official god

Chapter 17 The benefits of being able to plug in one hand

(Today is the third update, brothers, Lao He is working very hard. Give me a few more tickets, okay?)

Xia wants to ride a bicycle and head north from the paths on both sides of the People's River. The People's River is an artificial river, which was built in 1995 and took more than 2 billion yuan in four years. At that time, the city said that it was to build an artificial lung in Yan City to improve the dryness and poor air quality in Yan City. Unfortunately, after the completion of the People's River, no one mentioned whether the air quality was improved. According The physical experience also felt that it had no effect, but in the first year of the construction of the People's River, eight people drowned in a short time.

It's strange to say that in the future, more than a dozen people will drown in the river every year. By 1998, a total of 30 people drowned, including old and young, men and women, and some good people listed the names of all the drowned people. Surprisingly, it was found that more than 30 people, and no two people had So a piece of gossip spread, and people rumored that the real meaning of the People's River was to drown hundreds of people and drown each surname on the surname of hundreds of families. As a result, it spread around, and the people's river became the river of hundreds of families in the mouth of the citizens.

Although the municipal government repeatedly took various measures and increased publicity, the People's River still drowned people every year. More than ten years later, Xia thought that someone had done statistics, and a total of more than 150 people drowned in the People's River.

In Yan City in June, the scorching sun is like fire. Walking by the river of the people, the cool breeze eased the heat a little. The development of the city always has to pay one price or another. This costly artificial river is indeed more symbolic than the practical significance in the summer. It is basically a political achievement project, which does not play any role in the development of Yan City. On the contrary, a large amount of money was wasted because of the cost of demolition and bridge repair. But this is the case in officialdom. In those years, the mayor who built the People's River was promoted to a municipal party secretary in a neighboring province because of the achievements of the People's River. Later, it was said that he was promoted to governor.

The current mayor, Chen Feng, is a real doer. He vigorously promoted the transformation of the urban village in Yan City. He personally took people to the urban village to persuade the nail households, opened up many broken roads and Dingzi roads, and took the environment and traffic of Yan City as a whole to a level, although it left a strong and domineering mark Like, but for most people in Yan City, Mayor Chen is the most capable and attractive mayor in Yan City for decades.

It's ridiculous that Chen Feng left a good reputation, but didn't get a good end. Later, I don't know why he offended Gao Chengsong. At Gao Chengsong's instruction, Chen Feng was framed by his opponent, and finally sentenced to 10 years for corruption. However, even if Chen Feng was imprisoned, the people of Yan City remembered Chen Feng's good. The market also recited Chen Feng's life in prison for a while, saying that he had a good attitude of reform, that he did not forget to study in prison, and that he finally became the curator of the prison library. Everyone affectionately called him Chen...

Along the riverside of the people, through one urban village after another, Xia suddenly thought that it was 1998. Chen Feng had just become the mayor and had not yet begun to vigorously transform the urban village. The transformation of the village in the city was a trigger for Chen Feng's step down, probably because he touched Gao Chengsong's interests.

Since Gao Chengsong became the secretary of the provincial party committee, he has not only ruled out dissidents, but also extended his hands to the commercial field. Of course, this is nothing. Officials and businessmen are everywhere. As long as everyone abides by a conventional rule, no one should go too much. However, Gao Chengsong is flamboyant, and his wife and son are the same. They regard the whole province of Yan as their family. Making money is not only unique, but also no one is allowed to interfere in the field they like.

Gao Chengsong's wife intervened in the construction market of the province, used her power to lead a construction company from the south into Yan City, and squeezed across several construction companies in the province in a few years. One of the most important reasons why Chen Feng was overhauled by Gao Chengsong is probably related to the conflict of interest at the time of the transformation of the urban village.

Gao Chengsong's son is even more excessive. As long as he sees which industry makes money, he will get involved in the past. After Jiajia Supermarket in later generations became bigger, people in the mall know that Gao Chengsong's son Gao Jianyuan has shares in Jiajia.

Standing in front of a large construction site and looking at the Jiajia supermarket under construction, Xia wants to sigh that Gao Jianyuan must not look at the unknown Jiajia supermarket, and now Jiajia supermarket is at the critical moment of shortage of funds. If he has a batch of funds in his hand, he will directly invest in Jiajia supermarket in less than two years. It will be doubled a few times.

However, although I don't have money now, it's a good thing to get to know one of the founders of Jiajia. Don't miss it. Xia thought that he was born in architecture and was naturally familiar with the situation of the construction site. He found the manager's room in the simple room and knocked on the door.

The friend introduced by Wen Yang is Feng Xuguang. He is tall and fat. It is estimated that he weighs no less than 90 kilograms. When Feng Xuguang heard that he was introduced by Wen Yang, he immediately stretched out his hand very enthusiastically: "Welcome, welcome, Xia, right? Wen Yang told me about this, and I welcome you on behalf of Jiajia Supermarket. However, I have to put the ugly words to the front first. Now the funds are tight, and the project has been semi-stop. The construction company said that if you don't pay, you won't start construction. Now is the critical moment. After passing this test, you will do a lot in the future. If you can't get through this, I can't guarantee myself, and you can't fulfill your job.

One sentence won the favor of Xia. I feel that Feng Xuguang is shrewd and sincere. He can point out his position in a few words in the shortest time. He neither exaggerates the facts nor makes you feel perfunctory. He is indeed a character. No wonder Jiajia Supermarket is getting better and better. It began in the supermarket war in later In the end, Feng Xuguang's personal ability also accounts for a lot of relationship.

"If I have 1 million shares, how many shares will Feng finally have?" He doesn't tell lies in front of Mingren, because he has a good impression of Jiajia Supermarket and his first impression of Feng Xuguang, so he directly throws out a big enough problem.

A look of disbelief flashed in Feng Xuguang's eyes. He must not believe that Xia wanted to take out so much money, but in a blink of an eye, he looked calm again. Without saying a word, he turned around and picked up the calculator and bowed his head to calculate.

Five minutes later, Feng Xuguang said with a smile, "The land investment is 3 million yuan, the main project is invested 5 million yuan, and other miscellaneous projects are 2 million yuan, a total of about 10 million yuan. You are now investing 1 million yuan, which is less than 10% on average, but now it is a critical moment, and the capital of 1 million I can make the decision to live in the current predicament, which is 10% better for you. But Xia thought, do you have money?"

is similar to Xia Nian's secret estimation. Feng Xuguang did not exaggerate, which made him make up his mind.

Xia wanted to tell the truth: "I don't have money."

Feng Xuguang was not annoyed: "So, can you find an investment of 1 million yuan for me?"

Xia thought still shook his head: "I'm afraid I can't."

Feng Xuguang's face was calm: "So you didn't come to apply for a job in the supermarket, but you intended to help me? Come on, no matter what method is used, as long as I can solve my immediate predicament, I will give you 10% of the shares as I just talked about.

Xia wants to laugh. Feng Xuguang is really a smart man, just a little bit. But after all, it's the first time to date. It's simple and deep, and you can't say too much. He nodded and asked, "Mr. Feng, ask a personal question. How do you and Wen always know each other?"

A smile flashed in Feng Xuguang's eyes: "I used to be a member of the Youth League Provincial Party Committee, and I was a colleague with Wen Yang."

"How is your personal relationship with Mr. Wen?" Xia wanted to tap the table gently and looked at Feng Xuguang with a smile on his face.

Feng Xuguang stared at Xia with great interest, thinking that he was not young, spoke and did things with a sense of proportion, step by step, and he looked confident. He was really a rare young man.

He had an idea in his heart and said, "The relationship is not bad. Occasionally, we eat together. We usually make phone calls. The gentleman's friendship is as light as water, right? A personal relationship is a personal relationship, and business is a business. Each has its own way. It can't be confused, right?

Xia wanted to be relieved and stretched out his hand: "Mr. Feng, give me a business card, and I'll contact you at any time, okay?"

Walking out of the construction site of Jiajia Supermarket and looking at the mess in front of me, it is hard to imagine. Half a year later, the front of the door is full of all kinds of vehicles, and it is overcrowded every day. Countless manufacturers want to occupy a good position in Jiajia Supermarket. A year later, the first branch of Jiajia Supermarket was built, followed by the second and third... The pace of expansion did not stop until 2010.

Xia wanted to be full of joy, but she didn't expect that before Jiajia Supermarket was built, there was a small episode of shortage of funds in front of him. He also knew that without his appearance, Feng Xuguang could quickly pass the current difficulties. But if he doesn't show up, how can the benefits fall on him?

Seeing that it was getting late, Xia wanted to break the idea of going back to the company and was ready to go back to have a good sleep. Halfway, the call rang. Seeing that it was the company's phone, I hurriedly found a public phone and went back, but Xiao Jia was looking for him.