official god

Chapter 12 The harvest is always unexpected

It took two hours for Xiao Jia to come out of Wen Yang's room. Wen Yang came out once in the middle, and he went out alone for half an hour, as if he was going to buy something. Xiao Jia stayed in Wenyang's room from beginning to end. As before, she didn't know what the two were doing in it. Xia Xiang didn't think much about it. He had been thinking about the purpose of Li Dingshan's special request for him to have dinner together. It should be that what he said yesterday touched his mind. Maybe Li Dingshan also heard that Li Kailin was about to be transferred.

After work at noon, Wen Yang was the first to leave the company. As soon as Wen Yang left, Xiao Jia came out of his office, gently brought him to the door, crept to Xiaxiang, pointed to Jia He's room with his index finger, and whispered, "Haven't you woken up yet?"

Xia wanted to shake his head. Jia He only listened to Li Dingshan's words. No one in the company could control him. As long as Li Dingshan was not there, he was willing to sleep all day and no one would care.

Xiao Jia held an envelope in her hand, which was bulging and contained something. She shook the envelope in her hand in front of Xiaxiang, warped her nose, and said proudly, "The official seal of the company! Let's go. While Wenyang is away, let's find a place to carve another one as usual, and then we unconsciously make up the book. I've figured it out. Wen Yang edited the book of ICBC. We can edit the Agricultural Bank of China and the Construction Bank of China, and any bank can do it!"

Xia wanted to eat a lot of surprise. He pressed down Xiao Jia's raised hand and whispered, "You are too bold. This is a crime. You are found to be in prison!" I'm really afraid of you. Return the official seal quickly, as if this has never happened.

In a hurry, Xia wanted to hold Xiao Jia's little hand tightly and pushed it down, just on her lower abdomen. Although there is a layer of clothes, summer clothes are as thin as nothing. Where you buy them, they are smooth and soft, and you can feel bursts of heat coming. He felt inappropriate and wanted to withdraw his hand, but was caught by Xiao Jia's backhand. Between the two people, they drove Xiao Jia's T-shirt, revealing a white and delicate loin.

Xiao Jia's navel is very beautiful, round but not flat, pink, like a baby's navel. Her waist is flat and smooth, and she is dazzling.

Xia wanted to break free from Xiao Jia's control with a little force. He crossed his hands on the table and his face remained unchanged, but he no longer looked at Xiao Jia.

Xiao Jia said an anguously, "You are so timid!" I don't know if it's about the official seal or something else.

The atmosphere was beautiful for a while, which made Xia want to say a few words of Xiao Jia, but he couldn't think about it. He sighed in his heart that Xiao Jia was really powerful. He always knew how to make full use of his advantages intentionally or unintentionally, which made people unable to be strict with her. However, in any case, it is a big deal to engrave the official seal privately. Xia thought about it and decided to persuade Xiao Jia to let go.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly heard Jia He's voice: "Xia, let's have lunch together. It's my treat... I said Xiao Jia, what do you and Xia want to mutter? Why are you both blushing? No, there is definitely something wrong.

Jia He is careless on the surface and jokes with everyone. In fact, he is also a person with his opinions. In the company, he wants to get closer to Xia, because Xia wants to be young and easy-going. Jia He has one of his greatest advantages: loyalty and absolute loyalty to Li Dingshan. Anyone who does something unfavorable to Li Dingshan, as long as Jia He knows it, no matter who he is, he will definitely turn against that person.

Xiao Jia hurriedly hid the official seal in front of her and did not turn around. She left the sentence "I'm leaving first" and ran out quickly. Jia He looked at Xiao Jia's back and laughed: "Xia thought, can't something happen between you and Xiao Jia? Look, you blushed like a red cloth.

Xia wanted to be annoyed. Jia He's accident made Xiao Jia leave the company with the official seal. He couldn't break it face to face. He couldn't help worrying secretly. He just hoped that she could figure it out in time and not to do anything stupid.

Being teased by Jia He, Xia wanted to deliberately say in a teasing tone, "Don't talk nonsense about Jia He. Xiao Jia won't like me, a poor boy. Didn't you see that she is with Wen Yang every day?

Jia He curled his lips and said, "Don't be careless with me. Xiaoxia, I'll tell you the truth. Xiao Jia seems to be close to Wen Yang. In fact, it's not the same thing. Xiao Jia has a lot of eyes. She won't like Wen Yang's careful man, and in my opinion, Xiao Jia doesn't mean to flirt with Wen Yang, but she is born like this. There is a saying that some women are born with charming bones. Yes, they just like to interact with men. They look very lively and promiscuous. In fact, that's just their way of doing things. Maybe they don't mean to seduce you at all.

The words immediately made Xia want to look at Jia He with new eyes. Unexpectedly, Jia He, who looked careless, had a sharp look at people's eyes, which was almost like a tree. Xia thought that after he was also reborn and had some contact with Xiao Jia yesterday, he realized that Xiao Jia might be a woman with all kinds of customs by nature, and he was not deliberately trying to tease anyone. But it turned out that Jia He had seen it for a long time and understood it in his heart.

At noon, he and Jia He ate something outside. As soon as he went to work in the afternoon, Xiao Jia entered the door with a handbag and deliberately nodded and smiled at Xia. He didn't know what was hidden behind her smile. Xia thought that he wanted to ask a question, but after thinking about it, he pressed his curiosity. In fact, his relationship with Xiao Jia is not good enough to affect the extent to which she changes her mind. Besides, Xiao Jia is also a person with an idea. What she decides will not change easily.

Among them, there may also be her revenge that she hates Wen's threatening and unreliable.

Wen Yang usually doesn't come. Even if he only work half a day when he comes to the company, it is abnormal today. He came to the company again in the afternoon. What's more abnormal is that as soon as he entered the door, he said to Xia, "Xia, come to my office and tell you something."

The company is now on the verge of bankruptcy. Li Dingshan's prestige is swept away. As the vice president, no one regards him as a thing. However, on the surface, he was still polite. Xia wanted to nod and followed Wen Yang to his office.

Wen Yang pointed to the sofa with his hand, and his eyes turned around on Xia Xiang's face. He found that he had a calm face and said strangely in his heart that Xia Xiang still didn't talk much as before, but it seemed to have changed a lot. In the past, I was silent because I was introverted. Now I don't talk much, but I have something in my heart and I don't touch.

Xia wanted to sit down and asked bluntly, "Mr. Wen is looking for me?"

Wen Yang picked up a form from his desk and handed it to Wen Yang: "I have a friend who is going to open a supermarket at the intersection of the Second Ring Road and Kind Street, called Jiajia Supermarket. Because of the new opening, it requires a large number of staff. I think you are a good person and can apply for a middle-level manager. Now the future of the company is not very clear. You are still young, and it's not the same thing to spend all the time here, isn't it? What do you think?"

Xia wanted to bang his brain and almost couldn't believe his ears? Did you hear that right? Is it really Jiajia Supermarket?

He was overjoyed. He didn't expect Wen Yang to know one of the founders of Jiajia Supermarket. What a great surprise. When Jiajia Supermarket was newly built, it was not eye-catching in Yan City, but within a few years, it developed rapidly. It opened seven or eight chains in Yan City in succession, becoming the super-large chain supermarket with the greatest impact and the best benefits in Yan City. After several well-known foreign supermarket brands entered Yan City, it could not pose a threat to Jiajia After that, it had to retreat in an all-round way, and Jiajia Supermarket was finally dominant. It was not until Wal-Mart Supermarket entered Yanshi in 2010 that it slightly slowed down the expansion of Jiajia.

Later generations of Xia wanted to know more about the development process of Jiajia Supermarket because he often went to Jiajia Supermarket to buy things, and because he knew a middle-level person from Jiajia Supermarket. At the beginning of Jiajia Supermarket, it faced the dilemma of lack of funds, and almost stopped construction due to insufficient funds. If it is not as Xia expected, Jiajia Supermarket has not been built at this time, and it must be facing a huge funding gap. If a sum of money is invested at this time and become one of the partners of Jiajia Supermarket, it will be difficult to be underdeveloped in the future.

Of course, the Jia family is struggling now. Wen Yang seems to be kind enough to introduce him to a job, but he actually wants to take the opportunity to drive him out of the company. Xia wanted to be nervous. Wen Yang must be uneasy and kind-hearted, but at this time, he suddenly proposed to let him work in Jiajia Supermarket. What was the reason? Is it because he found the secret between him and Xiao Jia, or because he has other ideas? Did Wen Yang also know that Li Dingshan was moved by the appointment of the county party secretary?

Wen Yang had long known about Li Dingshan's opportunity to take up the position of the county party secretary, but he also knew Li Dingshan's personality and would definitely not listen to the arrangement of the Song Dynasty. He is also very concerned about whether Li Dingshan can become the county party secretary, because he is also a section-level officer in the Youth League Provincial Party Committee. It is normal to follow Li Dingshan down to the county and arrange a head of the county bureau or the director of the county party committee office. The real power is much stronger than the officer of a provincial party committee.

But Li Dingshan has been unmoved, and Wen Yang also died. He just thought of the way to make money by making books. After making a lot of money, his mind about politics also faded a lot. Unexpectedly, I suddenly heard from a classmate yesterday that Li Dingshan had dinner with Gao Hai last night. His classmates accompanied him, and Li Dingshan's words actually showed his yearning for officialdom. After listening to his classmates' words, Wen Yang thought of the network behind Li Dingshan, and his mind suddenly came to life again.

Xia Xiang guessed well. Wen Yang's move was to kick Xia Xiang aside and keep him away from the company. If Li Dingshan really made up his mind to be the county party secretary, he could naturally follow Li Dingshan down. Without Xia Xiang around, Li Dingshan had no choice.

Although in Wen Yang's opinion, Xia Xiang is not a threat to him at all, everything should be considered carefully. If you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of just in case, so after a lot of deliberation, he wanted to introduce his work to Xia.