official god

Chapter 33 twists and turns everywhere

(Brothers, you are powerful. You are the creators of history. You are the god of books who decide the ranking of a book. You have made He Chang to the third place in one breath. I admire you!!! Let's continue to maintain the motivation to work hard, continue to maintain our combat effectiveness, stick to the third place position, and do not relax the recommended votes. The third update will be delivered today. Even if I don't sleep tonight, I will keep my promise and code for tomorrow's three updates all night!)

Men don't think officials are big, just like women feel small breasts. Cao Yongguo was amused by Xia Want: "Don't you want to go further as an uncle? It's difficult. Like you, I also studied architecture, but I have been working in a construction company from the beginning. Later, from the project manager to the branch manager to the head office manager, I became the director of the Urban Construction Bureau step by step. I have never left the construction industry. I have been in the industry. My vision is too narrow, and I want to Mayor, it is almost impossible. At least the seniority is not good. The lack of experience in local governance can block the road, so Xia wants you to make the right choice. Go directly to the local level to practice, and your vision is much broader.

Xia wanted to nod repeatedly, looking like he was taught with an open mind. Cao Yongguo was very satisfied with his ability to tell him so much information related to officialdom today, proving that he began to slowly accept him in his heart. Of course, it will take time to be completely close to Cao Yongguo's interest circle. Unless he has enough capital, it can only be empty talk.

However, he also knows that although Cao Yongguo speaks so much, in fact, the support from the above is still not enough. If there are key figures in the Standing Committee who have the strength to support him, let him go down to the local city to be a deputy mayor for a year or two, and then raise the mayor, and then take over as the secretary, The so-called narrow vision, insufficient qualifications, and having been turning around in the construction circle can be regarded as a reason for the organization department. On the contrary, Cao Yongguo has been the director of the Urban Construction Bureau for many years. He is half an expert in the construction industry. Isn't it just right to serve as a deputy mayor in charge of urban construction?

As long as there is someone above, everything has two sides.

Xia also wanted to take the opportunity to test Cao Yongguo. Although he was full of gratitude to him, he should also carefully observe his person and whether it was worth helping him at the critical moment.

Wang Yufen came out of the bedroom in homedressing. As soon as she woke up, she wanted to smile: "Xiaoxia is here. Why haven't you come home recently? Come to play often in the future..."

She began to clean up the debris on the table, picked up an apple core, and asked Cao Yongguo flamboyantly, "You don't need to guess. Xiaoxia must have cut an apple. You cut an apple, a piece, and he ate the part with the core in the middle, didn't he? Look, Xiaoxia is sensible, considerate and careful. He is really a rare good child. Lao Cao, don't underestimate these little things. How many of the children you know in this bureau are so meticulous? They are all the same as uncles.

No matter how thick-skinned Xia is, she can't stand Wang Yufen's mother-in-law's eyes, the more and more happy she looks at her son-in-law. She is embarrassed to joke at Cao Shuyan: "I'm embarrassed to be praised by my aunt. Speak ill of me quickly, so that I can restrain

Cao Shuqi showed two particularly cute front teeth: "Just be proud of you. My mother doesn't like to praise people, and it's rare to see her praise me all year round. You please her. If you were her son, Xiaojun and I would be out of favor.

Cao Yongguo smiled and didn't say anything, but his eyes fell on the apple core, obviously with more kindness and satisfaction.

This time, it was Cao Yongguo who took the initiative to stay for dinner.

After dinner, Xia didn't stay too long and said goodbye. Cao Shuqi insisted on sending him downstairs. When he got downstairs, Cao Shuyu looked left and right, and then took Xia Xiang's arm forward and whispered, "To be honest, are you taking the opportunity to approach me in the name of designing a leisure square?"

Xia wanted to be grabbed by a pair of cold and soft little hands. Although she was worried about being seen by Cao Yongguo upstairs, she enjoyed it very much. Seeing that Cao Shuyu's apricot eyes were wide open in the night, shining like stars, he couldn't help but play: "Do you really think you are so charming? Little girl, don't be crooked. I'm looking for you because you majored in planning and can work with me to complete the design. Remember, if you don't design well, you won't come to you if there is another good thing.

The brilliance in Cao Shuyu's eyes faded quickly, but her hands did not let go of Xiaxiang's arms and walked out of the dormitory community of the Construction Committee. Then she reluctantly let go of Xiaxiang's arm and shook her hand: "Come and pick me up tomorrow morning."

Xia thought of stretching out his hand: "I only have a bicycle, and I can't carry you, a daughter."

"If you let me come, you will come. You talk too much." Cao Shuqi suddenly became unhappy and looked aggrieved.

"Xiao Yan, come out and enjoy the cool? What's the matter? Did you quarrel with your boyfriend? A middle-aged woman walked into the door from the outside and looked at Xiaxiang suspiciously.

Cao Shuqi jumped up in shock, as if she wanted to stay away from Xia. She said "ah". When she saw the person coming clearly, she said shyly, "Aunt Liu, I'm just going out for a walk..." As she spoke, her little hand hid behind her and tried to wave to Xia, which meant that he should leave quickly.

Xia thought it was funny, so he turned around and disappeared into the night.

When Xia wanted to go far, Cao Shuyu returned to the downstairs but did not go upstairs immediately. Instead, he walked around downstairs a few times, picked up a branch, wrote Xiaxiang's name on the ground, and then stepped on a few feet vigorously: "Dead summer, stinky summer, let you go to Ba County. If you have the ability Yes?"

What Xia didn't know was that not long after he left, Cao Yongguo made a phone call, and then took a bus to a hidden residential community in the western suburbs of Yan City. He changed his license plate at the doorman's office. The car drove into the community, turned a few more turns, and stopped in front of Building 3.

Ordinary people don't know that this nameless community is called the No. 3 Courtyard of the Provincial Party Committee in the Provincial Party Committee, in which they all live in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Compared with the famous Provincial Party Committee No. 1 and No. 2 Courtyard, No. 3 Courtyard has never been known to the outside world, but insiders know that No. 1 Courtyard and No. 2 are ordinary cadres of the Provincial Party Committee. The real core high-level people live in No. 3 Courtyard - a common community that does not look conspicuous from the outside.

Cao Yongguo went up to the third floor, came to Room 302, went straight into the study, and said in a slightly respectful tone: "Minister Lu..."

Minister Lu is of medium height, not fat or thin, and has a standard Chinese face. The most conspicuous thing is that he has a pair of ears, big ears, and a big abnormal person. He got up to greet him and took the initiative to stretch out his hand: "Yongguo, you and my friend for many years have said many times, come

Cao Yongguo was about to speak when Minister Lu waved his hand and squeezed his temple a few times with his hand: "You have to be mentally prepared, Yongguo, I'm afraid that the position of the director of the Urban Construction Bureau is not guaranteed. The most ideal consequence is the Surveying and Mapping Bureau. I tried my best, but the pressure on

Cao Yongguo sat in a chair, subconsciously grasping the handrail with both hands, and there was a trace of helplessness on his face...

The next morning, Xia wanted to ride a bicycle to the dormitory of the Construction Committee and saw Cao Shuying waiting for him at the gate of the community early.

Compared with Li Dingshan's entertainment around, Jia cooperated to accompany the driver all the way. Seeing that there were only a few days away from going to Ba County, Xia wanted to relax and decided to help Chu Zigao complete the leisure square project before leaving. Of course, the design fee of 20,000 yuan promised by Chu Zigao is also a lot of income. He and Cao Shuqi are half each, and they also have 10,000 yuan. In Yanshi in 1998, the per capita salary was only more than 500 yuan.

Cao Shuqi wore a pair of blue jeans, covering his slender legs, but he could set off his graceful figure better than his skirt. The upper body casually wears a black T-shirt, so that the skin outside ** shows a shocking whiteness. There was also a coat tied around her waist, as if she was deliberately showing off her thin waist. She wanted to raise her right hand from afar, and her five fingers were almost white and transparent by the sun.

It's not close from the dormitory of the Construction Committee to the Chufeng Building. Fortunately, Cao Shuqi is not heavy. Xia wanted to ride a bicycle hard in the scorching sun, but he didn't feel tired. Cao Shuyu carefully grabbed the corners of his clothes with his hand and did not cover his waist. Maybe he was still making the little one angry with him.

A few days ago, Xia wanted to call his parents and said that he was going to follow Li Dingshan to Ba County. His parents did not object. They just repeatedly told him to be careful. Although his father, who has been an ordinary worker all his life, has never been an official, he doesn't know where to hear the saying that the officialdom is dangerous One step to death, let him keep a low profile, don't show up, don't show off, just do your part.

Since his rebirth, he has not seen his parents and said that he didn't want to be fake, but there have been too many things recently, and he has been worried about the various factors that affect Li Dingshan's decision, which has been delayed until today. Originally, he planned to spend two days to help Chu Zigao design the renderings, and then he could go home. Unexpectedly, he called again yesterday, but his parents didn't let him go home, saying that everything was fine at home. There was no need to to toss around and let him work at ease.

Parents' hearts are worried about missing their children. If they don't let their children go home, they are also afraid that they will be affected all the way, and they are also worried from the bottom of their hearts.

While thinking nonsense, when he walked to a intersection and waited for the red light, a Toyota car happened to be parked in the motor lane next to him. Several young people opened the window and whistled at Cao Shuqi: "Beauty, the sun is so poisonous. It's too wronged for you to ride a bicycle. My brother is going to be distressed

"The boy who rides a bicycle is so fucking cheap. Such a beautiful woman has to put it in the sun. I really don't know how to pity the jade. Such a watery cabbage, why did you ask the pig to arch it? It's really heartwarming.

"Hey, stinky boy, give me your girlfriend, and I'll give you 100 yuan, how about it?"

"I paid 500 yuan. How about it, boy? Have you ever seen so much money?"

Xia thought that he hadn't reacted yet. Cao Shuqi jumped out of the car, walked a few steps to the window of the car, opened the water bottle in his hand, spilled all the water in the bottle on these people, and said angrily, "Calm down for you, and let you bad guys know what politeness is!"

A car of people was drenched and screamed. A skinny boy opened the door and jumped out, reaching out to pull Cao Shuqi into the car.