official god

Chapter 21 Cao Shuqi's Different Thoughts

It is the best way to get close to a person and integrate into his family.

During dinner, Xia wanted to sit in the middle of Cao Shujun and Wang Zhifen, directly opposite Cao Shujun. Cao Shujun only bowed his head to eat, and occasionally looked at Xia, which was also full of questions in his eyes. Until dinner, except for Cao Yongguo who asked Xia not to be polite, everyone else did not say anything. It can be seen that Cao Yongguo was very strict in governing his family and adhered to the ancient motto of "eating words".

After dinner, Xia wanted to help clean up the dishes and chopsticks, but was stopped by Cao Yongguo. He waved and said, "Just let your aunt and Yu'er work. Men don't have to do these things."

Xia wants to remember that Cao Yongguo also seems to have graduated from the School of Architecture. He doesn't want to be a very traditional person, following the creed of "gentleman's far away from the kitchen".

After dinner, Xia wanted to chat with Cao Yongguo for a while, and then said goodbye, but was stopped by Cao Shuyu. She smiled and took Cao Yongguo's arm forward and said, "Dad, my holiday homework is to design a supermarket drawing. It just so happens that Xia wants to come. I want him to accompany me to the construction site in "

Cao Yongguo couldn't stand Cao Shuqi's clinginess, so he looked at Xia and said, "You should ask Xia Think about this question to see if he has time?"

As soon as Cao Shujun heard this, he immediately looked at Xiaxiang with a curious face and said in surprise, "You're good. It's playful. In the past, those boys who chased my sister either couldn't pass my sister's pass or my father's pass. You are the first person to pass two levels in a row, and you can't see that you still have some skills. But don't be too proud. If you want to be my brother-in-law, you have to pass me in the end!"

Cao Shuqi's face turned red, and he raised his foot and kicked Cao Shujun: "Get out of here and be careful that I'll clean you up."

Xiaxiang smiled frankly: "It just so happens that a friend of mine is building a supermarket. We can go and have a look together. I don't guarantee your homework, but I will be responsible for your personal safety to the end.

This is also said to Cao Yongguo.

Cao Yongguo took the phone and dialed and said, "Yi'er, remember not to bully Xia Think. Xia Think, don't let her too much. Don't let her run around. This girl is wild... I'll ask the driver to take you there."

Cao Yongguo arranged for the driver to follow him. First, it is convenient for them to travel, and second, it also has the meaning of monitoring. After all, it is also human to have the baby daughter to follow him. However, Xia Xiang was still secretly excited. Today, he not only had a good talk with Cao Yongguo, but also made an exception for him to stay at home for dinner. Although there were also episodes of Cao Shujun's discordant, at least three people in the family of four had a good impression of him, especially Cao Shuqi came out with him, no matter what The thought, this trust alone makes him very happy.

It can be said that he has successfully opened the door of Cao Yong's country.

After Xia wanted to leave with Cao Shujun, Cao Shujun said disdainfully, "Dad, why did you let my sister go out with him? That poor boy wants money, no money, no status. My sister is with him, and he loses a lot of money.

Cao Yongguo said angrily, "What nonsense? Your sister and Xia want to communicate normally. Don't arrange it randomly. Go away..."

Cao Shujun was not afraid of Cao Yongguo and smiled meaninglessly: "Anyway, I still expect my sister to marry a high-ranking official or a rich family. In this way, when my father retires, I will have a powerful brother-in-law to take care of her."

Wang Yufen laughed and scolded, "Look at your promising? Why don't you want to rely on your own ability?"

Cao Shujun turned back to the room and said, "How tiring is it to rely on yourself? If you have a good father to struggle for 20 years less, and a good brother-in-law to struggle for 20 years less, this generation will be easily happy.

Cao Yongguo and Wang Yufen looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

While tidying up the sofa, Wang Yufen looked up at Cao Yongguo and said, "I didn't see that Xia thought that this child is really good. I think Yan'er is also quite willing to be with him."

"What young people have together is just curiosity and good feelings. Xiaxiangren is good, but he doesn't have a background. It's okay if he doesn't have an idea about Yan'er. If he really wants to have an idea, he has to let him know that some things are impossible.

"I said Lao Cao, why are you so snobbish?" Wang Yufen thought was simpler. She thought that as long as her daughter liked it, it would be fine. She felt that the most important thing was for two people to be together. The rest could be said later, "You were not a poor boy in those years. I fell in love with you at that time, but I didn't think you were sensible? Don't force her to make her own choice.

"No way!" Cao Yongguo said firmly, "We have suffered a lot before, so we can't let the children suffer anymore. She can't make her own decisions about Yan'er's marriage. I have to choose a person who is worthy of her in all aspects!"

Having said that, Cao Yong's deep thoughts in China did not come out. The reason why he promised Cao Shuyu and Xia to go out together naturally had his deeper consideration, but the timing was too mature to be outsiders.

Cao Yongguo's car is an Audi. The driver, Li Jiefu, is about 35 years old, and he doesn't talk much. He picked up Xia Xiang and Cao Shuyu, asked the location, and just drove quietly. Cao Shuqi and Xia wanted to sit side by side in the back seat. She wore a beige half-length skirt and a small waistcoat, which looked young and sexy. Because when it comes to the construction site, there is a pair of white travel shoes on the feet, and the long socks are tightly wrapped around the round calves, which makes Xiaxiang unable to take back his eyes.

If Xiao Jia's beauty is like a flower, Cao Shuyu's beauty is like jade, like the purity of jade, like the clarity of jade. Her eyes are like a clear spring, her youthful face is refined, and her short head is refined and beautiful, just like a camellia blooming in the wind.

Cao Shuyu took a pen and wrote and drew on a notebook. Suddenly, he raised his head and asked Xia, "Xia, is your girlfriend beautiful?"

Xia didn't expect that Cao Shuqi was silent for a long time. As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked a difficult question and said, "The ex-girlfriend is still beautiful, and the next girlfriend doesn't know yet."

"Why did you break up?" Cao Shuyu bit the pen. Her two front teeth are slightly larger than other teeth, which are not only prominent, but also neat and uniform, with a unique charm.

"We didn't get together when we graduated. We were separated from each other, and the distance had an emotional crisis, so we naturally broke up." Xia didn't want to talk more about Yang Bei. He once thought that Yang Bei would wait for him for three years, but he didn't want to break up after only half a year.

"It's good to break up..." Cao Shuqi looked directly at Xia's eyes, with some beating in his eyes. "She has no foresight, she has no luck. Don't be discouraged. Xia thought, you must be able to find a girlfriend who is hundreds of times stronger than her, more beautiful than her, gentler and cuter

Seeing that Xia wanted to show a helpless look on her face, Cao Shuyu asked cautiously, "Isn't it quite sad?"

Xia wanted to see her with a curious expression and smiled: "Children's home, don't ask if you shouldn't ask. Besides, everything is over. Man, you can afford to let it go. Who always thinks about the past?

"Who is small? I'm 20 years old, and I've been an adult for a long time. You're only three years older than me, still pretending to be an adult in front of me? If you don't tell me, I can fall in love by myself and feel it by myself. I don't care about you. Cao Shuyu's tone was half angry and half coquettish.

Li Jiefu looked in the rearview mirror, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Xia wanted to grab the notebook from Cao Shuqi, took a look, and asked, "Shuqi, what is your major?"

"Ah..." Cao Shuqi screamed in shock and quickly grabbed the notebook from Xiaxiang's hand, "How can you rumm through the girl's things? It's really rude."

Cao Shuyu's scream caused Li Jiefu to brake a little. The car suddenly stopped, and then walked smoothly. Obviously, he also realized that it was just an exaggerated exclamation between boys and girls. It was not an emergency, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

Xia wanted to reach out and pat Li Jiefu on the shoulder: "I'm sorry, Brother Li, I'm distracting you."

Li Jiefu smiled at Xia Xiang from the rearview mirror: "It doesn't matter. I'm too nervous to react." But I thought to myself who this young man was. He spoke politely. No wonder he would like Cao Shuyu.

Xia thought that he moved unconsciously just now. He didn't expect Cao Shuyu to have such a big reaction, and he didn't see what was written in the notebook at all. However, looking at Cao Shuyu's crimson face, he guessed in his heart that it might be her diary with some private things, so he smiled apologet See it clearly, you can rest assured."

"What's the rest assured? Humph, anyway, there is no privacy on it, let alone you..." Cao Shuqi didn't make a move, and his face turned redder. He simply turned his face to look out of the window. He was afraid that Xia would think too much, so he said in a mosquito-like voice, "I didn't write anything about you. I just found some advantages Friends can take you as a criterion and try to find a boyfriend who is a hundred times better than you.

"My advantage is zero, multiplied by one hundred or zero. It's easy for you to find a boyfriend without advantages..." Xia wanted to deliberately laugh at Cao Shuqi.

Cao Shuqi gritted his teeth and said, "You don't have to belittle yourself to curse that I can't find happiness, right? It's too bad for you."

After coming to the construction site of Jiajia Supermarket, Xia wanted Li Jiefu to park his car outside the construction site, because for the sake of safety, vehicles from other units are generally not allowed to enter the construction site. Li Jiefu waved his hand and said no, and then pointed to several passes in front of the co-pilot with his hand. One of them was the pass of the Yan Provincial Urban Construction Bureau, and pointed to the construction progress bulletin board erected on the construction site. He laughed and said, "It's the construction of the second construction, the subordinate units in the

Xia wanted to laugh dumbly. Why did he forget this? This is the car of the director of the Provincial Urban Construction Bureau. Who doesn't buy it in the provincial construction company?

P: Thank you for your support. Thank you very much. Now it is updated twice a day, with 3,000 words per update, which is counted as three updates compared with the other two parties. Lao He is now trying to code words every day and strives to save more manuscripts, which will be updated from time to time. Please rest assured and continue to vote for support.