official's direct daughter

Chapter 300

As soon as Li Yan said this, her face became tense, but she heard Li Yan say, "The most important thing about your body is to recuperate. If you have a child now, it will only be bad for the child, and it is not good for your body."

"This is also a way. Although my mother-in-law treats me very well, she value her children more. If I can't have a baby, another woman will come in. Even if Xiahouchen will eventually stand on my side, and wait for other women to enter the door, isn't it a thorn in my heart!" He held the veil and looked worried.

"Your mother-in-law is already enlightened. You have never seen the mother-in-law of other rich families. Even if the daughter-in-law gives birth to a few sons, she can't wait to stuff more women in her son's room. It's not a child. Fortunately, your mother-in-law only needs a grandson." Li Yan put the pulse pillow in the medicine box and said, "Let my father-in-law prescribe some dietary remedies for you to recuperate."

He nodded and went to the flower hall with Li Yan.

Zhao Yan had a hot chat with Mrs. Lao Anguo. Seeing Xinrong and Li Yan coming out, he got up and asked, "How about it going?"

"I dare not prescribe the prescription!" Li Yan is telling the truth.

Zhao Yan said, "Can you let me take the pulse?"

Mrs. Anguo said, "Naturally, I never thought that your wife was from the Li family. Everyone is related, and her heart is also your cousin. It's time to give birth to her." During the chat, the wife of Lao Anguo also knew the identity of Zhao Yan and Li Yan, and became more and more enthusiastic.

"It goes without saying that the old lady should try her best!" Zhao Yan made a gesture of invitation.

Xinrong nodded and sat on the chair. Zhao Yan put a silk scarf on Xinrong's wrist. Although he was a relative, in this era, men and women should be protected and should not be careless. Zhao Yan took the pulse very seriously, and after a while, he let Xinrong stretch out his other hand.

Then he said, "You have been well maintained over the years, and An Guohou is not in a hurry to have children. I will give you a diet list, and you must follow the recipe on the list every day!"

As he spoke, Zhao Yan packed up his things, asked someone to bring pen and ink, and wrote a seven-day food therapy list, "I'll give you the pulse every seven days, and then adjust this recipe for you."

Xinrong took the recipe and looked carefully, and even added the fruits and snacks he ate. Zhao Yan is really serious about doing things.

Mrs. Anguo also went through the list and was very satisfied with Zhao Yan. Originally, when she saw that Zhao Yan was young, she doubted whether the rumors were true or not, but now it seems that even if it is not so powerful, it is not bad to look at this seriousness. As long as she has a child, her heart will be stable.

Xinrong left Zhao Yan and his wife for dinner and asked for their address, saying that they could go with Li Yan in the future. Mrs. Lao An Guohou was here, and it was difficult for Xinrong to ask other things.

From tomorrow, she had to eat according to the records on the recipe. Mrs. An Guohou personally let her mother go to the kitchen to supervise. Knowing that Li's mother used to be responsible for the meals and was also an old man, she asked Li's mother to cook for her heart in person, not to pretend to be others.

However, there is also a lot of reward. Mother Li is very happy. Although she has not been in charge of cooking in person over the years, she has not lost her ability. She also carefully selected the ingredients for those medicinal diets. Obviously, some porridges are added with medicinal herbs, but she only has the medicinal fragrance.

There is Mrs. An Guohou in the house, and her heart is also idle. According to Mrs. An Guohou, the most important thing for her now is to take good care of her body, and all the chores in the house have been handed over. The old Mrs. Anguo also asked Xinrong to go out more.

Xinrong simply went to Zhao Yan's house.

When his heart came to the door, Zhao Yan was not at home, only Li Yan was bored to practice acupuncture. Hearing Xinrong coming, he put the silver needle into the needle bag and ran out with a smile on his face.

"I thought you would come back in a few days. Fortunately, you came, otherwise I would be extremely bored."

The heart pulled Li Yan and looked at it for a long time before she said, "Cousin, I really can't figure it out. How can you be a teacher within four years? Is your cousin released water?"

"Cut, how can it be? He is so strict. Let's go and talk about it in the first room. Li Yan entered the flower hall with her heart.

This house is not big, and the second one goes to the hospital, but Zhao Yan and his wife are enough. Four servants in the house were brought from Suzhou, and the rest were bought in the capital. The whole house is in order. In fact, Xinrong thinks it should be Zhao Yan's housekeeper.

just sat down and asked curiously, "I said, how did you two get together?"

"Naturally, Lang has the intention of his concubine!" Li Yan said proudly.

I can't say anything, "You are so proud now, don't you have any twists and turns? At least you are the daughter of the Li family. Zhao Yan is also a poor scholar and knows some medical skills. Did your uncle and aunt agree to your marriage? The old lady won't agree so easily!"

"Yes, but the father-in-law is talented. Although he is young, he is also famous in Suzhou! Originally, the family wanted my father-in-law to be adopted, but my father-in-law said that there was no shortage of men in the Li family. In the future, it would be better for me to have a child surnamed Zhao!"

Looking at Li Yan's eyebrows, you will know that what Zhao Yan said is wonderful.

"And my father-in-law's coming to the capital as an imperial doctor is not an insult to me. Although I am a low marriage, the imperial doctor is still a Beijing official. Although the official rank of the imperial doctor is not high, who dares not give face to the imperial doctor!"

Her face smiled and nodded but did not respond to Li Yan. At least, Zhao Yan was reborn like her. In the past, she was a rich doctor. In fact, she ordered Zhao Yan to come to the capital as a royal doctor. After all, the emperor's body is not very good. If he is in the imperial hospital, some things will be easier to do.

Well... I guess I can introduce him to the emperor in a few days.

After all, Zhao Yan is a foreigner. He will definitely be constrained when he first arrives at the imperial hospital. It's better to inform the emperor directly, and there will be less trouble.

In the afternoon, Zhao Yan came back and just told them about the imperial hospital. He, a well-reigned doctor, can directly become a doctor and has an assessment every month, but he can stay in the imperial hospital for at least five years to participate in the imperial doctor's assessment.

"Although I have the qualification of a doctor, I have nothing to do in the hospital, but I can go home every day. This won't delay your pulse!" Zhao Yan said to Xinrong.

Xinrong nodded, "I'm going to introduce you to the emperor. I think the people in the hospital will definitely know about my medical treatment during this period. My house is not a copper wall. People who want to come to the hospital won't embarrass you!"

"This is also good. Although you can't be promoted to the position of imperial doctor as soon as possible, you can contact the emperor as soon as possible! I haven't seen the emperor, and I don't know his condition. Zhao Yan frowned.

"Then prepare for it. Tomorrow I will go to the palace to see the emperor. We will bloom in the rich flowers of Marco and his wife. I'll ask Mr. and Mrs. Marco to make a separate room for you!" The heart is tolerant.