. Speaking of it, he was a little afraid of businessmen. At least he knew that the mall was like a battlefield. Maybe he was thrown out by Xue Xinrong as an abandoned son.

So he hesitated.

" Mr. Zhao, you have to think clearly!" Seeing Zhao Yan hesitating, he was not in a hurry, but slowly said, "Zhao Yan was a scholar. He was admitted to Xiucai two years ago, and this year he is only 21 years old, which can be said to have a bright future. But it's a pity that he only knows how to read and can't even support his family. Are you going to take the imperial examination? I don't think so. You are a doctor. If you suddenly open a hospital, who will believe your medical skills? Are you waiting to die like this?"

A series of questions made Zhao Yan a little confused.

"It's really the best choice to help you open a shop, but since I'm a scholar, I can also write some words to subsidize my family, and I won't starve to death!" Zhao Yan said with a smile that although he didn't know many things, this body left all the talents to learn.

He was stunned, but suddenly laughed, "That's why I said that you are really suitable to open a shop with me."

She was also surprised that she didn't expect Zhao Yan to react so quickly.

"You just need to be your doctor and configure some herbal milk tea occasionally. In fact, it won't be too troublesome!" My heart spread out my hands.

Zhao Yan lowered his head slightly, but did not agree immediately.

Her face looked at her without urging, but quietly waiting for the answer. She didn't know if Zhao Yan would agree. After all, Zhao Yan could see some of her thoughts, which showed that he was not an independent person.

Inadvertently, she suddenly saw a white dress floating through the corner of the door. She was shocked and quickly ran out, but she had never seen anyone. When she saw the fish coming from the east wing, she asked, "Yuer, have you seen anyone come to our broken language garden?"

The fish tilted his head, "No, after the fan sister left, I looked here at the door of the east wing."

The heart was stuffy. Someone was really here just now. She saw that touch of white. Her face gradually sank. If what she said to Zhao Yan was heard, it would be too shocking. What would that person think?

No, you must take a picture of that person.

Zhao Yan got up and said, "Miss Xue, I'll say goodbye first. Let me think about these things!"

He raised his head, looked at Zhao Yan's sincere eyes, and nodded, "Don't worry, my shop has to wait until the beginning of spring, and now even the winter has to wait for a few days!"


Zhao Yan saluted Xinrong and let the fish take Zhao Yan out of Li's house, but after all, her heart was trembling. The eavesdropper would not reveal such a shocking thing first, but it was known that it was not a good thing after all, and she was worried!