official's direct daughter

Chapter 217 Bait 2

Compared with Xia Houchen, whose face was getting darker and darker, he calmed down. Since he wanted to be a bait, Li Su should have mastered the anti-thief.

She has no foundation in her heart how to do it.

"Do I have contact with the rebels alone?" Xinrong asked.

Xiahouchen is unhappy. Don't you worry about your safety at all? He held his cheek and said mockly, "I will give you a good driver."

"Who is the driver?" His heart frowned. There should be no masters around Li Su. Could it be that he borrowed people from Xia Houchen from the army?

"Me!" Xia Houchen said coldly.

His heart suddenly widened and stammered, "You, you don't want to die. If you are recognized by those rebels, how can you escape?" She didn't think about it at all, so she blurted out this sentence.

Xia Houchen's mood became better by the way, and his eyes were slightly bent. "I am usually in the army. Although I have trained soldiers, none of those soldiers can really see my appearance clearly. What's more, I don't often go to the army. You and I know each other, and some things are much better to do.

Her heart almost bit her tongue and suddenly thought that Xia Houchen seemed to be really leisurely. Either he was fishing by the Taihu Lake, or he was blooming in rich flowers, or she went to Li Su's place to get together. To be honest, she really didn't see how busy Xia Houchen was.

"But someone will always recognize you!" Xinrong said this, but there was a mood for Xia Houchen not to be a driver. After all, there are still many people in Suzhou City who know him, just like Xunxiang. She still remembers that Li Yi said that there is something wrong with Xunxiang's identity. After all, Xunxiang's father is a "anti-thief". Even if he is wronged, is it that Xunxiang will not resent the people of the court and enter the anti-thief.

Xia Houchen poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and then played with the cup in his hand. His pure black eyes reflected the teacup, and a confident smile raised at the corners of his lips. "This time, we are going directly to the nest of the anti-thief. Li Su and Li Yi are responsible for the things in the city.

Xia Houchen raised his eyes, just opposite the four eyes of his heart.

Her heart couldn't help trembling, and she suddenly felt as if she had cleared something. Xiahouchen's coming to Suzhou was probably aimed at the rebels, and the training of soldiers was just a cover-up. And the title of Li Su, the governor of Jiangnan, is still just a cover-up. The real purpose is to eliminate the rebels.

In this way, everything can be explained clearly. Otherwise, why did Li Su stay in Suzhou first?

She took a breath and said, "You only told me this today? But there is something I need to pay attention to. If we accidentally miss the horse's foot, we will be miserable!"

Xiahouchen seems to be in a better mood, at least he has regarded Xiahouchen as his own.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "You are a smart girl. Needless to say, you won't show your feet. But we have to leave Suzhou City and give the anti-thief a chance to catch you, right?

He frowned, "If my grandmother knows that I am missing, she will die in a hurry. Can you catch the leader of the thief in Suzhou City?"

Xia Houchen shook his head. If the leader of the thief was so easy to catch, they would not have worked so hard.

"You should always reveal this matter to your grandmother. She is so old that she can't bear to be so scared!" Say it with concern.

"No one in Li's house can tell us that if we show a little foot in Suzhou, we will be in more danger." Xia Houchen said in a low voice, "The purpose of you and I go to the anti-thief's nest is to open a gap for the Suzhou army so that the Suzhou army can go there."

"You just need to stabilize the anti-thief leader, and I just need to do the rest!" After saying this, Xia Houchen got up. He looked down at Xinrong and said, "Everything puts life first. If we are threatened with our lives in the nest of the anti-thief, you can agree to all the conditions of the anti-thief."

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. As for how to get out of the city--" Xia Houchen looked at his face, "You are a smart girl. If you plan, send me a letter with a carrier pigeon!"

She squeezed her lips and nodded. Looking at Xia Houchen's back leaving, she felt more worried. Was she a little disappointed in doing so? But even if it's really not cost-effective, she will do it. She wanted to know the truth. Even if she knew that her life was in danger and promised Li Su was completely crazy, but she still agreed.

However, she was slightly relieved. Xia Houchen actually became her driver, which was actually quite good.

He came to his senses, asked the painting fan, and said seriously, "Drawing fan, would you like to take risks with me?"

"Miss, the life of the maidservant is the lady's. Wherever the maidservant goes, the maidservant will naturally go!" Hua Fan said with a smile that she had calmed down from the shock. If possible, the truth would replace her young lady to go to the nest of the anti-thief. Unfortunately, many people in the city had seen the young lady, and maybe the anti-thief already had a portrait of the young lady. In this way, I can only stay with the young lady.

In fact, she can't bear to bring the painting fan with her, but a young lady, no matter how depressed she is, she should have a close maid beside her. She is a cousin of Li's house. No matter when she is, she should be served by someone. Although the painting fan looks dull, she is actually not stupid, but her heart is too down-to-earth. It is a mistake to leave the painting fan in Suzhou.

Xinrong smiled. She nodded fiercely to the painting fan and said, "Let's figure out how to get out of the city at night. By the way, don't reveal this to anyone. After all, the fewer people know, the safer we will be."

"Miss, don't worry, although the painting fan is a little dull, it is not stupid!" The painting fan squeezed its lips and said firmly.

Heart nodded.

At night, she combined with the painting fan. She thought that there were two farms outside the city. In the past, the farm of the Zhang family was slightly closer to the city. Obviously, the rebels would not do it at such a close distance. In the past, although the farm of the Lou family was very close to the Zhang family's farm, these two farms were very large after all. At the edge, they were already far away from Suzhou City.

"There is an excuse to go out of the city. Our farm gave birth to a lot of calves a few days ago. We can go and have a look." Painting fan proposal.

After thinking about it carefully, she remembered that Fuguihuakai specially arranged someone to manage those cows. If she went rashly, it was obviously unreasonable. It seemed that she still had to let more people know that she had left the city!

At the beginning of night, a pigeon landed in front of the window sill of the heart. The painting fan had carefully hidden the pigeon. If it was quiet tonight, the painting fan took out the pigeon.

Xinrong went to the table and wrote a letter quickly, and then put it into the letter box and threw the pigeon out.

Soon, the pigeon disappeared into the night.