official's direct daughter

Chapter 310

It's just that she doesn't understand the most. Since the emperor has been laid out for so many years, why can Ding Yuanhou succeed so easily? No, no!

I only felt dizzy, but ignored Zhao Yan and his wife.

Anyway, you have to eat something first. You have to believe in An Guohou. Now that Li Yi's family is nowhere to be found, it is obvious that they have been prepared early. Prince Yi's family also disappeared, and the emperor could not give up the good hand of Zhou Jiangshan to his foreign surname so easily!" Zhao Yan is full of confidence and has nothing to worry about.

Li Yan sent the porridge that had been prepared for a long time and also comforted him: "We have to be energetic to do things. Everyone in the palace was panicked. The queen's heart was on the emperor and had no effect at all. On the contrary, the empress dowager was very old to preside over the situation in the palace.

She put her heart in the bowl and quickly ate the porridge in the bowl. Yes, the Empress Dowager's wife is old, how can she worry about it again?

After dinner, a maid of honor came to change her clothes. The maid of honor said in a low voice in front of her heart and ears, "Seventeen, I happen to be working in the palace."

With no doubt about him, he whispered, "How are you guys doing?"

"If you know whether it is true or false, everything is ready, just wait for the owner to order. It's just that the mistress is trapped in the palace, and everyone should be careful!"

"Where is Xia Houchen?"

"Steal the military charm!"

He took a cold breath and almost made something strange. Unexpectedly, in these days when Xia Houchen disappeared, he went to Dingyuanhou to steal the military charm. So, Xia Houchen should have been in Dingyuan Houfu two days ago. Since he has the ability to steal military charms, why not save 15 and 18?

May I have seen what my heart is thinking. Seventeen said, "The fifteenth and eighteenth have died in a good place and have been buried thickly. Please understand the master."

"I know. You can go down first. Staying here for a long time will make people suspicious. There should be Ding Yuanhou in this maid of honor!" He said lightly that although he was sad, he was no longer entangled with the death of 15 and 18 people.

My heart went to the Empress Dowager's palace. Along the way, there was no chaos in the palace. Except for the panic of the people walking palace, it was still calm. With a sneer, this Ding Yuanhou wants to be an emperor with a just name! Yes, in today's peaceful and prosperous times, even if you force the palace, you can only get the national jade seal to be right. Otherwise, after a period of time, the former prince and the fourth prince will fight back, and it will not be so easy to regain the throne.

Most of the women live in the Empress Dowager's side hall. Every day, no girls come to annoy the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager just closes her eyes and listens to them shouting. This is an extraordinary time. Even if she is the empress dowager, she can't suppress these women with force. Who is not in a hurry? If the prince and the fourth prince really don't care about fighting back, they can only die. They are just hostages.

"Empress dowager, the princess is coming!"

The Empress Dowager opened her eyes. Although the sadness on her face was very strong, she could not hide the joy in her eyes.

When I entered the palace, I saw more than a dozen women sitting here, but the concubines in the palace were not seen.

"The Empress Dowager is a thousand years old!" Salute with heart.

"Where is Chitose? It's good to get through this level! Fortunately, when you came, I felt much more relieved!"

"Don't be impatient. Then the Marquis can't pinch us. He wants to get the throne justifiably, so he has to get the national jade seal, but now he doesn't know where the national jade seal is, and the emperor is unconscious. Don't worry about our safety. Even if the two princes want to call, it will take three or two months. It's still a long time, and I don't know what will happen in the middle!" Xinrong's voice is not small, rather than to the Empress Dowager, but to the women of the ministers here.

Sure enough, when the words fell, it became quiet and left with the Empress Dowager one after another.

The Empress Dowager screened back everyone in front of her and said, "Xinrong, are you all right?"

"Don't worry, the Empress Dowager, we will be fine!" Xinrong took the Empress Dowager's hand and comforted her. She whispered, "Do you remember what my mother did when she was a female official before?"

The Empress Dowager shook her head, "I'm not sure."

"The old man in the palace, as long as he hasn't left the palace, should have something to do with his mother. Now it seems that the palace is controlled by Ding Yuanhou like a copper wall and iron wall, but it is not. The Empress Dowager should know that some old people in the palace can do martial arts! Their kung fu is not bad, but they are like ordinary palace people, and even the emperor only knows part of them. Even if Dingyuan Hougou jumps over the wall in a hurry, as long as the army outside can enter the palace within two hours, it will be safe.

"You want to..."

"Yes, the Empress Dowager thinks well. Prince Yi's family and Princess Xiaochen's family have disappeared, and there are many people in their hands. My husband is outside and can also mobilize the surrounding barracks. Now only the defense of the whole capital is in the hands of Dingyuanhou. Besides, Dingyuanhou can't command the imperial army. We just need someone who can send a message and tell the people outside where we are!"

"There is a secret way in my palace!" The Empress Dowager thought for a moment and said.

Her eyes widened, and the Empress Dowager looked at her surprised face and said, "This is also what your mother prepared in those years. The emperor insisted on accepting your mother as a concubine, but if your mother is a concubine, the Suzhou Li family will not be able to control it. The emperor knew this and was actually confused. I saw that Li Yu was sensible, so I allowed her to plead and made such a tunnel to let her leave.

The Empress Dowager listened and whispered the secret road. The person who learned about this secret road had been gone for a long time, so no one knew this secret road except the Empress Dowager and Xinrong.

"Mother, you saved my life again!" Xinrong almost called out excitedly.

She said excitedly, "Ode, as long as there is this secret channel, you can send the message out and send some people in."

After all, the Empress Dowager came with strong winds and waves, so she was calm. After the Empress Dowager fell asleep at night, someone came in and clicked the Empress Dowager's acupuncture point to make the Empress Dowager sleep more soundly. Then, the woman in palace women's clothes got under the bed.

She is 17 years old. As Xia Houchen's confidant, no one can take on this task except her. However, there are only 23 left in the palace. I don't know which 23 is, whether it is a man or a woman!

Seventeen came out of the palace and went out of the city under the cover of heavy rain and night.

Xiahouchen frowned when he saw 17 coming out directly in palace women's clothing.

Seventeen knelt on one knee, "Master, there is a secret way in the palace!"