official's direct daughter

Chapter 265 Clue 2

At noon, the seal mother walked in front of her, followed by a maid carrying a food box. Just then, someone came to say that it was not easy to recover, but she wanted to set up a banquet.

Jian'er's mother estimated that the house is a little dull these days. She is not in a good mood for the affairs of the tenth brother, and there is no too bright dish. However, although these dishes are simple, they are also expensive and cannot be seen by ordinary people.

After all the people sat on the table, the seal mother ordered the maids to put the dishes on the table, but she saw that the old lady and her face were as usual and couldn't see anything at all.

At this time, Zhu'er also came to Xinrong's front and served Xinrong's meal with the painting fan.

Xue Mansion is everyone's food and sleep. No one spoke on the table, and the meal was dull.

After dinner and tea, Rong mentioned going to the sixth sister's residence to have a look. After all, the sisters used to have sex.

The old lady also agreed, as if the previous unhappiness did not appear at all.

The old lady asked Ge's mother to go to the sixth sister's residence with her heart.

When the second wife was in charge, the sixth sister lived in the east wing of the main house. After the old lady became the head of the family again, she was given a small courtyard. Although the yard is small, it is also exquisite.

The yard was not cleaned for a long time, and all the weeds on the ground came out. Ge's mother asked Xinrong to be careful, and asked the maids to find a way in front of her before inviting Xinrong over.

Then, Yao's mother took out the key and opened the door, and a stale smell rushed out.

Ge's mother said shyly, "I haven't come here to clean for a long time, and no one has come to open this room, so there is some smell. Don't worry about it."

Xinrong nodded and asked if people from the government had come to the sixth sister's residence. Mother Ge said that the old lady did not let the people from the government enter the house. After all, it used to be a girl's residence, and what should be avoided should be avoided.

It's clear that Third Master Xue's official didn't find anything useful here.

Her heart let Ge's mother and maids stay outside, and she walked into the room alone.

"Ninth sister..." Mother Ge exclaimed, as if she didn't want to let her heart in.

"Mom Ge, the young lady has also been married for a long time. It's better to change the name of this girl!" Zhu'er said.

Ge's mother was robbed of by Zhu'er, and her face was suddenly pale, but Zhu'er is now a dowry maid, and her status is much higher than her, so she smiled and said, "Look at my memory, I always can't remember. What the seal girl reminded me is!"

Then Ge's mother was also inconvenient to speak, so that all the maids in front of her went out of the yard to guard. She followed the painting fan and seal at the door of the house.

Xinrong walked into the room, first looked around, and then touched it along the wall, hoping to find the dark grid, but unfortunately there was nothing.

Then she went to the sixth sister's bed and took a look.

The curtain in the room has been removed, leaving a bare wall behind. Xinrong sat in ** for a while and was a little tired after looking for a long time.

Her eyes were looking around again, but unfortunately she didn't find anything suspicious. I'm a little disappointed.

"Hmm?" She touched the bed board, frowned gently, and then knocked with her hand. The bottom was empty.

"Painting fan, seal, come in quickly!" My heart jumps up from **.

There are tricks under this bed.

The painting fan and Zhu'er looked at each other and entered the room. Ge's mother saw that there was no one who could not enter the house, and then followed the two into the room.

"Lift this bed board!" Her voice changed a little. She was very excited. If she found a clue, she might prove that the tenth brother was not guilty.

The painting fan and seal didn't say anything, so they raised the bed board. Unfortunately, the two of them were not strong enough. When Ge's mother saw it, she immediately came forward to help.

The three of them tried their best to lift the board.

My face was excited, and then when the things under the board lit up, my heart was disappointed. Although it was empty, there was nothing inside. She couldn't help shaking her head, but she was unwilling and jumped in.

"Madam, what are you doing!" The three of them were shocked. What the hell is going on?

"What are you in a hurry to do? I'm just looking at it. You three go out first!" He looked carefully, but did not look at the expressions of the three people.

"Let's go out first and let the young lady stay here for a while!" Zhu'er said lightly.

When the three went out, Xinrong touched the wall. The wooden wall inside was very smooth and painted. Obviously, this bed was prepared when the sixth sister used to live in the main room. I just don't know why Sister Six prepared this bed, and there is nothing in it.

Suddenly, there was something uneven under my feet. Take your feet away. If you look carefully, you will feel that it is a little like a pattern, but a little like a map.

Xinrong touched it carefully with his hand again. Yes, this should be a map, and it is also a map of the whole Xue Mansion.

How on earth did the sixth sister get up?

She looked carefully and touched a layer of ash on it. It should be flour. It's just how the sixth sister lifted such a big bed board.

My heart suddenly thought of the tenth brother.

The tenth brother is 16 years old and has a lot of strength. If these things are engraved on the day of the sixth sister's accident, it can be explained.

I didn't say anything. I just wrote down the location marked on the map. I was terrped that the marked location was actually the lake in the house.

"Painting fan, seal, mother Ge, come in!"

Hearing Xinrong's voice, the three immediately entered the room, but saw Xinrong and said disappointedly, "Take this board up. I didn't think there was anything. Maybe this bed was designed like this."

She smiled bitterly and looked really disappointed in the three.

Then Xinrong walked around the yard again. Although the yard was overgrown with weeds, she could see what she had looked like before. She shook her head again, but unfortunately the sixth sister.

There was nothing to remember in Xue's house, so Xinrong took people back to Xue's house early and saw a roll of paper on the desk set up by Xia Houchen's ear room.

"Come and have a look at this!" Xia Houchen did not look up, and as soon as he heard the steps, he knew that Xinrong had come back.

With a suspicious face, Xia Houchen gave up and looked along the paper. What was recorded on it turned out to be the crime of Second Master Xue.

I was so shocked that I almost opened my mouth and looked at the color of the paper. It was a little yellow, but it was well preserved. "Is this the evidence left by the sixth sister?"

"It's just a small part, and I don't know where the other two parts are!"

I suddenly remembered the map under the board.