official god

Chapter 35 Chu Zigao's understanding

(Brothers, take a look at the ranking list. The chasing soldiers behind is too fierce. It has won more than a dozen ranks in a day, which is only one step away from us. We must hold on, continue to recommend the vote, open the distance, and consolidate the results. Thank you.)

If it hadn't been for the call from Gao Hai this morning, Chu Zigao would not have been as excited as if he had taken a stimulant. Gao Hai called to ask him how the leisure square project is progressing. He must check the design and strive to produce an eye-catching effect. In the end, it seemed that he inadvertently mentioned Zhongxia's thoughts and said casually, "I remember that Xia wanted to learn architecture. Coincidentally, no wonder he has a lot of opinions on urban planning."

If Chu Zigao can't hear Gao Hai's unspoken meaning, he can go home to retire with great relief.

Gao Hai's phone call made Chu Zi almost jump up with joy, closed the door, and shouted three times for his foresight. If it hadn't been for his incompetence, he would have sung a song long ago, so he could have fully expressed his inner joy. Xia Xiang was only in his 20s, and Secretary-General Gao appreciated him so much, and I heard that Li Dingshan also valued him very much. Li Dingshan will soon be the county party secretary of the county, the county party secretary and the secretary-general of the municipal government. Will there be no future in the future?

The more Chu Zigao thought about it, the more restless he became. He couldn't wait to establish an extraordinary cooperative relationship with Xia.

Of course, Xia Xiang didn't expect that there were so many twists and turns in Chu Zigao's heart. As soon as he and Cao Shuqi arrived in the hall, before they sat firmly, they saw Chu Zi's high mountain fire coming down from upstairs, and they wanted to wave from Xia from afar. They were as enthusiastic as friends for

Cao Shuqi asked puzzledly, "Is Chu Zigao your good friend? How many years have you known each other?

Chu Zigao's excessive enthusiasm made Xia want to guess. It was Gao Hai who hinted something to him. He also shook hands with Chu Zigao very enthusiastically. When introducing Cao Shuqi, he didn't say much. He just said that he was a classmate and wanted two people to cooperate in the design together. Chu Zi showed a clear smile: "Classmate? Understand, understand, good classmates, female classmates are better, and beautiful female classmates are the best.

Cao Shuqi blinked his eyes with doubts, as if he didn't understand. Xiaxiang didn't bother to explain too much, so he took Cao Shuyi to watch the scene together.

After the garbage station was moved, an open space of about 30 mu was left. Although it was not large, it was located at the intersection of the intersection. If it is properly designed, it can not only attract many surrounding residents to relax and entertain here, but also a pleasant scenery for vehicles coming and go. Seven or eight years later, Yan City began to build a large number of small leisure squares. Almost every large intersection has a leisure square at four corners. Therefore, for the design of this kind of leisure square, Xiaxiang can be said to be very easy.

But he can't draw renderings, so he can only ask Cao Shuqi to do it for him. The last time he went to the Jiajia supermarket site, he felt that although Cao Shuyu was the director's daughter, he did not have much indulgence and indulgence. Instead, he also had a down-to-earth and capable spirit. Moreover, the key points that Cao Shuyu recorded at the scene last time also made him feel that the little girl had insights and ideas.

Accompanied by Chu Zigao, Xia Xiang and Cao Shuyan walked around the scene. Cao Shuyan wrote and drew on the book from time to time. It seemed that she had experience. She bit the pencil and tilted her head to think about things. It was very cute. Sometimes it made Xia Xiang have an illusion that Cao Shuyan was a sopho It's like a sophomore in high school?

In fact, Xia didn't want Chu Zigao to turn around, but Chu Zigao was too enthusiastic, so he had to put up with it. After being busy for almost an hour, he measured the specific size with a ruler. Xia thought that he pointed to an open space across the road and said to Chu Zigao, "Mr. Chu, there is also an open space by the river opposite people. It is estimated that there are thousands of square meters, with weeds and piles of garbage, which greatly affects the image A little big place wants the city to solve it, but maybe it will go in the year of the monkey. In my opinion, Mr. Chu might as well pay some more money to beautify the open space, which just echoes the leisure square here..."

"How to do it, Xiaoxia, you say I'll listen." Chu Zigao's heart jumped and began to think about how much more it would cost.

"No extra money..." Xia wanted to dispel Chu Zigao's concern first. "When building a leisure square, there will definitely be extra flowers and plants, as well as extra earthwork. At that time, let the workers directly pull the earthwork here, fill the soil with the terrain into a slope, and then plant the remaining flowers and plants on it, Make a green space, and then decorate some benches on the green space. If you are tired of walking in the leisure square, you can come to the green space to rest for a while, so that the interaction of the flow of people can better include the Chufeng Restaurant. More importantly, this not only saves the cost of garbage disposal project, but also wins the favor of the citizens Two gains."

"Xia misses you so much that I almost worship you." Before Chu Zigao opened his mouth, Cao Shuyu came forward and played with Xiaxiang's head and his ear. "How does your head grow? How can you be so smart? How can you be so smart? Tell me quickly, how did you come up with this wonderful method? I don't think Professor Chen may be able to come up with such a clever design idea.

Professor Chen Xiangguo is a professor at the School of Architecture and a first-class expert in planning in the province. Xia Xiang believes that he can't compare with Professor Chen. He just took the lead and was praised by Cao Shuqi and said with embarrassment, "How can I compare with Professor Chen?" Don't talk nonsense. I've also given you the renderings of the open space opposite. Is there any problem?

Cao Shuqi raised his head and stood up like a trained female soldier: "I promise to complete the task."

Chu Zi said that Xia thought it was really awesome. Not only did he let Secretary-General Gao value it, but even such a beautiful girlfriend was obedient. It seems that he had to learn more from him in private in the future. He asked him how to discipline his wife, so that he would not let the female tiger at home always train him like a grandson if he had However, what made him most happy was Xia's way of greening the open space. He knew very well how expensive it was to deal with the project garbage. After all, he had built a restaurant before. Unexpectedly, it cost a lot of money. Xia thought that not only did he not only didn't need to spend a penny, but also turned waste into treasure, and

This young man is really unusual. He is so smart and flexible. If he does business, he will definitely make a lot of money. If Xia wants to help him take care of the restaurant, there may be many golden ideas that can make the business of the restaurant better... When Xiang Xia Xiang, Chu Zi's eyes shined like a wolf staring at the prey.

"It's up to you, Xiaoxia. I'm in my 40s. For the first time in my life, I admire a young man who is 20 years younger than me. Good job. I'm a southerner. Although I'm not as straightforward as northerners, but I'm also very sincere. I won't say anything in the future, Xiaoxia. If you don't see me, call me Uncle Chu. I can't do big things. It's such a small thing as borrowing money, in a word. Chu Zigao's face turned red, and he said with a fluttering eyebrows.

Although he knew that Chu Zigao's expression and movements were exaggerated when he spoke, Xia thought he could also see a few sincerity from his excited look. Many friends had many ways. He held Chu Zigao's hand tightly and said, "Uncle Chu is serious. I'm young and have little knowledge, and there will Many places need Uncle Chu's advice and help.

Chu Zigao can also see that Xia is also full of sincerity. He waved his hand happily: "Xiaoxia, uncle is happy today. You not only saved me money, but also think about the development of Chu Fenglou. Uncle can't let you do it for nothing. The design cost was originally said to be 20,000 yuan. Just now, you saved at Ten thousand is the design fee of the green space..."

Seeing that Xia wanted to refuse, Chu Zigao pretended to be angry and pressed his hand: "Don't give face to uncle, right? You just graduated, and there are a lot of places to spend money. Besides, you have helped me so much. The design cost of 30,000 yuan for two yuan is not high. If you don't want it, it's too little, isn't it? Why don't I give you 50,000?"

Cao Shuyi, who was beside him, opened his mouth wide in surprise and couldn't say a word.

Xia wanted to accept the fee of 30,000 yuan. Chu Zigao nodded with satisfaction and turned to ask Cao Shuqi, "What do you want to eat at night? I'll ask the chef to make it for you." It seems to be the tone of concern of the elders.

Cao Shuqi looked at Xiaxiang obediently and said shyly, "Uncle Chu is too polite. You don't have to be so troublesome. Just eat whatever you want... I've heard Xia think."

Chu Zigao was more firm in his previous opinion. Cao Shuyu was Xia's girlfriend, and he was super obedient. He remembered his position at home and couldn't help sighing secretly. A successful man not only had to be outside, but also couldn't be angry when he got home... He secretly gave Xia a thumbs up and smiled. "Well, I'll arrange it first, and I'll go straight to Room 666 on the second floor later."

"Okay, you Xiaxiang, you are really a big liar. What tricks did you use to make a big boss obediently give you a design fee of 30,000 yuan? Thirty thousand yuan, a lot of money. You are too black-hearted. As soon as Chu Zigao left, Cao Shuqi gently hit Xia and asked.

"It's not that I'm black-hearted, but the renderings I designed are definitely worth so much." Xia wants to have absolute confidence in his design ideas. At the same time, he also knows that 30,000 yuan seems to be a lot, but compared with looking for a formal design institute, it is not worth mentioning. What's more, he can be sure that the design of the college is far less affordable and practical than his design. "This money is half of each of us. I Work on the distribution."

Cao Shuyan held the notebook in one hand in front of his forehead, covered the dazzling sunlight, and shook his head: "I don't want your money. Besides, what do I want money for? I don't do design with you to make money. I connect theory with practice. Do you think I'm a greedy person? Thinking of something again, he suddenly raised his hand to hold the notebook in his hand and hit Xia and thought, "You are too smart. I have to beware of you in the future, in the future, so that I don't know when you will sell it. Maybe I will still giggle and help you bargain."

"You can't sell..." No matter how honest Cao Yongguo is, no matter how strict he is, he still has a lot of gray income, otherwise he will not achieve the current high position. Moreover, the Urban Construction Bureau is also a fat shortage. At least Cao Shuyu is also the daughter of the director. From childhood, he has not been short of money It's justifiable. Xia didn't want to be entangled on this issue anymore, so she changed the topic, "No one wants it."

"I hit you. How dare I curse that I didn't want it. I'm not ugly and I'm not stupid. Why doesn't anyone want it?" Cao Shuqi made a gesture and fought again.

Xia wanted to beg for mercy quickly: "Can you listen to me? I mean, your value is too high. If you want to sell it, you have to sell it for at least 10 million yuan. Think about it, there are too few multimillionaires, and there are only handsome and young multimillionaires. Where can I find such a multimillionaire to sell you?

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you. You are a very honest child, and you are quite good at talking." Cao Shuqi was so happy that she was said to be worth tens of millions by Xia. Obviously, she was valuable in his mind and irreplaceable.

After watching the scene, Xia thought that he had a bottom in his heart. Seeing that it was not early, he and Cao Shuyu went to Chu Fenglou for dinner. Unexpectedly, I met a few unexpected people before I went upstairs.