official god

Chapter 19 The Home Affairs of the Director

Xia wanted to have a very good impression of Cao Yongguo's family, not only because Cao Yongguo's help changed his fate, but also because their family did not have any contempt and neglect of him. They really regarded him as the younger generation of their friends. Whether it was because Cao Yongguo valued his brother's face or because he had always been like this, Xia Xiang had no reason not to respect him.

Cao Yongguo is sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. He is a typical northerner. He is tall, with a national face, thick eyebrows and big eyes. Seeing that Xia wanted to come in, he looked up and nodded and said, "Sit casually."

Now that you have lived again, what can you do for Cao Yongguo in this life? After all, he is only 50 years old, a 50-year-old department-level cadre. If he operates a little, it is not too much to get a sub-provincial treatment when he retires.

In addition, if he enters the officialdom with Li Dingshan, Cao Yongguo has been an official for many years. Although he has been struggling in a low position, he is also a department-level cadre after all. He also has his own network and connections. He can also share resources with Li Dingshan. After all, everyone will be on the same front Comrade-in-arms, in the confrontation with the secretary of the provincial party committee, many friends have many ways.

After Cao Yongguo only said one sentence, he no longer looked up and looked at the newspaper attentively, and ignored Xia's thoughts. Xia wanted to sit in the corner of the sofa and sat quietly for a while, with a quiet face. He noticed that Cao Yongguo only looked at him from the afterglow of his eyes once or twice. He pretended not to know, straightened up and did not squint.

Cao Shuqi wore slippers on his feet and trotted all the way out of the kitchen. He held a fruit plate in his hand with washed apples and plows on it. He put them in front of Xiaxiang, revealing his beautiful and neat teeth and said, "Xiaxiang, you're welcome, eat fruit."

Xia wanted to say "thank you", but he didn't do it. Cao Shuqi enthusiastically reached out to take an apple and picked up the fruit knife to peel it. Xia thought that he wouldn't let her do it. He reached out and took the apple and fruit knife and said, "Let me do it. Be careful to scratch your hand."

Cao Shuqi smiled mischievously: "Look at people, am I that stupid?"

"You are not only stupid, but also hairy!" When Cao Yongguo put down the newspaper and looked at Xiaxiang, his eyes were full of praise. He pointed to Cao Shuyu with his hand, "Look, you are panicked. They are all big maids, and they don't know how to be steady at all. Do you know that in ancient times, women like your age should walk gently with a smile and lift their feet?

"Here comes again, here again, Dad, at least you are a state cadre. You have to grasp the pulse of society, you know? Why is your brain as stubborn as an antique? It's not your daughter's boast, but my dignified image. In our school, she is already a first-class lady. You have no vision and can't see my good at all!"

Being robbed by his daughter, Cao Yongguo laughed and said to Xia, "Xia, you judge, and Yan'er also said that she is a lady. Now college students are as bad as she said?"

Xia thought that more than ten years later, many female college students cried and asked for support. Compared with the future, today's female college students at least have the purity and shyness of girls. He had to tell the truth: "In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with Shu Yan's lively nature. Girls are lively and lovely."

"That's right, there are many boys in our school who like me, and someone writes love letters to me every day..." Cao Shuqi raised his face and was indescribably proud and excited.

Cao Yongguo's face darkened: "I've said many times that you are not allowed to fall in love during college. This matter is not negotiable."

Cao Yongguo has been an official for many years. Once he has an attack, the momentum of the ruler for a long time exudes, which makes people feel inexplicably depressed. Xia wants to sit three meters away from him, and he also feels that his chest is stuffy and almost out of breath.

Cao Shuyan's face changed and he leaned against Xia Xiang, as if he was looking for someone to rely on, and his eyes showed an uneasy look. It can be seen that Cao Yong's country is very strict, and Cao Shuyan is very afraid of Cao Yong's power.

Xia wanted to gently pull Cao Shuqi, let her sit on the sofa, and then reached out and shook. A long apple peel completely from the apple, and there was no place to break her head. Next, he pinched the two ends of the apple with two fingers of his left hand, and scratched one side of the apple with a fruit knife with his right hand. Half of the fruit fell off, and half of the apple had been picked on the tip of the knife. The whole action was done in one go, which was clean and pleasing to the eyes. The most important thing And hygienic.

Xia wanted to push the apple in front of Cao Shuqi and made a "please" posture. Cao Shuqi's eyes were straight, his eyes were round, and his mouth was wide open, and the expression on his face was exaggerated to the extreme.

"You are so awesome, Xia Think, how did you do it? It's amazing." If it hadn't been for Cao Yongguo, she would have shouted long ago.

Xia wanted to live in her grandfather's house when she was a child. When she grew up, she would go back to live there for a period of time every summer vacation. Grandpa's house has a few acres of orchard. His favorite thing is to lie under the fruit tree, hold a knife in his hand, cut off any fruit, and then peel it and eat it. Over time, it has become a unique skill of peeling.

"I have a younger sister who loves apples the most, so I cut them for her every day, and slowly practiced the method of peeling fruit. My sister is very cute and beautiful. I thought that if any boy dares to bully her and has bad intentions towards her, I must make sure that he is good-looking. Because I love my sister very much and don't want her to be hurt. If you love someone, sometimes you want to do everything for her, you want to protect her strictly, don't let her be deceived, don't let her be deceived by boys... Director Cao loves you like a pearl in the palm of your eye. Naturally, he has to be strict with you. He doesn't have to use rules to bind you, but wants to The truth is that every stage of life is a prescribed task. For example, going to college is to focus on learning. Even if you meet your favorite boy during college, you should learn to restrain it. After all, college is only a transit point in life. Once you graduate, you may be divided into different things..."

Cao Shuyu held the apple in his hand and listened to it. He couldn't take his eyes off Xia Xiang. Seeing the sadness and missing in his eyes, the crystal eyes flashed with heartwarming sadness. He couldn't help but feel sad. He turned his head and looked at Cao Yongguo: "Dad, don't blame me. I' Say I'm in love. You are also really, obviously good to me, you have to be so fierce, can't speak more tactfully, so that I can accept it, right?

Cao Yongguo wanted to throw a grateful glance at Xia and laughed: "Yi'er, isn't Dad worried about you and afraid that you will be deceived? You are still young. How can you know whether those boys who are attentive to you are good or bad?

Cao Shuqi said puzzledly, "Is it wrong for others to like me? Do you like it for the better or for worse? By the way, Xia thought, it happens that you are a boy. What's the psychology of saying that a boy likes a girl?

"This, people are different, and it's hard to make it clear..." Xia can't help but be embarrassed. In college, boys discuss girls, but ** naked body and sexual desire, men can love and sexual separation, while women are different, love first and then sex. In front of Cao Yongguo, he didn't dare to open his mouth.

Cao Yongguo is an experienced person. He knows that Cao Shuqi's question is not easy to answer, and he sees that Xia wants to make things difficult. He guesses that it is not easy for him to answer, so he interrupts and says, "Xia wants to be a guest. Pour tea for the guests quickly."

Cao Shuqi reluctantly went to make tea. Xia wanted to cut another piece of the apple in his hand, put it on a plate, pushed it to Cao Yongguo, and said respectfully, " Director Cao eats apples. Apple is known as the fruit of intelligence, which can increase wisdom and delay aging.

Cao Yongguo thoughtfully picked up the apple and ate it and said, "Nowadays, children are really difficult to manage. As we were young, we were obedient to our parents and never caused trouble. Times are changing. No matter what, some old traditions and good morals can't be lost.

Xia wanted to think of Cao Yongguo's refusal to be with Gao Chengsong in later generations. Finally, he was transferred to the Surveying and Mapping Bureau by Gao Chengsong, and finally left sadly. It seemed that he also faintly heard that Cao Yongguo might be transferred to the Provincial Construction Committee as the director of the Construction Committee. He didn't expect that the world was unpredictable. Because of Gao Chengsong's interference, Cao Yongguo's dream of further was shattered.

From this, it is speculated that Cao Yongguo is a straightforward person and refuses to compromise with Gao Chengsong. Xia Xiang couldn't persuade him to change his position and get closer to Gao Chengsong. According to Cao Yongguo's character, others speak lightly. Maybe it will have the opposite effect, and it will also leave a bad impression on Cao Yongguo. Besides, even if he turns to Gao Chengsong, Gao Chengsong will fall two years later, maybe he will be more involved. However, after Gao Chengsong's fall, Cao Yongguo did not use it again, and I'm afraid there are hidden secrets in it.

"Yes, the integrity and spirit of the older generation can't be compared with our generation, but it takes time for people to grow up. From young to mature, it takes a process of slowly growing up..." Xia wanted to follow Cao Yongguo's words.

Cao Yongguo looked at Xia with great interest: "Xiao Xia, I think you are much more mature than before. It seems that it is different to go to society. It seems that you are only three years older than her, as if you are ten years older than her. If you had half of your stability and opinions, I wouldn't have so much to worry about.

"Xiaoxia, eat at home for lunch. Don't go." Wang Zhifen, Cao Yongguo's wife, came out of the kitchen, with her hands covered with flour and an apron around her waist. She is plainly dressed, looks like an ordinary housewife, and doesn't have the airs of the director's wife at all.

Others are polite, but he can't treat himself as an outsider. Xia Xiang hurriedly got up and said, "I won't disturb my aunt. I should go..." Xia Xiang didn't ask Wang Zhifen where she worked, so she had to be called her aunt.

"Don't go!" Cao Shuqi ran out of the kitchen quickly, holding a teacup in his hand, and said angrily, "It's impolite. I just made tea for you. You can leave without taking a sip, completely ignoring the fruits of my labor. Damn it."