official's direct daughter

Chapter 232 Help

He returned to the room and poured down a glass of water.

Yao's mother was drying her clothes. Seeing her heart, she quickly walked into the room and was a little curious, and then followed the room. But when he saw his face sitting on the stool sulking, he asked the painting fan in a low voice.

"What the hell happened? Why is Miss so angry?" Yao's mother pulled the painting fan, and her voice was extremely low.

The painting fan looked worried and also looked angry, "The old lady actually asked the young lady to marry an old man as a continuation."

"How can an old lady do this!" Yao's mother speak faster.

"Isn't it? Miss is naturally angry. Besides, the sixth sister is dead!" The sound of the painting fan became smaller and smaller, for fear that he would hear it.

"his--" Mother Yao breathed an unbelievably breath, "Why did the sixth sister pass away alone!"

"Mom Yao, if you want to ask me anything, just ask me!" Xinrong saw Yao's mother and the painting fan biting their ears, and the occasional sound was what they said when they were eating in the old lady's room.

Yao's mother moved her steps awkwardly and said, "Miss, shall we go and inquire? How can the sixth sister be gone for no reason?"

With his eyes restrained, "I went to inquire about what they were doing. The sixth sister didn't have much contact with us. I was just shocked when I heard the news."

"Miss, the sixth sister has helped us at least! We..."

"We are also about to be out of protection!" After interrupting Yao's mother's words anxiously, she calmed down and said, "You don't have to inquire about the sixth sister. We don't have the ability to care about this matter. Go and find out where Mother Li lives now and what other elderly people are left in the house now.

The sixth sister's status is special. If the emperor doesn't care about this matter, obviously she can't care about it. It's not that she is cold-blooded and ruthless. In Xue's house, although the sixth sister caused a lot of troubles for her, she has never really harmed her. Now she really can't do anything about it!

Seeing that Xinrong didn't care much about the sixth sister's matter, Yao's mother did not mention it again and said, "I'm afraid that you need to use some people. When I returned home yesterday, I found out. Mother Li went to her son a year after you left. It seems to be a shop on White Tiger Street. However, Li's mother hasn't returned home since she left. I guess it's impossible to ask for some information from Li's mother.

"Several mothers around the old lady did not leave, but moved two mothers from Zhuangzi, but there were only Deng's mother and Liu's mother beside the second wife."

I thought secretly that she didn't have much contact with several mothers around the old lady. On the contrary, Deng's mother and Liu's mother might have a good contact.

She rubbed her swollen temples, but she didn't expect to go back to Xue's house again. It was like a thing, and everything needed to start again.

Maybe she understood what she thought in her heart. Yao's mother said, "There were many people who used to have intersection with us, but now there are still ten brothers? If you have any permission to ask the tenth brother for help, the tenth brother is also old. He knows what to do and what not to say.

"Hmm!" Xinrong nodded, "There are not many maids in our yard, only painting fans and seals, that seals..."

"Speaking of seal, the maidservant heard that seal's mother has now been transferred to the kitchen by the old lady." A smile appeared on Yao's mother's face.

Her heart touched her chin and said, "The old lady has a good eye for people. Zhuan'er is a good maid, and she has been obedient since she followed me."

"Can you imagine..."

"You have more contact with Zhuan'er Niang, and you don't have to say hello to Zhuan'er to see how Zhu'er Niang reacts." He said lightly.

"I know." Yao's mother nodded.

The wrinkles between his face and eyebrows have not dissipated. When he was in Suzhou, Xia Houchen only mentioned to her that there would be trouble. He would not take action. Is what he said about marriage?

Or Xia Houchen also wants to test her?

She hummed softly. The old lady's brain was really confused and wanted to use her marriage to flatter Lord Zhang. The Lord Zhang was the fourth prince. This time, I guess the old lady really stood in the wrong position.

Not to mention that Xiahouchen and the three Wentao martial arts are the emperor's people, the prince may also have many people. At this time, the old lady did not choose to protect herself and had to go through muddy water. Xue's house was expected to be really going to lose.

"Hey--" Xinrong rubbed her temples again. This marriage must not let the old lady succeed.

She thought for a moment and said, "Mother Yao, please send some money to Zhu'er's mother later to find out what the old lady means to my marriage. Although she mentioned this this morning, she is probably still considering it, just to let me know in advance.

"Miss, do we want to ask Prince Xiahou for help?" Yao's mother suggested that, after all, when he was in Suzhou, Xiahouchen helped Xinrong a lot. How could Xinrong and Xiahouchen's things be hidden from Yao's mother's eyes?

"No, I'll figure it out myself!" When I mentioned my marriage, I began to feel irritable.

She took a deep breath and said, "There is no freedom of Li's house in Xue's house, and it's not convenient to go out. You can send a poster to Liu Yuner. I hope she can come to Xue's house."

"I know!" The painting fan responds.

Xinrong nodded, but heard the outside seal report that Deng's mother was coming.

The heart quickly restrained its emotions.

Deng's mother has not changed from the previous two years. She entered the room and saluted Xinrong and said with a smile, "The second wife asked me to see what you need."

"I don't think of anything I need at the moment. Let you go one more time." He answered faintly.

"Where, as a slave, you naturally have to work for the master!" Deng's mother exchanged a few words with Xinrong. Seeing that there were only Yao's mother and the painting fan in the room, she said in a low voice, "I asked Sister Jiu to help me do something."

With a faint smile on his face, "Mom Deng, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. When I entered the house, I got a lot of care from you. If I could help, I wouldn't refuse.

Dong's mother knelt on the ground and said, "Ninth sister, you have to help the sixth sister. The sixth sister died unjustly..."

Her face changed greatly and she said coldly, "What is Mother Deng talking about? I went to the old lady's place this morning to say hello. The old lady only said that the sixth sister had a bad disease. Fortunately, you actually said that the sixth sister died unjustly. You can't talk nonsense."

Seeing Xinrong like this, Mother Deng naturally knew that Xinrong was refusing. As long as there was someone, she would definitely be suspicious of the death of the sixth sister. Xinrong just returned home to listen to this matter. Instead of anger or sadness, she told her not to talk nonsense, and her heart suddenly cooled half. Intercept.


Rob the collection!

The text is almost 800. You can collect it a little more. When it is 650,000 words, you can collect 850 words, and 20,000 words will be updated on the day of Sanxia~~~ What is the concept of 20,000 words? Well, it's just eight to ten chapters a day ^_^