official's direct daughter

Chapter 202 Memories

She walked into Lian Zhenming step by step, "Did you see the wound on my shoulder? It's the thorn named Zhang Dahei. You don't know Zhang Dahei, right? Even the Jiangyang thief who wants to be caught in Suzhou City, and so is his brother Zhang Xiaohei. Look, how powerful I am."

"Look, I've suffered such a serious injury and it doesn't hurt at all!" She squatted beside Lian Zhenming, and a dagger pricked his left leg. Suddenly, Lian Zhenming's thighs were bleeding.

"Tut, it's bleeding. Hold it quickly, or you will die. Well, yes, use your left hand. Your right hand has been abolished by me. Hurry up. If you don't hold it down, the blood will run out and you will die." His heart seemed to be persuading a child with a warm smile on his face.

Sure enough, Lian Zhenming pressed the wound on his left leg with his unhurt left hand.

The heart raised the dagger and stabbed Lian Zhenming's right leg again. "My right leg is bleeding again. Hurry up and press the wound with your right hand. The wound in your right hand is not serious, but it will hurt. Ah, by the way, you pressed the wound in your abdomen with your right hand. There't help it. There's nothing you can do but to die!"

"Devil, you are the devil--" Lian Zhenming shouted in horror. He had already regretted it. He should not have listened to Yao Cuidi's temptation and even wanted to get Xue Xinrong's shop.

"What? Devil! No, no, no, I'm a human, and the Zhang brothers are the devil! Look, I'm just a retarded girl!"

Xinrong pulled out the dagger again, but kept coughing and coughing blood, and her physical condition was not optimistic. She squinted and had no time to waste with this person.

Lian Zhenming seemed to feel that his heart had murderous intent on him and struggled to roar, "I'm a Beijing official. You can't kill me!"

"Who knows who killed in this wilderness? You are so stupid!" The voice of the heart is very tired.

"No, no, I'm not the mastermind behind the scenes. If you let me go, I will..."

Before Lian Zhenming finished his words, he couldn't believe that his heart fell on the snow, and his mouth made a "clucky" sound. His trachea had been cut off, but he was still breathing. It was only a matter of time to die.

But now her body was also very bad. When she saw Lian Zhenming fall to the ground, her heartstrings relaxed and fell to the ground coldly. Unconsciously, tears came out of her eyes, and tears fell into her temples. She actually wanted to laugh again.

It turns out that she is also the kind of person who can kill with her own hands without any guilt. She never feels that she is a good person, but she does not feel that she will be so cruel one day. Even in the last life, in the face of those unfamiliar white-eyed wolf relatives, she just turned a blind eye. Anyway, even if she died, her property had already written a suicide note, and they would not get a half. But even if she could inherit her parents' property in the last life and have the ability to completely deal with them, she didn't do so. This is adding to herself!

It's a pity that she died in the cold hospital in her last life, and no one accompanied her. When she saw the twisted faces of her relatives, perhaps they didn't expect that she had already written a will. Seeing their disappointed and angry faces, they felt relieved and ridiculous, but those were all things in the previous life. In this life, since the rich flowers bloom, she still has the ability to bankrupt the Xue family, but she still can't do it. For blood-related people, she can't do it after all, even if she knows that those people only use her as a tool to use.

Perhaps the family affection she wanted in her life was only by the people on the Li family. She felt the passage of body temperature little by little. She suddenly wanted to go back and see the people in Li Fu. She didn't stay in Suzhou for a long time. Her grandmother and grandfather loved her, and her aunt spoiled her, even if her fourth aunt You gave her a white eye, and she also felt that these people were alive, but now she is so tired. It's freezing and snowy. No one can find her. Maybe she still dies coldly!

Well, it's not a bad thing to sleep like this!

Her surroundings became more and more blurred, but her tears never stopped, and they flowed so silently.

"Heart, Heart--"

Ha ha, now there are hallucinations again. Is it my cousin's voice?

"Heart, open your eyes, look at me, open your eyes! Don't fall asleep, please, don't fall asleep!"

Xinrong found that there was a little more temperature around him, and the focus in his eyes gathered little by little. It was his cousin, not an illusion. He actually found her! It seems that my cousin's body is shaking!

"Cousin--" The weak voice came from her heart, and she reluctantly pulled out a smile, "I'm not dead yet. I just want to sleep!"

She was really happy. Originally, she felt that no matter what happened, she was indifferent as if her cousin had nothing to do with him. She was so anxious about her. Well, it was a good feeling, and she felt warm in her heart.

"It's okay, it's okay. Let's go home and I'll take you home!" Li Yi rubbed his already cold hand, trying to bring a little warmth to his heart. Seeing Xinrong speak, Li Yi quickly wrapped his heart tightly with his coat and carried it up.

Li Yi walked in the snow step by step. The university kept falling, and the snow on the ground did not cross his knees.

There was a quiet smile on his face, "Cousin, why are you here alone? Look at your embarrassed look now!"

"You are still in the mood to joke now. The whole Suzhou city is making a lot of trouble. I'm just lucky. Seeing that Lian Zhenming was a little strange, I followed him. I was afraid of being found all the way, so I had to come alone." Li Yi opened his mouth. He knew that at this time, he could only talk to Xinrong. Xinrong was injured and had been frozen in the snow for so long. He was really afraid that Xinrong would fall asleep and could only talk to Xinrong all the time.

Maybe Xinrong also knows that if she falls asleep, she will definitely not wake up, so she talks a lot.

"Cousin, it turns out that you are not omnipotent!" His heart smiled, but coughed violently, affecting the injury on his body. "Cousin, it hurts so much. I guess the ribs are broken, and it hurts when you cough!"

"Well, it's okay. We will have a carriage soon. I'll find the best doctor for you when I get back to the city."

"Hmm!" He answered weakly.

For a long time, Xinrong didn't say anything. Li Yi had been anxious for a long time, "Xinrong, why don't you talk?"

"Well, I'm tired!" His face leaned against Li Yi's neck, and there was a trace of warmth.

"Ha ha, listen to me when you are tired!" Li Yi had tears on his face, but he couldn't see it.

"No, I still have a lot to say!" She said capriciously, closing her eyes and her face became paler and paler.

"Well, say it, I'll listen!" Li Yi tried to suppress the hoarse voice.

"I hate the Xue family so much." He muttered, "Why do you think you are obviously relatives, but you have to calculate it? Even if I die, the property is theirs. Why did you do this to me? When my parents were there, they held me in the palm of their hands. Even if I had a heart attack, they kept protecting me. But after my parents passed away, as long as they take care of me for more than 20 years, they can get all my property. Why don't they even look at me? I hate those cold eyes. Why, I don't understand, and I have never understood.

"Because they can't wait. More than 20 years is too long. They want to get your money earlier. They are afraid that you can live very long. They are afraid of trouble. They only think about your money and power!" Li Yi said lightly.

"Well, that's really the case! But I still can't do it. Am I stupid?" The tears of his heart fell out and fell on Li Yi's neck, with a little temperature, but soon they became cold.

"Well, it's just a little fool!" Li Yi laughed and said, "It looks strong, but he always likes to be coquettish. They want your money and power, so I will let them pick up rags all their lives, okay? No, in this case, it's too cheap for them. First hold them to the sky one by one, and then let them be heavily in debt. No one wants them even if they sell their sons and daughters. The cousin who bullied you, I will take her to the nightclub, okay? And the people of the Xue family let them live for a while and let the old lady of the Xue family watch how the Xue family failed!"

Li Yi stepped on the snow step by step without blinking.

But there was no sound behind him. He gritted his teeth and said, "Heart, do you want to know where the person who looks exactly like Li Su is? Li Su is not him!"

"Hmm?" The heart woke up from the confusion.

Suddenly heard the news from Li Yi, she was a little surprised. Well, it was not just an accident, but it was incredible, but she couldn't turn her mind at all now. What was her cousin talking about? It's so strange!

She smiled, "Cousin, I'm really tired..."

"Well, I know!" Li Yi's heart was very heavy and sad. Why didn't Xia Houchen come yet? Before he left Suzhou, he had been told Xia Houchen that damn it, if her heart died, she would let all the Yao family and Xue's family be buried with him.

"Xia Houchen is going to open, you can't not see him!"

"Why did you see him..."

"Bear, he gave me a parrot. I like it very much and really like it, but why did he give it to him... I really don't want to return the parrot to him."

"When you see Xia Houchen, will you ask him to return the parrot to you?"

"Puff--" One didn't pay attention, Li Yi fell to the ground. He tightly protected the heart behind him and shouted anxiously: "Heart, heart--"

The sound of horses' hoofs came from the distance, "Xinrong, look, Xia Houchen is coming. Don't sleep. You still have to ask Xia Houchen for that parrot!"

"Hmm!" Like a mosquito's voice came from her heart and nasal cavity, and then her body seemed to be picked up. She felt that she was light and warm in her body. It was Xia Houchen!

The corners of her lips unconsciously showed a smile.

"Don't send me back to Li's house..."

The last consciousness of the heart is completely asleep.


For the role of Li Su, cough, in fact, a certain Xia wanted to complain. Originally, he wanted to write it as the second man, but it turned out to be disabled. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he was denied by his relatives. If his aura is not enough, let him play soy sauce, but there will still be a rival scene with his heart later. The truth, he needs to emerge little by little ^_^