official's direct daughter

Chapter 241 Acquisition 2

Originally, Deacon Li had a deep affection for the Xue family, but he had a deeper affection for the shop he pulled up. Xinrong didn't say much, but let Zhu'er talk about how those shops could be saved and how they could make a profit. Although Deacon Li hesitated again and again, he still responded to what happened.

Farewell to Li's mother's family, Xinrong returned to Xue's house, and was called to the main room by Ge's mother. Ge's condescending tone made Xinrong very unhappy.

She didn't have the same experience as Ge's mother. Ge's mother's attitude is the old lady's attitude. Coincidentally, she wanted to buy the brothel, the rice shop and the cloth village from the old lady. Although she has now had the financial resources to acquire all 15 shops, she is not enough now, and she doesn't have so much energy to take care of them.

As for the acquisition of brothel, it is actually a psychological factor. In her last life, she also read many novels and film and television dramas, and often traveled to the brothel. Naturally, she wanted to reform the brothel. And she has no idea about the brothel. She only thinks of the brothel as the clubhouse in her previous life.

When she saw the old lady, she still saluted the old lady in a regular way, but the old lady had already torn her face with her heart and said coldly, "You are also the direct daughter of the Xue family. Seeing that you are about to get married, you dare to run outside. Don't you really take the reputation of our Xue family seriously?"

"Grandma, you are wrong. Many women in the Zhou Dynasty have appeared outside. Whether they are out of the cabinet or not, they can walk around at will. Even if they are about to get married, they still follow the rules. Xinrong just went to see how the rich and flower-blossom shop is doing. Isn't this called unruly? Answer slowly.

Originally, women in the Zhou Dynasty could not only make faces outside, but also be female officials. The status of women in the Zhou Dynasty was not low, and then such a big family as Xuefu raised their daughter in a boudoir without leaving home.

"You..." The flesh on the old lady's cheeks trembling.

Xinrong said with a smile and said, "It just so happens that Xinrong plans to come back to Xue's house to find his grandmother. We are also like our ancestors and grandchildren. I just went out and also went to see the industry of our Xuefu by the way. I saw that those stores were open and the business was not very good. So I wondered if I could buy a few shops from my grandmother.

"Those shops are all the property of the Xue family..." The old lady didn't expect that Xinrong actually came up with the idea of those shops.

Xinrong sneered: "Naturally, I know that it is the property of the Xue family. Xinrong is also surnamed Xue. He bought the shop from his grandmother, or Xue."

Xinrong's words obviously satirized that the old lady had taken the Xue family's shop for herself for a long time. She just bought back the Xue family's property.

"What are you talking about? Don't you think I can swallow the shop's money!" The old lady looked cold, but her turbid eyes were burning with anger.

However, Xinrong did not answer the old lady's words and said to himself, "Those fifteen shops are no longer useful in your hands. Those shops have suffered annual losses in recent years, and the losses in the past two years have been particularly serious. The expenses in our house have always been large, but my grandfather used to be the emperor's teacher, and the second uncle and third uncle are also holding important positions in the court. Their salaries and the emperor's annual reward are enough for the expenses of the house. Do you still want the family to take money to support those shops?

Xinrong's words said that the old lady's heart had gone. She had been writing Xue's shop in her hand. Naturally, she knew that those shops were seriously losing money. If Xinrong was really willing to buy it, she agreed, but in this way, she clearly said that she owned the Xue family's shop, but Let the Xue family buy it?

"Grandma doesn't need to worry. You just need to say that those shops are handed over to me to take care of are dowry shops. I can't buy 15 shops with the money I have now, and I only need two rice shops, one cloth village and one brothel."

After saying this, the room suddenly became cold. Even if the old lady's original intention was to make things difficult, she had already forgotten that she was thinking about whether she should accept the conditions.

Whether it is a brothel or a rice shop, it has now become a decoration, and it will be better after taking action. Fortunately, Xinrong is also surnamed Xue. No one will think that she sold those shops to Xinrong. But the old lady doesn't want to sell it to Xinrong. The profit of Buzhuang is big, and it is the only shop without losses now.

"I won't sell Buzhuang to you, but I can sell restaurants."

Xinrong nodded, "That's it, two rice shops, one brothel and one restaurant. I have a total of 2,0002 in the rice shop, 3,000 taels in the brothel and 1,500 in the restaurant, a total of 7100 taels of silver. What do you think?

The old lady looked at Xinrong coldly. Originally, she wanted to call the price higher from Xinrong, but she never thought that Xinrong had already figured out the price of these shops. She gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, mother Ge, go and get the land deed!"

The corners of the heart and lips are raised, 7100 taels, which is not less.

Ge's mother took out the land deed, and the old lady asked someone to write her name on the land deed. Xinrong said, "There were 30,000 taels of silver in my dowry box, but now I haven't seen any trace. I don't know if it was taken by my grandmother or my second aunt. If the second aunt took it, please ask for 7100 taels from your second aunt.

"Xue Xinrong, you don't know what's good or not!" The old lady pounded the table.

Xinrong stood up and said with a smile, "Thank you for the dowry prepared for Xinrong. Xinrong is very grateful."

My face raised, and my eyes bloomed with the glory of victory. "That's right, my grandmother still owes 22,000 silver tickets. I don't know when you will make up for it. Xinrong will get married in three months. If the dowry box is still empty at that time, our Xue family will look bad.

"Do not disturb your grandmother's rest, and retreat first!"

Even if she has been allowed to leave for a long time, the old lady has not recovered.

In the afternoon, Mother Li went into the house to visit the old lady, mentioned the matter of marriage, and volunteered to be a dowry maid.

The old lady has always been assured of Li's mother. Now when she sees that Li's mother is loyal, she feels that she has not seen the wrong person. Several mothers around her are loyal. She and Li's mother's man and son are the shopkeeper and deacon of the Xue family, so she discussed with Li's mother to let Li's man and son go to the shop.

Mother Li almost called out with joy, but she didn't expect that the old lady herself brought it up before she opened her mouth.

She first refused, saying that her family was not competent, but the old lady resolutely refused, so she followed the old lady's intention, so that Li's mother's family became dowry servants and entered the Anguo Marquis's mansion together.