official god

Chapter 25 Satisfied Results and Unexpected Threats

(Please continue to support He Changzai. The location is very dangerous, and you need the fire support of the ticket!)

As soon as Cao Shuyu said, Xia wanted to be secretly surprised. This little girl is so powerful, young, and her mind turns very fast. However, she is relieved when she thinks about it. After all, she grew up in a high-ranking official's family. She has seen more people. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, she can always see the key points of things.

Li Hongjiang has the ability to work. In addition to being too enthusiastic about promotion, he doesn't have too many problems. People who are obsessed with promotion are heavy-minded and like to think about everything, so as soon as he heard Cao Shuyu's casual question, he was surprised and happy. He stood up from the sofa and put on a gesture of reporting to the leader. Then he thought about it and woke up. He sat back again, rubbed his hands and said, "There is a little The problem is that I ordered them to stop work and rectify. A hundred-year plan, quality comes first, and there can be no sloppy at all. But I guess they have found out the reason now, and I will let them start the construction immediately to speed up the construction progress.

Cao Shuqi smiled and asked Xia, "After the construction site starts, shall we go up and have a look again?"

Xia wanted to shake his head: "Don't bother Manager Li. We'll go back in a minute. By the way, Li Hongli just asked casually. Don't worry about it. Don't rush to start the work. The construction period is important, but quality is the top priority.

"Yes, yes." Li Hongjiang's face was full of flowers, and he looked understanding. "Xiao Xia is really a talented student, and one sentence comes to the point."

Cao Shuqi raised his hand to look at his watch and looked outside: "Xia think, it's getting late. It's time for us to go back, or Dad will be unhappy. He likes to worry about everything. He remembers everything clearly and is rigid. He asked me to go home at five o'clock. If he is a minute late, he will criticize me for not being punctual.

The commentator was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. Li Hongjiang jumped up from the sofa as if he had some hint: "I will supervise their work in person immediately. I can't delay the construction period."

Feng Xuguang and Xia wanted to deliver it to the door. Seeing Li Hongjiang trotted all the way to the construction site like a fire, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Xia wanted to signal Feng Xuguang to take a few steps away. After a distance from the office, he saw that the people on the construction site had begun to be busy. He came to a shady place, squatted down, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and gave it to Feng Xuguang: "Mr. Feng must think that Is it to use Director Cao's face to press Li Hongjiang to start the work?

Feng Xuguang didn't expect Xia to say it directly. He couldn't help but be stunned: "No matter what method you use, as long as you help me, I will definitely transfer 10% of the shares to you. I keep my word."

"Good, refreshing." Xia could see that there was a trace of unhappiness between Feng Xuguang's expression. He could understand Feng Xuguang's contempt for him and did not plan to beat around the bush. Feng Xuguang is a friend to make. In the future, he may have a lot of places to rely on him. Making friends is important. Especially now that he has not Paper, "What happened just now is an extra gift. The way I said is worth 10% of the shares is on this paper."

Feng Xuguang looked at it suspiciously and carefully. After only a few glances, his face was full of solemnity and slowly unfolded. At the end, he suddenly patted his thigh and said with a smile, "I said that the first time I saw my brother, I felt that you were full of confidence, not like a soft People. To be honest, I really looked down on you just now, and now I know that this is your handwriting... I'm 80% sure of this matter.

He hugged Xiaxiang's shoulder and said affectionately, "How about you, brother, come to me to be a vice president? I heard that you are studying architecture. Why are you still so economic-minded? It's not simple. You are young and more accurate than my vision.

Xia wanted to be praised by Feng Xuguang and was a little embarrassed, and he was also happy for his straightforwardness. Knowing that he had made this friend, he said, "Mr. Feng..."

"What's your name, Mr. Feng? If you don't dislike me, call me brother, and I'll call you brother!" Feng Xuguang looked at the paper in his hand again, as if he had found the treasure, "High, it's really high. Why didn't I think of this good way?" Value, 10% of the true value of shares. If there is something just now, I can't treat you badly, brother. To be honest, brother, I account for 72 percent of the shares of the company, and I'll give you 12%. How about that?

Xia wanted to shake his head and said with an indifferent face: "I said that what happened just now is not my credit. If you have to thank me, just remember Director Cao and remember his kindness. I only need 10%!"

Seeing that Xia wanted to be resolute, Feng Xuguang knew that he had made up his mind, so he nodded vigorously and said, "I have written down this love!"

Xia's idea for Feng Xuguang is not new in a few years. A few years later, the supermarket has developed rapidly. Mastering the terminal market is equivalent to mastering the lifeline of the manufacturer. All supermarket goods are first spread by the goods, and then the supermarket charges the land floor fee. Coupled with reasonable profits, it firmly controls the initiative. But at the beginning, many supermarkets did not have this awareness, so they were not strong when attracting investment.

Xia Xiang asked Feng Xuguang to sell the location of the best regions in the supermarket, such as fresh food area, fruit area, vegetable area, etc., at a price for one year, on a first-come, first-served basis. In a supermarket, the quality of the location directly determines the amount of sales, and determines the shipment volume and profit of the manufacturer. The pre-sale price in advance is lower, but it only has the right to use it for one year, and the funds can be returned in advance, so it is a win-win solution.

As the boss of the largest supermarket chain in Yanshi in the future, Xia wants to believe that Feng Xuguang has such an advanced vision. He just didn't expect it because of his limited knowledge. Sure enough, as soon as he was clear, Feng Xuguang understood the trick, how to operate and negotiate with the merchant. Naturally, with Feng Xuguang's ability, it is not something that Xia wants to worry about.

Farewell to Feng Xuguang, Xia Xiang declined Li Hongjiang's enthusiasm and got on the Audi car with Cao Shuyu in Li Hongjiang's disappointment. As soon as Cao Shuyou got on the car, he secretly said to Xia, "Well, my performance today is still outstanding, right?"

Xia wanted to boast sincerely: "It's very unexpected, much better than I thought. By the way, why did you ask about Li Hongjiang on the construction site just now?

Xia thought naturally would not think that Cao Shuqi just asked casually, and he must have seen something.

Cao Shuqi put one hand on the door of the car, held his head, tilted to look at Xia and thought, "I just think the weather is so good. Why do I have to stop work? Because of curiosity, I asked. I didn't expect that Manager Li was quite responsible. He could really listen to the opinions. He was so kind. It was really good.

Xia wanted to look at Cao Shuyan carefully and wanted to find out from her face whether she was deliberately pretending. After a few glances, she didn't know what she remembered. Her face suddenly turned red and turned her face and dared not look directly at him. Xia wanted to shake his head. He was really a smart little girl. She was deliberately helping him and pretended not to know.

I don't know why, Xia was gently touched in the depths of his heart.

The car went to the intersection of Shanzhong Road and Friends Street. Xia wanted Li Jiefu to stop, and he wanted to go back to the company from here. I didn't forget to say a few polite words to Li Jiefu. As soon as I got out of the car, I found that Cao Shuyu also followed.

She stretched out her little hand and handed over the ballpoint pen: "Write me the pager number. I need your help in a few days."

Xia wanted to glance at the notebook in her other hand: "Isn't there a notebook? Why do you write it in your hand?"

Cao Shuqi raised his foot and kicked him: "If you want me to write it, just write it!"

Cao Shuqi's little hand was trendy, and it was soft and smooth in her hand. Xia wanted to scratch around in the palm of her hand and wrote it for a long time. She returned the pen to her and asked, "Is there anything good to me? Can you disclose it in advance so that I can have a psychological preparation?"

"If you don't say it, just let you guess." Cao Shuqi's voice suddenly lowered, and his feet circled on the ground uneasily. "Why don't you come to my house for dinner in the evening? I still have any questions to ask you."

Xia thought he didn't dare to come to the door again. Cao Yongguo had a lot of trust in letting him accompany Cao Shuqi. He couldn't take an inch. If he went to the Cao family again at night, he would be disgusted if he was ignorant. After all, the relationship with the Cao family was not as good as equal.

After politely refusing Cao Shuqi's request and was about to wave goodbye, Cao Shuqi suddenly leaned over and whispered in his ear, "As long as I call you, you can reply within three minutes, otherwise, I will tell my father, you peek into my skirt!"

Until the Audi car went far away, Xia wanted to stand still in place with a wry smile on her face. Cao Shuyu is really a little girl of strange elves. It turns out that she knows everything. Be careful when dealing with her in the future. Don't underestimate her. Maybe she will be tricked by her.