official's direct daughter

Chapter 198 Kidnapping 2

When I woke up, it was dark around me, and the cold wind blew on my body. I opened my eyes with difficulty and felt a headache. It seems that she fell from the carriage and then saw the two kidnappers in a daze.

Her face suddenly sank.

Fortunately, the kidnapper did not blindfold her and could see that this is a broken temple. As for the end, she had no way to know in that direction. But to her surprise, the kidnappers did not tie her hands and feet.

I think so. She is just a weak woman. It's so cold that she can't run away.

"Brother, how to deal with that girl? Are we really waiting for the silver to come and let her go?" The sound is far and near.

She heard the whirling sound blowing in, and then heard the sound of closing the door.

He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be in a coma.

"Hey, we tied up the cousin of Li's house. Do you think we can escape?" Another big man's voice sounded, "When the silver arrives, let's take her..."

I didn't hear the last few words clearly, but the footsteps of the two big men were in my ears.

"Hurry up and get rid of this deer. It's fucking cold!" Zhang Dahei threw the deer on his shoulder to the ground. He glanced at his unconscious face and said contemptuously, "This thin and tender girl can't help falling down. She hasn't woken up yet!"

Zhang Xiaohei couldn't help looking at his heart a few more times, and couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of water, and his eyes were straight.

Zhang Dahei's voice remembered again, "You can't touch her before the silver arrives. When you go to Li's house to deliver letters, we can also get double silver. When the silver arrives, you can do whatever you want."

"Hey!" Zhang Xiaohei laughed naively.

The Zhang brothers were originally Jiangyang robbers. They fled to Suzhou and did a few more businesses. Now they can't stay in Suzhou. After Xia Houchen came to Suzhou two months ago, they let the army participate in the arrest of the two. It can be said that they have reached the point of exhaustion. After that, Li Su patrolled Jiangnan with Shang Fang's sword. The two brothers can't even stay on such a large piece of land in Jiangnan.

Recently, Suzhou City has been under martial law, and the two of them can't leave the city at all.

"Brother, do you think that person will help us out of the city?" Zhang Xiaohei is a little suspicious.

Zhang Dahei finished the fire and said in a low voice, "That man is the apple of Yao Dudu's eye. As long as she finds any reason to go out of the city, we can get out. Could the soldiers guarding the city still check the governor's daughter's car?

Zhang Xiaohei laughed naively. He was straightforward. If he only looked at his appearance, he would not believe that he was a Jiangyang thief who had committed his life.

When Xinrong heard this information, her heart had already sunk to the bottom of the valley. It was Yao Yudi who entrusted the two to kidnap her.

However, it can be heard from the dialogue between the two kidnappers that Yao Yudi did not want to kill her. Maybe she just wanted to teach her a lesson. After all, in her eyes, she was too close to Xia Houchen. But the two kidnappers wanted to go to Li's house to blackmail him, but they also knew that if they went to Li's house, they would completely offend Li's house. If they didn't kill him, they would not survive.

Maybe people can burst out different potentials in times of crisis. Although her heart beats, her mood gradually stabilized. At this time, she became calmer and calmer.

A gust of venison penetrated into her nose, and her nose moved, only to find that she was so hungry!

There is no way to pretend to be dizzy!

She frowned, pretended to have just woken up from a coma, looked at the strange scenery around her, and was a little confused.

When she saw the two men next to the fire, she was stunned for a long time. After a while, she said, "Did you kidnap me?"

Zhang Dahei suddenly felt a little strange. His fierce eyes suddenly fell on his heart. His heart was cold and his heart was tight. This person must have killed a lot of people. She didn't dare to look at the man's eyes.

For Zhang Dahei, the kidnapped woman was just a young lady raised in the house, but he knew that he would be so calm when he was kidnapped, and he suddenly doubted.

Xinrong stared at the deer leg on Zhang Dahei's hand, swallowed and said, "Can you give me some? I haven't eaten for a long time. Even if you want to sell me at a good price, you can't starve me!"

Seeing the indifferent appearance, Zhang Dahei became more and more confused.

He quietly cut two taels of lean meat from the deer's leg and threw it over. Xinrong quickly caught it with his clothes. If it fell and handed it over, she couldn't eat it.

In winter, the food is cold, and she eats all the meat. Although her stomach is full, it is still not enough. This deer meat is really delicious. If it can be used in a rich flower cake shop, it may be good. She remembers that some cakes can be added with meat floss.

It can be said that her face doesn't seem to worry about her situation at all, but it's natural to be false. She just wants to divert her fear.

After she was full, she took a long breath and said, "What are you going to do with me?"

Zhang Dahei smiled ferociously and showed the scar that occupied half of his face. "Naturally, it is regarded as a meat ticket. If Li Fu doesn't redeem you with silver, my two brothers can only tear up the ticket!"

Xinrong lowered his head and thought about it for a long time before saying, "You just want to come out of Suzhou City, right?"

At the same time, the Zhang brothers looked at their hearts in consters and smiled faintly, "I just accidentally heard a little bit!"

Zhang Dahei made a murderous move.

She was nervous and felt the change of Zhang Dahei. On the surface, she smiled and said, "Actually, I can also help you get out of the city. Maybe I can help you better than Yao Yudi!"

She seemed to be talking to two friends she hadn't seen for a long time. "Yao Yudi is Lord Yao's daughter. If you suddenly say that you want to go out of the city, you will definitely not be able to do it. I know that Suzhou City has recently been under martial law, and Lord Yao will not let Yao Yudi out of the city. You also know my details, and I won't lie to you. I have a farm outside the city. Well, it's the one from the Lou family. He sold it to me the other day. She noticed that Zhang Dahei's murderous intention had not been eliminated and continued, "Well, in fact, even if you go out of the city, you probably won't be able to escape far. There are officers and soldiers patrol 100 miles from Suzhou. This seems to be what Xia Houchen said. His soldiers are good!"

"Actually, you can hide in my farm. Now there are only a few farmers who take care of the farm. You have been working there for a few days. I just told them that I hired a short-term worker. Oh, by the way, you don't know my relationship with Xiahou Chen! Xia Houchen and my cousin are friends, and I met him occasionally when I was in the capital.

"Yes, when my reputation was not slandered, he came forward to explain it!"

"Ah, don't you know my identity in the capital? I'm Miss Xuefujiu in the capital! Well, it's nothing if you don't know. Anyway, it's actually a good deal to kidnap me!"

In the end, Zhang Dahei's face became darker and darker, but the anger on his body was removed. He hesitated a little. Xue Xinrong was right. Yao Yudi was just a little girl who didn't understand anything. Even if she wanted to go out of the city, Lord Yao agreed. No, if they stayed in Suzhou for more. The more dangerous it is.

How could they not know what Xue Xinrong was? When Yao Yudi found them during the day, they were also surprised. Then they investigated everything about Xue Xinrong clearly, even those things in the capital were not let go. When Xue Xinrong returned home at noon, they were ambushed by her. On the only way.

It's just that God is also helping her. Unexpectedly, she left the painting house so early and rushed back to Li's house.

In fact, her heart has risen to her throat. She suppressed her fear and stood up and walked towards the fire.

"Wow - it's freezing me to death, borrow a fire!" She sat by the fire, and the beating flames reflected on her calm face, as if she had just stayed outside for a night.

Zhang Xiaohei said naively, "Brother, Miss Xue seems to be a little reasonable. Shall we do it!"

"Shut up!" Zhang Dahei shouted, and Zhang Xiaohei quickly closed his mouth.

Zhang Dahei opened his mouth to reveal his teeth and said, "Miss Xue, don't lie to me as a rude person. I know your identity, but you don't know the identity of my two brothers!"

He showed fierce eyes, "Before you came to Suzhou, you heard that Jiangyang thieves killed several households and robbed a lot of silver! None of those families are alive!"

I felt chilled and looked at the two men in shock.

Since this man said so, it has shown that he doesn't believe her.

She closed her mouth obediently and knew clearly that this man was determined to kill her. But if Yao Yudi let the two of them out of the city, is there still a chance to survive?

Looking at Zhang Dahei's fierce eyes, he was sure that this man wanted to wait for Yao Yudi to send them out of the city gate and kill them!

He shook his head and curled his lips, "If you don't believe me, I can't help it. Then wait for Yao Yudi to send you out!" Well, maybe she won't come to see you at all! Think about it, she just wants me to disappear for a while. No matter how you deal with me, I have disappeared anyway. Maybe she should have paid the deposit before? How much is it?

"Impossible!" Zhang Dahei roared and had to say that he had been afraid by his heart, and Yao Yudi could indeed not come.

Shut her mouth. This time, she won't say anything back for the time being. Well, just wait for this person to guess whether Yao Yudi will come or not!

She yawned and seemed to be a little sleepy. She simply curled up and buried her head in her arms.

"Get up!" Zhang Dahei immediately pulled up his heart.

The face was shocked and muttered dissatisfiedly, "You treat meat tickets like this, be careful not to get money!"

"Second, take her away. Let's go to Yao's house tonight!" Zhang Dahei is no longer in the mood to fill his stomach. If he hadn't gone to Li's house to deliver letters, maybe he would have really listened to Xue Xinrong's words, but they have no way out now.

Her heart is beating again, and her mind keeps turning. As long as she is still in their hands, she can't live!